Frame animation from outside screen and translateto inside screen - animation

I'm new to animation with Xamarin Forms, I have a frame that I need to place it outside the screen like this:
The small frame is outside the device's screen
The small frame now inside the device screen
My problem is I need to know how I can place the frame like that (outside the screen) from the start, and how to know the width and the height of every device so I can use the TranslateTo() method to translate the frame to the exact same position for every device.
Thanks in advance

You can try this from your .cs page

You can use Xamarin.Essentials NuGet pakage to achieve this. And there is a useful class DeviceDisplay in there that should be helpful for you.
The documentation can be found here.
Usage example:
// Get Metrics
var mainDisplayInfo = DeviceDisplay.MainDisplayInfo;
// Orientation (Landscape, Portrait, Square, Unknown)
var orientation = mainDisplayInfo.Orientation;
// Rotation (0, 90, 180, 270)
var rotation = mainDisplayInfo.Rotation;
// Width (in pixels)
var width = mainDisplayInfo.Width;
// Height (in pixels)
var height = mainDisplayInfo.Height;
// Screen density
var density = mainDisplayInfo.Density;


macOS, how resize window across screens?

I'm trying to programmatically resize macOS windows. Similar to Rectangle.
I have the basic resizing code working, for example, move the window to the right half, and when there is only one screen it works fine, however when I try to resize with two screens (in a vertical layout) the math does not work:
public func moveRight() {
guard let frontmostWindowElement = AccessibilityElement.frontmostWindow()
else {
let screens = screenDetector.detectScreens(using: frontmostWindowElement)
guard let usableScreens = screens else {
print("Unable to obtain usable screens")
let screenFrame = usableScreens.currentScreen.adjustedVisibleFrame
print("Visible frame of current screen \(usableScreens.visibleFrameOfCurrentScreen)")
let halfPosition = CGPoint(x: screenFrame.origin.x + screenFrame.width / 2, y: -screenFrame.origin.y)
let halfSize = CGSize(width: screenFrame.width / 2, height: screenFrame.height)
frontmostWindowElement.set(size: halfSize)
frontmostWindowElement.set(position: halfPosition)
frontmostWindowElement.set(size: halfSize)
print("movedWindowRect \(frontmostWindowElement.rectOfElement())")
If my window is on the main screen then the resizing works correctly, however if it is a screen below (#3 in the diagram below) then the Y coordinate ends up in the top monitor (#2 or #1 depending on x coordinate) instead of the original one.
The output of the code:
Visible frame of current screen (679.0, -800.0, 1280.0, 775.0)
Raw Frame (679.0, -800.0, 1280.0, 800.0)
movedWindowRect (1319.0, 25.0, 640.0, 775.0)
As far as I can see the problem lies in how Screens and windows are positioned:
I'm trying to understand how should I position the window so that it remains in the correct screen (#3), but having no luck so far, there doesn't seem to be any method to get the absolute screen dimensions to place the screen in the correct origin.
Any idea how can this be solved?
I figured it out, I completely missed one of the functions used in the AccessibilityElement class:
static func normalizeCoordinatesOf(_ rect: CGRect) -> CGRect {
var normalizedRect = rect
let frameOfScreenWithMenuBar = NSScreen.screens[0].frame as CGRect
normalizedRect.origin.y = frameOfScreenWithMenuBar.height - rect.maxY
return normalizedRect
Basically, since everything is calculated based on the main screen then there is no other option than to take the coordinates of that one and then offset to get the real position of the screen element.

Convert Xamarin.Forms measure units to pixels

How can I convert, for example, view.WidthRequest value to platform pixels? I'm looking for method like Device.ConvertToPixels(10).
I want to use it for SkiaSharp drawing. For example I want to draw circle with stroke = 10 in (xamarin.forms units) which will be converted to pixels on draw.
Multiply MainDisplayInfo.Density by (xamarin.forms units) and you get that pixels.
I made a method.
double XamDIUConvertToPixels(double XamDIU)
var desplayinfo = DeviceDisplay.MainDisplayInfo;
var pixcels = desplayinfo.Density * XamDIU;
return pixcels;
DeviceDisplay must be done on the UI thread or else an exception will be thrown in iOS.
read this:
You can also do a scale at the top of the draw and then use whatever units you like.
For example, on a 2x display, you can do a canvas.Scale(2) and then draw as if it was a 1x.
In the case of a Xamarin.Forms paint event, there is the event args that has all the info you need:
canvas.Scale(e.Info.Width / view.Width);
Also, you can have a look at this blog post where I show off some things:
You could try the code below:
In Android:
var dp = 100;
int pixel = (int)TypedValue.ApplyDimension(ComplexUnitType.Dip, dp, this.Resources.DisplayMetrics);
In Xamarin.Forms, try to use the Dependency Service.

Unity-3d-5 Scale images for 16:9 to other resolutions

So I created a snake game with a border created with 2d sprites. I have my game window set to 16:9, when in this resolution the images look fine. However, scaling to anything else begins to make the game look weird. I want the game window to be re-sizable. How can I make my sprites stretch and shrink based on the current resolution?
I have already tried creating a sprite that is 120 in Width and 1 in Height, then using the x,y,z scales to change the scale to 16. This produced a huge sprite.
I am experimenting with using a canvas scaler, but with no success.
My end goal isn't to have my game fit pre-defined resolutions like 16:9, but to scale according to the current window size. So that if they make the window extremely thin, the game will only make the top and bottom borders extremely thin, while still confing the game play into the borders.
Below I post the screenshots of how my sprites are setup. And how they are placed into the hierarchy.
Border sprite - this sprite's width is now 70 pixels, because this is how it was given to me.
Border in hierarchy, position, scale, and rotation are defaults. Then for example the BorderTop is moved 25 on the y axis to move it to the top of the screen.
Camera setup
Example resolutions and current output
Add a simple script to every border:
public class Border : MonoBehaviour {
enum BorderTypes
bottom, top, left, right
[SerializeField] float borderOffset = 0.1f;
[SerializeField] BorderTypes type =;
// Use this for initialization
void Start () {
switch (type)
case BorderTypes.bottom:
transform.position = Camera.main.ViewportToWorldPoint(new Vector3(0.5f, borderOffset, 10));
transform.position = Camera.main.ViewportToWorldPoint(new Vector3(0.5f, 1 - borderOffset, 10));
case BorderTypes.left:
transform.position = Camera.main.ViewportToWorldPoint(new Vector3(borderOffset, 0.5f, 10));
case BorderTypes.right:
transform.position = Camera.main.ViewportToWorldPoint(new Vector3(1 - borderOffset, 0.5f, 10));
You can use a simple way:
First, create a Canvas
in Canvas component in Inspector, set Render Mode to Screen Space - Camera and drag your main camera to Render Camera field.
Then, in Canvas Scaler component in Inspector window, set UI Scale Mode to Scale Width Screen Size and other settings like this image
Now drag your game objects to Canvas.
First, you should not change your sprites. You problem is a game viewport. You simply cannot have 16:9 fixed aspect ratio on every device in "full-screen". You have 2 options here:
Don't care about aspect ratio and adapt your gameplay, make your canvas scalermode to "scale with screen size" and reference resolution something like 1920x1080 or 1600:900 or 800:450. Your game logic must take into account that you may have different size of screens. You can experiment in editor by switching different aspect ratios in game view.
Maintain 16:9 and therefore calculate for where to add "bars" (sides or top and down), when the game is initialized.

How to achieve high quality cropped images from canvas?

I am desperately searching for a good cropping tool. There are a bunch out there, for example:
The most important thing that I am trying to find is a cropping tool, that crops images without making the cropped image low in resolution. You can hack this by using the canvas tag by resizing the image. This way the image itself stays native, only the representation is smaller.
DarkroomJS was also something near the solution, but, unfortunately, the downloaded demo did not work. I'll try to figure out whats wrong. Does someone know some great alternatives, or how to get the cropped images in...let's say "native" resolution?
Thanks in advance!
You are relying on the cropping tool to provide an interface for the users. the problem is that the image returned is sized to the interface and not the original image. Rather than me sifting through the various API's to see if they provide some way of controlling this behaviour (I assume at least some of them would) and because it is such a simple procedure I will show how to crop the image manually.
To use JCrop as an example
Jcrop provides various events for cropstart, cropmove, cropend... You can add a listener to listen to these events and keep a copy of the current cropping interface state
var currentCrop;
jQuery('#target').on('cropstart cropmove cropend',function(e,s,crop){
currentCrop = crop;
I don't know where you have set the interface size and I am assuming the events return the crop details at the interface scale
var interfaceSize = { //you will have to work this out
w : ?,
h : ?.
Your original image
var myImage = new Image(); // Assume you know how to load
So when the crop button is clicked you can create the new image by scaling the crop details back to the original image size, creating a canvas at the cropped size, drawing the image so that the cropped area is corectly positioned and returning the canvas as is or as a new image.
// image = image to crop
// crop = the current cropping region
// interfaceSize = the size of the full image in the interface
// returns a new cropped image at full res
function myCrop(image,crop,interfaceSize){
var scaleX = image.width / interfaceSize.w; // get x scale
var scaleY = image.height / interfaceSize.h; // get y scale
// get full res crop region. rounding to pixels
var x = Math.round(crop.x * scaleX);
var y = Math.round(crop.y * scaleY);
var w = Math.round(crop.w * scaleX);
var h = Math.round(crop.h * scaleY);
// Assume crop will never pad
// create an drawable image
var croppedImage = document.createElement("canvas");
croppedImage.width = w;
croppedImage.height = h;
var ctx = croppedImage.getContext("2d");
// draw the image offset so the it is correctly cropped
return croppedImage
You then only need to call this function when the crop button is clicked
var croppedImage;
myButtonElement.onclick = function(){
if(currentCrop !== undefined){ // ensure that there is a selected crop
croppedImage = myCrop(myImage,currentCrop,interfaceSize);
You can convert the image to a dataURL for download, and upload via
imageData = croppedImage.toDataURL(mimeType,quality) // quality is optional and only for "image/jpeg" images

reorganize layout on orientation change in titanium

I have a layout that has sum specifications when it is in portrait. But when I change the screen orientation the layout needs to reorganize to fit the entire screen. The problem is that the layout keeps he's dimensions. So if the layout starts portrait the I change to landscape the layout keeps the portrait configuration. How can I make my layout so it auto reorganizes on screen orientation changes?
How I create my views:
var deviceHeight = Ti.Platform.displayCaps.platformHeight,
deviceWidth = Ti.Platform.displayCaps.platformWidth,
platform = Ti.Platform.osname;
if (platform == 'android') {
deviceHeight = Math.round(Ti.Platform.displayCaps.platformHeight / Ti.Platform.displayCaps.logicalDensityFactor);
deviceWidth = Math.round(Ti.Platform.displayCaps.platformWidth / Ti.Platform.displayCaps.logicalDensityFactor);
var View = Ti.UI.createView({
height : deviceHeight,
width : deviceWidth,
backgroundColor : 'white',
layout : 'vertical'
Very important: Don't specify width in points/pixels, but in percentages. Or use relative width. For example, if you want a view that is full width, minus 10 left and 10 right, specify that:
left: 10,
right: 10
Treat Apps different as websites! Make everything relative. There are so many resolutions it is impossible to make a layout PER resolution. Make a single solution for mobile, and possible re-arrange some stuff for tablets.
If you really want to redraw manually, use this event and redefine all your views after again:
Ti.Gesture.addEventListener('orientationchange',function(e) {
For this to work, you need to keep a reference to all your views and adjust where you like.
