Does it make sense to use DataLoader without a db? - graphql

I found out about DataLoader package reading GraphQL tutorial but all of the examples for DataLoader package corresponds to some databases.
Does it make sense to use DataLoader if my GraphQL layer is just a layer on top of the REST API?


Using Spring JPA Specification with OData Queries

so i have a spring boot application and my data source is MySQL via JPA. I am trying to introduce Odata queries to my API's and then fetch data based on those odata params. I was wondering if there are any utils or external libraries i can use to parse the odata query then construct the JPA Specification. I have looked into olingo but im not sure if it is exactly what i am looking for. I was thinking of parsing the query text, and constructing the jpa specifications manually(maybe use reflection is necessary), but if anyone has any tips or advice on how to better approach this it would be much appreciated!!
I was thinking of doing something similar to this but with odata instead. Only issue i see is making this dynamic enough to handle every complex odata query coming in.

Two approaches to implementing REST API on Spring

I do REST API on Spring. Took a course in Spring Data Hibernate and found that it made the REST API the most time-consuming way.
When I added a new entity to the domain, I went through the following chain of objects:
Entity - domain object
DTO - for transmitting/receiving an object to/from a client
Mapper - to convert between Entity and DTO
Repository - for interacting with the database
RestController - for processing API requests
Service - service class for the object
The approximate chain of my actions was as follows:
RestController processes requests - receives DTO from the client (in case of creation of a new object)
Mapper in controller converts DTO to Entity
Service is called
Service accesses the Repository
Repository returns the result of execution (created by Entity)
Service returns Entity is created in RestController
RestController returns to the client an object of type ResponseEntity, where I put the body and response code.
As you can see a large chain of actions and a large number of objects.
But then I found out that if you use Spring Data REST, all this doesn't need all the API supplied by Spring from the box. In general, you only need to create an Entity and Repository.
It turns out that for typical CRUD-type operations, I wrote a lot of controllers and their methods in vain.
When should I use RestConroller, and when is Spring Data REST?
Is it possible to combine two approaches for one Entity? It turns out that I was wasting my time writing for simple operations like creating, getting, saving, deleting controllers, it can be moved to Spring Data REST.
Will I be able to implement some of the actions that I did in Spring Data Rest in RestConroller? Such as:
Return an entity property value as id instead of object? I mean I have properties for entities that are entities themselves, for these fields I sometimes need to return their ID instead of the whole entity.
Is there any way to control error handling? In RestController I have implemented the ResponseEntityExceptionHandler extension class and all errors wherever they occur in my RestController are handled in the same way in one place and I always know that all errors will return approximately the same response structure.
Data validation will have to be hinged on the fact that it used to be validated on DTOs received from the client. Are there any nuances waiting for me in this regard?
I'm a little stumped on how to move forward. Give me your recommendations and thoughts on this. Push forward on what to use and how.
What Spring Data REST can do for you is scaffolding of the plain repository to rest service. It is much faster, and in theory it should be flexible, but in practice it is hard to achieve something more than REST access to your repositories.
In production I've used Spring Data REST as a wrapper of the database - in a service/microservice architecture model you just wrap-up sometimes the core DB into such layer in order to achieve DB-agnostic Application. Then the services will apply the business logic on top of this wrapper and will provide API for the front-end.
On the other hand Spring Data Rest(SDR) is not suitable if you plan to use only these generated endpoints, because you need to customize the logic for fetching data and data manipulation into Repoitories/Services. You can combine both and use SDR for the "simple" entities, where you need only the basic CRUD over them, and for the complex entities to go with the standard approach, where you decouple the entity from the endopint and apply your custom business logic into the services. The downside of mixing up both strategies is that your app will be not consistent, and some "things" will happen out-of-the-box, which is very confusing for a new developer on this project.
It loooks wasted time and efforts to write these classes yourself, but it only because your app doesn' have a complex database and/or business logic yet.
In short - the "standard" way provides much bigger flexibility at the price of writing repetetive code in the beginning.
You have much more control building the full stack on your own, you are using DTO's instead of returning the entity objects, you can combine repositories in your services and you can put your business logic on the service layer. If you are not doing anything of the above (and you don't expect to in the near future) there is no need for writing all that boilerplate yet over again, and that's when Spring Data REST comes into play.
This is an interesting question.
Spring Data Rest provides abstraction and takes a most of the implementation in its hand. This is helpful for small applications where the business logic resides at the repository layer. I would choose this for applications with simple straight forward business logic.
However if I need fine grained control (eg: transaction, AOP, unit testing, complex business decisions etc. ) at each of the layers as you mentioned which is most often needed for large scale applications I will prefer writing each of these layers.
There is no thumb rule.

mock api response in graphql-java

I have a graphql API written using graphql-java-tools and graphql-java. I want to mock a query operation. How can I do this? Is Apollo graphql-tools the only way to achieve this. I havent used any other apolo library in my project yet and didnt want to go that route for just mocking service.
There is no library that supports mocking in java as of now( Apollo-graphql-tools supports only nodejs). I think best way is to mock it yourself creating new objects.

Spring boot , Elasticsearch

Searched over the net but unable to find the satisfying approach.
I am new to spring boot and aware of starter dependancies,
I want to develop a springboot app using elastic search as a storage system.
Wherever i searched i found that somewhere my service class will have to implement some interface from springframework for ES crud operations.
Is there any other way without implementing or extending the components.
I myself want to create transport client and want to query ES by my code or methods not by overidden ones.
Please if you ahve ever seen any projects you can redirect me to that link .
Assuming I understand you correctly, you can use the Elasticsearch REST client:
You supply the JSON entities for the queries and parse the responses yourself. Its pretty basic in what it does, so you're not dependent on a lot of third party stuff to perform operations.

How do I Integrate Entity Framework with External REST Data Source?

I am creating my first ASP.NET MVC 3 application, and my data comes from a data source I can access only via its REST API.
I will only be using READ-ONLY access at this point to the REST data source (no updating, etc.)
I would like to use the Entity Framework V4 to provide a Business Entity interface to MVC 3 without exposing it to the REST API.
I need to get something working quickly - so I don't have time to fully understand the Server Layer / UnitOfWork and Repository patterns just yet, although I plan to go there next.
I am willing to use a Repository class at this time, but not ready for DI / IoC container yet.
Any suggestions on where the RESP API calls go?
Learned by asking this question that it is not necessarily useful to integrate an ORM with a REST API - See my accepted answer below.
An Object/Relational Mapper, or ORM, like Entity Framework has specifically been developed to abstract away a relational database. It might not be the right fit for REST calls.
You could instead build a repository class that encapsulates the REST call and exposes methods like IEnumerable<T> GetAll() or T GetyById(...).
