Only show command in context menu on specific filename (+extension) - visual-studio

So basically I only want to display the Command when I right click on a file named "example.cs". Since I am using Visual Studio 2019 I can't go with the old BeforeQueryStatus way. Instead using the ProvideUIContextRule Attribute on my Package class. Which currently looks something like this:
name: "Supported Files",
expression: "CSharp",
termNames: new[] { "CSharp" },
termValues: new[] { "HierSingleSelectionName:.cs$" })]
Which totally looks fine for the extension of the file itself. So is there any way to restrict it to example.cs?
By the way I am using this Guide.

So for everyone else having the same issue as I had. The solution is fairly simple, regarding to the MSDN:
(...) The term evaluates to true whenever the current selection in the active hierarchy has a name that matches the regular expression pattern(...)
So basically changing
{ "HierSingleSelectionName:.cs$" } to { "HierSingleSelectionName:Program.cs$" } will only show files that end with Program.cs.
This leads to, that everything after the semicolon contains a Regular Expression.

To determine your command's visibility, you can implement QueryStatus method.
Implement Microsoft.VisualStudio.OLE.Interop.IOleCommandTarget like CommandsFilter. And add it as service to package.
var serviceContainer = (IServiceContainer)this; // this - is your Package/AsyncPakage
var commandTargetType = typeof(IOleCommandTarget);
var commandsFilter = new CommandsFilter();
serviceContainer.AddService(commandTargetType, commandsFilter);
On every commands update will be called method QueryStatus in CommandsFilter.
Wait for your command id and change it status
class CommandsFilter : IOleCommandTarget {
// ...
public int QueryStatus(ref Guid pguidCmdGroup, uint cCmds, OLECMD[] prgCmds, IntPtr pCmdText) {
var cmdId = prgCmds[0].cmdID;
// check cmdId and set status depends on your conditions
// like fileName == "example.cs"
prgCmds[0].cmdf = (uint)GetVsStatus(status);
private OLECMDF GetVsStatus(CommandStatus commandStatus) {
OLECMDF ret = 0;
if (commandStatus.HasFlag(CommandStatus.Supported))
if (commandStatus.HasFlag(CommandStatus.Enabled))
if (commandStatus.HasFlag(CommandStatus.Invisible))
return ret;
Check sample with QueryStatus and others MS samples


Which Windows API in C++ will help me in identifying which Dialog Class the Current ComboBox is using?

How can I know that for a particular ComboBox which Dialog Style is being used? Is there any Win32 API which can give me that information?
I am using CDialog for a few ComboBox, CDialogEx for some, and an in-house Dialog class, let's say Ctl3dDialogEx, for others. GetClassName() will return the Class name of the ComboBox (if I am passing a ComboBox Handler) which can be "CComboBox".
Is there any Win32 API where I will pass the ComboBox Handler and it will return back to me the Dialog class name, for eg : "CDialog", "CDialogEx", "Ctl3dDialogEx", etc?
Below code will help to understand maybe:
void ComboBox_DoSomeManipulation( HWND hldg , int n )
/*"hldg" is the handler of the Current ComBobox */
LPTSTR lpClassName;
int nMaxCount = 256;
/*This will return "CComboBox" as value in lpClassName */
GetClassName(hldg , lpClassName , _count_of(nMaxCount));
/*Is there any WIN API like above which can give */
/* Dialog class information like CDialog, CDialogEx */
/* which the ComboBox is using ? */
If your combo-box can somehow get hold of a genuine pointer to its parent window, then you can use dynamic_cast<CDialogEx*>(pParent) to see if it's CDialogEx (returns nullptr if not). You will need several separate checks, starting from the most derived class! So, if your Ctl3dDialogEx is derived from CDialogEx, then:
. . .
CWnd *pParent = pCombo->GetParent(); // This, as is, is not valid code!
if (dynamic_cast<Ctl3dDialogEx*>(pParent) != nullptr) {
// It's a Ctl3dDialogEx parent
else if (dynamic_cast<CDialogEx*>(pParent) != nullptr) {
// It's a CDialogEx
else { // Assuming no other options …
// It's a CDialog
I would recommend making an accessible (static?) copy of the parent window's this pointer during initialisation, if you can. But there are other ways …
For example, assuming you have control over the definition of ComboBox_DoSomeManipulation and when it's called, change the first argument from an HWND to a CWnd* and, when you call it, use this rather than this->m_hwnd. (But this depends on the structure of your code!)
There is no Windows API help since all those dialogs will be subclassing the Windows DIALOG class. If this is all in process, and you are using the same MFC instance, you might be able to do this:
CWnd* pWnd = CWnd::FromHandlePermanent(hdlg);
if (pWnd != NULL)
if (pWnd->GetRuntimeClass() == RUNTIME_CLASS(CDialog))
else if (pWnd->GetRuntimeClass() == RUNTIME_CLASS(CDialogEx))
else if (pWnd->GetRuntimeClass() == RUNTIME_CLASS(CDialogxyz))
Back in the old days, MS compilers used with MFC didn't play well with dynamic_cast<>, so generally, when using MFC, I don't use it. I probably should have more trust in it, but I was stuck using Visual C++ 6 until 2008, so I am probably a little jaded. The more "standard" "MFC way" is to use the MFC macros...
Another possible ways is something like:
if (CDialogxyz* pDlgxyz = DYNAMIC_DOWNCAST(CDialogxyz, pWnd))
else if (CDialogEx* pDlgEx = DYNAMIC_DOWNCAST(CDialogEx, pWnd))
else if (CDialog* pDlg = DYNAMIC_DOWNCAST(CDialog, pWnd))

Protobuf: how do I get right options order of a method?

I am writing protoc plugin in Go which should generate documentation for our GRPC services and currently struggle in attempt to know right order of options.
First, how the protobuf looks like
syntax = "proto3";
option go_package = "sample";
package sample
import "common/extensions.proto"
message SimpleMessage {
// Id represents the message identifier.
string id = 1;
int64 num = 2;
message Response {
int32 code = 1;
enum ErrorCodes {
OK = 200
ERROR = 6000
PANIC = 6001
service EchoService {
rpc Echo (SimpleMessage) returns (Response) {
// common.grpc_status is an extension defined somewhere
// these are list of possible return statuses
option (common.grpc_status) = {
status: "OK"
status: "ERROR"
status: "PANIC" // Every status string will must be one of ErrorCodes items
option (common.middlewares) = {
middleware: "csrf"
middleware: "session"
As you see, there're two options here. The problem is protoc doesn't bind position directly to tokens. It leaves this information in a special sections where it can be restored via using so called "paths". And these paths are rely on order, while options are hidden and can only be retrieved using proto.GetExtension function which doesn't report option index either.
I need this token location information to report errors. Is there any way to get option index or something equivalent?
I am thinking about using standalone parser just to retrieve the right order, but this feels somewhat awkward. Hope there's a better way.

How to tell if the active document is a text document?

I'm developing a Visual Studio extension in which one of the implemented commands needs to be available only when the active document is a text document (like e.g. the Visual Studio's "Toggle Bookmark" does). The problem is that I can't figure out how to tell when that's the case.
Right now I have a half working solution. In the package's Initialize method I subscribe to DTE's WindowActivated event, and then whenever a window is activated I check if the window DocumentData property is of type TextDocument:
protected override void Initialize()
var dte = Package.GetGlobalService(typeof(EnvDTE.DTE)) as EnvDTE.DTE;
dte.Events.WindowEvents.WindowActivated += WindowEventsOnWindowActivated;
//More initialization here...
//This is checked from command's BeforeQueryStatus
public bool ActiveDocumentIsText { get; private set; } = false;
private void WindowEventsOnWindowActivated(Window gotFocus, Window lostFocus)
if (gotFocus.Kind != "Document")
return; //It's not a document (e.g. it's a tool window)
TextDocument textDoc = gotFocus.DocumentData as TextDocument;
ActiveDocumentIsText = textDoc != null;
The problem with this approach is that 1) Window.DocumentData is documented as ".NET Framework internal use only", and 2) this gives a false positive when a document that has both a code view and a design view (e.g. a .visxmanifest file) is open in design mode.
I have tried to use IVsTextManager.GetActiveView as well, but this is returning the last active text view opened - so if I open a .txt file and then a .png file, it returns data for the .txt file even if it's not the active document anymore.
So, how do I check if the active document is a text document, or the code view of a document that can have a designer... and if possible, not using "undocumented" classes/members?
UPDATE: I found a slightly better solution. Inside the window activated handler:
ActiveDocumentIsText = gotFocus.Document.Object("TextDocument") != null;
At least this one is properly documented, but I still have the problem of false positives with designers.
I finally got it. It's somewhat tricky, but it works and is 100% "legal". Here's the recipe:
1- Make the package class implement IVsRunningDocTableEvents. Make all the methods just return VSConstants.S_OK;
2- Add the following field and the following auxiliary method to the package class:
private IVsRunningDocumentTable runningDocumentTable;
private bool DocIsOpenInLogicalView(string path, Guid logicalView, out IVsWindowFrame windowFrame)
return VsShellUtilities.IsDocumentOpen(
out var dummyHierarchy2, out var dummyItemId2,
out windowFrame);
3- Add the following to the Initialize method of the package class:
runningDocumentTable = GetService(typeof(SVsRunningDocumentTable)) as IVsRunningDocumentTable;
runningDocumentTable.AdviseRunningDocTableEvents(this, out var dummyCookie);
4- Don't blink, here comes the magic! Implement the IVsRunningDocTableEvents.OnBeforeDocumentWindowShow method as follows:
public int OnBeforeDocumentWindowShow(uint docCookie, int fFirstShow, IVsWindowFrame pFrame)
out var dummyFlags, out var dummyReadLocks, out var dummyEditLocks,
out string path,
out var dummyHierarchy, out var dummyItemId, out var dummyData);
IVsWindowFrame windowFrameForTextView;
var docIsOpenInTextView =
DocIsOpenInLogicalView(path, VSConstants.LOGVIEWID_Code, out windowFrameForTextView) ||
DocIsOpenInLogicalView(path, VSConstants.LOGVIEWID_TextView, out windowFrameForTextView);
//Is the document open in the code/text view,
//AND the window for that view is the one that has been just activated?
ActiveDocumentIsText = docIsOpenInTextView && pFrame == logicalViewWindowFrame;
return VSConstants.S_OK;

Using Routes to correct typos in a URL

I'm managing an MVC3 app where I need to support the ability of 3rd parties to create link to assets within my domain. Because some of the links are sliced and diced by mail merges and other text editing problems, URLs with typos have been introduced, e.g.:
I'd like to strip these extraneous characters by RegEx before attempting to serve them. I _think this is something a Route method could accomplish and I'd welcome a pointer or two to articles that demonstrate this approach.
ADDENDUM (cuz I need the formatting):
Implementing #Nathan's routing I'm unable to send the filename to the controller handler - it's always seeing a null value passed in. I've tried both 'filepath' and 'path' with the same 'null' result.
new { controller = "MangledFilename", action = "ServeFile" }
I think this is a matter of configuring wildcard handling on IISExpress and am looking for that solution separately. The more serious immediate problem is how your suggestion returns the HttpNotFound - i'm getting a hard IIS exception (execution halts with a YellowScreenDeath) instead of the silent 404 result.
public ActionResult ServeFile(string filePath)
if (filePath != null) // workaround the null
return HttpNotFound();
I think something along this approach should work:
First add a route like this to the end of your route registering declarations:
new { controller = "MangledFilename", action = "ServeFile" });
If you haven't seen them before, a route parameter with an * after the opening { is a wildcard parameter, in this case it will match the entire path. You could also write it like content/{*filepath} if you wanted to restrict this behavior to your content directory.
And then a controller something like this should do the trick:
public class MangledFilenameController : Controller
public ActionResult ServeFile(string filePath)
filePath = CleanFilePath(filePath);
var absolutePath = Server.MapPath(filePath);
if (System.IO.File.Exists(absolutePath))
var extension = System.IO.Path.GetExtension(absolutePath);
var contentType = GetContentTypeForExtenion(extension);
return File(absolutePath, contentType);
return HttpNotFound();
private string CleanFilePath(string filepath)
//clean the path up
return filepath;
private string GetContentTypeForExtenion(string extension)
//you will want code here to map extensions to content types
return "image/gif";
In regards to mapping an extension to a MIME / content type for the GetContentTypeForExtension method, you could choose to hard code types you are expecting to serve, or use one of the solutions detailed in this post:
File extensions and MIME Types in .NET
After thinking about it, I realized there's another way you can handle the ServeFile action. Redirecting to the existing file could be simpler. I'm leaving the original method I wrote above and adding the alternative one here:
public ActionResult ServeFile(string filePath)
filePath = CleanFilePath(filePath);
var absolutePath = Server.MapPath(filePath);
if (System.IO.File.Exists(absolutePath))
return RedirectPermanent(filePath);
return HttpNotFound();
I believe #Nathan Anderson provided a good answer but it seems incomplete.
If you want to correct the typos and the types are as simple as those you mentioned then you can use Nathan code but before trying to find the file, you remove any plus or exclamation point characters in the path and you can do it like this:
String sourcestring = "source string to match with pattern";
String matchpattern = #"[+!]";
String replacementpattern = #"";
Generated this code from the My Regex Tester tool.
This is the code you need. This code also removes any + character from the filename. If you don't want that behavior, you may select a substring without the filename and only replace + and ! characters before the filename.

Shell BrowseForFolder preselected path

I have this call:
oShell.BrowseForFolder(Me.hwnd, "Select path:", 0, "C:\dir\")
This opens a standard file browser dialog with "C:\dir\" as root.
My problem is that you can not browse above the root folder. (as specified in doc
Any suggestions on oppening this dialog with a selected path and full browsing posibility?
The way to do this involves calling the underlying API, SHBrowseForFolder().
Since you want the entire shell namespace to be available you need to pass NULL as pidlRoot. In order to select your desired folder you will need to provide a callback in lpfn. Make this callback respond to BFFM_INITIALIZED by setting the selected folder. This selection is performed by sending the BFFM_SETSELECTION message to the dialog's window handle (passed to the callback function).
No code because I don't have VB6, but hopefully this outline of the method is enough to get you on your way.
Karl E Peterson's excellent website contains a sample which demonstrates the API call SHBrowseForFolder with a callback, as in David Heffernan's answer.
The KeyStuff project
Look at MFolderBrowse.bas, routine BrowseForFolderByPIDL which passes a callback function BrowseCallbackProc.
Try the old CCRP project. It has a nicely done implementation of the Browse dialog. I used it in several of my projects and it has properties to address the issue you are having.
Here a code ready for copy and paste in a C++ class:
// static
int CALLBACK Func::FolderBrowserCallback(HWND h_Dlg, UINT uMsg, LPARAM lParam, LPARAM lpData)
// Requires Windows XP or higher
SendMessageW(h_Dlg, BFFM_SETEXPANDED, TRUE, lpData);
return 0;
// returns an empty string u16_PathOut if an error occurrs or if the user cancels the dialog
void Func::GetOpenFolder(HWND h_Owner,
const WCHAR* u16_Title, // IN: Title at the top of dialog
int s32_CsidlRoot, // IN: Root folder for treeview (CSIDL_DRIVES -> My Computer)
const WCHAR* u16_Preselect, // IN: NULL or the folder to be preselected and expanded
WCHAR* u16_PathOut) // OUT: selected path
u16_PathOut[0] = 0;
// CoInitialize(NULL);
// InitCommonControls();
ITEMIDLIST* pk_RootPIDL = NULL; // NULL -> Root = Desktop
SHGetSpecialFolderLocation(h_Owner, s32_CsidlRoot, &pk_RootPIDL);
BROWSEINFOW k_Info = {0};
k_Info.hwndOwner = h_Owner;
k_Info.pidlRoot = pk_RootPIDL;
k_Info.lpszTitle = u16_Title;
if (u16_Preselect)
k_Info.lpfn = FolderBrowserCallback;
k_Info.lParam = (LPARAM)u16_Preselect;
// DO NOT DISABLE Wow64FsRedirection HERE !!
LPITEMIDLIST pk_IDlist = SHBrowseForFolderW(&k_Info);
if (pk_IDlist)
SHGetPathFromIDListW(pk_IDlist, u16_PathOut);
