Cucumber reports stopped getting generated after i ran mvn clean install command for my karate project - maven

I was getting cucumber reports generated for my Karate project, however, soon after i ran mvn clean install command from my project terminal, some stuff from the target or resources directory got deleted & since then cucumber reports are not getting generated, even though there are no code changes anywhere. Could you please help me fix this one.
I tried to revert the project state to one before i ran the mvn clean install command, but no luck. I am still unable to generate the report as i did earlier.
Given below is my file code:
#KarateOptions(tags = {"~#ignore"})
public class ApiRunner {
public void testParallel() {
Results results = Runner.parallel(getClass(), 5, "target/surefire-
assertTrue(results.getErrorMessages(), results.getFailCount() == 0);
public static void generateReport(String basePath) {
Collection<File> jsonFiles
File(basePath), new String[]{"json"}, true);
List<String> jsonPaths = new ArrayList(jsonFiles.size());
jsonFiles.forEach(file -> jsonPaths.add(file.getAbsolutePath()));
Configuration config = new Configuration(new File(basePath), basePath);
ReportBuilder reportBuilder = new ReportBuilder(jsonPaths, config);
Consolidated Cucumber html reports for all features should get generated successfully after the file is run.

You are missing the call to the generateReport function in testParallel.
Add this line before the assertTrue :


How to show Analyzer errors/warnings during msbuild in VS Dev Cmd & using MSBuildWorkspace

I'll explain the situation with an example.
Suppose I have created a Roslyn Analyzer which throws Error when Class name is TestClass. Analyzer code is as below:
public override void Initialize(AnalysisContext context)
context.RegisterSyntaxNodeAction(Method, SyntaxKind.ClassDeclaration);
private static void Method(SyntaxNodeAnalysisContext context)
var node = (ClassDeclarationSyntax)context.Node;
var name = node.TryGetInferredMemberName();
if(name == "TestClass")
context.ReportDiagnostic(Diagnostic.Create(Rule, context.Node.GetLocation()));
So i install the Analyzer nupkg in some ConsoleApp project. Console project has following code in Program.cs file
using System;
namespace ConsoleApp
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
Console.WriteLine("Hello World!");
class TestClass
static void test()
Now if i build the ConsoleApp project in Visual Studio then i get Error as "TestClass name not to be used" which is fine.
But when i try to build the same project using msbuild command in Developer Command Prompt for VS 2017 i don't see any error from Analyzer. I want that all the errors shown in Error list in VS should be shown in Dev Cmd.
My end goal is to create a stand-alone code analysis tool project and then use MSBuildWorkspace to compile ConsoleApp project and get the analyzer errors/warnings. Part of code is as below:
var filePath = #"C:\Users\user\repos\ConsoleApp\ConsoleApp.sln";
var msbws = MSBuildWorkspace.Create();
var soln = await msbws.OpenSolutionAsync(filePath);
var errors = new List<Diagnostic>();
foreach (var proj in soln.Projects)
var name = proj.Name;
var compilation = await proj.GetCompilationAsync();
errors.AddRange(compilation.GetDiagnostics().Where(n => n.Severity == DiagnosticSeverity.Error).ToList());
var count = errors.Count();
Above code does not show errors/warnings from analyzer.
How can i achieve this?
Thanks in Advance.
To show analyzer errors/warnings during msbuild in VS Dev Cmd, you just have to pass rebuild switch for example
msbuild Tempsolution.sln /t:rebuild
And for MSBuidlWorkspace, this code worked for me. We have to manually specify the analyzer to use by using compilation.WithAnalyzer(ImmutableArray<DiagnosticAnalyzer>);.
var filePath = #"C:\Users\user\repos\ConsoleApp\ConsoleApp.sln";
var msbws = MSBuildWorkspace.Create();
var soln = await msbws.OpenSolutionAsync(filePath);
var errors = new List<Diagnostic>();
foreach (var proj in soln.Projects)
var analyzer = proj.AnalyzerReferences.Where(alz => alz.Display.ToLower() == "Your analyzer name").FirstOrDefault();
var compilation = await proj.GetCompilationAsync();
var compWithAnalyzer = compilation.WithAnalyzers(analyzer.GetAnalyzersForAllLanguages());
var res = compWithAnalyzer.GetAllDiagnosticsAsync().Result;
errors.AddRange(res.Where(r => r.Severity == DiagnosticSeverity.Error).ToList());
var count = errors.Count();
How to show Analyzer errors/warnings during msbuild in VS Dev Cmd &
using MSBuildWorkspace
Actually, these warnings are from Code analysis mechanism rather than MSBuild warnings(like MSBxxx). And I think the TestClass name not to be used is just a warning(yellow mark) not an error.
In VS IDE, its environment integrates the MSBuild tool(Developer Command Prompt for VS) and Code Analyzer. Because of this, you can get the warnings in VS IDE.
However, when you use Developer Command Prompt, which is essentially a separate compilation tool for MSBuild, it doesnot have an integrated code analyzer, so you don't have this type of warning except for MSBuild warnings and errors(MSBxxx). This is also the limitation of the tool. Warning by itself does not affect the entire program.
You can test it by input this in an empty console project: int a=1;(It is a code analyzer warning) and I am sure that the warning can be showed in output window in VS IDE and will not be listed in Developer Command Prompt for VS.
As a suggestion, you can try to treat these warnings as errors and Code Analyzer passes these warnings to the msbuild and specifies them as errors so that you can get the error in DEV.
Add these in your xxx.csproj file:
Although this approach breaks the build process, it is reliable and practical. And this method is very commonly used, generally used in the final production stage of the project, to exclude all errors and warnings for large projects, so as to prevent subsequent errors that may occur and be foolproof.
Then, you can use your code to build the project.

How to build netty by source code? I failed in test code because of assertequals ambiguous method call

I want to build netty from source code. I pull 4.1 from GitHub. When i want to run maven, I have some problem in test code.
I can run maven install -Dmaven.test.skip=true to build project. But when I want to run netty-example code, I see some error in test code.
I can not remove all test code, so I can not run code in this project.
This is for a jdk1.8, macos ,idea2019.
public void testFlushViaDisconnect() {
final AtomicInteger flushCount = new AtomicInteger();
EmbeddedChannel channel = newChannel(flushCount, false);
// Simulate read loop;
assertEquals(0, flushCount.get());
assertEquals(1, flushCount.get());
assertEquals(1L, channel.readOutbound()); // error this line.
Error:(150, 9) java: ambiguous method call of assertEquals
org.junit.Assert method assertEquals(long,long) and org.junit.Assert method assertEquals(java.lang.Object,java.lang.Object) is all match

How to Use nativescript-autocomplete plugin with nativescript angular?

I am not able to make plugin work with angular project template .GitHub shows only code in native and XML .Sample plugin code works but unfortunately no angular support or help given. I am not able show on angular template.
relevant code i am using
registerElement("AutoComplete", () => require("nativescript-autocomplete").AutoComplete);
public list :Array = ['1','2','3','4','567'] ;
public itemTapped(args){
<AutoComplete items=""{{list}}"" itemTap="itemTapped($event)"> </AutoComplete>
i am getting exception on console while page loads and autocompletion doesnt work
this.items.forEach is not a function inside plugin code .that line is with definition of AutoComplete.prototype.itemsUpdate inside plugin source
Debugging into plugin source it breaks at initialization time :
'AutoComplete.prototype.itemsUpdate = function (items) {
var arr = Array.create(java.lang.String, this.items.length);
this.items.forEach(function (item, index) {
arr[index] = item;
var ad = new android.widget.ArrayAdapter(, android.R.layout.simple_list_item_1, arr);
In detail.component.html
<AutoComplete [items]="list" (itemTap)="itemTapped($event)"> </AutoComplete>
in details.component.ts add
public list:any= ['1','2','3','4','567'] ;
//console.log(ev); your code
Issue in npm version. Clone the repository.
Replace all the files in node_modules/nativescript-autocomplete ,expect screenshot, demo folders and git related files. And try the solution

testng_failed.xml does not get refreshed before running and run older failed testcases

Actually question related to testng-failed.xml has already been asked many times but my problem is little different. I want to run all the failed test cases together so what i did is in my pom I passed testng-failed.xml.
But the problem I am facing is first my testng.xml runs then testng-failed.xml and then it testng-failed.xml gets overridden. Due to this , suppose if i give a second time fresh run to my testcases, testng.xml runs, then my testng-failed.xml has previously failed test cases so it runs the previously failed cases and then updates testng-failed.xml with this time failed cases.
I dont knoe which listener to add to handle this issue that whenever i run first testng.xml should run , then it should override testng-failed.xml and then testng-failed.xml should run.
I am using Maven, selenium, testng.
I just eneterd testng-failed.xml in my pom as shown below. Please let me know which listner to use
Create class 'RetryListener' by implementing 'IAnnotationTransformer'.
public class RetryListener implements IAnnotationTransformer {
public void transform(ITestAnnotation testannotation, Class testClass,
Constructor testConstructor, Method testMethod) {
IRetryAnalyzer retry = testannotation.getRetryAnalyzer();
if (retry == null) {
Now Create another class.
public class Retry implements IRetryAnalyzer {
private int retryCount = 0;
private int maxRetryCount = 1;
// Below method returns 'true' if the test method has to be retried
else 'false'
//and it takes the 'Result' as parameter of the test method that just
public boolean retry(ITestResult result) {
if (retryCount < maxRetryCount) {
System.out.println("Retrying test " + result.getName() + " with status "
+ getResultStatusName(result.getStatus()) + " for the " + (retryCount+1) + " time(s).");
return true;
return false;
public String getResultStatusName(int status) {
String resultName = null;
resultName = "SUCCESS";
resultName = "FAILURE";
resultName = "SKIP";
return resultName;
And Now Add below lines in your testNG xml file
<listener class-name="com.pack.test.RetryListener"/>
and Do not pass Xml file in pom.xml
Hope it will works
Why are you running the testng xml and failed test xml in the same testng task. You should have to separate build task, first that runs testng xml and generates the failed tests xml and then another task running the failed test xml. It will work.
I implemented run one time and rerun three times only the newly failed tests.
mvn $par1=$pSuiteXmlFile test > $test1log
mvn $par1=$failedRelPath test > $failed1log
mvn $par1=$failedRelPath test > $failed2log
mvn $par1=$failedRelPath test > $failed3log
It works, but with small test-cases-count. I have a suite with 300 tests in it and somehow the testng-failed.xml is not created by surefire/testng after the main (first) run. When the suite is smaller, the testng-failed.xml is created as required.

OpenCover showing 0 lines covered with mstest

'here is output...'
Loading C:\TEMP\BankDemo_mstest\Test_BankDemo\bin\Debug\Test_BankDemo.dll...
Starting execution...
Results Top Level Tests
------- ---------------
Error Test.BankDemo.AccountTest.CreditTest
Error Test.BankDemo.AccountTest.DebitTest
Error Test.BankDemo.AccountTest.FreezeTest
0/3 test(s) Passed, 3 Error
Test Run Error.
Error 3
Total 3
This is the command I used
OpenCover\OpenCover.Console.exe -register:user
-target:"C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\Common7\IDE\MSTest.exe"
-filter:"-[Bank.*]* +[Bank*]* +[Bank.Accounts*]* -[Test.BankDemo*]*"
ReportGenerator\bin\ReportGenerator.exe Codecoverage.xml Coverage HTML
(I have even tried regsvr32 to register the profile and I am using XP)
actually I am beginner to Nunit,mstest and opencoverage and I found sample Unit test case at so
** Nunit test class is as below**
private TestContext testContextInstance;
public TestContext TestContext
get { return testContextInstance; }
set { testContextInstance = value; }
private int store;
public void TestFixtureSetUp()
store = 1;
the above class works fine with Nunit and Opencoverage also showing accurate data but same class after replacing mstest specific attributes didn't worked so after posting this questin I figured it that this method has to be static and added TestContext argument. so I made code changes(in bold) as below and above command worked fine.
MSTest class
private TestContext testContextInstance;
public TestContext TestContext
get { return testContextInstance; }
set { testContextInstance = value; }
public **static** void ClassInit(**TestContext context**)
Your tests aren't failing -- they're erroring, meaning there appears to be a problem compiling the test project. It stands to reason that you'll get no coverage if the tests cannot be built and executed.
2 reasons could be for this however I suspect your filters are wrong, as described in the usage the filters are
(+/-)[assembly/module filter]namespace.typefilter
and exclusion filters take precedence over inclusion filters
So your -[Bank.*]* is excluding types before the +[Bank.Accounts*]* (and probably +[Bank*]*) can take effect. As the default filter +[*]* is only added if you have no other extra filters, other than the default ones, then you should only need to add filters for the modules you wish to profile i.e. +[Bank.*]*
If you open up the XML output then if a class is filtered out then a reason is supplied via the skippedDueTo attribute.
The other reason could be due to missing PDB files not in the folder of the assembly (some test harnesses copy assemblies to other folders - but I see you are using the /noisolation switch - so this shouldn't be it)
Please feel free to discuss or if you think there is a big raise the issue on the OpenCover GitHub site
