Representing Parent Child Relationship in Spring JPA - spring

I have the following scenario. I have a parent class which represents user table. I have two child classes - and The data for these classes are in 'user' table. The mapping between patient and doctor is provided in doctorpatient table. And this mapping can be ManyToMany. This 'doctorpatient' table is represented by class
I need to map my doctor and patient class in such a way that my doctor class should return all patient for a particular doctor and patient class should return all doctors for a particular patient.
I am new to hibernate and would appreciate any help.
#Table(name = "User")
#Inheritance(strategy = InheritanceType.SINGLE_TABLE)
public class User {
#GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.AUTO)
private Long userId;
#Column(name="UserName", nullable = false, length = 16)
private String userName;
#Column(name="FirstName", nullable = false, length = 45)
private String firstName;
#Column(name="LastName", nullable = false, length = 45)
private String lastName;
#Column(name="Email", nullable = false, length = 45)
private String email;
// Getters and Setters
public class Doctor extends User {
List<DoctorPatient> patientList;
//Getters and Setters
public class Patient extends User {
List<DoctorPatient> doctorsList;
//Getters and Setters
public class DoctorPatient {
private DoctorPatientId doctorPatientId;
#ManyToOne(targetEntity = Doctor.class)
private Doctor doctor;
#ManyToOne(targetEntity = Patient.class)
private Patient patient;
//Getter Setters
Create command for DoctorPatient table
CREATE TABLE 'DoctorPatient' (
'DoctorId''INT(11) NOT NULL,
'PatientId' INT(11) NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY ('DoctorId', 'PatientId'),
INDEX 'FK_Doctor_idx' ('DoctorId'),
INDEX 'FK_Patient_idx' ('PatientId'),
CONSTRAINT 'FK_Patient' FOREIGN KEY ('PatientId') REFERENCES 'User' ('UserId'),
CONSTRAINT 'FK_Doctor' FOREIGN KEY ('DoctorId') REFERENCES 'User' ('UserId')
Currently for each doctor, I am getting the patientid (userId) from the DoctorPatient table using which I need to query the user table to get the patient details.
Similarly for patients, I am able to retrieve only doctorid (UserId) from DoctorPatient table. Then I need to iterate through the list and hit the User table to get complete details.
Updated classes
public class Patient extends User {
#JoinTable(name="DoctorPatient", joinColumns= {#JoinColumn(name="PatientId") }, inverseJoinColumns={ #JoinColumn(name="DoctorId") } )
private Set<Doctor> DoctorList = new HashSet<>();
//Getters and Setters
public class Doctor extends User {
private Set<Patient> patients = new HashSet<>();
//Getters and Setters


JPA JoinTable with additional columns

Spring Boot
Spring Data
JPA Hibernate
Came across a requirement where JPA ManyToMany relationship table with an extra column. Have looked at StackOverflow and found several questions related to same requirement. Most of the answers on the forums ask for EmbeddedId field with a composite primary key with two columns. I tried the solutions from the forums, here is the code snippet.
#Table (name = "TABLE_A")
public class TableA {
#Column (name = "table_a_id")
private Integer id;
#OneToMany (mappedBy = "pk.tableA")
private List<TableABMapping> mappingTable;
#Table (name = "TABLE_B")
public class TableB {
#Column (name = "table_b_id")
private Integer id;
#OneToMany (mappedBy = "pk.tableB")
private List<TableABMapping> mappingTable;
#Table (name = "TABLE_A_TABLE_B_MAPPING")
public class TableABMapping implements Serializable {
private MappingKey pk = new MappingKey();
#Column(name = "addon_field")
private Double additionalField;
public TableA getTableA() {
return getPk().getTableA();
public void setTableA(TableA tableA) {
public TableB getTableB() {
return getPk().getTableB();
public void setTableB(TableB tableB) {
// equals() & hashCode() method override
public class MappingKey implements Serializable {
#JoinColumn(name = "table_a_id", referencedColumnName = "table_a_id")
private TableA tableA;
#JoinColumn(name = "table_b_id", referencedColumnName = "table_b_id")
private TableB tableB;
// No argument constructor, two arguments constructor.
// equals() & hashCode() method override
Trying save operation from service class like this:
for (TableB tabB : tableA.getTableB()) {
TableABMapping abMapping = new TableABMapping();
if (tableA.getMappingTable() == null) {
tableA.setMappingTable(new ArrayList<TableABMapping>());
TableA ta =;
System.out.println(" " + ta);
Getting this error on save operation.
Unable to find TableABMapping with id MappingKey(tableA = TableA( ... ), tableB = TableB ( ... ))
Both the entities have proper ids at the time of saving the entity. But still it throws this error. Where I am making mistake?

Spring Boot JPA Using Many-to-Many relationship with additional attributes in the join table

I have two simple classes Student and Course. I am trying to set up many to many relationship between these classes. I want to use additional table whose PRIMARY KEY is the combination of the primary keys of student and course tables (student_id and course_id).
The student class:
#Table(name = "student")
public class Student {
#GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.AUTO)
private Long id;
#Column(name = "name")
private String name;
#Column(name = "surname")
private String surname;
#OneToMany(mappedBy = "student")
private Set<CourseStudent> courses;
The course class:
#Table(name = "course")
public class Course {
#GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.AUTO)
private Long id;
private String courseName;
#OneToMany(mappedBy = "course")
Set<CourseStudent> students;
The entity that stores the relationship between course and the student:
public class CourseStudent {
CourseStudentKey id;
#JoinColumn(name = "student_id")
Student student;
#JoinColumn(name = "course_id")
Course course;
public CourseStudent(Student student, Course course) {
this.student = student;
this.course = course;
this.rating = 0;
int rating;
Attention: Since I want to have additional features in this entity (for example, storing the rating of the students for courses), I don't want to use #JoinTable idea that we implement in the Student class.
Since I have multiple attributes in the primary key of CourseStudent entity, I used the following class
public class CourseStudentKey implements Serializable {
#Column(name = "student_id")
Long studentId;
#Column(name = "course_id")
Long courseId;
I have the following POST request to insert the student into a course:
public CourseStudent insertStudentIntoCourse(#PathVariable(value = "studentId") Long studentId,
#PathVariable(value = "courseId") Long courseId) {
if (!studentRepository.existsById(studentId)) {
throw new ResourceNotFoundException("Student id " + studentId + " not found");
if (!courseRepository.existsById(courseId)) {
throw new ResourceNotFoundException("Course id " + courseId + " not found");
CourseStudent courseStudent = new CourseStudent(
I have manually added Student and the Course into my local database and send this request by using Postman.
However, I get the following error:
"timestamp": "2022-08-04T12:33:18.547+00:00",
"status": 500,
"error": "Internal Server Error",
"path": "/insert/students/1/courses/1"
In the console, I get NullPointerException. What is the thing I am doing wrong here?

JPARepository CPRQ modified does not save full object

I have modified the design of CPRQ a bit to help my database pattern
I have an Employee table and a Department table. Both have common properties
private Integer tenantIdpkfk;
private Integer status;
So I created a base class ABaseEntity like below
public class ABaseEntity {
public ABaseEntity() {
public ABaseEntity(int tenantIdpkfk, int status) {
this.tenantIdpkfk = tenantIdpkfk ;
this.status = status ;
private Integer tenantIdpkfk;
private Integer status;
I have extended EmployeeEntity with ABaseEntity
#Table(name = "employee")
public class EmployeeEntity extends ABaseEntity{
#GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
#Column(name = "id")
private Long id;
#Column(name = "first_name")
#NotEmpty(message = "Please provide a name")
private String firstName;
My CommandHandler runs the following code
EmployeeEntity savedEmployeeEntity = this.employeeRepository.saveAndFlush(employee);
this.mediator.emit(new EmployeeCreatedEvent(savedEmployeeEntity.getId()));
Database saved the object, but only id, firstname. Does not save tenant and status columns.
I know I am missing something silly. Please help.
Adding #MappedSuperclass to the ABaseEntity class fixed the issue.
public class ABaseEntity {...}
Database saved the object, but only id, firstname. Does not save
tenant and status columns.
By default JPA doesn't consider the parent class in the orm (object-relational mapping) of the current class.
You have to specify on the parent class #Inheritance with the strategy to use or use the default one.
For example :
#Inheritance(strategy = InheritanceType.SINGLE_TABLE)
public class ABaseEntity {...}
More info here.

OneToMany relationship using non-primary composite key

I have a table structure like this
Good Assignments Entity
public class GoodAssignmentId {
String clientId,
String assignmentNumber;
LocalDate effectiveDate;
// Getters and setters
class GoodAssignment {
String clientId;
String assignmentNumber;
LocalDate effectiveDate;
#OneToMany(mappedBy = "parentKey")
Set<GoodTasks> children;
String description;
// getters and setters goes below
Bad Assignments Entity
class BadAssignment {
String clientId;
String assignementNumber;
LocalDate effectiveDate;
String description;
// Getters and setters goes below
Child entities
#DiscriminatorColumn(name = "fieldD", discriminatorType = DiscriminatorType.STRING)
class ParentTasks {
String clientId;
String assignmentNumber;
String taskNumber;
class GoodTasks extends ParentTasks {
#JoinColumn(name = "clientId", referencedColumName = "clientId"),
#JoinColumn(name = "assignmentNumber", referencedColumName = "assignmentNumber")
GoodAssignments parentKey;
other fields....
This shows the error referencedColumnNames(fieldA, fieldB) of .... not mapped to a single property.
Unfortunately I cannot change the table structure. TableA has 3 columns as primary key, but only two of them forms the primary key in table B along with another field (fieldD via #DiscriminatorValue used by multiple classes). How can I map this relationship to get list of TableB items in TableA?
Example Class Diagram:
Effective date in the assignments tables is not part of tasks. So this is not a perfect relationship in JPA terms. It's a legacy design which cannot be changed for some reasons.

i'm getting null value in a child table as a foreign key of parent table using spring data rest or spring data jpa accosiation

enter image description here In this image first address for empId 1 and last two records are empid 2 (empid 2 haveing to address)
#Table(name = "Employee")
public class Employee {
private Integer id;
private String name;
private Integer sal;
#OneToMany(cascade = CascadeType.ALL,mappedBy="employee")
private List<Address> addresses;
//getter setter
Child entity
public class Address {
private Integer aid;
private String city;
private String state;
private Employee employee;
//getter setter
public interface EmployeeRepo extends JpaRepository<Employee,Integer> {
Input from RestClient
if i use spring data jpa then code will be
// jpa Repository
public interface EmployeeRepo extends JpaRepository<Employee,Integer> {
// EmployeeServer class
public class EmployeeService {
EmployeeRepo employeeRepo;
public void saveEmployee(Employee employee){;
// controller
public class EmployeeController {
EmployeeService employeeService;
public void saveEmp(#RequestBody Employee employee){
if i'll use spring-data-rest at that time no need to create employeeService and controller class
I was getting the same problem until JsonManagedReference came to my rescue.
Try changing your entities to include them like this:
In the Employee Entity:
#OneToMany(cascade = CascadeType.ALL, fetch = FetchType.LAZY, mappedBy ="employee")
private List<Address> addresses;
In the Address Entity:
#ManyToOne(fetch = FetchType.LAZY)
#JoinColumn(name = "id", nullable = false, updatable = false, insertable =true)
private Employee employee;
I was not able to find why it works this way, so please let me know if you come to know :)
It is probably due to the fact that your mentioning #JoinColumn(name="id"). The name attribute in #JoinColumn defines the name of the foreign key field in the child table. Since you are specifying foreign key column as id on hibernate, it could be the issue. Please update it to the same name(ie fk_empid) as specified in database, it should work...
