Square-connect. Square-checkout collect phone number - square-connect

I am working with the square-connect API to take payments on my site. Using checkout I can collect the name, address, and email of the customer. Is there possibly a way to configure the checkout page to also collect the customers phone number? I see no reference to that in the documentation, but is there a way to do this?
As a side note I am using the node.js version of the API.

Currently with the Checkout API when ask_for_shipping_address is set to true it doesn't request the phone number of the customer. If you are using the Orders API to build an order you can use the Customers API to collect the customer information you need and add the customer_id to the order so it is retrievable.


sync inventory of Shopify and Magento 1 real time

I need help of experts I have two stores, one is on Shopify and another is on Magento 1. I'm facing problem to manage stock reports because I have one inventory but two stores. How can I sync both stores in real-time like when I get an order and I delivered that so automatically product will less in both stores. I have already tried some third-party integration tools, but they don't work realtime can someone help?
You need to develop a third party application to create an private app for inventory webhooks for Shopify and create event/observer on the product update and order create in Magento.

Using Braintree with Laravel to create customer id to use for future purchases

Not too long ago Payment gateways allowed you to create customer profile accounts and store their credit card info with the gateway and use the returned customer id to make future purchases with ease.
I am trying to do this with Laravel cashier and Braintree. I followed the docs here https://laravel.com/docs/5.5/billing#braintree-configuration and it set up fine. I am able to do one time charges and subscriptions.
Is there a way to store the customers credit card info on Braintree ( Vault? ) and retrieve it using their customer id everytime they want to buy something?
I can retrieve the Payment Nonce but that seems to be for a one time use.
Since the Laravel Cashier API wrapper provides the ability to create subscriptions within Braintree, it is certainly creating customers with saved payment methods prior to creating the subscriptions, since that is a Braintree requirement.
The Laravel Cashier docs don't show a standalone customer create call, so you may need to use the Braintree Customer Create API Call.

Recurring payments using checkout call and checkout UI in square connect

I already integrate Square api in .net application using 'checkout' api.
https://connect.squareup.com/v2/locations/" + locationID + "/checkouts
and checkout UI provided by Square (https://connect.squareup.com/v2/checkout?c=XXXXX).
It is working fine now.
My new functionality is to subscribe a plan and pay using the square. When i search, I found out that I need to create customer and customercard and need to charge the customer card by using 'charge' api.
Is there any provision to use the 'checkout' api for the subscription...? If it is no, Is there any built in UI for charge api implementation...?
whether I need to implement my own UI for capturing the card details...?
Thanks in Advance
There is no provision for using the checkout API for recurring payments at this moment.
There is no pre-built UI for the charge API, that is essentially what the Checkout API is.
You will need to implement your own UI using the PaymentForm as well as some way to capture customer details so that you can create a customer to attach the card nonce to.
Hope that helps.

Downloading existing paypal payments with rest api

I need to download all existing payment information from a paypal account to do some analysis on it, so I set up paypal's ruby rest sdk, which involved creating a new application with its own API keys and whatnot. I can make a successful request with the following:
payment_history = Payment.all( :count => 10 )
Is empty.
I'm not sure if this application can only access payments created with it? Can I not get pre-existing payments with the rest api? I would prefer to use ruby, if that's possible, as I would like to keep this all within the simple script I have to analyze similar stripe payments.
Some guidance would be extremely appreciated, as paypal's labrinth of documentation and overlapping APIs have me pretty confused.
You will be able to query only those payments that are made or created with Rest API not the Classic APIs. You can use the Classic Ruby SDKs for the appropriate product to get the Transaction details of the classic APIs

Magento - Create order from backend

I'm creating alot of special offers for my customers, which I need to be able to send from inside magento. This is already possible by creating the order from the backend/sales. But the customers will only get an order confirmation and not be able to pay for the order they recieved in their mail.
Is there any module that would make customers able to pay pending orders from their login?
Can't seem to find any? Surely I'm not the only person creating an order with special prices for some customers?
There is Advanced Point of Sale module we use for taking phone orders. It isn't perfect but is far better than trying to use the back end.
There is also a plug in for alternative payment method to allow your phone person to handle payment on the back end. We've got that one, too.
And then there is True Order Edit, which we consider essential / requirement for running an online business.
