AWS Cloudformation Template for Oracle and Dataguard Install Invariably Fails - oracle

I have been attempting to install oracle db 12c (both as well as But keep getting errors that I can't figure out. I have gone through AWS's own cloudformation troubleshooting guide along with several forums.
I am getting the following messages in the events log. I have included text below as well as a screen shot of the events for the root stack:
The following resource(s) failed to create: [OracleStack].
Embedded stack arn:aws:cloudformation:us-west-2:007849015507:stack/Oracle-Database-OracleStack-1W5U4RT91JZXT/a1f67bb0-be05-11e9-8c50-02ee71065ed8 was not successfully created: The following resource(s) failed to create: [PrimaryInstance].
I have come accross some info on cloudformation helper scripts and timing out of parameters, but no topic addresses how to correct the problem.
Help is appreciated


Akeneo PIM No alive nodes found in your cluster ERROR

I keep getting the same error when starting the Akeneo Community Edition! It seems to be an error caused by Elastictsearch, but I cannot figure out what is wrong.
The Error message:
[OK] Database schema created successfully!
Updating database schema...
37 queries were executed
[OK] Database schema updated successfully!
Reset elasticsearch indexes
In StaticNoPingConnectionPool.php line 50:
No alive nodes found in your cluster
Im running on a uberspace server without docker and i'm trying to start it like mentioned here: but with the community Edition instead.
Does anyone had the same error and knows how to help me out?
Maybe it a problem with the .env file for the entry point of elastic search. My .env: APP_INDEX_HOSTS=localhost:9200
Can you verify that the Elasticsearch search server is available on localhost:9200 when accessing it via curl/Postman/Sense or something else?
That error usually means the node is either not running, or not running on the configured port.
Pay also attention that your server follow the system requirements -

Unable to Create Common Data Service DB in Default Environment Power Apps

I am unable to create a new Common Data Service Database in my Power Apps default environment. Please see the error text below.
It looks like you don't have permission to use the Common Data Service
in this environment. Switch to a different environment, or create your
Which as I understand I should be able to create after the Microsoft Business Application October 2018 update as listed in the article available at following link.
Also when I try to create a Common Data Service app in my default environment, I encounter following error.
The data did not load correctly. Please try again.
The environment 'Default-57e1485d-1197-4afd-b792-5c423ab508d9' is not
linked to a new CDS 2.0 instance. The operation 'ListInstanceMetadata'
is forbidden for unlinked environments
Moreover I am unable to see the default environment on, I can only see the Sandbox environment there.
Any ideas what I am missing here?
Thank you.
Someone else faced a similar issue and I read in one of the threads about deleting the browser cache and trying it again or trying it in a different browser resolved the issue. Could you try these first level steps and check if you still have these issues?
Also, for your permission error ref:
I have not validated these findings. But as these answers are from MS and PowerApps team, hope it helps!

Issue launching Aurora: Access denied to Performance Insights - InvalidParameterCombination

For some reason i just can't get an Amazon Aurora DB launched. I haven't launched one before but have read many Amazon help / instruction pages. Launching other Amazon products did work well after some digging. This one just doesn't. Any suggestions?
Access denied to Performance Insights (Service: AmazonRDS; Status Code: 400; Error Code: InvalidParameterCombination; Request ID: 8ef6c7b9-be54-4bd8-aa87-XXXXXXXX)
Today it works.. selected the same settings as yesterday. All i did different was omit dashes (-) from the database name and other stuff you have to name. If that was the actual cause of the 3h headache yesterday Amazon really sucks it just doesn't tell you that instead of showing a cryptic error message.
I just had the same issue with the same error message, restarting the setup process from the start (with a database name without a dash in it), fixed the issue.

[Error]: Failed to run command with error: Error Domain=Parse Code=428

I get this error sometimes when trying to save things to Parse or to fetch data from it.
This is not constant and appear once in a while making the operation to fail.
I have contacted Parse for that. Here is their answer:
Starting on 4/28/2016, apps that have not migrated their database may see a "428" error code if the request cannot be handled by the remaining shared pool of resources. If you see this error in your logs, we highly recommend migrating the database for your app without delay.
Means this happens because of starting this date all apps are on low priority but those who started DB migration. So, Migration of the DB should resolve that.

DB2 Full Text Search IQQD0040E Error

I have a production database running DB2 at 10.1.2 workgroup (OpenSuse 12.2) and I have Full Text Search running pretty well there. Now I'm trying to build a test enviroment, but when I turn over de production backup into test machine with 10.1.2 express-c the FTS is presenting this error:
<message>IQQD0040E The client specified the wrong authentication token.$
The redbook says to me that this error cause is: "Usually this error occurs when there are 2 or more text search instances configured with the same port number and one instance is already running".
I've already searched other instances but I've only found one. So "usually" does not apply to my situation.
Anyone know what else I can do to fix that?
Best regards,
I've found out a solution. When the backup is transported to a new instance of DB2, de FTS application engage it communication with a token. After restored, we just need to go to the bin directory of FTS, commonly at /home/db2inst1/db2tss/bin and run this command:
configTool generateToken -seed <username> -configPath ~/sqllib/db2tss/config
Hope this help anyone who's passing by this trouble.
