I updated Xcode by hand -- App Store keeps trying at night - xcode

TL;DR: It appears that Xcode now auto-updates overnight if your Mac is connected to power. I did a manual install, but the (stalled) auto-update still tries overnight. How do I kill this zombie? (Yes, I can turn off auto-update in App Store, but I don't want to. And anyway, the problem would persist when/if I turned it back on.)
Longer: The following steps happened
Yesterday morning my Mac had the error dialog (paraphrasing here) "Could not update, you must quit Xcode"
I quit Xcode
Clicked "Update" in App Store app
Update stalled at 90%, App Store said "Pending"
(Simulator was still running; could have been the problem)
This stalling is a common problem, dealt with in many posts here, notably
Xcode update stuck after updating macOS
Xcode update stuck on "update"
I went to https://developer.apple.com/download/more/ and got and
installed the update by hand
That wasn't the end of my problems; see
Broken xib with xcode 10.3
This morning, I was welcomed with the same "Could not update, you
must quit Xcode" error dialog.
The App Store app still says "Pending" for this update. Apparently you used to be able to press the Option or Control-Option keys to reveal a "Cancel" button, but no longer.
Q: How do I cancel this pending update, short of de-installing current Xcode and re-starting the App Store process? (See How to Completely Uninstall Xcode and Clear All Settings)
Note: FWIW the file
~/Library/Application Support/App Store/updatejournal.plist seems to say my latest version is 9.2.
Note: another suggestion at https://apple.stackexchange.com/questions/345910/how-to-delete-partially-downloaded-updates-in-high-sierra is to delete all contents of $TMPDIR../C/com.apple.appstore/ but that seems drastic.
Note: In Launchpad, the Xcode icon has a blue dot next to it. Could my solution really be as simple as deleting the Xcode icon? Plenty of similar suggestions all over the web...

This seemed to do the trick: sudo softwareupdate --clear-catalog


Xcode update stuck after updating macOS

After updating macOS,
I cannot update XCode anymore:
I have been waiting for 2 hours but AppStore does not update.
How do I restart the Xcode update process from the beginning?
It updated successfully, after around 5 hours. I just did nothing, just left it there.
It is painfully slow when it comes to the 'Installing' stage.
Based on the log from console, it does not look like it is spinning empty.
For example, progress from 94.67% to ...
... 94.83% took almost 20 sec
A lot of the pain of updating XCode from the App Store can be avoided by downloading the latest version from the Apple Developer website directly (including beta versions if you are into them). Use this Apple Developer link.
For more information see this Ask Different answer.
I also had problems with updating Xcode even after deleting it and trying to install it again via the App Store. For me it helped to switch to the Purchased tab in the App Store and cancelling all the other downloads (by pressing Alt / Option and then clicking Cancel). Then the download of Xcode started, hope this helps!
I think there's a download running in background which would explain this waiting time.
I restarted a few times my Macbook pro, and ended up waiting until it ran the update successfuly.
When you make an XCode update, you have to do it when you have free time ahead, not during rushes, you never know how much time it can take
Currently Xcode update from developer tools does not work. Also Xcode 9.3 after download the install gets blocked because the file is corrupted. Additional Tool for Xcode 9.3 downloads and install but then does not work either. App Store downloads Xcode and restart but then it is not functional
App Store
mac iOS developer tools
I had problem opening .xcworkspace. force quit application window showing it's not responding on macos mojave.
executed below commands after that it started working.
/* remove saved app states for chosen applications*/
rm -rf ~/Library/Saved Application State/com.apple.dt.Xcode.savedState/
/* https://apple.stackexchange.com/questions/104810/is-it-safe-to-erase-library-developer */
rm -rf ~/Library/Developer
In my case, my ISP has a slow connection when downloading from Apple's server. Try using VPN to get a faster connection.
Installing Xcode from App store was stuck for me as well it kept on showing rotating loader, I have to say their progress bar isn't the best indicator. Before losing hopes its always best to check the progress behind the curtain. You are going to need 'Console' app for this.
Search for 'Console' app from Spotlight Search.
Then go to search bar and type "App Store".
Next you need to click on start.
You will see a lot of activity in app store as it happens. You will see something like "Completed: 980 of 1000"(based on your progress). Monitor that and it will move.
So it's a better indicator rather than sitting and watching app store loading progress.

Xcode 8.0 Simulator broken

Something has gone wrong with my Xcode install... I was running my app and seeing odd behaviour within the app itself, for starters I wasn't able to run the build in the simulator.. it'd install and never launch, eventually putting up a dialogue box about being unable to bless the connection to the simulator. I'd had this problem a few days before but it eventually went away, googling just revealed people having issues with the beta builds or beta MacOSX.
Eventually today I rebooted my Mac and having done so, launching Xcode gave me some other error about the simulator, which I didn't properly take notice of. Since then my project no longer lists any simulators to deploy with, if i try to add new simulators the button to add the simulator does nothing and I have to cancel the dialogue box. If I try and run the simulator or watch simulator directly it just beach balls indefinitely and i have to force kill it.
I've created a new user account and within that made a new Xcode project, which also has no simulators.
I've got a zipped backup of my Xcode from before this problem occurred which I've extracted and swapped in place and it makes no difference.
I guess I could do with redownloading the app off the AppStore in hope that the installer would do something to fix this problem.
Anyone got any thoughts on other things I can try?!
What is most likely to be the case is that your XCode installation is corrupt. The best thing to do is to delete Xcode entirely and also these directories and files:
Then reboot your system and reinstall Xcode. Hopefully that should have cleared out the issue.

XCode won't update from App Store

This night I've update my iPhone which I use to test my applications but that caused a problem of "Developer Disk Image", which, as I understood, basically means that Apple wants me to update my Xcode.
However, when I try to do so from "updates" tab in App Store, after I press "update" button, it just simply goes to "waiting" and then back to no progress at all. It does not update after that and the icon of the app in Launcher becomes grey, has a progress bar below it and stays at 0bytes.
I tried to delete the app and download it from the App Store again, but it all ends with Xcode.appdownload file being downloaded and that's it. Even if I try to launch that file (I know it's dumb, but should have tried) nothing happens. How do I get my App Store to work again?
Ok, I solved the issue - even though it does not mention System Updates anywhere, all I had to do is to update OS first. C'mon, Apple inc. get your scheiße together, just bugging away is not an answer!
The Mac App Store is broken beyond repair. You can try to reload the update page using CMD-R. That helps sometimes. In addition, Launchpad normally shows the progress correctly.
You can also update from Terminal.app using the command
softwareupdate -l
Good luck!

XCode alert says UPDATING_LOCKED_* on launch

This is on OS X Yosemite. It appears when I try launching Xcode.
There are no updates shown in the App Store and there are no active downloading updates shown, either. Not exactly the pinnacle of Apple's great user experiences.
I hope I don't have to do a clean install…
This happened to me during the installation of iTunes 12.2.1 (1220C173).
I restarted my computer and ended the update, then Xcode opened properly.
Happened to me as well. Restarting the computer fixed it.
Restart fixed mine too - after restarting, it asked me if I wanted to install some required components, and once that was done it worked fine.
Opening Xcode from the App Store fixed this issue for me.
Looking at the screenshot it seems a weird error. I don't think there will be a easy solution for this error. You have to go through the hard way.
Update/Install xcode again. If it didn't then
Update iTunes and launch/download Xcode again. If it didn't then
Update your Mac OS and try the above
P.S: I usually download xcode from here rather than from Appstore( requires Apple ID to login) https://developer.apple.com/downloads/
In my case I attempted to download Xcode 6.4 from the AppStore and got this same message AND the AppStore progress indicator was stuck; I couldn't pause the download because the button was grayed out. I rebooted and restarted the download a few times to no avail. But then I decided to wait and let the thing work itself out, and it did. Aparently there is a bug in the AppStore download for Xcode 6.4 that DOES download it (and it took forever in my slow connection) but does not show a progress bar. When I opened the Activity Monitor's Network tab, there it was!

Xcode 5 on Mountain Lion 10.8.5 won't load

Since I installed the Xcode 5 from the App Store I can't start Xcode.
I click on the Xcode icon, then icon bounce 1 time then nothing.
The program doesn't respond...
I tried to uninstall and reinstall Xcode but I got the same problem.
I think the best way is to completely uninstall XCode and its accompanying utilities.
You can follow this link for that.
I am plagued by this problem. Ever since I updated to XCode 5 I have had nothing but trouble. When I open it it does nothing but it does say Application Not Responding when you right-click the icon in the tray.
Once I walked away and hours later when I came back it was open. So I tried it again and waited. around 30 minutes later, it opened. I've figured out that if you wait long enough, eventually it opens.
I know this is only a temporary, partial solution, but it may be all you have until the release Mavericks. I have read in searching for a solution that XCode 5 works in 10.9 but developers struggle using it on 10.8.5 <----- specifically 5!
I just installed the 10.8.5 supplemental 1.0 update and it didn't change anything for me.
Try to open the program and see if letting it sit for a while maybe even overnight, and see if it opens like mine. If so, maybe someone can help with that extra information.
Well i have the exact same problem that you are facing. This is how you can solve it:
First of all just uninstall the current version of Xcode from your Mac completely. You can delete it from the Applications. After that you will still see the Xcode icon in the LaunchPad and i don't know why. You have to delete it from the LaunchPad too. Just by clicking and holding until the cross button appears and then press the cross button to delete.
Once this is done, don't download it from the App Store. Instead download from a direct link. Go to this LINK and find the Xcode and download the DMG file. Then you can install it and you will have no problem.
You can either waste your time troubleshooting the problem or you can just do what i told you to save some time. The choice is yours!
Hope this helps!
