Impala Daemon Not Starting in cloudera-quickstart-vm-5.10 - hadoop

Impala not working in cloudera-quickstart-vm-5.10 as Impala Daemon is not starting.
Following is the status of the three required roles for Impala:
Impala Daemon is down
Impala Catalog Server has bad health &
Impala StateStore has good health
Getting following error messages:
Jul 22, 9:57:33.262 AM ERROR
Could not read the root directory at hdfs://quickstart.cloudera:8020. Error was: Call From quickstart.cloudera/ to quickstart.cloudera:8020 failed on connection exception: Connection refused; For more details see:
Jul 22, 9:57:33.262 AM ERROR
Aborting Impala Server startup due to improper configuration. Impalad exiting.
Tried restarting the service through command line.
[cloudera#quickstart ~]$ sudo service impala-server restart
Stopped Impala Server: [ OK ]
Started Impala Server (impalad): [ OK ]
[cloudera#quickstart ~]$ service impala-server status
Impala Server is dead and pid file exists [FAILED]
Still it is not working.
Not sure if I can do some configuration changes for it or not. If so, could not find what exactly can be changed for it to work.


Expected hostname at index 7 for neo4j bolt (3.5.21)

We run neo4j (3.5.21) in an EC2 instance. Today, after I restarted the server, noticed this error:
Expected hostname at index 7: bolt://:7687". Starting Neo4j failed: Component 'org.neo4j.server.AbstractNeoServer$ServerComponentsLifecycleAdapter#75401424' was successfully initialized, but failed to start
Service start logs:
Active database: graph.db
Directories in use:
home: /var/lib/neo4j
config: /etc/neo4j
logs: /var/log/neo4j
plugins: /var/lib/neo4j/plugins
import: /var/lib/neo4j/import
data: /var/lib/neo4j/data
certificates: /var/lib/neo4j/certificates
run: /var/run/neo4j
Starting Neo4j.
WARNING: Max 1024 open files allowed, minimum of 40000 recommended. See the Neo4j manual.
Started neo4j (pid 22577). It is available at
There may be a short delay until the server is ready.
See /var/log/neo4j/neo4j.log for current status.
This is what I see in neo4j.log:
2022-12-03 20:29:49.886+0000 INFO Bolt enabled on
2022-12-03 20:29:51.968+0000 INFO Started.
2022-12-03 20:29:52.121+0000 INFO Stopping...
2022-12-03 20:29:52.231+0000 INFO Stopped.
2022-12-03 20:29:52.233+0000 ERROR Failed to start Neo4j: Starting Neo4j failed: Component 'org.neo4j.server.AbstractNeoServer$ServerComponentsLifecycleAdapter#75401424' was successfully initialized, but failed to start. Please see the attached cause exception "Expected hostname at index 7: bolt://:7687". Starting Neo4j failed: Component 'org.neo4j.server.AbstractNeoServer$ServerComponentsLifecycleAdapter#75401424' was successfully initialized, but failed to start. Please see the attached cause exception "Expected hostname at index 7: bolt://:7687".
org.neo4j.server.ServerStartupException: Starting Neo4j failed: Component 'org.neo4j.server.AbstractNeoServer$ServerComponentsLifecycleAdapter#75401424' was successfully initialized, but failed to start. Please see the attached cause exception "Expected hostname at index 7: bolt://:7687".
at org.neo4j.server.exception.ServerStartupErrors.translateToServerStartupError(
at org.neo4j.server.AbstractNeoServer.start(
at org.neo4j.server.ServerBootstrapper.start(
at org.neo4j.server.ServerBootstrapper.start(
at org.neo4j.server.CommunityEntryPoint.main(
Caused by: org.neo4j.kernel.lifecycle.LifecycleException: Component 'org.neo4j.server.AbstractNeoServer$ServerComponentsLifecycleAdapter#75401424' was successfully initialized, but failed to start. Please see the attached cause exception "Expected hostname at index 7: bolt://:7687".
at org.neo4j.kernel.lifecycle.LifeSupport$LifecycleInstance.start(
at org.neo4j.kernel.lifecycle.LifeSupport.start(
at org.neo4j.server.AbstractNeoServer.start(
... 3 more
Caused by: org.neo4j.graphdb.config.InvalidSettingException: Unable to construct bolt discoverable URI using '' as hostname: Expected hostname at index 7: bolt://:7687
at java.util.Optional.ifPresent(
at org.neo4j.server.CommunityNeoServer.lambda$createDBMSModule$0(
at org.neo4j.server.modules.DBMSModule.start(
at org.neo4j.server.AbstractNeoServer.startModules(
at org.neo4j.server.AbstractNeoServer.access$700(
at org.neo4j.server.AbstractNeoServer$ServerComponentsLifecycleAdapter.start(
at org.neo4j.kernel.lifecycle.LifeSupport$LifecycleInstance.start(
... 5 more
Caused by: Expected hostname at index 7: bolt://:7687
... 15 more
2022-12-03 20:29:52.243+0000 INFO Neo4j Server shutdown initiated by request
EC2: t3.large
OS: Ubuntu 18.04.5 LTS (GNU/Linux 5.4.0-1092-aws x86_64)
I have already tried restarting the server, restarting the service multiple times without any success. We have not changed anything on the networking (vpc, subnet, security groups, network interface, etc)
Curious if there's a config I am missing. Any help will be much appreciated. error when running yarn

I'm having an error when running yarn on a job. HDFS and Yarn both start up fine, jps shows everything normal, pseudo-distributed mode on HDFS works perfectly, and I have triple and quadruple checked my configuration files. Whenever I attempt to run Yarn, however, this happens:
INFO retry.RetryInvocationHandler: Call From serverA/IPaddress to serverB:30170 failed on connection exception: Connection refused; For more details see:, while invoking ApplicationClientProtocolPBClientImpl.getNewApplication over null after 6 failover attempts. Trying to failover after sleeping for 44428ms.
Yarn then attempts to connect over and over again until I forcefully quit the process. Any ideas why this is happening?
Can you see yarn web ui?
How did you start hdfs and yarn?
You can try ./sbin/

Why does Hive return FAILED: SemanticException...Unable To Instantiate

I have installed Hive, added it to PATH and am able to open it using the hive command in Terminal.
However, when I attempt to run a basic command such as
I am presented with the error:
FAILED: SemanticException org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.metadata.HiveException: java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to instantiate org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.metadata.SessionHiveMetaStoreClient
The instructions I am following do not suggest that anything has to be instantiated.
For reference, I am using the book Hadoop: The Definitive Guide (4th Edition) and running it locally on my machine.
When running JPS the following services are running:
2528 DataNode
7232 RunJar
2441 NameNode
7401 Jps
2634 SecondaryNameNode
2842 NodeManager
2751 ResourceManager
I fixed by removing the derby database files
rm -rf $HIVE_HOME/bin/metastore_db
$HIVE_HOME/bin/schematool -initSchema -dbType derby
I was able to resolve this problem by initializing the schema. I am surprised it is not mentioned anywhere.
To initialize the schema:
Navigate to your Hive installation folder
[install folder]/bin/schematool -initSchema -dbType derby
Next you should receive some messages confirming
Metastore Connection Driver : org.apache.derby.jdbc.EmbeddedDriver
Metastore connection User: APP
Starting metastore schema initialization to 2.3.0
Initialization script hive-schema-2.3.0.derby.sql
Initialization script completed
schemaTool completed
Start hive
Run any basic commands to determine Hive is functioning such as SHOW TABLES;

There are something wrong about Hadoop cluster

I have build a hadoop cluster on ECS on Aliyun of it's like AWS). The OS is Ubuntu12.04 . The version of Hadoop is 2.7.1
The cluster is consisted of one master and two slaves.
I can start it successfully. Every node can work well, and I
can use ssh to access two slave node from master node.
Every node is started.
But when I run the wordcount program, there is something wrong. The
error is as following:
exception: Call From master/ to localhost:38635 failed on connection exception: Connection refused; For more details see:
When I added Port 38635 in the file /etc/ssh/sshd_config, I run the wordcount program again. The error is still existed, the only difference is the Port 38635 changed.
exception: Call From master/ to localhost:46656 failed on connection exception: Connection refused; For more details see:
How to fix this problem? The ports 38635 and 46656 are added in /etc/ssh/sshd_config, the error occurs when run the wordcount program with a new port in the error information.

Installing Hue, permission denied error?

I'm getting the following while trying to build Hue:
(6211) *** Controller starting at Thu Aug 8 11:29:50 2013
Should start 1 new children
find: `~/hive-0.10.0/lib': No such file or directory
Executing /usr/local/hadoop/bin/hadoop jar /usr/local/hue/apps/beeswax/src/beeswax/../../java-lib/BeeswaxServer.jar --beeswax 8002 --desktop-host --desktop-port 8888 --query-lifetime 604800000 --metastore 8003
Exception in thread "main" Permission denied
at Method)
at org.apache.hadoop.util.RunJar.main(
I've changed the configuration file so it doesn't use hue but the user that I'm logged in as which has read and write permissions in the hadoop dfs, hadoop, hive, etc. Not sure why it's doing this...
It seems that it is starting to start Beeswax in /usr/local/hue/desktop/conf. Beeswax should be running as the 'hue' user by default ( so it need to be writable by 'hue'.
