how to concatenate all the values of a variable in Jmeter - jmeter

I am storing output of JDBC request in Jmeter Variable - "temp_num".
Now I need to concatenate all the values stored in this variable in form of 'a','b','c'......'n'. I did try aggregation withing SLQ script too, but there we have a limit on string length, that's why I would like to probably use something like string builder, but not sure how to use it.

You can convert JDBC result set into a string using JSR223 PostProcessor and the code like :
temp_num = vars.getObject("temp_num");
result = new StringBuilder();
for (Object row : temp_num) {
iter = row.entrySet().iterator();
while (iter.hasNext()) {
pair =;
vars.put('result', result.toString())
However be aware that there is a limit of the number of characters in Java String so make sure not to exceed it.
More information: Debugging JDBC Sampler Results in JMeter


Iterating over each row and accessing every column in HTTP Sampler in JMeter

I have explored and tried solution mentioned on Google or StackOverflow but could not solve my problem.
I am trying to iterate over each row of CSV and use every column of a row in "HTTP Sampler"
This is what I have tried till now.
My Test plan structure
This is my CSV file
This is my CSV Data Set Config
I am reading entire CSV and storing values in JMeter properties variable using Bean Shell Sampler.
This is the code in Bean Shell Sampler
import java.text.*;
String filename = "load_test_date.csv";
ArrayList strList = new ArrayList();
try{"starting bean shell");
File file = new File(filename);
throw new Exception ("ERROR: file " + filename + " not found");
BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream(file)));
String line = null;"while loop starting");
headerLine = br.readLine();
while((line = br.readLine())!=null){;
String[] variables = line.split(",");
}catch(Exception ex){
Now I want to iterate over props variable and fetch each column. I tried using While controller and ForEach Controller, but it is not giving me desired output.
while controller
While loop is executing twice (instead of three times for three rows in csv file) and always using last row values
I used ForEach controller too but could not produce desired outcome
First of all, forget about Beanshell, since JMeter 3.1 you should be using JSR223 Test Elements and Groovy language for scripting.
Second, if I correctly got your point and you want to iterate all the values, i.e. from 1 to 15, you need different approach, for example read the whole file into memory, split each line by comma and create a JMeter Variable for each "cell" value, example Groovy code would be something like:
def lines = new File('load_test_date.csv').readLines()
def counter = 1
1.upto(lines.size() - 1, { index ->
def line = lines.get(index)
line.split(',').each { column ->
vars.put('value_' + counter, column)
if you execute the script and look into Debug Sampler output you will see the following JMeter Variables
In order to iterate the generated variables you can use ForEach Controller configured like:
And use ${value} in the HTTP Request sampler to access the next "cell" value on each iteration:

JMeter Array of variables to text file

I am running a query via JDBC request and I am able to get the data and place it in a variable array. The problem is I want the values of the variables to be saved to a text file. However, each variable is being given a unique number appended to it i.e. SCORED_1, SCORED_2,SCORED_3 etc. I am using a beanshell post processor to write to the text file. The problem is I unless I define A LINE Number. How can I get all results from a SQL query and dump them into a single variable without the variables separated by brackets and line separated on their own row.
// get variables from regular expression extractor
ClaimId = vars.get("SCORED _9"); // I want to just use the
SCORED variable to contain all values from the array
without "{[" characters.
// pass true if want to append to existing file
// if want to overwrite, then don't pass the second
FileWriter fstream = new FileWriter("C:/JMeter/apache-
jmeter-4.0/bin/FBCS_Verify_Final/Comp.txt", true);
BufferedWriter out = new BufferedWriter(fstream);
We are not telepathic enough to come up with the solution without seeing your query output and the result file format.
However I'm under impression that you're going into wrong direction. Given you're talking about {[ characters it appears that you're using Result Variable Name field
which returns an ArrayList which should be treated differently
However if you switch to Variable Names field
JMeter will generate a separate variable per each result set row and it should be much easier to work with and eventually concatenate
More information:
JDBC Request
Debugging JDBC Sampler Results in JMeter
JDBC request>Enter a Variable Name> Store as string>Add a Beanshell PostProcessor and add the following script.
FileWriter fstream = new FileWriter("C:/JMeter/apache-jmeter-4.0/bin/FBCS_Verify_Final/Comp.txt", false);
BufferedWriter out = new BufferedWriter(fstream);
Count = vars.get("SCORED_#");
for (int i=1;i<=Counter;i++)
ClaimId = vars.get("SCORED_"+i);

Looping through JSON response + in JMETER

I am using Jmeter for performance testing and stuck at following point:
I am getting a JSON response from Webapi as follows:
id: 1
name: Steve
id: 2
name: Mark
I need to get the ids based on the count of this JSON array and create a comma separated string as ("Expected value" = 1,2)
I know how to read a particular element using JSON Post processor or Regex processor but am unable to loop through the array and create a string as explained so that I can use this value in my next sampler request.
Please help me out with this: I am using Jmeter 3.0 and if this could be achieved without using external third party libs that would be great. Sorry for the JSON syntax above
Actually similar functionality comes with JSON Path PostProcessor which appeared in JMeter 3.0. In order to get all the values in a single variable configure JSON Path PostProcessor as follows:
Variable Names: anything meaningful, i.e. id
JSON Path Expressions: $ or whatever you use to extract the ids
Match Numbers: -1
Compute concatenation var (suffix _ALL): check
As a result you'll get id_ALL variable which will contain all JSON Path expression matches (comma-separated)
More "universal" answer which will be applicable for any other extractor types and in fact will allow to concatenate any arbitrary JMeter Variables is using scripting (besides if you need this "expected value and parentheses)
In order to concatenate all variables which names start with "id" into a single string add Beanshell PostProcessor somewhere after JSON Path PostProcessor and put the following code into "Script" area
StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder();
result.append("(\"Expected value\" = ");
Iterator iterator = vars.getIterator();
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
Map.Entry e = (Map.Entry);
if (e.getKey().matches("id_(\\d+)")) {
vars.put("expected_value", result.toString());
Above code will store the resulting string into ${expected value} JMeter Variable. See How to Use BeanShell: JMeter's Favorite Built-in Component article for more information regarding bypassing JMeter limitations using scripting and using JMeter and Java API from Beanshell test elements.

Need to extract dynamic values from a string response in Jmeter

I need to extract the dynamic value "BSS1,DS1,HYS1,MS1,PTS1,QS1,USG1,YS1,RT10086,RT10081,RT10084,RT10082,OT10076,RT10083,UT10081,RT10085,"
from the string response "ACCOUNT_DETAIL_ACCOUNT_PRODUCT_SERVICES_EDIT_UPDATE_NameSpace.grid.setSelectedKeys(["BSS1","DS1","HYS1","MS1","PTS1","QS1","USG1","YS1","RT10086","RT10081","RT10084","RT10082","OT10076","RT10083","UT10081","RT10085"]);"
I have tried using the regular expression extractor :
Regular Expression :Keys\(\[\"(.+?)\",\"(.+?)\",\"(.+?)\",\"(.+?)\",\"(.+?)\",\"(.+?)\",\"(.+?)\",\"(.+?)\",\"(.+?)\",\"(.+?)\",\"(.+?)\",\"(.+?)\",\"(.+?)\",\"(.+?)\",\"(.+?)\",\"(.+?)\"]\)
template : $1$$2$$3$$4$$5$$6$$7$$8$$9$$10$$11$$12$$13$$14$$15$$16$
But the above regular expression works only if there are 16 values in the response. If the response contains less number of values, for example, "ACCOUNT_DETAIL_ACCOUNT_PRODUCT_SERVICES_EDIT_UPDATE_NameSpace.grid.setSelectedKeys(["BSS1","DS1"]);"
then the above regular expression doesn't work.
How can I extract the values in the response if the total count is unknown?
Also the double quotes in the response need to be omitted.
Is there any post processor using which dynamic values can be extracted?
Any help is greatly appreciated.
I believe it will be easier with some scripting.
Add Beanshell PostProcessor as a child of the request which returns aforementioned response
Put the following code into the PostProcessor's "Script" area:
String response = new String(data);
String rawKeys = response.substring(response.indexOf("[") + 1, response.indexOf("]")); // get the data inside square brackets
String keysWithoutQuotes = rawKeys.replaceAll("\"", ""); // remove quotes
String[] keyData = keysWithoutQuotes.split("\\,"); // get array of keys
for (int i = 0; i < keyData.length; i++) { // store array of keys into JMeter variables like
vars.put("Keys_" + (i +1), keyData[i]); // Keys_1=BSS1, Keys_2=DS1, etc.
vars.put("Keys_matchNr", String.valueOf(keyData.length)); // set Keys_matchNr variable
data is byte array containing parent sampler's response data
vars is a shorthand to JMeterVariables class which provides read/write access to JMeter Variables.
As a result you'll have variables like:
See How to Use BeanShell: JMeter's Favorite Built-in Component guide for additional information on Beanshell scripting in JMeter and some more examples

How to use "Result Variable Name" in JDBC Request object of Jmeter

In JMeter I added the configuration for oracle server. Then I added a JDBC request object and put the ResultSet variable name to status.
The test executes fine and result is displayed in treeview listener.
I want to use the variable status and compare it with string but jmeter is throwing error about casting arraylist to string.
How to retrieve this variable and compare with string in While Controller?
Just used some time to figure this out and think the accepted answer is slightly incorrect as the JDBC request sampler has two types of result variables.
The ones you specify in the Variable names box map to individual columns returned by your query and these you can access by saying columnVariable_{index}.
The one you specify in the Result variable name contains the entire result set and in practice this is a list of maps to values. The above syntax will obviously not work in this case.
The ResultSet variable returned with JDBC request in JMeter are in the for of array. So if you want to use variable status, you will have to use it with index. If you want to use the first(or only) record user status_1. So you need to use it like status_{index}.
String host = vars.getObject("status").get(0).get("option_value");
print(host);"----- " + host);
Form complete infromation read the "yellow box" in this link:
Other util example:
You can use Beanshell/Groovy (same code works) in JSR233 PostProcessor to work with “Result Variable Name” from JDBC Request like this:
ArrayList results = vars.getObject("status");
for (HashMap row: results){
Iterator it = row.entrySet().iterator();
while (it.hasNext()){
Map.Entry pair = (Map.Entry); + "=" + pair.getValue());
Instead of output to log replace with adding to string with delimiters of your choice.
