I'm trying to determine if the WiX installer framework can include a step to upload files to an FTP server. Is there a reference in the documentation to that?
I want to access php files, but I don't know their url. Wix support says files are located in "src/backend". So I entered "wix.com/src/backend/send.php", but I failed - 404 eror. Where are files on wix server?
"Server files" (a.k.a "Web Modules") are not any server files or Wix internal server files.
Web Modules are files created by you [1] using the Wix editor. They only can be JavaScript files and can consumed only by the site's client files (or as http-functions).
For more information
Visual Studio Team Services has interesting features like GIT storage and automated building triggered by GIT Commit. I'm trying to use the repository to keep static HTML site files and autobuild to publish files on hosting. Unfortunately the hosting doesn't support any publish way except of FTP connection.
Is it possible to use VSTS autobuild to publish entire site (with set of sub-folders) using FTP connection?
"cURL Upload Files" step supports FTP but it can't create folders structure automatically.
I believe that either "Batch Script" or "Powershell" or "Command line" task can help somehow but stuck with exact implementation :(
You can install FTP Uploader extension and then add this task in your build definition to publish files to FTP server.
I need to publish the site via FTP but when I right click and choose publish, FTP is not an option. What do I need to do to publish this via FTP?
You need to do this in two steps.
Publish to the filesystem - see Visual Studio 2013 Preview: No Publish To File System?
Upload the files to ftp server using ftp client.
using XNA 4.0's TileStorage.OpenStream() you can access files located in the application's binary folder, which are deployed with your application.
You can add files to visual studio project and set them to "copy to output directory", and then these get deployed to the phone, and can be viewed on your PC by looking at your "bin\windows phone\debug" folder
however, if you copy files directly to the "bin\windows phone\debug" folder, these are not deployed to your phone (FYI they get deployed to your Xbox if you are doing xbox development)
How can I deploy additional files to the phone, without adding them to visual studio? Basically I wish to use a postbuild script to get content from a file share, and deploy this + an index file (generated in postbuild) to the phone.
is there any tool, or easy solution for this problem?
A xap file is just a zip file with a different extension. So you can use the post-build event to edit the xap before deployment, using any command-line-aware zip extractor.
For instance, with 7zip:
"C:\Program Files (x86)\7-Zip\7z.exe" a -tzip $(ProjectDir)$(OutDir)Test.xap C:\FileToInject.png
So I have created a Web Site Application project in VS2008 and is fine on my local machine. Just wondering how to I deploy this to a dev server i.e via FTP i.e. do I need just copy over all files i.e.
Microsoft Visual Studio Solution
Visual Basic Project File
Visual Studio Project User options File
and the rest of my customer folder and files & web.config ?
And then when I have those moved and i.e I want to change the config file on the dev server, can I just change the web.config directly on that server or do I need to then open it visual studio on that server and recompile again ?
You can use the Publish Web Site options under Build Menu.
This option can deploy directly on the remote site whit FTP or can publish the file needed on a foolder on your local computer, so you only have to upload on the remote site.
After you deploy the web site if you have only to change the web.config you can use Notepd for it and don't need to recompile nothing... only if you change CodeBehind you have to recompile and upload only the DLL.
This link can Help you understan all the process