Xcode - Hiding .xcodeproj on files on GitHub repo via .gitignore - xcode

I am using Xcode to as my IDE for coding questions that I publish and commit to my GitHub account. However, I don't want the ProjectName.xcodeproj to be shown in the repo. Is this possible?
Also, how do you suggest managing .gitignore files in Xcode? The only solution I have come across is managing it manually via terminal.
I've tried creating a .gitignore file via gitignore.io and then going into the project directory via terminal and using curl http://gitignore.io/api/c++,xcode > .gitignore. This has no effect whatsoever.

This has no effect whatsoever.
This would have no effect if the files listed by the .gitignored are already tracked.
Try (now that you have a .gitignore in place) git rm --cached -- ProjectName.xcodeproj, and then see if that file is still in XCode Git status.
Commit and push: that file won't be in the repository anymore.


Remove already committed image files from github / Visual Studio git

I have been working on a Net Core project in Visual Studio.
I just realized that all of the image files I have placed in my wwwroot folder have been uploaded to my GitHub repository.
I would like to remove these files from the repository but retain them locally in the VS project.
I have created a .gitignore file and placed it in the wwwroot directory to prevent this from happening again, but am not sure how to remove the files currently uploaded.
I have made several commits since the files were uploaded (but before I realized they were there) so I would prefer not to revert to that point.
I would recommend to use the new git filter-repo which replaces BFG and git filter-branch.
Note: if you get the following error message when running the above-mentioned commands:
Error: need a version of `git` whose `diff-tree` command has the `--combined-all-paths` option`
it means you have to update git.
First: do that one copy of your local repo (a new clone)
See "Path based filtering":
git filter-repo --path file-to-remove --invert-paths
At the end, you can (if you are the only one working on that repository) do a git push --force
Then restore your files locally.
Since your .gitignore is already in place, they won't be added and committed in the future.

Why doesn't Xcode create a .gitignore file?

I'm aware of how to create one and there are lots of posts of what should be in them for an Xcode project. This is a more basic question.
When creating a new Xcode project with the git option why doesn't Xcode create a default .gitignore file?
Assume that I'm just working locally, I haven't created any remotes.
If I don't add a .gitignore myself does that mean that the files that are usually added to a .gitignore (like .DS_Store and *.xcuserdatad for example) are being managed by git? Is this bad?
Or is Xcode doing something behind the scenes to ignore those files?
I'm pretty sure that Xcode does not create a gitignore file on its own. So this is how I start a new project now.
Create a new project in Xcode. Do not create a local git repo. The problem with getting Xcode to create the repo is that it performs an initial commit before a gitignore file is created. I prefer to add gitignore before the initial commit.
Close the project.
In Terminal, navigate to the directory containing the
new project.
git init
curl https://www.gitignore.io/api/xcode > .gitignore There are lots of places to get gitignore files but this is super handy as shown on NSScreencast episode 156.
git add . Be sure to include the dot, that adds everything.
git commit -m “Initial commit."
Open the project in Xcode and inspect the Source Control menu. If you select History you should see the initial commit.
www.gitignore.io now redirects to www.toptal.com/developers/gitignore
It's nice. You can specify keywords like xcode, cocoapods, etc.

Xcode says "Uncommitted Changes" Whenever I try to git pull or push

I am using git in my projects, whenever I try to pull from Xcode I get "Uncommitted Changes" and it prevents me from pulling/pushing.
I try to commit and find one file with extension *.xcuserstate, this file is modified whenever I open/scroll into any project file in Xcode. That leaves me no option but to do a single commit that contains that file, which fill the git commit logs with meaningless commits.
Is this there is a way to stop this behavior?
I tried to put *.xcuserstate and xcuserdata into git ignore but that caused Xcode to crash every time I try to pull.
This happens with Xcode 4.2 and 4.3
Normally you don't want to put the *.xcuserstate and *.xcuserdata files into your Git repository. These files aren't really part of your project, but are just a place where Xcode stores its local information that is helpful when reloading your project.
You can fix this by using:
git rm --cached *.xcuserstate *.xcuserdata
and then committing the result. This will remove those files from the repository without removing them from your working directory.
If this is a settings file which is different for every developer, you probably don't need to version control it, just remove it from Git.
If that is not an option, you can Git Stash Save your changes before pulling and Git Stash pop to apply them again.

in Xcode 4 how to associate a project to the local Git repository I set up?

in Xcode 4 how to associate a project to the local Git repository I set up?
That is:
I've set up a Git repository after the Xcode 4 project was already created, based on instructions here:
I've gone to Organizer and "added" this as a local Git repository
When I go to my project in Xcode 4 the source code functions still don't appear to work - I'm guessing it because there must be some way of tying the Xcode Project wiht the local repository I created?
From "How to Create Git Repos for Existing Xcode Projects":
UPDATE: Apparently just initializing an empty repository in the project directory is enough; Xcode autodetects it for you.
It be nice if something to that effect was in the documentation. Thanks to Jason for that (details here). Open the project directory in a terminal and type the following:
git init
git add .
git commit -m "Initial commit"
So in your case, it should detect it.
The OP Greg comments:
I found out that all I had to do was change a file, and then the Xcode 4 pop up menu for the file did show a source control set of options (previously greyed out).
So the initial part of the answer is correct re the manual git commands for creating the git repository.
Otherwise you can try:
make a new XCode4 project with a(n empty) git repo in it
move your .git directory and override the Xcode 4 project .git
move the sources in that new Xcode 4 project directory
see if XCode4 then detect your sources and the Git integration
Not your case probably, but one of the comments mentions:
If you're switching from an SVN repository (which I was), the trick is to go into your project folder and delete or rename the .svn directory.
For me it seemed that Xcode would find the .svn folder first (or preferred it, even though the backing repository was decommissioned), but once it was gone Xcode would happily start using the git repository.
That was actually the issue for another Xcode 4 Git user here on SO.

Convert Xcode project to New Xcode 4 with Git and enable .gitignore?

I'm sort of stumbling around with an issue with Xcode 4, and Git. I'm a one man shop with multiple macs, and had my project working with Git and Xcode4, (stored on a dropbox folder), so I could share that folder across my MBP and iMac with minimal interaction. So, it was late one night and I accidentally committed my xcode project file, and then I started getting issues with UserInterfaceState.xuserstate constantly updating... Later learned that .gitignore would have been good to have in place.
Back to the drawing board and I've been trying to take the new (old) project and enable git on it with the following:
$cd path/to/project
$git init
$git add .
$git commit -m "Initial commit of project"
This works fine, now I'm back in XCODE, and add the repository, which it recognizes in Organizer. One Issue is XCODE doesn't recognize that I've modified a file, and the majority of the "Source Control" menu items are disabled, Ex: "Commit"
I'm wondering if there are a recommended # of steps to:
1) Get Git running on a xcode project that wasn't set up this way initially
2) Steps to add the Gitignore file and when
Ultimately would like the "Source Control" menu items enabled again.
I'm obviously learning some Git SCM related items with xcode 4, and I appreciate your feedback!
Maybe this isn't the answer you want but I gave up on getting Xcode4 to play well with git and just started using the excellent (and free) SourceTree. It really made my life easier.
To add Git to the project
Go to the directory and in a terminal window
cat > .gitignore
Type Ctrl+D to close the file.
Initialize the Git repository
git init
git add .
git commit -m
Add the repository in organizer. Use the full directory path.
Caveat - this still does not enable Source Control menu items. But you can use git from the command line.
See other related post: Using Git with an existing XCode project
There are three ways of setting up exclude files in git. Which is easiest depends on you. But, I find that when using git to share for myself amongst multiple machines, a global ignore file works best, and I can always add more specific excludes if you need to.
Globally, by setting up a per user or per machine exclude file
Per repository - by setting up a .gitignore file in the repo
Per clone - by setting up the `.git/info/excludes file
I've got a my global exclude file on Github if you want to see an example, including Xcode4 specific exclusions.
