How to quantitatively measure the diversity of a set of images - image

I'm trying to measure the diversity of a set of images. I'm defining diversity as a qualitative measure of the overall amount of difference in a set of images, so a set of identical images has a diversity of 0.
So far, the approach I thought of is to take the average intensity of every pixel in the set, that will give an "average" image for the set. Then use the pixels in the "average" image to calculate the standard deviation for intensity of every pixel, creating a matrix of standard deviation values for every pixel. Then I can take the matrix norm of the standard deviation matrix- larger norms imply more diversity.
Another post (linked below) suggests that, to measure how closely an image is to a set of image, one can create a classifier and see with what tolerance value the new image can be accepted. This measures how closely one image matches a set of images, and doesn't measure the diversity of the set (unless it's performed many times, but I'm not sure how that would work).
Is there a better way of measuring the diversity of a set of images than just by taking the matrix norm of the standard deviation of every pixel? Any info is appreciated. Thank you!
Posts referenced:
Measuring how a new sample contributes to the diversity of a dataset
Clustering of images to evaluate diversity (Weka?)


How to provide a score value to an image based on pattern information in it?

I saw a few image processing and analysis related questions on this forum and thought I could try this forum for my question. I have a say 30 two-dimensional arrays (to make things simple, although I have a very big data set) which form 30 individual images. Many of these images have similar base structure, but differ in intensities for different pixels. Due to this intensity variation amongst pixels, some images have a prominent pattern (say a larger area with localised intense pixels or high intensity pixels classifying an edge). Some images, also just contain single high intensity pixels randomly distributed without any prominent feature (so basically noise). I am now trying to build an algorithm, which can give a specific score to an image based on different factors like area fraction of high intensity pixels, mean standard deviation, so that I can find out the image with the most prominent pattern (in order words rank them). But these factors depend on a common factor i.e. a user defined threshold, which becomes different for every image. Any inputs on how I can achieve this ranking or a image score in an automated manner (without the use of a threshold)? I initially used Matlab to perform all the processing and area fraction calculations, but now I am using R do the same thing.
Can some amount of machine learning/ random forest stuff help me here? I am not sure. Some inputs would be very valuable.
P.S. If this not the right forum to post, any suggestions on where I can get good advise?
First of all, let me suggest a change in terminology: What you denote as feature is usually called pattern in image prcessing, while what you call factor is usually called feature.
I think that the main weakness of the features you are using (mean, standard deviation) is that they are only based on the statistics of single pixels (1st order statistics) without considering correlations (neighborhood relations of pixels). If you take a highly stuctured image and shuffle the pixels randomly, you will still have the same 1st order statistics.
There are many ways to take these correlations into account. A simple, efficient and therefore popular method is to apply some filters on the image first (high-pass, low-pass etc.) and then get the 1st order statistics of the resulting image. Other methods are based on Fast Fourier Transform (FFT).
Of course machine learning is also an option here. You could try convolutional neural networks for example, but I would try the simple filtering stuff first.

How can I measure image noise

I've found a few ways of reducing noise from image, but my task is to measure it.
So I am interested in algorithm that will give me some number, noise rating. That with that number I will be able to say that one image has less noise than others.
From a view of image processing, you can consult the classic paper "Image quality assessment: From error visibility to structural similarity" published in IEEE Transaction on Image Processing, which has already been cited 3000+ times according to Google Scholar. The basic idea is human's visual perception system is highly sensitive to structural similarity. However, noise (or distortion) often breaks such similarity. Therefore the authors tried to propose an objective measurement for image quality based on this motivation. You can find an implementation in MATLAB here.
To solve my problem I used next approach:
My noise rating is just number of pixels that were recognized as noise. To differentiate normal pixels from noise, I just calculated the medium value of its neighbor pixels and if its value was bigger than some critical value, we say that this one is noise.
if (ABS(1 - (currentPixel.R+currentPixel.G+currentPixel.B)/(neigborsMediumValues.R + neigboursMediumValues.G + neigboursMediumValues.B))) > criticalValue)
currentPixelIsNoise = TRUE;

How to find RGB/HSV color parameters for color tracking?

I would like to track a color in a set of images.
For this reason I use the algorithm of constant thresholding mentioned in
Introduction to Autonomous Mobile Robots. This method simply marks all those pixels that are among a minimum and a maximum threshold of red, green, blue (or hue, saturation, value in my case).
My problem is that - although HSV is less sensitive to changing light conditions - I still would like to set the thresholds from program to minimize the number of false positives and false negatives. In other words the algorithm would ensure that only a given set of pixels is marked in the end, for example a rectangle on a calibration image.
I know that the problem is a search in a 6-dimensional parameter space and I could come up with possible solutions but I am looking for other programmers' opinion and experience on this subject.
If that matters I try to implement it in C++ with OpenCV.
As far as I understand the question you are looking for procedure to calibrate 6 thresholds (min and max for each of the HSV channels) from a calibration image that contains your tracking marker. To achieve this I would:
first manually delineate the
region, in the calibration image,
where the marker appears
calculate that region's histograms, one for each of the
HSV channels
set the min and max thresholds to the histogram
percentiles 0.05 and 0.95
Not using the histogram's minimum and maximum values, but rather its 0.05 and 0.95 percentiles helps the measure be more robust to noise.
A modification of the second step:
If you want to minimize the error, you could establish a normilzed histogram of the marker and a normalized histogram of the environment (this can be 2 separate images) and subtract the latter from the first. The resulting marker histogram will have background pixel values attenuated. This will affect the values of the above mentioned percentiles.

How can I choose an image with higher contrast in PHP?

For a thumbnail-engine I would like to develop an algorithm that takes x random thumbnails (crop, no resize) from an image, analyzes them for contrast and chooses the one with the highest contrast. I'm working with PHP and Imagick but I would be glad for some general tips about how to compute contrast of imagery.
It seems that many things are easier than computing contrast, for example counting colors, computing luminosity,etc.
What are your experiences with the analysis of picture material?
I'd do it that way (pseudocode):
L[256] = {0,0,0...}
loop over each pixel:
luminance = avg(R,G,B)
increment L[luminance] by 1
for i = 0 to 255:
if L[i] < C: L[i] = 0 // C = threshold of your chose
find index of first and last non-zero value of L[]
contrast = last - first
In looking for the image "with the highest contrast," you will need to be very careful in how you define contrast for the image. In the simplest way, contrast is the difference between the lowest intensity and the highest intensity in the image. That is not going to be very useful in your case.
I suggest you use a histogram approach to describe the contrast of a given image and then compare the properties of the histograms to determine the image with the highest contrast as you define it. You could use a variety of well known containers to represent the histogram in code, or construct a class to meet your specific needs. (I am not implying that you need to create a histogram in the form of a chart – just a statistical representation of the intensity values.) You could use the variance of each histogram directly as a measure of contrast, or use the standard deviation if that is easier to work with.
The key really lies in how you define the contrast of the image. In general, I would define a high contrast image as one with values present for all, or nearly all, the possible values. And I would further add that in this definition of a high contrast image, the intensity values of the image will tend to be distributed across the range of possible values in a uniform way.
Using this approach, a low contrast image would tend to have relatively few discrete intensity values and they would tend to be closely grouped together rather than uniformly distributed. (As a general rule, they will also tend to be grouped toward the center of the range.)

Image fingerprint to compare similarity of many images

I need to create fingerprints of many images (about 100.000 existing, 1000 new per day, RGB, JPEG, max size 800x800) to compare every image to every other image very fast. I can't use binary compare methods because also images which are nearly similar should be recognized.
Best would be an existing library, but also some hints to existing algorithms would help me a lot.
Normal hashing or CRC calculation algorithms do not work well with image data. The dimensional nature of the information must be taken into account.
If you need extremely robust fingerprinting, such that affine transformations (scaling, rotation, translation, flipping) are accounted for, you can use a Radon transformation on the image source to produce a normative mapping of the image data - store this with each image and then compare just the fingerprints. This is a complex algorithm and not for the faint of heart.
a few simple solutions are possible:
Create a luminosity histogram for the image as a fingerprint
Create scaled down versions of each image as a fingerprint
Combine technique (1) and (2) into a hybrid approach for improved comparison quality
A luminosity histogram (especially one that is separated into RGB components) is a reasonable fingerprint for an image - and can be implemented quite efficiently. Subtracting one histogram from another will produce a new historgram which you can process to decide how similar two images are. Histograms, because the only evaluate the distribution and occurrence of luminosity/color information handle affine transformations quite well. If you quantize each color component's luminosity information down to an 8-bit value, 768 bytes of storage are sufficient for the fingerprint of an image of almost any reasonable size. Luminosity histograms produce false negatives when the color information in an image is manipulated. If you apply transformations like contrast/brightness, posterize, color shifting, luminosity information changes. False positives are also possible with certain types of images ... such as landscapes and images where a single color dominates others.
Using scaled images is another way to reduce the information density of the image to a level that is easier to compare. Reductions below 10% of the original image size generally lose too much of the information to be of use - so an 800x800 pixel image can be scaled down to 80x80 and still provide enough information to perform decent fingerprinting. Unlike histogram data, you have to perform anisotropic scaling of the image data when the source resolutions have varying aspect ratios. In other words, reducing a 300x800 image into an 80x80 thumbnail causes deformation of the image, such that when compared with a 300x500 image (that's very similar) will cause false negatives. Thumbnail fingerprints also often produce false negatives when affine transformations are involved. If you flip or rotate an image, its thumbnail will be quite different from the original and may result in a false positive.
Combining both techniques is a reasonable way to hedge your bets and reduce the occurence of both false positives and false negatives.
There is a much less ad-hoc approach than the scaled down image variants that have been proposed here that retains their general flavor, but which gives a much more rigorous mathematical basis for what is going on.
Take a Haar wavelet of the image. Basically the Haar wavelet is the succession of differences from the lower resolution images to each higher resolution image, but weighted by how deep you are in the 'tree' of mipmaps. The calculation is straightforward. Then once you have the Haar wavelet appropriately weighted, throw away all but the k largest coefficients (in terms of absolute value), normalize the vector and save it.
If you take the dot product of two of those normalized vectors it gives you a measure of similarity with 1 being nearly identical. I posted more information over here.
You should definitely take a look at phash.
For image comparison there is this php project :
And my little javascript clone:
Unfortunately this is "bitcount"-based but will recognize rotated images.
Another approach in javascript was to build a luminosity histogram from the image by the help of canvas. You can visualize a polygon histogram on the canvas and compare that polygon in your database (e.g. mySQL spatial ...)
A long time ago I worked on a system that had some similar characteristics, and this is an approximation of the algorithm we followed:
Divide the picture into zones. In our case we were dealing with 4:3 resolution video, so we used 12 zones. Doing this takes the resolution of the source images out of the picture.
For each zone, calculate an overall color - the average of all pixels in the zone
For the entire image, calculate an overall color - the average of all zones
So for each image, you're storing n + 1 integer values, where n is the number of zones you're tracking.
For comparisons, you also need to look at each color channel individually.
For the overall image, compare the color channels for the overall colors to see if they are within a certain threshold - say, 10%
If the images are within the threshold, next compare each zone. If all zones also are within the threshold, the images are a strong enough match that you can at least flag them for further comparison.
This lets you quickly discard images that are not matches; you can also use more zones and/or apply the algorithm recursively to get stronger match confidence.
Similar to Ic's answer - you might try comparing the images at multiple resolutions. So each image get saved as 1x1, 2x2, 4x4 .. 800x800. If the lowest resolution doesn't match (subject to a threshold), you can immediately reject it. If it does match, you can compare them at the next higher resolution, and so on..
Also - if the images share any similar structure, such as medical images, you might be able to extract that structure into a description that is easier/faster to compare.
As of 2015 (back to the future... on this 2009 question which is now high-ranked in Google) image similarity can be computed using Deep Learning techniques. The family of algorithms known as Auto Encoders can create a vector representation which is searchable for similarity. There is a demo here.
One way you can do this is to resize the image and drop the resolution significantly (to 200x200 maybe?), storing a smaller (pixel-averaged) version for doing the comparison. Then define a tolerance threshold and compare each pixel. If the RGB of all pixels are within the tolerance, you've got a match.
Your initial run through is O(n^2) but if you catalog all matches, each new image is just an O(n) algorithm to compare (you only have to compare it to each previously inserted image). It will eventually break down however as the list of images to compare becomes larger, but I think you're safe for a while.
After 400 days of running, you'll have 500,000 images, which means (discounting the time to resize the image down) 200(H)*200(W)*500,000(images)*3(RGB) = 60,000,000,000 comparisons. If every image is an exact match, you're going to be falling behind, but that's probably not going to be the case, right? Remember, you can discount an image as a match as soon as a single comparison falls outside your threshold.
Do you literally want to compare every image against the others? What is the application? Maybe you just need some kind of indexing and retrieval of images based on certain descriptors? Then for example you can look at MPEG-7 standard for Multimedia Content Description Interface. Then you could compare the different image descriptors, which will be not that accurate but much faster.
So you want to do "fingerprint matching" that's pretty different than "image matching". Fingerprints' analysis has been deeply studied during the past 20 years, and several interesting algorithms have been developed to ensure the right detection rate (with respect to FAR and FRR measures - False Acceptance Rate and False Rejection Rate).
I suggest you to better look to LFA (Local Feature Analysis) class of detection techniques, mostly built on minutiae inspection. Minutiae are specific characteristics of any fingerprint, and have been classified in several classes. Mapping a raster image to a minutiae map is what actually most of Public Authorities do to file criminals or terrorists.
See here for further references
For iPhone image comparison and image similarity development check out:
To see it in action, check out eyeBuy Visual Search on the iTunes AppStore.
It seems that specialised image hashing algorithms are an area of active research but perhaps a normal hash calculation of the image bytes would do the trick.
Are you seeking byte-identical images rather than looking for images that are derived from the same source but may be a different format or resolution (which strikes me as a rather hard problem).
