How to send the arguments to post back dialog - botframework

I have created a post back dialog but trying to post some arguments while calling the postback dialog in microsoft bot framework in v#4 doesn't work as expected.
I have written this code to call the post back dialog from hero card. Here i am able to call the post back but i'm not able to send values(arguments) to postback dialog.
var card1 = CardFactory.heroCard(
Address1+", "City",
type: 'postBack',
title: Service,
value: PostBack_DIALOG,
text: 'arguments for postback dialog'
type: 'call',
title: phone ,
value: "tel:" + phoneNumber
Please suggest how to send the arguments to post back dialog in bot framework v#4

You can achieve this via sending the argument, not as part of the card, but as part of a successive sendActivities step once the hero card has rendered and the user has selected a button.
In the following code example, I have two steps. One for rendering the card and one for sending the data after the user has interacted with the card. In the first step, called postBackCardStep, I am capturing a previous value from a suggested action where the user selected either 'blue' or 'green'. That value is then passed in the Service button when that button is pressed.
In the second step, called postBackPostStep, I capture and send the user's selection in resultDetails. I also define a property, called postBackArg, and send a property vlaue for validation on the client side. I send this in a data dictionary object in a sendActivities activity. This allows me to send, as one action, both a message and the data.
async postBackCardStep ( stepContext ) {
const PostBack_DIALOG = stepContext.context.activity.text;
const reply = { type: ActivityTypes.Message };
const postBackBtn = { type: ActionTypes.PostBack, title: 'Service', value: PostBack_DIALOG }
const callBtn = { type: ActionTypes.Call, title: 'Phone', value: '123-456-7890' }
const card = CardFactory.heroCard(
['<link to some image>'],
reply.attachments = [ card ];
await stepContext.context.sendActivity( reply );
return { status: DialogTurnStatus.waiting };
async postBackPostStep ( stepContext ) {
const resultDetails = stepContext.context.activity.text;
const data = { value: resultDetails, postBackArg: 'true' };
await stepContext.context.sendActivities( [
{ text: `Sending ${ resultDetails } via postBack`, type: 'message' },
{ name: 'data', type: 'event', channelData: { 'data': data } }
] );
return await;
Next, in the web chat script in the html page, I have the following code. I create a store, create and name an event, and pass the acquired data from the bot into that event. I then create an event listener that validates the data by checking if the received data is an event type and a postBackArg value of 'true' (this value should be passed from the bot as a string and validated as a string). If both checks pass, then the console message is posted with the values. The store is then passed into renderWebChat.
const store = window.WebChat.createStore( {}, ( { dispatch } ) => next => action => {
if ( action.type === 'DIRECT_LINE/INCOMING_ACTIVITY' ) {
const event = new Event('incomingActivity'); = action.payload.activity;
return next( action );
} );
window.addEventListener('incomingActivity', ({ data }) => {
const type = data.type;
if (type === 'event' && === 'true') {
console.log('DATA ', data);
const resultDetails =;
const args =;
console.log(`Received a message from the bot (${resultDetails}) with argument value ${args}.`);
} );
window.WebChat.renderWebChat( {
directLine: directLine,
}, document.getElementById( 'webchat' ) );
document.querySelector( '#webchat > *' ).focus();
Here, you can see the data has successfully been passed from the bot to the page which, as specified in the incomingActivity event listener, only occurs if the correct data properties were passed and successfully validated.
Unless I'm much mistaken, at this point you should be good to go!
Hope of help!


Next.js seems to cache files as in a route of _next/data/[path].json preventing getStaticProps from running in server side render

The issue appears to happen when I post the link on platforms like Discord and Slack, where then to produce a URL preview they send a request to the link. The link which in this case follows this structure (normal format)[...ids].
Within [...ids] I either pass one of two ids for the same object, the object has the following structure:
type Catalogue {
id: ID!
edit_id: String!
user_id: String!
title: String
The first id I could pass into [...ids] would be
The second id I could pass into [...ids] would be Catalogue.edit_id
Whenever either of those inputs for [...ids] is passed as part of a request the following getStaticProps is ran:
export const getStaticProps: GetStaticProps = async ({ params }) => {
const { ids } = params;
let catalogue: CatalogueType | null = await fetchFullCatalogue(ids[0]);
return {
props: {
catalogue_prop: catalogue,
with fetchFullCatalogue being:
export const fetchFullCatalogue = async (
id: string
): Promise<CatalogueType | null> => {
let catalogue: CatalogueType;
const fetchToUrl =
process.env.NODE_ENV === "development"
? "http://localhost:4000/graphql"
: process.env.BACKEND_URL + "/graphql";
// create a axios fetch request to the http://localhost:4000/graphql
const query = `
fragment AllCatalogueFields on Catalogue {
labels {
listings {
query Catalogues($id: ID, $edit_id: String) {
catalogues(id: $id, edit_id: $edit_id) {
const config: AxiosRequestConfig = {
method: "post",
url: fetchToUrl,
headers: {
"Content-Type": "application/json",
data: JSON.stringify({
variables: { id: id, edit_id: id },
let response = await axios(config);
if ( return null;
catalogue =[0];
console.log("catalogue", catalogue);
return catalogue;
The request it is making is to the following API endpoint
Query: {
catalogues: async (
_: null,
args: { id: string; edit_id: string }
): Promise<Catalogue[]> => {
let catalogues: Catalogue[];
// when both id and edit_are passed
if ( && args.edit_id) {
catalogues = await getFullCatalogues(, "id", true);
// the following convoluted request is the result of
// me responding to the fact that only the edit_id was working
if (catalogues.length === 0) {
catalogues = await getFullCatalogues(args.edit_id, "edit_id", true);
if (catalogues.length === 0) {
throw new UserInputError("No catalogues found");
} else {
catalogues = await getFullCatalogues(
console.log("catalogues", catalogues);
} else if ( {
catalogues = await getFullCatalogues(;
} else if (args.edit_id) {
catalogues = await getFullCatalogues(args.edit_id, "edit_id");
} else {
const res = await db.query(fullCatalogueQuery());
catalogues = res.rows;
return catalogues;
This results in the following output within the deployed logs:
The logs show the data when the Catalogue is first created which simultaneously navigates me to the URL of "normal format" with which is interpreted as /_next/data/qOrdpdpcJ0p6rEbV8eEfm/ctg/dab212a0-826f-42fb-ba21-6ebb3c1350de.json. This contains the default data when Catalogue is first generated with Catalogue.title being "Untitled List"
Before sending both requests I changed the Catalogue.title to "asd".
Notice how the request with the Catalogue.edit_id which was sent as the "normal format" was interpreted as /ctg/ee0dc1d7-5458-4232-b208-1cbf529cbf4f?edit=true. This resulted in the correct data being returned with Catalogue.title being "asd".
Yet the following request with the although being of the same "normal format" never provoked any logs.
(I have tried sending the request without the params ?edit=true and the same happens)
Another important detail is that the (faulty) request with the produces the (faulty) URL preview much faster than the request with Catalogue.edit_id.
My best theory as to why this is happening is that the data of the URL with is somehow stored/cached. This would happen as the Catalogue is first created. In turn it would result in the old stored being returned instead of making the fetch again. Whereas the Catalogue.edit_id makes the fetch again.
Live site:
Anything helps, I felt like ive tried everything under the sun, thanks in advance!
I learned that For my purposes I had to use getServerSideProps instead of getStaticProps

How to listen for Modal submission on Slack Bolt?

I've been looking through the docs for a day now, and still can't figure out this simple question: what is the #slack/bolt ^2.3.0 method that is used to listen for a Modal submission?
const slackbot = new App({ token, signingSecret });
async ({ ack, body, client, context, payload }) => {
await ack();
const result = await{ ... });
async ({ ack }) => {
// handle modal submitted data here...
What values take the place of METHOD_HERE and ID_HERE in the code above?
I am able to open a modal without problem via the global shortcuts menu; but can't seem to figure out how to capture user's submission of the modal.
For example, this never captures any submissions:
slackbot.view("open_modal", async ({ ack }) => {
// do things here...
You need to use the callback_id used when you create the Modal view:
async ({ ack, body, client, context, payload }) => {
await ack();
const result = await{
trigger_id: body.trigger_id,
view: {
type: "modal",
callback_id: "YOUR_CALLBACK_ID", // <= listen for this ID
title: {
type: "plain_text",
text: "Modal Title",
blocks: [ ... ],
Then, to listen to submissions on the above Modal, use this:
app.view('YOUR_CALLBACK_ID', optionalMiddleWareFunction, async ({ payload }) => {
const submittedValues = payload.view.state.values
// do stuff with submittedValues
callback_id is the ID that you defined when creating modal view. You can see an example here.
You can read the corresponding official documentation here.

How to handle user leaving conversation

We have welcome examples using OnMembersAddedAsync method but no examples showing how to handle user leaving conversation. I tried to override OnMembersRemovedAsync but it does not seem to be invoked (at least when I use bot framework emulator).
I need to do some cleanup at the event of user leaving/left conversation.
An example or any tips would be appreciated.
Update: I'm using C# and Bot framework v4
This is going to be channel specific as it is dependent on the channel providing a feature that sends an update when the user leaves a conversation. Any other channels, you will need to research.
For Facebook, I was unable to find a scope that covers such an action. These are the available scopes which you can reference more closely here:
messaging_checkout_updates (beta)
messaging_pre_checkouts (beta)
Web Chat, as a feature, also does not include this. However, given this is a web page, you can utilize the onbeforeunload() window function to dispatch an event. The event listener will make use of Web Chat's store to dispatch either a message or event to the bot. For the sake of clarity, I'm sending different types of data via SEND_MESSAGE and SEND_EVENT.
const store = window.WebChat.createStore( {}, ( { dispatch } ) => next => async action => {
return next( action );
window.addEventListener( 'sendEventActivity', ( { data } ) => {
payload: {
text: data
} )
store.dispatch( {
payload: {
name: 'user_event',
value: {
name: 'end_conversation',
value: 'user ended conversation'
text: 'The user has left the conversation.'
} )
} );
window.onbeforeunload = function() {
const eventSendActivity = new Event( 'sendEventActivity' ); = 'User left conversation';
window.dispatchEvent( eventSendActivity );
{ type: 'message',
id: '4uPdpZhlTFfBMziBE7EmEI-f|0000004',
timestamp: 2020-01-10T18:21:26.767Z,
serviceUrl: '',
channelId: 'directline',
from: { id: 'dl_123', name: 'johndoe', role: 'user' },
conversation: { id: '4uPdpZhlTFfBMziBE7EmEI-f' },
recipient: { id: 'botberg#QaeuoeEamLg', name: 'Dungeon Runner' },
textFormat: 'plain',
locale: 'en-US',
text: 'User left conversation',
{ clientActivityID: '15786804807910gegwkp2kai',
clientTimestamp: '2020-01-10T18:21:20.792Z' }
{ type: 'event',
id: '4uPdpZhlTFfBMziBE7EmEI-f|0000005',
timestamp: 2020-01-10T18:21:26.780Z,
serviceUrl: '',
channelId: 'directline',
from: { id: 'dl_123', name: 'johndoe', role: 'user' },
conversation: { id: '4uPdpZhlTFfBMziBE7EmEI-f' },
recipient: { id: 'botberg#QaeuoeEamLg', name: 'Dungeon Runner' },
locale: 'en-US',
{ clientActivityID: '1578680480821h7kgfm9cyz',
clientTimestamp: '2020-01-10T18:21:20.821Z' },
{ name: 'end_conversation', value: 'user ended conversation' },
name: 'user_event'
Hope of help!
Update (Aug. 6th, 2021):
As Chrome, and other browsers, disallow blocking / delaying the closing of a window during onbeforeunload(), sending an event using an event handler or listener is usually unreliable, at best. At worst, it just doesn't work.
However, there is another method that does appear work by using 'window.navigator.sendBeacon()' (providing it's supported).
sendBeacon is a low-level, simplified version of fetch that “asynchronously sends a small amount of data over HTTP to a web server”. It only sends as a POST, only takes the URL or URL + data as properties, and doesn’t wait for a response. As the docs state:
The data is sent reliably
It's sent asynchronously
It doesn't impact the loading of the next page
In testing, I have coupled it with a proactive messaging endpoint in my bot and it appears to work perfectly. (My code sample below is in JS, pulled from a project - for reference, here is the proactive messaging C# sample, available in other languages, as well).
When I navigate to another page or close the browser, sendBeacon posts the message to the endpoint creating the proactive message, which, in turn, sends an activity to the bot. When I return to the Web Chat page, the message is now visible in the chat window. Keep in mind, I also have persistence set up in Web Chat allowing me to return to a conversation previously started.
In the below image, I demo loading Web Chat, navigating to my browser’s home page, and then return – the proactive message is now visible in the chat.
(Web Chat) hosting page:
window.onbeforeunload = () => {
let body = { user: { userName: 'McUser', userId: 'abc123' } };
const headers = { type: 'application/json', 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin': '*' };
const blob = new Blob( [ JSON.stringify( body ) ], headers )
navigator.sendBeacon( 'http://localhost:3978/api/notify', blob )
Bot's proactive messaging endpoint:'/api/notify', async (req, res) => {
const userName = req.body.user.userName;
const userId = req.body.user.userId;
for (const conversationReference of Object.values(conversationReferences)) {
await adapter.continueConversation(conversationReference, async (turnContext) => {
await turnContext.sendActivity(`${ userName } (userId: ${ userId }) exited chat.`);

Can you render user message before it appears in webchat?

For MS Botframework webchat, Is there a way to intercept user message before being rendered in webchat and change it?
This is easy to accomplish using the createStore() method.
In the web chat script located in your page, create the store using the above method. In it, match the action.type to 'WEB_CHAT/SEND_MESSAGE'. This will capture every message that is passed thru the web chat component before it is displayed.
Be aware, this altered text (or whatever value you are changing) is what is sent to the bot. action is the root object. action.payload, effectively, represents the activity. This is where you will find the text value, etc.
Within the if statement, perform whatever change you are looking to make, then return the action object.
Lastly, include the store object within the renderWebChat component. This should set you up.
In the example below, I am appending text to the text field altering it before it is rendered and displayed.
( async function () {
const res = await fetch( 'http://somesite/directline/token', { method: 'POST' } );
const { token } = await res.json();
// We are using a customized store to add hooks to connect event
const store = window.WebChat.createStore( {}, ( { dispatch } ) => next => action => {
if ( action.type === 'WEB_CHAT/SEND_MESSAGE' ) {
action.payload.text = action.payload.text + ' (Hello from behind the curtain)'
return next( action );
} );
window.WebChat.renderWebChat( {
directLine: window.WebChat.createDirectLine( { token } ),
userID: 'user123',
username: 'johndoe',
botAvatarInitials: 'BB',
userAvatarInitials: 'JD',
}, document.getElementById( 'webchat' ) );
document.querySelector( '#webchat > *' ).focus();
} )().catch( err => console.error( err ) );
Hope of help!

Reactive Form SetValue for FormGroup Array inside observable subscribe method

I am new the Angular but I am trying to understand How can we use Reactive Form and FormGroups array while we use the Service Observable.
My form is very simple, It has list of Articles, where you can select one of them and can edit the detail. It also has feature to add new article.
So, starting of the page itself, It has list of articles in left side and reactive blank form on other side.
Now, this form also contain some of the checkbox which provides the tags for an article.
Now, when I load the page, everything is coming as expected. Articles are coming and reactive form is also loading along with all the tags (un-checked)
When I click any of the article to make that editable, I am getting an error
"Must supply a value for form control at index: 0."
I tried to change the code little but but with that the new error started coming
"Must supply a value for form control with name: 'articleId'"
So, overall I am not getting what is fundamental issue. Seems like I am missing to give a name to the formgroup but not sure how to supply.
// Global Variables: Called from the constructor.
articleDetailForm: FormGroup;
tagFormArray: FormArray = new FormArray([]);
// While this.loadArticle(this.selectedArticleId); called on change event
private loadArticle(selectedArticleID: string) {
(data: ArticleViewModel) => {
const _a = new ArticleViewModel(data);
articleBasicDetail: this.setBasicDetailForSelectedArticle(_a),
articleTagDetail: this.setTagDetailForSelectedArticle(_a.ArticleTagViewModels)
(err) => {
private setBasicDetailForSelectedArticle(articleVM: ArticleViewModel) {
return new FormGroup({
articleId: new FormControl(articleVM.articleTitle, ),
articleTitle: new FormControl(articleVM.articleTitle),
articleContent: new FormControl(articleVM.articleContent)
private setTagDetailForSelectedArticle(articleTagsVM: ArticleTagViewModel[]) {
// want to loop through variable and checked only those tags which are available for this article
return new FormGroup({
tagId: new FormControl(111),
tagName: new FormControl("111"),
isChecked: new FormControl(true)
private createArticleDetailForm() {
let articleId = 'Dummy ID';
let articleTitle = 'Dummy Title';
let articleContent = 'Dummy Content';
this.articleDetailForm ={
articleId: [{ value: articleId, disabled: true }, Validators.required],
articleTitle: [articleTitle, Validators.required],
articleContent: [articleContent, Validators.required],
articleTagDetail: this.tagFormArray
ERROR Error: Must supply a value for form control with name: 'articleId'.
ERROR Error: "Must supply a value for form control at index: 0."
