How to ensure exhaustivity of enum-based case statements in Ruby like with switch statements in Java - ruby

First of all, this question is related but not solved by
Advanced Java-like enums in Ruby
Static analysis of exhaustive switch statements of enums
Then about the question itself : when programming in Java with IDEs like Eclipse, it's possible to have a warning when we implement a switch statement on an enum, and we forgot some cases in the switch statement (very useful after adding an extra possible value to the enum and we forget to edit all switches based on this enum)
Is it possible to have the same kind of static analysis in Ruby ? Is there a way to implement enums so that we'd get a warning (maybe after running rubocop or something) if we forget to implement a case ?
This "enum" I'm talking about could be any type of Set like object with a finite number of values, the most simplest form being an array of symbols, but maybe it is not enough/convenient to perform analysis with it hence why I am starting this question
On of my use case involve checking all possible errors after performing Policy checks
class CanShowArticlePolicy
def call
list_of_exceptions = [:unpublished, :deleted,
# business logic that returns either true or false and add exception information exception, can be mocked as
#error = list_of_exceptions.sample
# in another file like a controller or service
article = Article.find(id)
policy =
# Where I'm trying to be exhaustive
case policy.error # <== Goal : detect here we are swithing on an "enum" with finite values and we should be exhaustive
when :unpublished
when :deleted
# <<= Here I would like to get a rubocop error because we've forgotten to handle the `:offensive_content_detected` case
Maybe a solution would be to have instead something like an annotation
case enum_value # #exhaustive-case with ::CanShowArticlePolicy::ErrorEnum
and the annotation would have for effect of the static analysis trying to find a ::CanShowArticlePolicy::ErrorEnum array containing the symbols, and making sure there are as many when statements as number of items in the frozen ErrorEnum


Is there a better way to assign a Ruby hash while avoiding RuboCop's ABC Size warnings?

I have a method that builds a laptop's attributes, but only if the attributes are present within a row that is given to the method:
def build_laptop_attributes desk_id, row, laptop
attributes = {}
attributes[:desk_number] = room_id if laptop && desk_id
attributes[:status] = row[:state].downcase if row[:state]
attributes[:ip_address] = row[:ip_address] if row[:ip_address]
attributes[:model] = row[:model] if row[:model]
Currently, RuboCop is saying that the Metric/AbcSize is too high, and I was wondering if there is an obvious and clean way to assign these attributes?
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First of all, RuboCop is advisory. Just because RuboCop complains about something doesn't mean it's wrong in some absolute sense; it just means you ought to expend a little more skull sweat (as you're doing) to see if what you're doing makes sense.
Secondly, you haven't provided a self-contained, executable example. That makes it impossible for SO readers to reliably refactor it, since it can't currently be tested without sample inputs and expected outputs not provided in your original post. You'll need those things yourself to evaluate and refactor your own code, too.
Finally, the ABC Metric looks at assignments, branches, and conditionals. You have five assignments, four conditionals, and what looks liks a method call. Is that a lot? If you haven't tuned Rubocop, the answer is "RuboCop thinks so." Whether or not you agree is up to you and your team.
If you want to try feeding Rubocop, you can do a couple of things that might help reduce the metric:
Refactor the volume and complexity of your assignments. Some possible examples include:
Replace your postfix if-statements with safe navigators (&.) to guard against calling methods on nil.
Extract some of your branching logic and conditionals to methods that "do the right thing", potentially reducing your current method to a single assignment with four method calls. For example:
attributes = { desk_number: location, status: laptop_status, ... }
Replace all your multiple assignments with a deconstructing assignment (although Rubocop often complains about those, too).
Revisit whether you have the right data structure in the first place. Maybe you really just want an OpenStruct, or some other data object.
Your current code seems readable, so is the juice really worth the squeeze? If you decide that RuboCop is misguided in this particular case, and your code works and passes muster in your internal code reviews, then you can tune the metric's sensitivity in your project's .rubocop.yml or disable that particular metric for just that section of your source code.
After reading #Todd A. Jacobs answer, you may want (or not) to write something like this:
def build_laptop_attributes desk_id, row, laptop
desk_number = room_id if laptop && desk_id
desk_number: desk_number,
status: row[:state]&.downcase,
ip_address: = row[:ip_address],
model: row[:model]
This reduces has the advantage of reducing the number of calls to []=, as well as factorizing many ifs in a single compact.
In my opinion, it is more readable because it is more concise and because the emphasis is completely on the correspondence between your keys and values.
Alternative version to reduce the amount of conditionals (assuming you are checking for nil / initialized values):
def build_laptop_attributes desk_id, row, laptop
attributes = {}
attributes[:desk_number] = room_id if laptop && desk_id
attributes[:status] = row[:state]&.downcase
attributes[:ip_address] = row[:ip_address]
attributes[:model] = row[:model]
There is an additional .compact as a cost of removing assignments checks.

fuzzy logic for query-based document summarisation in Python

I am trying to use fuzzy logic to weight and extract the best sentences for the query. I have extracted the following features which they can be used in fuzzy logic:
Each sentence has cosine value.
How many proper-noun is in the sentence.
the position of the sentence in the document.
sentence length.
I want to use the above features to apply the fuzzy logic. for instance, i want to create the rule base something like the following
if cosineValue >= 0.9 && numberOfPropernoun >=1
THEN the sentence is important
I am not quite sure how to start implementing the rule base, the facts and inference engine. It would like someone to guide me to implement this in python. Please note that I am not familiar with logic programming languages. I would like to implement it in python
This is just a sketch; I'm not even going to try this code because I'm not sure what you want.
Make a class for your features:
Features = namedtuple('Features', ['cosine', 'nouns', 'position', ...])
Now imagine you are building your AST. What grammar does your language have? Well, you have conditions, and your conditions have consequences, and your conditions can be combined by boolean operators, so let's make some basic ones:
class CosineValue(object):
def evaluate(self, features):
return features.cosine
class Nouns(object):
def evaluate(self, features):
return features.nouns
... etc.
Now you need to combine these AST nodes with some operations
class GreaterThan(object):
def __init__(self, property, value):, self.value = property, value
def evaluate(self, sentence):
return property.evaluate(sentence) > self.value
Now GreaterThan(CosineValue(), 0.9) is an object (an abstract syntax tree, actually) that represents cosineValue > 0.9. You can evaluate it like so:
expr = GreaterThan(CosineValue(), 0.9)
expr.evaluate(Features(cosine=0.95, ...)) # returns True
expr.evaluate(Features(cosine=0.40, ...)) # returns False
These objects don't look like much, but what they are doing is reifying your process. Their structure encodes what formerly would have been code. Think about this, because this is the only hard part about what you are trying to do: comprehending how you can delay computation by turning it into structure, and how you can play with when values become part of your computation. You were probably stuck thinking about how to write those "if" statements and keeping them separate from the code and the runtime values you need to run them against. Now you should be able to see how, but it's a more advanced way of thinking about programming.
Now you need to build your if/then structure. I'm not sure what you want here either but I would say your if/then is going to be a class that takes an expression like we've just created as one argument and a "then" case, and does the test and either performs or does not perform the "then" case. Probably you will need if/then/else, or else a way to track if it fired, or a way to evaluate your if into a value. You will have to think about this part; nobody can tell you based on what you wrote above what you should be doing.
To make your conditions more powerful, you will need to add some more classes for boolean operators that take conditions as arguments, but it should be straightforward; you'll have And and Or, they'll both take two Condition arguments and their evaluation will do the sensible thing. You could make a Condition superclass, and then add some methods like And and Or to simplify generating these structures.
Finally, if you want to parse something like what you have above, you should try out pyparsing, but make sure you have the AST figured out first or it will be an uphill battle. Or look at what they have; maybe they have some primitives for this, I haven't dealt with pyparsing in a long time.
Best of luck, and please ask a better question next time!

Allow vs Stub, what's the difference?

What is the difference between the following lines of (rspec) code and regardless if they are the same or different, when should you use one instead of the other?
book = double("book")
allow(book).to receive(:title) { "The RSpec Book" }
book = double("book")
book.stub(:title).and_return("The RSpec Book")
There are 2 differences but the result is exactly the same. Both are in regards to the rspec mocks/expectations syntax.
Use of #allow instead of #stub method. First case uses the new rspec syntax introduced this year. This is now the preferred way of using rspec. Altough the old syntax isn't deprecated, it will probably be disabled by default in rspec3. More info on this topic from the maintainer of rspec:
Use of block instead of #and_return to define the returning value. This has nothing to do with the mentioned syntax change; both approaches have been available for quite a while (since rspec 1). It is more appropriate to use the #and_return method, since it is (a) the default way, (b) more readable and (c) comes without any runtime overhead. The second approach using block is usually reserved to the corner cases, when you wish to return something of more dynamic nature - not a constant, but some kind of calculation.
The answer to your question would be to use combination of both:
use the #allow instead of #stub
use #and_return instead of block, unless you need to return dynamically calculated value
book = double('book')
allow(book).to receive(:title).and_return('The RSpec Book')

How do I change this case statement to an if statement?

I would like to check for the value of a node attribute. This case statement is what I have so far, and it works:
case node[:languages][:ruby][:host_cpu]
when "x86_64"
when "i686"
What I would like to do is use an if statement instead. This is what I tried:
if node[:languages][:ruby][:host_cpu]?("X86_64")
This is based on the following, Which worked.
if platform?("ubuntu")
However, my try didn't work. it gave a syntax error on the if line saying that there was an unexpected \n and $end was expected.
I found that there are two kinds of ways of performing an if. The first being the one I demonstrated above, which (apparently) only works with resources, and if_only, which works with nodes. like so
if_only {node[:languages]}
which seems to work only for checking the presence of nodes, and within a do context.
How do I check the value of a node using an if statement? One method does check values, but only of resources, the other checks nodes, but only for their presence, and not their values.
You are mixing up way to many different variants for conditionals, most of which are part of Chef, not Ruby. Let me try to describe the different options one by one.
Generally, a case is roughly comparable to a series of if and elsif statements. Your case above
case node[:languages][:ruby][:host_cpu]
when "x86_64"
when "i686"
is thus roughly equivalent to
if node[:languages][:ruby][:host_cpu] == "x86_64"
elsif node[:languages][:ruby][:host_cpu] == "i686"
As a side remark, case actually uses the === operator which is often not commutative but more powerful. For simple comparisons it works the same as == though. Both these variants are part of the Ruby language, in which you write your cookbooks.
The other options you mentioned are actually part of the API which Chef defined on top of Ruby. This is often called the Chef DSL (which stands for Domain Specific Language, i.e. an extension or adaption of a language, in this case Ruby for a specific usage domain, in this case configuration management.)
The platform? method is a method defined by Chef that checks whether the curent platform is one of the passed values. You can read more about that (and similar methods, e.g. the now recommended platform_family? method at the Chef docs for recipes in general and some often used ruby idioms.
As a side-remark: you might be surprised by the fact that Ruby allows the ? and ! characters to appear at the end of method names, which makes Ruby rather unique among similar languages in this regard. These characters are simply part of the method name and have no special meaning to the language. They are only used by convention to programmers to better identify the purpose of a method. If a method has a ? at the end, it is to be used to check some condition and is expected to return either a truthy or falsy value. Methods with a ! at the end often perform some potentially dangerous operation, e.g. change object in place, delete stuff, ... Again, this is only a convention and is not interpreted by the language.
The last option you mentioned, the only_if and by extension not_if are used to define conditionals on Chef resources to make sure they are only executed when a certain condition is true (or when using not_if, if it is false). As these attributes are used on Chef resources only, they are naturally also defined by Chef.
To understand why they are useful it is necessary to understand how a Chef run works. The details can be found at the description of the Anatomy of a Chef Run. What is important there is, that you basically have two execution phases: Resource Compilation and Convergence. In the first step, the actual code to define the resources is executed. Here, also the code in your case statement would be run. After all the recipes have been loaded and all the resources have been defined, Chef enters the second phase, the Convergence phase. There, the actual implementation of the resources which performs the changes (create files and directories, in stall packages, ...) is run. Only in this phase, the only_if and not_if conditions are checked.
In fact, you can observe the difference between
file "/tmp/helloworld"
action :create
content "hello world"
if File.exist?("/tmp/helloworld")
file "/tmp/foobar"
action :create
content "foobar"
file "/tmp/helloworld"
action :create
content "hello world"
file "/tmp/foobar"
action :create
content "foobar"
only_if{ File.exist?("/tmp/helloworld") }
In the first variant, the condition whether /tmp/foobar exists is checked during resource compilation. At this time, the code to actually create the /tmp/helloworld file has not been run, as it does that only in the Conversion step. Thus, during your first run, the /tmp/foobar file would not be created.
In the second variant however, the check is done with only_if which is evaluated during conversion. Here you will notice that both files get created in the first run.
If you want to read a bit more on how the definition of the conditionals works in terms of Ruby (and you definitely should), you can read about Ruby Blocks which are more or less pieces of code that can be passed around for later execution.

Why doesn't ruby support method overloading?

Instead of supporting method overloading Ruby overwrites existing methods. Can anyone explain why the language was designed this way?
"Overloading" is a term that simply doesn't even make sense in Ruby. It is basically a synonym for "static argument-based dispatch", but Ruby doesn't have static dispatch at all. So, the reason why Ruby doesn't support static dispatch based on the arguments, is because it doesn't support static dispatch, period. It doesn't support static dispatch of any kind, whether argument-based or otherwise.
Now, if you are not actually specifically asking about overloading, but maybe about dynamic argument-based dispatch, then the answer is: because Matz didn't implement it. Because nobody else bothered to propose it. Because nobody else bothered to implement it.
In general, dynamic argument-based dispatch in a language with optional arguments and variable-length argument lists, is very hard to get right, and even harder to keep it understandable. Even in languages with static argument-based dispatch and without optional arguments (like Java, for example), it is sometimes almost impossible to tell for a mere mortal, which overload is going to be picked.
In C#, you can actually encode any 3-SAT problem into overload resolution, which means that overload resolution in C# is NP-hard.
Now try that with dynamic dispatch, where you have the additional time dimension to keep in your head.
There are languages which dynamically dispatch based on all arguments of a procedure, as opposed to object-oriented languages, which only dispatch on the "hidden" zeroth self argument. Common Lisp, for example, dispatches on the dynamic types and even the dynamic values of all arguments. Clojure dispatches on an arbitrary function of all arguments (which BTW is extremely cool and extremely powerful).
But I don't know of any OO language with dynamic argument-based dispatch. Martin Odersky said that he might consider adding argument-based dispatch to Scala, but only if he can remove overloading at the same time and be backwards-compatible both with existing Scala code that uses overloading and compatible with Java (he especially mentioned Swing and AWT which play some extremely complex tricks exercising pretty much every nasty dark corner case of Java's rather complex overloading rules). I've had some ideas myself about adding argument-based dispatch to Ruby, but I never could figure out how to do it in a backwards-compatible manner.
Method overloading can be achieved by declaring two methods with the same name and different signatures. These different signatures can be either,
Arguments with different data types, eg: method(int a, int b) vs method(String a, String b)
Variable number of arguments, eg: method(a) vs method(a, b)
We cannot achieve method overloading using the first way because there is no data type declaration in ruby(dynamic typed language). So the only way to define the above method is def(a,b)
With the second option, it might look like we can achieve method overloading, but we can't. Let say I have two methods with different number of arguments,
def method(a); end;
def method(a, b = true); end; # second argument has a default value
# Now the method call can match the first one as well as the second one,
# so here is the problem.
So ruby needs to maintain one method in the method look up chain with a unique name.
I presume you are looking for the ability to do this:
def my_method(arg1)
def my_method(arg1, arg2)
Ruby supports this in a different way:
def my_method(*args)
if args.length == 1
#method 1
#method 2
A common pattern is also to pass in options as a hash:
def my_method(options)
if options[:arg1] and options[:arg2]
#method 2
elsif options[:arg1]
#method 1
my_method arg1: 'hello', arg2: 'world'
Method overloading makes sense in a language with static typing, where you can distinguish between different types of arguments
as well as between different number of arguments
f(1, 'foo')
f(1, 'foo', true)
The first distinction does not exist in ruby. Ruby uses dynamic typing or "duck typing". The second distinction can be handled by default arguments or by working with arguments:
def f(n, s = 'foo', flux_compensator = true)
def f(*args)
case args.size
when 2
when 3
This doesn't answer the question of why ruby doesn't have method overloading, but third-party libraries can provide it.
The contracts.ruby library allows overloading. Example adapted from the tutorial:
class Factorial
include Contracts
Contract 1 => 1
def fact(x)
Contract Num => Num
def fact(x)
x * fact(x - 1)
# try it out # => 120
Note that this is actually more powerful than Java's overloading, because you can specify values to match (e.g. 1), not merely types.
You will see decreased performance using this though; you will have to run benchmarks to decide how much you can tolerate.
I often do the following structure :
def method(param)
case param
when String
when Type1
#default implementation
This allow the user of the object to use the clean and clear method_name : method
But if he want to optimise execution, he can directly call the correct method.
Also, it makes your test clearers and betters.
there are already great answers on why side of the question. however, if anyone looking for other solutions checkout functional-ruby gem which is inspired by Elixir pattern matching features.
class Foo
include Functional::PatternMatching
## Constructor Over loading
defn(:initialize) { #name = 'baz' }
defn(:initialize, _) {|name| #name = name.to_s }
## Method Overloading
defn(:greet, :male) {
puts "Hello, sir!"
defn(:greet, :female) {
puts "Hello, ma'am!"
foo = or'Bar')
foo.greet(:male) => "Hello, sir!"
foo.greet(:female) => "Hello, ma'am!"
I came across this nice interview with Yukihiro Matsumoto (aka. "Matz"), the creator of Ruby. Incidentally, he explains his reasoning and intention there. It is a good complement to #nkm's excellent exemplification of the problem. I have highlighted the parts that answer your question on why Ruby was designed that way:
Orthogonal versus Harmonious
Bill Venners: Dave Thomas also claimed that if I ask you to add a
feature that is orthogonal, you won't do it. What you want is
something that's harmonious. What does that mean?
Yukihiro Matsumoto: I believe consistency and orthogonality are tools
of design, not the primary goal in design.
Bill Venners: What does orthogonality mean in this context?
Yukihiro Matsumoto: An example of orthogonality is allowing any
combination of small features or syntax. For example, C++ supports
both default parameter values for functions and overloading of
function names based on parameters. Both are good features to have in
a language, but because they are orthogonal, you can apply both at the
same time. The compiler knows how to apply both at the same time. If
it's ambiguous, the compiler will flag an error. But if I look at the
code, I need to apply the rule with my brain too. I need to guess how
the compiler works. If I'm right, and I'm smart enough, it's no
problem. But if I'm not smart enough, and I'm really not, it causes
confusion. The result will be unexpected for an ordinary person. This
is an example of how orthogonality is bad.
Source: "The Philosophy of Ruby", A Conversation with Yukihiro Matsumoto, Part I
by Bill Venners, September 29, 2003 at:
Statically typed languages support method overloading, which involves their binding at compile time. Ruby, on the other hand, is a dynamically typed language and cannot support static binding at all. In languages with optional arguments and variable-length argument lists, it is also difficult to determine which method will be invoked during dynamic argument-based dispatch. Additionally, Ruby is implemented in C, which itself does not support method overloading.
