This question already has answers here:
How to wrap lines within columns in Linux
(2 answers)
Closed 3 years ago.
I am trying to wrap columns of text using gawk or native bash, The fourth column (last one in this case) wraps to the next line. I would like it to wrap and all text remain under the respective heading. The output for the given input is just representative and text needing wrapped is in the last column. However id like to wrap ANY column
I have tried embedding fmt and fold commands in the awk script but have been unsuccessful in getting results required.
awk 'BEGIN{FS="|"; format="%-35s %-7s %-5s %-20s\n"
printf "\n"
printf format, "Date", "Task ID", "Code", "Description"
printf format ,"-------------------------", "-------", "-----", "------------------------------"}
{printf format, strftime("%c",$1), $2, $3, $4}'
1563685965|878|12015|Task HMI starting
1563686011|881|5041|Configured with engine 6000.8403 (/opt/NAI/LinuxShield/engine/lib/, dats 9322.0000 (/opt/NAI/LinuxShield/engine/dat), 197 extensions, 0 extra drivers
1563686011|882|5059|Created Scanner child id=1 pid=28,698 engine=6000.8403, dats=9322.0000
1563686139|883|12017|Task HMI Completed 2 items detected in 19 files (0 files timed out, 0 files excluded, 0 files cleaned, 0 files had errors, 0 were not scanned)
1563686139|885|5012|scanned=19 excluded=0 infected=2 cleaned=0 cleanAttempts=0 cleanRequests=0 denied=0 repaired=0 deleted=0 renamed=0 quarantined=0 timeouts=0 errors=0 uptime=174 busy=0 wait=0
I am still unclear on how to post or share on formation on this forum. This seems to work fairly well. The wrap function was taken from the duplicate post.
format="%-35s %-7s %-10s %-20s\n"
printf "\n"
printf format, "Date", "Task ID", "Code", "Description"
printf format ,"-------------------------", "-------", "-----", "------------------------------"
for(col in cols){
for(c in colArr){
fmtcol[col,c] = colArr[c]
maxLinesRow[col]=(numLines > maxLinesRow[col] ? numLines : maxLinesRow[col])
for (lineNr=1; lineNr<=maxLinesRow[col]; lineNr++) {
dt=((1,lineNr) in fmtcol ? strftime("%c",fmtcol[1,lineNr]):"")
printf format, dt, fmtcol[2,lineNr], fmtcol[3,lineNr], fmtcol[4,lineNr]
printf "\n"
delete colArr
function wrap(inStr,wid,outArr, lineEnd,numLines) {
while ( length(inStr) > wid ) {
lineEnd = ( match(substr(inStr,1,wid),/.*[[:space:]]/) ? RLENGTH - 1 : wid )
outArr[++numLines] = substr(inStr,1,lineEnd)
inStr = substr(inStr,lineEnd+1)
outArr[++numLines] = inStr
return numLines
I know you said you're using gawk, but tabular formatting with line wrapping like you want is really easy to do with perl, so here's a perl solution using the format feature's repeated fill mode:
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use warnings;
use strict;
use POSIX qw/strftime/;
printf "%-40s %-20s\n", 'Date', 'Description';
print '-' x 40, ' ', '-' x 20, "\n";
my ($date, $desc);
while (<>) {
($date, $desc) = split '\|', $_;
$date = strftime '%c', localtime($date);
format STDOUT =
^<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ^<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ~~
$date, $desc
$ cat input.txt
1000|this is some text
2000|this is some other text that is long enough that it will wrap around a bit.
$ perl input.txt
Date Description
---------------------------------------- --------------------
Wed, Dec 31, 1969 4:16:40 PM this is some text
Wed, Dec 31, 1969 4:33:20 PM this is some other
text that is long
enough that it will
wrap around a bit.
I have a log file containing the data below:
time=1460196536.247325 latency=3:6:7:9:16:(8)ms latency95=11ms latency99=13ms requests=517 option1=0 option2=0 errors=0 throughput=480rps ql=1 rr=0.00% cr=0.00% accRequests=101468 accOption1=0 accOption2=0 accLatency=2:6:7:8:3998:(31)ms accLatency95=11ms accLatency99=649ms accOpenQueuing=1664 accErrors=278
I am trying to write bashscript where I try to carve these values for each line in the log file and write it to a second file:
time (converted to local time GMT+2)
Desired output in second file:
time latency99 requests errors
12:08:56 13 517 0
Is the easiest way to use regex for this?
Here's a Bash solution for version 4 and above, using an associative array:
# Assoc array to hold data.
declare -A data
# Log file ( the input file ).
# Output file.
# Print column names for required values.
printf '%-20s %-10s %-10s %-10s\n' time latency99 requests errors > "$output_file"
# Iterate over each line in $logfile
while read -ra arr; do
# Insert keys and values into 'data' array.
for i in "${arr[#]}"; do
# Convert time to GMT+2
gmt2_time=$(TZ=GMT+2 date -d "#${data[time]}" '+%T')
# Print results to stdout.
printf '%-20s %-10s %-10s %-10s\n' "$gmt2_time" "${data[latency99]%ms}" "${data[requests]}" "${data[errors]}" >> "$output_file"
done < "$logfile"
As you can see, the script accepts two arguments. The first one is the file name of the logfile, and the second is the output file to which parsed data will be inserted line by line for each row in the logfile.
Please notice that I used GMT+2 as the value to the TZ variable.
Use the exact area as the value instead. Like, for example, TZ="Europe/Berlin".
You might want to use the tool tzselect to know the correct string value of your area.
In order to test it, I created the following logfile, containing 3 different rows of input:
time=1260196536.242325 latency=3:6:7:9:16:(8)ms latency95=11ms latency99=10ms requests=100 option1=0 option2=0 errors=1 throughput=480rps ql=1 rr=0.00% cr=0.00% accRequests=101468 accOption1=0 accOption2=0 accLatency=2:6:7:8:3998:(31)ms accLatency95=11ms accLatency99=649ms accOpenQueuing=1664 accErrors=278
time=1460246536.244325 latency=3:6:7:9:16:(8)ms latency95=11ms latency99=20ms requests=200 option1=0 option2=0 errors=2 throughput=480rps ql=1 rr=0.00% cr=0.00% accRequests=101468 accOption1=0 accOption2=0 accLatency=2:6:7:8:3998:(31)ms accLatency95=11ms accLatency99=649ms accOpenQueuing=1664 accErrors=278
time=1260236536.147325 latency=3:6:7:9:16:(8)ms latency95=11ms latency99=30ms requests=300 option1=0 option2=0 errors=3 throughput=480rps ql=1 rr=0.00% cr=0.00% accRequests=101468 accOption1=0 accOption2=0 accLatency=2:6:7:8:3998:(31)ms accLatency95=11ms accLatency99=649ms accOpenQueuing=1664 accErrors=278
Let's run the test ( script name is sof ):
$ ./sof logfile parsed_logfile
$ cat parsed_logfile
time latency99 requests errors
12:35:36 10 100 1
22:02:16 20 200 2
23:42:16 30 300 3
According to OP request as can be seen in the comments, and as discussed further in chat, I edited the script to include the following features:
Remove ms suffix from latency99's value.
Read input from a logfile, line by line, parse and output results to a
selected file.
Include column names only in the first row of output.
Convert the time value to GMT+2.
Here is a awk script for you. Say the logfile is mc.log and the script is saved as mc.awk, you would run it like this: awk -f mc.awk mc.log with GNU awk.
# some "" to align header and values in output
print "time", "", "latency99", "requests", "errors"
function getVal( str) {
# strip leading "key=" and trailing "ms" from str
gsub(/^.*=/, "", str)
gsub(/ms$/, "", str)
return str
function fmtTime( timeStamp ){
val=getVal( timeStamp )
return strftime( "%H:%M:%S", val)
# some "" to align header and values in output
print fmtTime($1), getVal($4), "", getVal($5), "", getVal($8)
Here's an awk version (not GNU). Converting the date would require a call to an external program:
#!/usr/bin/awk -f
print "time", "latency99", "requests", "errors"
print $2, $5, $6, $9
How can I convert one date format to another format in a shellscript?
the old format is
but I want to convert it into
Like "20${D:6:2}${D:0:2}${D:3:2}.${D:9:2}${D:12:2}00", if the old date in the $D variable.
Take advantage of the shell's word splitting and the positional parameters:
date="12-31-11 23:59"
IFS=" -:"
set -- $date
echo "20$3$1$2.$4$5" #=> 20111231.2359
myDate="21-12-11 23:59"
#fmt is DD-MM-YY HH:MM
case "${outDate}" in
2[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-1][0-9][0-3][0-9].[0-2][0-9][0-5][[0-9][0-5][[0-9] )
: nothing_date_in_correct_format
* ) echo bad format for ${outDate} >&2
Note that if you have a large file to process, then the above is an expensive(ish) process. For filebased data I would recommend something like
cat infile
....|....|21-12-11 23:59|22-12-11 00:01| ...|
awk '
function reformatDate(inDate) {
if (inDate !~ /[0-3][0-9]-[0-1][0-9]-[0-9][0-9] [0-2][0-9]:[0-5][[0-9]/) {
print "bad date format found in inDate= "inDate
return -1
# in format assumed to be DD-MM-YY HH:MM(:SS)
return (2000 + substr(inDate,7,2) ) substr(inDate,4,2) substr(inDate, 1,2) \
"." substr(inDate,10,2) substr(inDate,13,2) \
( substr(inDate,16,2) ? substr(inDate,16,2) : "00" )
#add or comment out for each column of data that is a date value to convert
# below is for example, edit as needed.
# for awk people, I call this the pragmatic use of associative arrays ;-)
#assuming pipe-delimited data for columns
#....|....|21-12-11 23:59|22-12-11 00:01| ...|
# main loop for each record
for (i=1; i<=NF; i++) {
if (i in dateCols) {
#dbg print "i=" i "\t$i=" $i
print $0
}' infile
....|....|20111221.235900|20111222.000100| ...|
I hope this helps.
There is a good answer down already, but you said you wanted an alternative in the comments, so here is my [rather awful in comparison] method:
read sourcedate < <(echo "12-13-99 23:59");
read sourceyear < <(echo $sourcedate | cut -c 7-8);
if [[ $sourceyear < 50 ]]; then
read fullsourceyear < <(echo -n 20; echo $sourceyear);
read fullsourceyear < <(echo -n 19; echo $sourceyear);
read newsourcedate < <(echo -n $fullsourceyear; echo -n "-"; echo -n $sourcedate | cut -c -5);
read newsourcedate < <(echo -n $newsourcedate; echo -n $sourcedate | cut -c 9-14);
read newsourcedate < <(echo -n $newsourcedate; echo :00);
date --date="$newsourcedate" +%Y%m%d.%H%M%S
So, the first line just reads a date in, then we get the two-digit year, then we append it to '20' or '19' based on if it's less than 50 (so this would give you years from 1950 to 2049 - feel free to shift the line). Then we append a hyphen and the month and date. Then we append a space and the time, and lastly we append ':00' as the seconds (again feel free to make your own default). Lastly we use GNU date to read it in (since it's been standardized now) and print it in a different format (which you can edit).
It's a lot longer and uglier than cutting up the string, but having the format in the last line may be worth it. Also you could shorten it significantly with the shorthand you just learned in the first answer.
Good luck.
I frequently need to make many replacements within files. To solve this problem, I have created two files old.text and new.text. The first contains a list of words which must be found. The second contains the list of words which should replace those.
All of my files use UTF-8 and make use of various languages.
I have built this script, which I hoped could do the replacement. First, it reads old.text one line at a time, then replaces the words at that line in input.txt with the corresponding words from the new.text file.
while read linefromoldwords
echo $linefromoldwords
linefromnewwords=$(sed -n '$numberp' new.text)
awk '{gsub(/$linefromoldwords/,$linefromnewwords);print}' input.txt >> output.txt
echo $number
done < old.text
However, my solution does not work well. When I run the script:
On line 6, the sed command does not know where the $number ends.
The $number variable is changing to "0+1", then "0+1+1", when it should change to "1", then "2".
The line with awk does not appear to be doing anything more than copying the input.txt exactly as is to output.txt.
Do you have any suggestions?
The marked answer works well, however, I use this script a lot and it takes many hours to finish. So I offer a bounty for a solution which can complete these replacements much quicker. A solution in BASH, Perl, or Python 2 will be okay, provided it is still UTF-8 compatible. If you think some other solution using other software commonly available on Linux systems would be faster, then that might be fine too, so long as huge dependencies are not required.
One line 6, the sed command does not know where the $number ends.
Try quoting the variable with double quotes
linefromnewwords=$(sed -n "$number"p newwords.txt)
The $number variable is changing to "0+1", then "0+1+1", when it should change to "1", then "2".
Do this instead:
number=`expr $number + 1`
The line with awk does not appear to be doing anything more than copying the input.txt exactly as is to output.txt.
awk won't take variables outside its scope. User defined variables in awk needs to be either defined when they are used or predefined in the awk's BEGIN statement. You can include shell variables by using -v option.
Here is a solution in bash that would do what you need.
Bash Solution:
while read -r sub && read -r rep <&3; do
sed -i "s/ "$sub" / "$rep" /g" main.file
done <old.text 3<new.text
This solution reads one line at a time from substitution file and replacement file and performs in-line sed substitution.
Why not to
paste -d/ oldwords.txt newwords.txt |\
sed -e 's#/# / #' -e 's#^#s/ #' -e 's#$# /g#' >/tmp/$$.sed
sed -f /tmp/$$.sed original >changed
rm /tmp/$$.sed
I love this kind of questions, so here is my answer:
First for the shake of simplicity, Why not use only a file with source and translation. I mean: (filename changeThis)
hello=Bye dudes
the morNing=next Afternoon
Then you can define a proper separator in the script. (file
while read transline
sed -i "s/${origin}/${dest}/gI" $FILE
done < $REPLACE
Take this example (file changeMe)
Hello, this is me.
I will be there at first time in the morning
Call it with
$ bash = changeThis changeMe
And you will get
Bye dudes, this is me.
I will be there at last time in next Afternoon
Take note of the "i" amusement with sed. "-i" means replace in source file, and "I" in s// command means ignore case -a GNU extension, check your sed implementation-
Of course note that a bash while loop is horrendously slower than a python or similar scripting language. Depending on your needs you can do a nested while, one on the source file and one inside looping the translations (changes). Echoing all to stdout for pipe flexibility.
while read line
while read transline
line=$(echo $line | sed "s/${origin}/${dest}/gI")
echo $line
done < $FILE
This Python 2 script forms the old words into a single regular expression then substitutes the corresponding new word based on the index of the old word that matched. The old words are matched only if they are distinct. This distinctness is enforced by surrounding the word in r'\b' which is the regular expression word boundary.
Input is from the commandline (their is a commented alternative I used for development in idle). Output is to stdout
The main text is scanned only once in this solution. With the input from Jaypals answer, the output is the same.
#!/bin/env python
import sys, re
def replacer(match):
global new
return new[match.lastindex-1]
if __name__ == '__main__':
fname_old, fname_new, fname_txt = sys.argv[1:4]
#fname_old, fname_new, fname_txt = 'oldwords.txt oldwordreplacements.txt oldwordreplacer.txt'.split()
with file(fname_old) as f:
# Form regular expression that matches old words, grouped in order
old = '(?:' + '|'.join(r'\b(%s)\b' % re.escape(word)
for word in + ')'
with file(fname_new) as f:
# Ordered list of replacement words
new = [word for word in]
with file(fname_txt) as f:
# input text
txt =
# Output the new text
print( re.subn(old, replacer, txt)[0] )
I just did some stats on a ~100K byte text file:
Total characters in text: 116413
Total words in text: 17114
Total distinct words in text: 209
Top 10 distinct word occurences in text: 2664 = 15.57%
The text was 250 paragraphs of lorum ipsum generated from here I just took the ten most frequently occuring words and replaced them with the strings ONE to TEN in order.
The Python regexp solution is an order of magnitude faster than the currently selected best solution by Jaypal.
The Python selection will replace words followed by a newline character or by punctuation as well as by any whitespace (including tabs etc).
Someone commented that a C solution would be both simple to create and fastest. Decades ago, some wise Unix fellows observed that this is not usually the case and created scripting tools such as awk to boost productivity. This task is ideal for scripting languages and the technique shown in the Python coukld be replicated in Ruby or Perl.
A general perl solution that I have found to work well for replacing the keys in a map with their associated values is this:
my %map = (
19 => 'A',
20 => 'B',
my $key_regex = '(' . join('|', keys %map) . ')';
while (<>) {
print $_;
You would have to read your two files into the map first (obviously), but once that is done you only have one pass over each line, and one hash-lookup for every replacement. I've only tried it with relatively small maps (around 1,000 entries), so no guarantees if your map is significantly larger.
At line 6, the sed command does not know where the $number ends.
linefromnewwords=$(sed -n '${number}p' newwords.txt)
I'm not sure about the quoting, but ${number}p will work - maybe "${number}p"
The $number variable is changing to "0+1", then "0+1+1", when it should change to "1", then "2".
Arithmetic integer evaluation in bash can be done with $(( )) and is better than eval (eval=evil).
number=$((number + 1))
In general, I would recommend using one file with
s/ ni3 / nǐ /g
s/ nei3 / neǐ /g
and so on, one sed-command per line, which is imho better to take care about - sort it alphabetically, and use it with:
sed -f translate.sed input > output
So you can always easily compare the mappings.
might be prefered over blanks as explicit delimiters, because \b:=word boundary matches start/end of line and punctuation characters.
This should reduce the time by some means as this avoids unnecessary loops.
Merge two input files:
Lets assume you have two input files, old.text containing all substitutions and new.text containing all replacements.
We will create a new text file which will act as a sed script to your main file using the following awk one-liner:
awk '{ printf "s/ "$0" /"; getline <"new.text"; print " "$0" /g" }' old.text > merge.text
[jaypal:~/Temp] cat old.text
[jaypal:~/Temp] cat new.text
[jaypal:~/Temp] awk '{ printf "s/ "$0" /"; getline <"new.text"; print " "$0" /g" }' old.text > merge.text
[jaypal:~/Temp] cat merge.text
s/ 19 / A /g
s/ 20 / B /g
Note: This formatting of substitution and replacement is based on your requirement of having spaces between the words.
Using merged file as sed script:
Once your merged file has been created, we will use -f option of sed utility.
sed -f merge.text input_file
[jaypal:~/Temp] cat input_file
12 adsflljl
12 hgfahld
12 ash;al
13 a;jfda
13 asldfj
15 ;aljdf
16 a;dlfj
19 adads
19 adfasf
20 aaaadsf
[jaypal:~/Temp] sed -f merge.text input_file
12 adsflljl
12 hgfahld
12 ash;al
13 a;jfda
13 asldfj
15 ;aljdf
16 a;dlfj
A adads
A adfasf
B aaaadsf
You can redirect this into another file using the > operator.
This might work for you:
paste {old,new}words.txt |
sed 's,\(\w*\)\s*\(\w*\),s!\\<\1\\>!\2!g,' |
sed -i -f - text.txt
Here is a Python 2 script that should be both space and time efficient:
import sys
import codecs
import re
sub = dict(zip((line.strip() for line in"old.txt", "r", "utf-8")),
(line.strip() for line in"new.txt", "r", "utf-8"))))
regexp = re.compile('|'.join(map(lambda item:r"\b" + re.escape(item) + r"\b", sub)))
for line in"input.txt", "r", "utf-8"):
result = regexp.sub(lambda match:sub[], line)
Here it is in action:
$ cat old.txt
$ cat new.txt
$ cat input.txt
12 adsflljl
12 hgfahld
12 ash;al
13 a;jfda
13 asldfj
15 ;aljdf
16 a;dlfj
19 adads
19 adfasf
20 aaaadsf
$ python
12 adsflljl
12 hgfahld
12 ash;al
13 a;jfda
13 asldfj
15 ;aljdf
16 a;dlfj
A adads
A adfasf
B aaaadsf
EDIT: Hat tip to #Paddy3118 for whitespace handling.
Here's a solution in Perl. It can be simplified if you combined your input word lists into one list: each line containing the map of old and new words.
#!/usr/bin/env perl
# usage:
# OLD.txt NEW.txt INPUT.txt >> OUTPUT.txt
use strict;
use warnings;
sub read_words {
my $file = shift;
open my $fh, "<$file" or die "Error reading file: $file; $!\n";
my #words = <$fh>;
chomp #words;
close $fh;
return \#words;
sub word_map {
my ($old_words, $new_words) = #_;
if (scalar #$old_words != scalar #$new_words) {
warn "Old and new word lists are not equal in size; using the smaller of the two sizes ...\n";
my $list_size = scalar #$old_words;
$list_size = scalar #$new_words if $list_size > scalar #$new_words;
my %map = map { $old_words->[$_] => $new_words->[$_] } 0 .. $list_size - 1;
return \%map;
sub build_regex {
my $words = shift;
my $pattern = join "|", sort { length $b <=> length $a } #$words;
return qr/$pattern/;
my $old_words = read_words(shift);
my $new_words = read_words(shift);
my $word_map = word_map($old_words, $new_words);
my $old_pattern = build_regex($old_words);
my $input_file = shift;
open my $input, "<$input_file" or die "Error reading input file: $input_file; $!\n";
while (<$input>) {
close $input;
Old words file:
$ cat old.txt
New words file:
$ cat new.txt
Input file:
$ cat input.txt
12 adsflljl
12 hgfahld
12 ash;al
13 a;jfda
13 asldfj
15 ;aljdf
16 a;dlfj
19 adads
19 adfasf
20 aaaadsf
Create output:
$ perl old.txt new.txt input.txt
12 adsflljl
12 hgfahld
12 ash;al
13 a;jfda
13 asldfj
15 ;aljdf
16 a;dlfj
A adads
A adfasf
B aaaadsf
I'm not sure why most of the previous posters insist on using regular-expressions to solve this task, I think this will be faster than most (if not the fastest method).
use warnings;
use strict;
open (my $fh_o, '<', "old.txt");
open (my $fh_n, '<', "new.txt");
my #hay = <>;
my #old = map {s/^\s*(.*?)\s*$/$1/; $_} <$fh_o>;
my #new = map {s/^\s*(.*?)\s*$/$1/; $_} <$fh_n>;
my %r;
; #r{#old} = #new;
print defined $r{$_} ? $r{$_} : $_ for split (
/(\s+)/, "#hay"
Use: perl /file/to/modify, result is printed to stdout.
EDIT - I just noticed that two answers like mine are already here... so you can just disregard mine :)
I believe that this perl script, although not using fancy sed or awk thingies, does the job fairly quick...
I did take the liberty to use another format of old_word to new_word:
the csv format. if it is too complicated to do it let me know and I'll add a script that takes your old.txt,new.txt and builds the csv file.
take it on a run and let me know!
by the way - if any of you perl gurus here can suggest a more perlish way to do something I do here I will love to read the comment:
#! /usr/bin/perl
# getting the user's input
if ($#ARGV == 1)
$LUT_file = shift;
$file = shift;
$outfile = $file . ".out.txt";
elsif ($#ARGV == 2)
$LUT_file = shift;
$file = shift;
$outfile = shift;
else { &usage; }
# opening the relevant files
open LUT, "<",$LUT_file or die "can't open $signal_LUT_file for reading!\n : $!";
open FILE,"<",$file or die "can't open $file for reading!\n : $!";
open OUT,">",$outfile or die "can't open $outfile for writing\n :$!";
# getting the lines from the text to be changed and changing them
%word_LUT = ();
WORD_EXT:while (<LUT>)
$_ =~ m/(\w+),(\w+)/;
$word_LUT{ $1 } = $2 ;
close LUT;
OUTER:while ($line = <FILE>)
#words = split(/\s+/,$line);
for( $i = 0; $i <= $#words; $i++)
if ( exists ($word_LUT { $words[$i] }) )
$words[$i] = $word_LUT { $words[$i] };
$newline = join(' ',#words);
print "old line - $line\nnewline - $newline\n\n";
print OUT $newline . "\n";
# now we have all the signals needed in the swav array, build the file.
close OUT;close FILE;
# Sub Routines
sub usage(){
print "\n\n\ Usage:\n";
print " <LUT file> <Input file> [<out file>]\n\n";
print "<LUT file> - a LookUp Table of words, from the old word to the new one.
\t\t\twith the following csv format:
\t\t\told word,new word\n";
print "<Input file> - the input file\n";
print "<out file> - out file is optional. \nif not entered the default output file will be: <Input file>.out.txt\n\n";
I have a caret delimited (key=value) input and would like to extract multiple tokens of interest from it.
For example: Given the following input
$ echo -e "1=A00^35=D^150=1^33=1\n1=B000^35=D^150=2^33=2"
I would like the following output
I have tried the following
$ echo -e "1=A00^35=D^150=1^33=1\n1=B000^35=D^150=2^33=2"|egrep -o "35=[^/^]*\^|150=[^/^]*\^"
My problem is that egrep returns each match on a separate line. Is it possible to get one line of output for one line of input? Please note that due to the constraints of the larger script, I cannot simply do a blind replace of all the \n characters in the output.
Thank you for any suggestions.This script is for bash 3.2.25. Any egrep alternatives are welcome. Please note that the tokens of interest (35 and 150) may change and I am already generating the egrep pattern in the script. Hence a one liner (if possible) would be great
You have two options. Option 1 is to change the "white space character" and use set --:
IFS="^ "
set -- 1=A00^35=D^150=1^33=1 # No quotes here!!
Now you have your values in $1, $2, etc.
Or you can use an array:
tmp=$(echo "1=A00^35=D^150=1^33=1" | sed -e 's:\([0-9]\+\)=: [\1]=:g' -e 's:\^ : :g')
eval value=($tmp)
echo "35=${value[35]}^150=${value[150]}"
To get rid of the newline, you can just echo it again:
$ echo $(echo "1=A00^35=D^150=1^33=1"|egrep -o "35=[^/^]*\^|150=[^/^]*\^")
35=D^ 150=1^
If that's not satisfactory (I think it may give you one line for the whole input file), you can use awk:
pax> echo '
' | awk -vLIST=35,150 -F^ ' {
sep = "";
split (LIST, srch, ",");
for (i = 1; i <= NF; i++) {
for (idx in srch) {
split ($i, arr, "=");
if (arr[1] == srch[idx]) {
printf sep "" arr[1] "=" arr[2];
sep = "^";
if (sep != "") {
print sep;
pax> echo '
' | awk -vLIST=1,33 -F^ ' {
sep = "";
split (LIST, srch, ",");
for (i = 1; i <= NF; i++) {
for (idx in srch) {
split ($i, arr, "=");
if (arr[1] == srch[idx]) {
printf sep "" arr[1] "=" arr[2];
sep = "^";
if (sep != "") {
print sep;
This one allows you to use a single awk script and all you need to do is to provide a comma-separated list of keys to print out.
And here's the one-liner version :-)
echo '1=A00^35=D^150=1^33=1
' | awk -vLST=1,33 -F^ '{s="";split(LST,k,",");for(i=1;i<=NF;i++){for(j in k){split($i,arr,"=");if(arr[1]==k[j]){printf s""arr[1]"="arr[2];s="^";}}}if(s!=""){print s;}}'
given a file 'in' containing your strings :
$ for i in $(cut -d^ -f2,3 < in);do echo $i^;done
I have this awk script that runs through a file and counts every occurrence of a given date. The date format in the original file is the standard date format, like this: Thu Mar 5 16:46:15 EST 2009 I use awk to throw away the weekday, time, and timezone, and then do my counting by pumping the dates into an associative array with the dates as indices.
In order to get the output to be sorted by date, I converted the dates to a different format that I could sort with bash sort.
Now, my output looks like this:
Date Count
03/05/2009 2
03/06/2009 1
05/13/2009 7
05/22/2009 14
05/23/2009 7
05/25/2009 7
05/29/2009 11
06/02/2009 12
06/03/2009 16
I'd really like the output to have more human readable dates, like this:
Mar 5, 2009
Mar 6, 2009
May 13, 2009
May 22, 2009
May 23, 2009
May 25, 2009
May 29, 2009
Jun 2, 2009
Jun 3, 2009
Any suggestions for a way I could do this? If I could do this on the fly when I output the count values that would be best.
Here's my solution incorporating ghostdog74's example code:
grep -i "E[DS]T 2009" original.txt | awk '{printf "%s %2.d, %s\r\n",$2,$3,$6}' >dates.txt #outputs dates for counting
date -f dates.txt +'%Y %m %d' | awk ' #reformat dates as YYYYMMDD for future sort
{++total[$0]} #pump dates into associative array
for (item in total) printf "%s\t%s\r\n", item, total[item] #output dates as yyyy mm dd with counts
}' | sort -t \t | awk ' #send to sort, then to cleanup
BEGIN {printf "%s\t%s\r\n","Date","Count"}
{t=$1" "$2" "$3" 0 0 0" #cleanup using example by ghostdog74
printf "%s\t%2.d\r\n",strftime("%b %d, %Y",mktime(t)),$4
rm dates.txt
Sorry this looks so messy. I've tried to put clarifying comments in.
Use awk's sort and date's stdin to greatly simplify the script
Date will accept input from stdin so you can eliminate one pipe to awk and the temporary file. You can also eliminate a pipe to sort by using awk's array sort and as a result, eliminate another pipe to awk. Also, there's no need for a coprocess.
This script uses date for the monthname conversion which would presumably continue to work in other languages (ignoring the timezone and month/day order issues, though).
The end result looks like "grep|date|awk". I have broken it into separate lines for readability (it would be about half as big if the comments were eliminated):
grep -i "E[DS]T 2009" original.txt |
date -f - +'%Y %m %d' | #reformat dates as YYYYMMDD for future sort
awk '
BEGIN { printf "%s\t%s\r\n","Date","Count" }
{ ++total[$0] #pump dates into associative array }
for (item in total) {
d[idx]=item;idx++ # copy the array indices into the contents of a new array
c=asort(d) # sort the contents of the copy
for (i=1;i<=c;i++) { # use the contents of the copy to index into the original
printf "%s\t%2.d\r\n",strftime("%b %e, %Y",mktime(d[i]" 0 0 0")),total[d[i]]
I get testy when I see someone using grep and awk (and sed, cut, ...) in a pipeline. Awk can fully handle the work of many utilities.
Here's a way to clean up your updated code to run in a single instance of awk (well, gawk), and using sort as a co-process:
gawk '
function mon2num(mon) {
return(((index("JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec", mon)-1)/3)+1)
/ E[DS]T [[:digit:]][[:digit:]][[:digit:]][[:digit:]]/ {
date=sprintf("%4d%02d%02d", year, mon2num(month), day)
human[date] = sprintf("%3s %2d, %4d", month, day, year)
sort_coprocess = "sort"
for (date in total) {
print date |& sort_coprocess
close(sort_coprocess, "to")
print "Date\tCount"
while ((sort_coprocess |& getline date) > 0) {
print human[date] "\t" total[date]
' original.txt
if you are using gawk
awk 'BEGIN{
t=date[3]" "date[2]" "date[1]" 0 0 0"
print strftime("%b %d",mktime(t))
the above is just an example, as you did not show your actual code and so cannot incorporate it into your code.
Why don't you prepend your awk-date to the original date? This yields a sortable key, but is human readable.
(Note: to sort right, you should make it yyyymmdd)
If needed, cut can remove the prepended column.
Gawk has strftime(). You can also call the date command to format them (man). Linux Forums gives some examples.