Is bulk update possible in JMeter JDBC requets - jmeter

For one of the test plan, I have 1000's of records. It would be helpful to have bulk update. Has anyone implemented it or know of how to implement it in Jmeter. Also, can prepared update statement be used to achieve it?

You just need to follow the given below steps to create a JDBC test plan.
1) Firstly, Download the JDBC Driver for SQL Server from Microsoft site.
2) Once the JDBC Driver is downloaded extract to find the .jar file of driver.
3) Now, open the Jmeter and create a test plan.
4) Select the test plan node and there is a section "Add directory or jar to classpath", browse the extracted JDBC Driver and select it.
5) Create a thread group and add config element "JDBC Connection Configuration" and configure according to your requirement.
6) Make sure to provide the variable name.
7) Now, Add a JDBC Request from the samplers in thread group section and use the same variable as you mentioned in the "JDBC Connection Configuration".
8) Select the query type as "Update Statement" from the drop down.
9) Mention your query in the editor panel.
10) Finally, add the listener to trace the output of your test plan and execute the test.
Hope this will entertain your question.


How do I perform Star Schema Benchmark query concurrency test in jmeter

I perform Star Schema Benchmark to test ours DB product. I perform Star Schema Benchmark query concurrency test in jmeter.How do I set up SSB SQL to be executed concurrently in JMeter?
If you want to execute Star Schema Benchmark sample queries from JMeter you will need to:
Copy the JDBC driver for your "DB product" to "lib" folder of your JMeter installation (or any other folder in JMeter Classpath)
Add JDBC Connection Configuration and specify:
your "DB product" instance JDBC URL
fully qualified class name of the JDBC Driver
other options like pool size, timeouts, etc.
Add JDBC Request sampler and put your query there (one query per Sampler)
Now increase the number of users/loops in the Thread Group according to your workload model and run your test
More information:
Building a Database Test Plan
How to use Different JDBC Drivers

Jmeter JDBC request sampler not making UPDATEs

I am using Jmeter 5 to run a simple SQL UPDTAE statement using JDBC Request sampler. After running the query ([Screenshot: JDBC Request][2])I can see in the result tree window it says "1 updates" ([Screenshot: View Result Tree][1]), but when I check within the database I dont see the specific field is getting updated.
It doesn't seem to be a connection issue. When I run the same query from Management Studio the field is getting updated fine. Am I missing some settings in Jmeter?
You need to set true in Auto Commit of JDBC Connection Configuration
Turn auto commit on or off for the connections.

Can not load JDBC driver. in

Test Plan.
Add one Thread Group with default settings.
Add JDBC Connection Configuration with below setting.
Add JDBC Requset for Simple select stement.
Add Constant Timer with 5000 miliseconds Thread Delay.
Add View Results Tree.
My DBServer Name :
SQL Instance Name: Prodbtest1\LIVE
I fill up this parameter value in DB URL and Driver class. In fact I download latest JDBC sqljdbc42.jar from Net and past at Lib folder.
After running my test plan still I get an error message
"java.sql.SQLException: Cannot load JDBC driver class"
Can any one help me where I am passing wrong configuration settings.
As per Using the JDBC Driver article the correct Microsoft JDBC Driver class name is:
you are trying to use the following one:
So replace jdbc and sqlserver and your setup will work.
Also don't forget to restart JMeter to pick the sqljdbc42.jar up.
Just in case see The Real Secret to Building a Database Test Plan With JMeter article to learn more about database load testing using JMeter

How to check connection of cassandra with pentaho data integrator

I'm trying to load data from Oracle table to Cassandra table by using Pentaho Data Integration 5.1(Community Edition). But I'm not getting whether connection has been established between oracle and cassandra. I'm using Cassandra 2.2.3 and Oracle 11gR2.
I've added following jars in lib folder of data-integration
Please anyone can help me to figure out how to check whether connection has been established in Pentaho.
There are some ways to debug if a connection is established to a database, I don't know if all of them are valid for cassandra, but I'll add a especial one for that.
1) The test button
By simply clicking the test button on the connection edit screen.
2) Logs with high details may help
Another way to test is running you transformation with a high detail log:
sh -file=my_cassandra_transformation.ktr -level=Rowlevel
3) The input preview
For cassandra, in especific, I would try just to create a simple read operation using Cassandra Input step and clicking in the 'preview' button.
4) The controlled output test
Or maybe you can try with a simplier transformation first, to make sure it's running fine. Eg.

Weblogic server: Profiling JDBC calls on a DataSource from an weblogic application

We are running applications on weblogic server. We have a requirement in which we want to monitor jdbc calls made on a data source. We only want to collect time taken for each sql to execute and number of times a sql is fired. I also want to collect this information per user session.
There are a few utilties on the web like weblogic jdbc spy, log4jdbc, etc. But they all required additional setup on the data source and provide output on a separate logging file which does not contain per session output as such. Is it possible to create another weblogic application that listens on a given data source and record all the sql and the timings per session? Please provide any pointers that you have.
Siva Rajesh
Oracle JRockit Flight Recorder can be answer for you. I'm using him. Just make a record in defined time and then analyze gathered jfr file with Oracle JRockit Mission Control.
Oracle JRockit Flight Recorder manual
Oracle JRockit Mission Control
Or you can find your answer with parameter -Doracle.jdbc.Trace=true -Djava.util.logging.config.file=/jdbc/demo/
