Handling zero as amount format in Oracle - oracle

I have an amount column which needs to be in 225,000.00 format, for which below is the query that i have written
Select TRIM(to_char(pen_amt,'999,999,999,999,999.99')) as PenAmount from transact;
Above query is giving correct result for all values except 0, for 0, its coming as .00, instead of it, it should come as 00.00. How to do it?

Add a 0 where you want the precision to start.
Select TRIM(to_char(pen_amt,'999,999,999,999,909.99')) as PenAmount from transact;


Max Val function not working as I expected it to work

I write this query I dont know why its not working for me can anyone suggest for me which is right
I have to bring MAX value I put 0 but it never bring 1 for first record after one record it worked properly mean if table is empty then first entry not give 1 after one record saved than its showed 1 even nvl is shown to null to 0 then + 1 please correct me
If there are no rows with VOUCHER_ID = 4, then you are taking MAX over zero rows, and that is always NULL - it doesn't matter what expression you are taking the MAX over. The NVL you used will only have effect if there are rows with VOUCHER_ID = 4, but in those rows you may have NULL in the SR_NO column. It won't help if there are no rows to begin with.
You could write the code like this **:
:CPV.SR_NO := NVL(:CPV.SR_NO, 0) + 1;
That is - apply the NVL (and also add 1) outside the SELECT statement.
With that said - what is the business problem you are trying to solve in this manner? It looks very much like an extremely bad approach, no matter what the problem you are trying to solve is.
** Note - I haven't seen qualified bind variable names before, like :CPV.SR_NO, but since the query works for you, I assume it's OK. EDIT - I just tried, and at least in Oracle 12.2 such names are invalid for bind variables; so I'm not sure how it was possible for your code to work as posted.
The whole thing can be simplified further. We just need to pull the NVL out of MAX (and also the adding of 1):

How to filter clickhouse table by array column contents?

I have a clickhouse table that has one Array(UInt16) column. I want to be able to filter results from this table to only get rows where the values in the array column are above a threshold value. I've been trying to achieve this using some of the array functions (arrayFilter and arrayExists) but I'm not familiar enough with the SQL/Clickhouse query syntax to get this working.
I've created the table using:
date Date,
sessionSecond UInt16,
distance Array(UInt16)
) Engine = MergeTree(date, (date, sessionSecond), 8192);
Where the distance values will be distances from a certain point at a certain amount of seconds (sessionSecond) after the date. I've added some sample values so the table looks like the following:
Now I want to get all rows which contain distances greater than 7. I found the array operators documentation here and tried the arrayExists function but it's not working how I'd expect. From the documentation, it says that this function "Returns 1 if there is at least one element in 'arr' for which 'func' returns something other than 0. Otherwise, it returns 0". But when I run the query below I get three zeros returned where I should get a 0 and two ones:
SELECT arrayExists(
val -> val > 7,
FROM ArrayTest;
Eventually I want to perform this select and then join it with the table contents to only return rows that have an exists = 1 but I need this first step to work before that. Am I using the arrayExists wrong? What I found more confusing is that when I change the comparison value to 2 I get all 1s back. Can this kind of filtering be achieved using the array functions?
You can use arrayExists in the WHERE clause.
FROM ArrayTest
WHERE arrayExists(x -> x > 7, distance) = 1;
Another way is to use ARRAY JOIN, if you need to know which values is greater than 7:
SELECT d, distance, sessionSecond
FROM ArrayTest
ARRAY JOIN distance as d
WHERE d > 7
I think the reason why you get 3 zeros is that arrayEnumerate enumerates over the array indexes not array values, and since none of your rows have more than 7 elements arrayEnumerates results in 0 for all the rows.
To make this work,
SELECT arrayExists(
val -> distance[val] > 7,
FROM ArrayTest;

OFFSET/LIMIT only count DISTINCT values in Activerecord query

I am running this query
Playlistship.order("created_at desc").select("distinct playlist_id").limit(12).offset(2)
This query does not necessarily return 12 records. It returns the number of distinct records in the set of 12 defined by the LIMIT, OFFSET and ORDER parameters.
For example if the Playlistships between id=13 and id=24 had playlist_ids of [2,3,3,5,6,3,5,6,8,11,12,12], then this query will only give return 7 records, corresponding to the first ones having the playlist_ids [2,3,5,6,8,11,12].
What I would like to find is a query that yields 12, records with distinct playlist_ids, with the correct offset so that running this query again with an OFFSET of 3 would yield the next 12 records with distinct playlist_ids.
Hopefully I didn't "over explain" this one, as I think it's a relatively straightforward question. Please ask for more details if you need them.
Have you tried with subqueries? Give this a try:
Playlistship.select("distinct playlist_id").limit(12).where(playlist_id: Playlistship.order("created_at desc").select('playlist_id').offset(2))

Most efficient way to filter multiple dimensions

Trying to get the [Number] and [Sum of Time Spent] for all Changes that were open during period 201405.
The best definition of open I can think of is is:
- Changes that were logged before or during the [MonthPeriod], while closed during or after the [MonthPeriod]
[Measures].[Sum of Time Spent] ON COLUMNS
[FactChange].[Number].[Number] ON ROWS
[Change Management]
,[DimLoggedDate].[MonthPeriod].MEMBERVALUE <= 201405
,[DimClosedDate].[MonthPeriod].MEMBERVALUE >= 201405
The above query returns a list with all numbers, with a null value when the filters in the WHERE clause don't apply. I would like to remove the NULL items.
Because the query returns ALL Numbers, I wonder if this is the most efficient query to solve the issue. Applying NonEmpty() would remove the numbers, but since all changes are enumerated, isn't this putting more stress on the system than required?
You do it simply by adding "Non empty" in the on Rows clause:
non empty [FactChange].[Number].[Number] on Rows

Strange behavior on Oracle CAST to NVARCHAR2

I have the following query:
META_SECT_ORDER is obviously in integer, while CODE is a string.
It outputs 700 rows like these:
I know that CAST is not necessary but the query is composed by an underlying querybuilder that also outputs for MsSQL Server (where the CAST is needed) and Postgres.
The strange fact is that if I raise the NVARCHAR2 length I obtain different results. For example:
with values <= 80, I get the correct result (see above)
with a value of 81, I get 700 rows of 쥴ឋ醴ఀ퉶൐凨쓥昁菄ࢋ䖼譕貉ႋ䖼莀鐋
with a value of 82, I get 700 rows of ਖଆ
with odd values, in [83-127], I get 700 empty rows
with even values, in [84-128], I get 700 rows of ڢ
with values >= 129, I get ORA-03113: end-of-file on communication channel
What's that??
Actually, It seems that it depends only on the CAST, the concatenation is not relevant.
This looks like "Bug 9949330 - ORA-7445 or garbled data casting a NUMBER to NVARCHAR2". You've already discovered the official work-around, use values <= 80.
You should contact support to either download the patch or request one for your platform.
Here's an easier way to reproduce the issue without using any of your data. It still fails as of
SQL> select cast(level as nvarchar2(130)) from dual connect by level <= 1;
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