Kotlin Spring Reactive Webflux - Handle WebClient Error - spring-boot

I am having troubles trying to handle different errors from calling Spring webflux's web client.
Below is my current code.
return request
.flatMap { inputMessage ->
.uri { builder ->
.queryParam("message", inputMessage.message)
.onStatus({t: HttpStatus -> t.is5xxServerError}, {c: ClientResponse -> Mono.error(Throwable("Internal Server Error - try again later"))})
.flatMap { s -> ServerResponse.ok().syncBody(s) }
If it errors, it is still returning the full error message from the client's call.
I tried something else, like this
return request
.flatMap { inputMessage ->
.uri { builder ->
.queryParam("message", inputMessage.message)
.onStatus({t: HttpStatus -> t.is5xxServerError}, {c: ClientResponse -> Mono.error(Throwable("Internal Server Error - try again later"))})
.flatMap { s -> ServerResponse.ok().syncBody(s) }
.onErrorResume { e -> Mono.just("Error " + e.message)
.flatMap { s -> ServerResponse.ok().syncBody(s) } }
It actually works but then I want to handle different Http status codes error (different messages for each Http status code).
How can I modify my code so it will return the custom message I build?

As per WebFlux documentation, you can user the exchangeToMono() or awaitExchange { } in order to have an error handling.
Mono<Object> entityMono = client.get()
.exchangeToMono(response -> {
if (response.statusCode().equals(HttpStatus.OK)) {
return response.bodyToMono(Person.class);
else if (response.statusCode().is4xxClientError()) {
// Suppress error status code
return response.bodyToMono(ErrorContainer.class);
else {
// Turn to error
return response.createException().flatMap(Mono::error);
Code copied from WebFlux link above.

Take a look at 2.3. Exchange
val entity = client.get()
.awaitExchange {
if (response.statusCode() == HttpStatus.OK) {
return response.awaitBody<Person>()
else if (response.statusCode().is4xxClientError) {
return response.awaitBody<ErrorContainer>()
else {
throw response.createExceptionAndAwait()


return Mono.error inside Map Spring Webflux

For Matching condition, return Mono.error from code , but gives compilation error. I commented out
//return Mono.error(new RuntimeException("User Phone Exists already"));
Compilation Error: Required Type Mono<EventSlotBook>, Provided
public Mono<EventSlotBook> getEventSlotBookWithAppointmentId(EventSlotBook eventSlotBookEntity) {
Query query = new Query();
new Criteria().andOperator(
return this.reactiveMongoTemplate.findOne(query, EventSlotBook.class)
.map(eventSlotBookEntityFromDb -> {
EventSlotBook eventSlotNewEntity = eventSlotBookEntityFromDb.toBuilder().build();
if(eventSlotNewEntity.getEventUsers() != null) {
for(EventUser eventUserIno:eventSlotNewEntity.getEventUsers()) {
//return Mono.error(new RuntimeException("User Phone Exists already"));
int maxTokenVal = Integer.valueOf(eventSlotNewEntity.getMaxTokenVal()).intValue() + 1;
EventUser eventUser = new EventUser(eventSlotNewEntity.getEventUser().getName(),eventSlotNewEntity.getEventUser().getPhoneNumber(),String.valueOf(maxTokenVal));
return eventSlotNewEntity;
//return Mono.error(new RuntimeException("Ts"));
caller of Method : I should handle Mono.error and return to rest API that user already exists ?. Please help on this
public Mono<EventSlotBookRequestDto> saveEventSlotBook(Mono<EventSlotBookRequestDto> eventSlotBookRequestDtoMono){
Mono<EventSlotBookRequestDto> eventDtoSaved =
.flatMap(eventSlotEntity -> getEventSlotBookWithAppointmentId(eventSlotEntity))
.doOnNext(eventSlotEntityBeforeSave -> {
.doOnNext( eventSlotBookAfterSave -> {
return eventDtoSaved;
map is used to apply a synchronous function to each item, therefore you can't return Mono from it. To return an error from map you could just throw an exception and error signal will be emited. As an alternative you you use handle operator and use SynchronousSink to emit next or error signal.
But in your case you need to use flatMap instead because saveEventSlotBook returns Mono and should be transformed asynchronously.

Ktor Client error when validating 200 responses with HttpResponseValidator

Ktor Client Version
Ktor Client Engine
JVM Version
Kotlin Version
Json Plugin
The API that I'm calling returns errors with 200 HTTP Response and an error message in the response body, so I'm trying to validate the response with HttpResponseValidator but I get two kinds of errors depending on how I'm trying to get the response body.
This is the first one:
HttpClient {
HttpResponseValidator {
validateResponse { response ->
val responseBody = response.receive<Response>()
responseBody.sErrMsg?.let { message ->
when {
"Invalid Session ID" in message -> {
throw ResponseStatusException(
defaultRequest {
headers {
timeout {
requestTimeoutMillis = timeoutInMillis
httpClient.post<Response> {
body = Request(
key = value
And I get:
io.ktor.client.call.DoubleReceiveException: Response already received: HttpClientCall[URL, 200 OK]
And this is the second way I'm trying to get the response body when doing the validation based on a similar issue (KTOR-643) but I'm facing another error:
HttpClient {
HttpResponseValidator {
validateResponse { response ->
val responseBody = ObjectMapper().readTree(response.readBytes())
val errorMessage = responseBody["ERROR_MESSAGE"]?.asText()
errorMessage?.let { message ->
when {
"Invalid Session ID" in message -> {
throw ResponseStatusException(
defaultRequest {
headers {
timeout {
requestTimeoutMillis = timeoutInMillis
httpClient.post<Response> {
body = Request(
key = value
And I get:
com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.exc.MismatchedInputException: No content to map due to end-of-input
at [Source: (String)""; line: 1, column: 0]
at com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.exc.MismatchedInputException.from(MismatchedInputException.java:59) ~[jackson-databind-2.13.1.jar:2.13.1]
So basically all I get when doing receive() after readBytes() when validating is ""
Btw, I'm using Spring Boot and the HttpClient is injected and I'm making the call in a #Service

Spring Flux: Properly catch exceptions on Mono.defer

That's my code:
.flatMap(id -> Mono.defer(() -> {
String entity = myRepository.findById(id);
return Mono.just(entity);
I'd like to know how to properly catch each exception could be raised into myRepository.findById.
What about:
Scheduler scheduler = Schedulers.fromExecutor(...);
.flatMap(id -> Mono.defer(() -> {
String entity = myRepository.findById(id);
return Mono.just(entity);

Spring WebClient: Retry with WebFlux.fn + reactor-addons

I'm trying to add a conditional Retry for WebClient with Kotlin Coroutines + WebFlux.fn + reactor-addons:
suspend fun ClientResponse.asResponse(): ServerResponse =
.headers { headerConsumer -> headerConsumer.addAll(headers().asHttpHeaders()) }
.body(bodyToMono(DataBuffer::class.java), DataBuffer::class.java)
.retryWhen {
Retry.onlyIf { ctx: RetryContext<Throwable> -> (ctx.exception() as? WebClientResponseException)?.statusCode in retryableErrorCodes }
.exponentialBackoff(ofSeconds(1), ofSeconds(5))
.doOnRetry { log.error("Retry for {}", it.exception()) }
also adding a condition before the retry
if (statusCode().isError) {
Mono.error(StatusCodeError(status = statusCode())),
} else {
body(bodyToMono(DataBuffer::class.java), DataBuffer::class.java)
Call looks like:
suspend fun request(): ServerResponse =
This spring webclient: retry with backoff on specific error gave me the hint to answer the question:
.awaitExchange() returns the ClientResponse and not Mono<ClientReponse>
This means my retry was acting on bodyToMono instead of the operation of exchange().
The solution now looks like
suspend fun Mono<ClientResponse>.asResponse(): ServerResponse =
flatMap {
if (it.statusCode().isError) {
Mono.error(StatusCodeException(status = it.statusCode()))
} else {
Retry.onlyIf { ctx: RetryContext<Throwable> ->
(ctx.exception() as? StatusCodeException)?.shouldRetry() ?: false
.exponentialBackoff(ofSeconds(1), ofSeconds(5))
.doOnRetry { log.error { it.exception() } }
private fun ClientResponse.asResponse(): Mono<ServerResponse> =
.headers { headerConsumer -> headerConsumer.addAll(headers().asHttpHeaders()) }
.body(bodyToMono(DataBuffer::class.java), DataBuffer::class.java)

What's the correct way to get the response body from a WebClient in an error case?

I'm new to WebClient and reactive programming. I want to get the response body from a request. In case of an error the http-code, headers and body must be logged, but the body should still be returned.
After lots of digging and googling I found two solutions. But both look over complicated to me. Is there a simpler solution?
Staying with a Mono I found this solution:
public Mono<String> log(ProtocolLine protocolLine) {
return webClient.post()
.flatMap(clientResponse -> {
Mono<String> stringMono = clientResponse.bodyToMono(String.class);
CompletableFuture<String> stringCompleteFuture = new CompletableFuture<String>();
Mono<String> bodyCompletedMono = Mono.fromFuture(stringCompleteFuture);
if (clientResponse.statusCode().isError()) {
stringMono.subscribe(bodyString -> {
LOGGER.error("HttpStatusCode = {}", clientResponse.statusCode());
LOGGER.error("HttpHeaders = {}", clientResponse.headers().asHttpHeaders());
LOGGER.error("ResponseBody = {}", bodyString);
return bodyCompletedMono;
Based on Flux it takes less code. But I think I should not use Flux if I know that there will be only one result.
public Flux<String> log(ProtocolLine protocolLine) {
return webClient.post()
.flatMap(clientResponse -> {
Flux<String> stringFlux = clientResponse.bodyToFlux(String.class).share();
if (clientResponse.statusCode().isError()) {
stringFlux.subscribe(bodyString -> {
LOGGER.error("HttpStatusCode = {}", clientResponse.statusCode());
LOGGER.error("HttpHeaders = {}", clientResponse.headers().asHttpHeaders());
LOGGER.error("ResponseBody = {}", bodyString);
return stringFlux;
both solutions are ugly and wrong. You should almost never subscribe in the middle of a reactive pipeline. The subscriber is usually the calling client, not your own application.
public Mono<String> log(ProtocolLine protocolLine) {
return webClient.post()
.flatMap(clientResponse -> clientResponse.bodyToMono(String.class)
.doOnSuccess(body -> {
if (clientResponse.statusCode().isError()) {
log.error("HttpStatusCode = {}", clientResponse.statusCode());
log.error("HttpHeaders = {}", clientResponse.headers().asHttpHeaders());
log.error("ResponseBody = {}", body);
Here you can see the way of thinking. We always take our clientResponse and map its body to a string. We then doOnSuccess when this Mono is consumed by the subscriber (our calling client) and check the status code if there is an error and if that is the case we log.
The doOnSuccess method returns void so it doesn't "consume" the mono or anything, it just triggers something when this Mono says it "has something in itself", when it's "done" so to speek.
This can be used with Flux the same way.
