Set Controller params in Rspec Testing - ruby

I want to write Capybara test for form but get an error on UI after submitting a form.
Field Position doesn't have a default value
But this field non-present on the new.html view, it present in the Controller and Edit.html. How should I pass "position" params to the controller in my TEST.
#issue_position = params[:issue_position].presence.try(:to_i)
<%= hidden_field_tag 'issue_position', #issue_position if #issue_position %>
within("#issue-form") do
fill_in 'issue[subject]', with: 'Test_issue'
fill_in 'issue[description]', with: 'Test_description'
click_button 'Create'

Maybe in your test ,when you visit your page, you forgot to pass your issue_position params. Please add the code below:
visit your_page_path({issue_position: 1})
But as Thomas mention in comment the show up a weird behaviour of your app. Maybe you should display the input in you form when issue_params is empty in order to prévention this unfriendly behaviour for your user.

I just add the migration with "default value" to my Database table column and run migrations and Everything start working!
Thanks to everyone!
class AddDefaultValueToIssue < ActiveRecord::Migration
def up
change_column :issues, :position, :integer, default: 1
def down
change_column :issues, :position, :integer, default: nil


Active Admin Custom Method Parameter

In ActiveAdmin I'm trying to get a value from a form when I press an action_item on the dashboard, but I'm not sure exactly how to do that this is what I have so far, and it runs, but I would like to be able to pass a parameter for different method calls.
ActiveAdmin.register_page "Dashboard" do
menu :priority => 1, :label => proc{ I18n.t("active_admin.dashboard") }
page_action :scrape, :method => :post do
#The scraper works, but I don't know how to pass the info
#from the form from below into this method
# scrape =
# scrape.scrape
redirect_to admin_dashboard_path, :notice => "Ran the scraper!"
action_item do
link_to "Run Scraper", admin_dashboard_scrape_path, :method => :post
content :title => proc{ I18n.t("active_admin.dashboard") } do
panel "Run Course Scraper" do
para "Run the course webscraper to pull current class list and insert into the Course table in the database"
form do |f|
f.input "Session"
I want to get the input form the form where it says session to pass to the page_action :scrape somehow, any ideas?
You could to try to add controller actions to the dashboard page and add f.buttons to the form etc.
Using javascript should also work I guess.

Change priority of Custom validations in rails model

I have implemented validations in a dependent manner, like if start_date format is invalid so i don't want to run other validation on start_date.
validates_format_of :available_start_date, :with => /^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}T\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}((((\-|\+){1}\d{2}:\d{2}){1})|(z{1}|Z{1}))$/, :message => "must be in the following format: 2011-08-25T00:00:00-04:00"
This checks for a specific format and then i have custom validation methods called from which should run later.
def validate
I have used self.errors["start_date"] to check if the error object contains errors, it should skip the other validations on same parameter if it's not empty.
But the problem is def validate is called first and then the validates_format_of. How can i change this so that the flow can be achieved.
I just ran into a similar problem; this is how I fixed it using a before_save callout:
Not working (validates in wrong order - I want custom validation last):
class Entry < ActiveRecord::Base
validates_uniqueness_of :event_id, :within => :student_id
validate :validate_max_entries_for_discipline
def validate_max_entries_for_discipline
# set validation_failed based on my criteria - you'd have your regex test here
if validation_failed
errors.add(:maximum_entries, "Too many entries here")
Working (using before_save callout):
class Entry < ActiveRecord::Base
before_save :validate_max_entries_for_discipline!
validates_uniqueness_of :event_id, :within => :student_id
def validate_max_entries_for_discipline!
# set validation_failed based on my criteria - you'd have your regex test here
if validation_failed
errors.add(:maximum_entries, "Too many entries here")
return false
Note the changes:
validate_max_entries_for_discipline becomes validate_max_entries_for_discipline!
validation method now returns false on failure
validate validate_max_entries_for_discipline becomes before_save validate_max_entries_for_discipline!

How to show model title instead on #<Mymodel:0x000000...> in activeadmin dropdown menus?

I've created an association where Project has_many Tasks and Task belongs_to Project.
I've created the form in admin/tasks.rb
form do |f|
f.inputs "Details" do
f.input :title
f.input :project
Now in the edit Task page I hahe a dropdown menu where I can choose the project, but the entry are #<Project:0x00000...>.
How can I customize the entries in the dropdown to show the Project title field instead?
I'm a Rails newbie.
Active admin makes use of formtastic, under the hood formtastic loops through your model searching for a method like name, to_s, value, title, that returns a string.
At the moment you see the data entry itself, if you want formtastic to show the name, make sure you put something like
def name
return self.what_key_you_want_to_use
in your Project.rb model.
That should let formtastic show the name action instead of the model .to_s!
This solved it for me:-
In project.rb (Model) to make ActiveAdmin display properly in select dropdown use alias_attribute.
alias_attribute :name, :project_name (or whatever you named the field in your database)
tldr: You can define or alias :to_label on your model to customize the label used:
def to_label
"#{name} - (#{id})"
alias_attribute :to_label, :name
The library used by Rails: Formtastic, (or an alternative: Simple Form) uses the collection_label_methods to configure which fields are checked for deriving a label for your model.
Formastic defaults are: "to_label", "display_name", "full_name", "name", "title", "username", "login", "value", "to_s"
Simple Form defaults are: :to_label, :name, :title, :to_s
As most of these fields might already be used in your model, to_label or display_name seems to be the good candidates. I prefer to_label.
You can create a proc like such :
f.input :your_field, member_label: { |p| "#{}"}

Using Padrino form helpers and formbuilder - getting started

I've jumped into learning Ruby by going straight to Padrino with Haml.
Most of the Padrino documentation assumes a high-level of knowledge of Ruby/Sinatra etc...
I am looking for samples that I can browse to see how things work. One specific scenario is doing a simple form. On my main (index) page I want a "sign up" edit box with button.
get :index, :map => "/" do
#user = "test"
haml: index
get :signup, :map => "/signup" do
render :haml, "%p email:" + params[:email]
In my view:
-form_for #user, '/signup', :id => 'signup' do |f|
= f.text_field_block :email
= f.submit_block "Sign up!", :class => 'button'
This does not work. The render in (/signup) never does anything.
Note, I know that I need to define my model etc...; but I'm building to to that in my learning.
Instead of just telling me what I'm doing wrong here, what I'd really like is a fairly complete Padrino sample app that uses forms (the blog sample only covers a small part of Padrino's surface area).
Where can I find tons of great Padrino samples? :-)
The answer below was helpful in pointing me at more samples. But I'm still not finding any joy with what's wrong with my code above.
I've changed this slightly in my hacking and I'm still not getting the :email param passed correctly:
- form_for :User, url(:signup, :create), :method => 'post' do |f|
= f.text_field_block :email
= f.submit_block "Sign up!"
post :create do
#user =[:email])
EDIT Added Model:
class User
include DataMapper::Resource
property :id, Serial
property :name, String
property :email, String
When this runs, params[:email] is always nil. I've compared this to bunches of other samples and I can't see what the heck I'm doing wrong. Help!
You can browse some example sites here:
Or you can browse sources of here:
The best way also is to generate admin: padrino g admin where you should see how forms works.
The tag form perform by default post actions unless you specify :method => :get|:put|:delete so in your controller you must change :get into :post
post :signup, :map => "/signup" do ...
Since you are using form_for :user params are in params[:user] so to get email you need to puts params[:user][:email]

cant use has_secure_password, password_digest error

Good evening. I have a problem. i am using has_secure_password
and cause of this i have an error undefined methodpassword_digest=' for #`,
but i dont have this method!! Please help, dont know what to do. I read how to fix this problem but it didnt help me(
Here is my User model. Please help if you can.
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
attr_accessible :email, :password, :password_confirmation
validates_presence_of :password, :on => :create
before_create { generate_token(:auth_token) }
def send_password_reset
self.password_reset_sent_at =
def generate_token(column)
self[column] = SecureRandom.urlsafe_base64
end while User.exists?(column => self[column])
You may have forgotten to make sure your migration backing the user model has a column for password_digest. Make sure the column exists and that it's a string. If it doesn't, create a migration to add the column.
Models having has_secure_password store password in password_digest column instead of password column.
In fact password column is not needed.
> u=User.create!(email: '', password: '12345678')
> u
#<User:0x007fc794be9278> {
:id => 1,
:email => "",
:password_digest => "$2a$10$S82GVFR..yO9jihgIoeMj.7dNMWtbCUZpWDKvH0tyMs1SYlfdefmW"
I had the same problem, I was following
and my app/Controllers/users_controllers.rb didn't have a method to create the attribute, I also used git to share the working code between portable laptop for the train and larger home, this created the migration file but didnt apply it, my working user controller is below.
class UsersController < ApplicationController
def new
attr_accessor :name, :email, :password
def initialize(attributes = {})
#name = attributes[:name]
#email = attributes[:email]
#password = attributes[:password]
def formatted_email
"#{#name} <#{#email}>"
Hey I'm following RoR too and come into the same problem. The trick here is your bundle exec rake db:migrate fails and therefore the password_digest column hasn't been added into the database. My console complains that database for User already exists. I delete the db/development.sqlite3 manully with "SQLite Browser". After running bundle exec rake db:migrate, every test passes
