Case sensitive IN clause - vertica

I need to check for the existence of e-mails from a Google Form within my Vertica Database.
If they exist, they will show me the ID associated with it.
SELECT id FROM table WHERE email IN ('email1','email2'...)
It is not showing e-mails where people mistakenly used upper case letters. It's a LONG list of responses from my Google Form, how can I do the IN clause case insensitive?

You can use LOWER.
SELECT id FROM table WHERE LOWER(email) IN (LOWER('email1'),LOWER('email2')...)


Choose the first non-null field for each record in ServiceNow

How to create a view in ServiceNow that combines multiple columns (same data type) into one by picking the first non-null value? Note that it should not actually modify the underlying data.
After a search of the documentation I thought I had an answer with function fields, but GlideFunction doesn't seem to have nvl/coalesce as a function. The functionality called coalesce in ServiceNow seems to relate to importing/permanently modifying data only.
An example would be if you have employee and department, both of which have a location field. Show the employee's location unless it is null, otherwise show the employee's department's location.
In standard SQL, I would do it like this:
CREATE VIEW my_view AS (
SELECT COALESCE(employee.location,department.location) AS location
FROM employee JOIN department
ON employee.department_id = department.department_id
You have not mentioned how you are going to query this view. SNOW does not give us control over selection while designing views like the standard SQL.
Use GlideRecord to conditionally select the columns based on nullability.

Replacing data entries based on ID and date from data set

I'm a teacher who manages a caseload of students who have yearly meetings. Each year their services, hours, supports, etc. change. We complete a survey on each student to record all this data on a single spreadsheet. I want to pull data from those submissions to replace the students' information with the most recently dated information in our caseload master report (Tab one). If no data is entered yet I want it to remain the same.
The first tab is what we use for reporting to our team and the IEP completion tab is where the survey data is imported. I tried some solutions such as VLOOKUP with some IF statements but I don't think that is the correct route to go.
I scrubbed the linked Google spreadsheet for confidentiality.
Assuming Student ID#/ID Number is a reliable unique index in a third sheet create a VLOOKUP of the ID Number's associated fields from Tab1. Fields not found will error, so wrap your VLOOKUP with IFERROR and an INDEX/MATCH (because the ID there is not in ColumnA) of the fields in Tab2.

APEX 5 Authorization Scheme specific user

I am building an APEX 5 Application for a school. There is a page called "Course Information" and it includes several Classic Reports with information such as the class roster and testing schedule. I want to include a report with grades but I only want this region to be viewable by the teacher of the course. If I can get a hidden item on the page to be filled with the username of the teacher, can I build an authorization scheme that checks APP_USER against this item and only show the region if they match?
How would I accomplish this?
I would go about this slightly differently, and wouldn't use an Authorization Scheme for this particular requirement.
Base the report on a view which has the teacher's username as one of the columns. Put a where clause in the report SQL, e.g. select col1, col2, col3 from the_view where teacher_username = :APP_USER.
Put a Condition on the region using Rows returned based on something like select 1 from the_view where teacher_username = :APP_USER.
This way, the report region will only be rendered if the user is allowed to view the records in it.
The simplest option is to use server side condition, a function that returns Boolean, for that region. Just put
in there. Region will render only for your teacher. Of course, 'YOUR_TEACHER' should be substituted with his real username.

Validation of Data in datasheet mode--access 2007

Users are PASTING data into a form in DATASHEET mode, so many records are being entered at the same time. For a specific field called ID, I need to validate the ID against another table. In the sense that the IDs they enter should be already available in another table. Drop down box, selection is not possible.
I also need to return the values that are not VALID
What kind of SQL statment or VBA or validation rule should I use?
"In the sense that the IDs they enter should be already available in another table" - you need an event to trigger the check, so perhaps have them enter into a datasheet on a form rather than a back end table then you can use the various on-changed events, search online for them. In that event simply run a one-to-one query. To return "return the values that are not VALID" you simply need an unmatched query, again, search for info, it's widely documented.

FileMaker Pro -- Filtering Relationship Not Working

I'm trying to build a FileMaker Pro 11 layout that excludes records containing a certain value. The relevant data is in table Invoice. I want to filter so that Invoice records whose "Invoice Check Grouping" field is blank are not displayed on the layout.
I've added a global field to the invoice table called "Blank Invoice Check Grouping" to use as my filter criteria. I've created a self-join relationship to the Invoice table, joining "Invoice ID" to "Invoice ID" and joining "Invoice Check Grouping" to "Blank Invoice Check Grouping". The resulting table is named "Invoice Check Groupings".
The layout which I build based on table "Invoice Check Groupings" shows all records in Invoice--it does not filter out those with blank values. What am I doing incorrectly?
Layouts show records in a table (or more accurately, a table occurrence) and don't directly deal with related data. As mentioned by #pft221, you can use relationships for filtering, but only when viewing data through a portal.
If you always want a particular layout to show data based on a particular find, you can do so with a script and a script trigger. First set up a script to do the following:
Enter Find Mode[]
Set Field["Invoice Check Grouping"; "*" // Find all records with any data in this field
Perform Find[]
Note that you can also embed the find request within the Perform Find script step, but I tend to script finds in the above manner as it's easier to see what the find request is in the script and variables can be used in the find request.
Now you need to set your layout to execute this script whenever it's loaded. Go to the layout and enter Layout Mode. Select Layouts>Layout Setup from the menu bar. Click the Script Triggers tab and check the box for OnLayoutEnter and select the script you wrote above. Now whenever the layout is entered, that script will run and exclude the records that have that particular field being empty.
There are many ways to filter records, depending on what you are trying to do and what you are trying to display for your users.
The most common and simple way you can filter records is through a simple Find in a list view. I'm unclear from your question, but my best guess is that you're already using a list view and misunderstanding how FileMaker's relationships and Table Occurrences (TO's) work.
To Filter with the "Find Records" method:
Create a new List View layout of any Table Occurrence of your Invoice Table -- most likely you will want to use the default Table Occurrence that FileMaker created for you when you created the table.
Place the fields that you would like to display on that layout, including the "Invoice Check Grouping" field.
Switch into Find Mode
Put a '*' character into the "Invoice Check Grouping" field
Perform the Find
You should now see a list of all Invoices where the "Invoice Check Grouping" field is not blank. (You can find additional interesting search criteria in the "Insert: Operators" drop down of the title bar.)
Now you may actually be looking to filter related records through a portal but, given that you've set up a self-join on the Invoice index on the Invoice table my guess is that, at best, this would show either 0 or 1 record for each Invoice record you display in your main layout.
To Filter Records with the "Portal Filter" method:
Let's assume, though, that you have a Client table where you'd like to see only the records with a non-blank "Invoice Check Grouping" value. The table set-up would be as follows:
Client ID
[... other client info ...]
Invoice ID
Client ID
Invoice Check Grouping
[... other invoice info ...]
With a relationship in the relationships graph:
Client::Client ID ------< Invoice::Client ID
From there you would set up a Form layout on the Client TO and create a portal showing records from the Invoice TO. From the options for the portal you would select "Filter Portal Records" and use a formula similar to:
not IsEmpty(Invoice::Invoice Check Grouping)
Finally, it's worth noting that a portal filter isn't appropriate for all display situations or calculations. You can set up a similar filter completely through your relationships graph (as I believe you have already tried to do.) This will work, once again, for viewing records through a portal but not for the records displayed by a layout itself.
The answers above don't actually help Ben with his question. They are workarounds.
I have the same problem as Ben, and I don't think there is a solution, even now in Filemaker 12. There is I think no way to define a relationship that will omit the related records where the match fields are empty.
Two options come to mind:
On a specific layout, you have more fine-grained control in the portal definition itself, and can use this to exclude the records
You can now use SQL queries to achieve this result within Filemkaer.
