Logs from GCF in Go doesn't contains log level - go

I am trying send info/error logs to StackDriver Logging on GCP from Cloud Function written in Go, however all logs dosen't have log level assignment.
I have created function from https://github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/golang-samples/blob/master/functions/helloworld/hello_logging.go
to demonstrate problem.

Cloud Support here! What you are trying to do is not possible, as specified in the documentation:
Logs to stdout or stderr do not have an associated log level.
Internal system messages have the DEBUG log level.
What you probably need is to use Logging API, specifically the Log Levels section.
If this is not working for you either you could try using node.js instead of go as it currently emits logs to INFO and ERROR levels using console.log() and console.error() respectively.

I created a package to do exactly this:
It works on App Engine, Kubernetes Engine, Cloud Run, and Cloud Functions. Supports setting logging levels, request/tracing metadata, and structured logging.
func HelloWorld(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
glog.Infoln("Hello logs")
glog.Errorln("Hello logs")
// or, to set request metadata:
logger := glog.ForRequest(r)
logger.Infoln("Hello logs")

you can use external library which allow you to set the log level. Here an example of what I use.
Use logrus for setting the minimal log level (you can improve this code by providing log level in env var) and joonix for fluentd formatter.(line 25)
A point of attention. Line 11, I rename the logrus package log
log "github.com/sirupsen/logrus"
Thus, don't use log standard library, but logrus library. It's sometime boring... you can simply replace log by logrus for avoiding all confusion.
Joonix is a fluentD formatter for transforming the logs into an ingestable format for Stackdriver.

I, too, took a stab at creating a package for this. If you use logrus (https://github.com/sirupsen/logrus), then this may be helpful:
I'm using this in production, and it's working just fine.

I recommend the https://github.com/apsystole/log. It's also log- and logrus-compatible, but a small zero-dependency module unlike the libraries used in two existing answers which bring 400+ modules as their dependencies (gasp... I am simply looking at go mod graph).


Best way to concatenate/collapse stacktraces in logs

My goal is to include my stacktrace and log message into a single log message for my Spring Boot applications. The problem I'm running into is each line of the stacktrace is a separate log message. I want to be able to search my logs for a log level of ERROR and find the log message with the stacktrace. I've found two solutions but not sure which to use.
I can use Logback to put them all in one line but would like to keep the new lines for a pretty format. Also the guide I found might override defaults that I want to keep. https://fabianlee.org/2018/03/09/java-collapsing-multiline-stack-traces-into-a-single-log-event-using-spring-backed-by-logback-or-log4j2/
I could also use ECS and concatenate it there, but it could affect other logs (though I think we only have Java apps). https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonECS/latest/developerguide/firelens-concatanate-multiline.html
Which would be the best way to do it? Also is there a better way to do it in Spring compared to the guide that I found?

How to add kube-config and use go-client in our go program

What the role of kube-Config and how to use this in our go program for simple operations?
There is an example in client-go library you can use for learning. You can check the source, i am not including it here, as it a bit heavy.
But in general:
You read config from kubeconfig using kubernetes.NewForConfig
And using clientset returned by the previous command your app performing API requests.

Why use grpclog package

I'm looking at the grpc example for go https://grpc.io/docs/tutorials/basic/go.html
I’m wondering whats the purpose of grpclog package? the example client/server code uses grpclog.Printf, grpclog.Fatalf. why not just use fmt.Printf & log.Fatalf?
This package forces the logger to only go to verbose level 2 per grpclog
// All logs in transport package only go to verbose level 2.
// All logs in other packages in grpc are logged in spite of the verbosity level.

How to save start log and end log when using Integration Service IIB?

I'm deploying a project with IIB.
The good feature is Integration Serivce, but I dont know how to save log before and after each operation.
So can any one know how to resolve that ?
Tks !
There are three ways in my project. Refer to the following.
Code Level
1.JavaComputeNode (Using log4j )
Flow Level
2.Message Flow Monitoring
In addition to the other answers there is one more option, which I often use: The IAM3 SupportPac
It adds a log4j-Node and also provides the possibility to log from esql and java compute nodes.
There are two ways of doing this:
You can use Log Node to create audit logging. This option only store in files and the files are not rotatives
You can use the IBM Integrated Monitor these events to create a external flow that intercepts messages and store this message in the way you prefer

Capture my Go application logs into fluentd

Currently I have a go web application containing over 50 .go files. Each file writes logs on STDOUT for now.
I want to use fluentd to capture these logs and then send them to elasticsearch/kibana.
I search on internet for solution to this. There is one package https://github.com/fluent/fluent-logger-golang .
To use this I would need to change my whole logging related code in each go file.
And there would be many data structures that I would need to Post to fluentd.
Shortly speaking I dont want to use this approach.
Please let me know if there are any other ways to do this.
Thank you
Ideally (at least in my opinion), you would essentially just pipe stdout to Fluentd.
If you happen to be also using Docker for your application you can do this easily using the built in logging drivers:
Otherwise, there seem to be a few options to help get stdout to Fluentd:
12Factor App: Capturing stdout/stderr logs with Fluentd
