I have successfully managed to create registration and login API routes in Laravel where a bearer token is issued when the user successfully logs in. The user may then use said bearer token to access his/her information and logout and so the user and logout routes are protected by authorization header middleware. For now I have tested these APIs using postman. For the actual implementation, when a user successfully logs in - where should the bearer token be stored (cookies perhaps?) in order for the user's session to pass the bearer token and access other pages with his/her information? Moreover how could a remember me method be implemented? and should refresh tokens be implemented? In order to eliminate cases where the user is logged out during a session if the token expires.
Yes, you have to implement refresh tokens.
And yes it's good option to use the cookie for storing the token and the date of expirations. Once it's expired you have to call the refresh token endpoint and to update the token in the cookie.
About 'remember me' method. As long as you are not cleaning the cookie when the user leave the page you are kind of implementing this method and it will keep the user logged in untile the refresh token is no longer available.
I am trying to get refresh token when authorizing the user.
This is the url that is being used for authorization.
redirect url with token and etc :
but there isn't any refresh token with this. I tried this with token endpont and it has the refresh token like this
curl --data 'grant_type=password&username=....&password=...' --basic --user 'test-client:client-secret' 'https://....../oauth2/token'
Is there anyway that I can get refresh token in authorization endpoint. ? Or
can I use existing token to get refresh token ?
This got to long for a comment
It kind of depends upon the authentication server how it works. Some servers only return a refresh token the first time the user authenticates.
To get a Refresh Token, you must include the offline_access scope when you initiate an authentication request through the authorize endpoint.
For example, if you are using Authorization Code Grant, the authentication request would look like the following:
This is the only way to obtain a refresh token so no you cant use another token to request get a refresh token.
Implicit client
In the implicit grant flow, the client is requesting access to a resource by way of a "User Agent", aka browser with the user sitting there. So a client wants to grab something, but needs the user to enter permissions for it. If the authentication server provided a refresh token, then the client could skip asking the user for permission in the future and grant itself access forever (essentially refreshing its token whenever it wants without user permission). This is forbidden in the flow because the "untrusted" client should only have access by way of having the user enter their credentials (thus only when the resource owner allows it).
You can't get a refresh token when using the Implicit grant.
I presume your application is a Single Page App? i.e. html/JavaScript running in a user's browser. This is the main use case for the Implicit grant nowadays.
If it's not a SPA (e.g. native, mobile or web application) you should be able to use a different grant type which will give you a refresh token. e.g. Authorisation Code Grant or Authorisation Code with PKCE Grant.
I am using laravel/passport password_grant for authentication. The whole generating access_token and refresh_token process is working fine. Now I am trying to use laravel passport token events to revoke old tokens.
I referred to this post for the process -
This works... But when refreshing an access token using the previously provided refresh token, a new access token is being created and also a new refresh token being is created. Eventually, while revoking the old access token, the old, not expired refresh token also gets revoked.
But I think, the refresh token must be revoked only when it has expired.
And also when I remove the EventListeners from the App\Providers\EventServiceProvider $listen array, the revoking mechanism still works.
It's like even pulling out the plug the light bulb is still on.
How to solve this issue? Or am I wrong with the concept somewhere?
But when refreshing an access token using the previously provided refresh token, a new access token is being created and also a new refresh token being is created.
That's basically what makes refresh tokens prevent MITM attacks (to some extent). If someone intercepts your communication and finds your access token, they can impersonate you for as long as it lives. But if they intercept your request to refreshing your tokens, only one of you (the user and the attacker) can use it because it's revoked once used. If you get to use it first, it becomes useless to them. If they use it first, you'll be logged out because your old tokens will be revoked. If they can intercept all your requests - and keep finding your new access tokens, you need to reconsider your security setup.
From RFC6749 section 1.5. Refresh Token under Figure 2: Refreshing an Expired Access Token:
(H) The authorization server authenticates the client and validates
the refresh token, and if valid, issues a new access token (and,
optionally, a new refresh token).
I'm trying to build a laravel app that uses an api to get and update info. Some API routes should only be accessible to logged in users.
I have implemented JWT so on login a token is generated for user and passed to javascipt. Also I removed expiring from the tokens to avoid a situation where user can see admin panel but token is expired and he can't do anything.
So now I have a problem when if a user logs out and logs back in, he gets a new token, but the old token is still usable. How can I delete JWT token for a given user?
I'm using the VSTS REST API. I use the refresh token, as instructed, to refresh the access token. This morning, the refresh tokens stopped working. Do they expire? If the access token and refresh token have both expired, how do I proceed? I can't find anything on this.
For reference: https://www.visualstudio.com/en-us/docs/integrate/get-started/auth/oauth#refresh-an-expired-access-token
Yes, the refresh token will be expired, you need to send request to re-authorize to get access token and refresh token again (your previous steps to authorize).
The previous access token and refresh token have been expired after get new access token.
I manage the team that implements this flow. The answer from #starain is correct and this flow is described in detail in the OAuth 2 specification. Your observation that the refresh token is invalidated so frequently #scottndecker is not consistent with the implementation. A refresh token in our system has a default lifetime of one year. The token can also be invalidated manually by users. We obviously must honor the user's right to revoke a previously granted authorization. If you want to share some more information we can certainly look into this behavior.
Seems that when the auth.token expires (after one hour), the auth.refreshtoken become invalid too? What is the auth.refreshtoken purpose then? When I decode the auth.refreshtoken on jwt.io, it should expire sometime in 2020. (Now it's 2019).
While the auth.token is valid, I can refresh and get a new token. So is the idea that I should setup a job that refreshes the token within one hour?
The documentation claims:
If a user's access token expires, you can use the refresh token acquired in the authorization flow to get a new access token. This process is similar to the original process for exchanging the authorization code for an access token and refresh token.
I do not mean how is it implemented, but rather what steps should user pass?
I'm working with Photobucket now and I found in its docs that I should generate a new token for every request, because the token can expire in a certain (but secret) period of time.
How does this generation work? Do I need a separate request for generating a token?
You can have a log in button, and when a user clicks on it you would make an ajax request to get a new oauth access token and then generate the oauth url based on that token.
Then after the user authenticates they will be redirected to a callback URL that you must specify from within your account settings.