How filter user with which user have null profile image? - laravel-5.8

Already my filter working with this code
public function search(Request $request)
$users = (new User)->newQuery();
if ($request->has('gender'))
$users->where('gender', $request->gender);
if ($request->has('fromAge') && $request->has('toAge'))
$users->whereBetween('age', [$request->fromAge, $request->toAge]);
if ($request->has('country'))
$users->where('country', $request->country);
return [$users->get()];
Now only users with a profile picture need to filter. How change this code for my requirement?
Please note that :- The existing filter should work with the new filter. For users who don't have a profile picture I want to remove them from the members page.
Profile picture db column name is profile_image

You can check null column with whereNull and whereNotNull in Laravel. In your case you can append with new filter like this:
if ($request->has('userWithProfilePicture')) {


Generate sugestions by genre id

Using laravel 7 and pivot tables i have something like this:
Model: show
public function genres()
return $this->belongsToMany('App\ShowGenre');
Model: ShowGenre
public function shows()
return $this->belongsToMany('App\Show', 'show_show_genre')->orderBy('name', 'asc');
In mysql database i have show_genres where i put my show_id and genre_id. So i want to create something like suggestion based.
At bottom my page i want to display 5 random tv shows that have same genre. Some tv shows have multiple genres so how can i display that and limit it with suma 5.
show_show_genre should have show_id and show_genre_id because show_show_genre is pivot table. show_genres is not pivot table since it is genre's table as described in code. Also, you don't need to set show_show_genre in return statement since Laravel will automatically recognize it's pivot table.
Try something like this:
$show = Show::findOrFail($id);
$featuredShows = Show::whereHas('genres', function ($query) use ($show) {
$query->whereIn('', $show->genres()->pluck('id')->toArray());
})->where('id', '!=' , $show->id)->with(['genres'])->inRandomOrder()->limit(5)->get();

Laravel Create multiple records in Pivot table

I'm trying to create a function in our Laravel 5.8 app that would add multiple records to a pivot table. At present we have the following setup;
Training Courses
Users Training Courses (pivot table for the above relationships, with a few extra fields)
I want to be able to show all users in the database, then check their name, pick a training course and hit "Add" and it'll create a record in the pivot table for each user that was selected.
I can't figure out where to start with this - it seems like I need to have a "for each user selected, run the store function" loop in the controller, but I have no idea where to start.
I wasn't sure if there was an easy way to do this in eloquent or not. Is there a simple way to do this?
Eloquent does this automatically if you set up the relationships correctly and you don't have to worry about pivot tables.
class Users
public function trainingCourses()
return $this->hasMany(TrainingCourses::class);
class TrainingCourses
public function user()
return $this->belongsTo(User::class);
Then you can use the save() method to create the relationship. But I find it better to wrap this function inside a helper method that you can use throughout your code:
class Users
public function assignTrainingCourse(TrainingCourse $trainingCourse)
return $this->trainingCourses()->save($trainingCourse);
In your code, you could then do something as simple as this:
$user = User::find(1);
$trainingCourse = TrainingCourse::find(1);
Building on this, suppose you have the following route to assign a training course, where it expects a trainingcourse_id in the request:
Route::post('/users/{user}/trainingcourses', 'UserTrainingCoursesController#store');
Thanks to route model binding, Laravel can inference the parent model (user) from the URL, and your controller might look like this:
// UserTrainingCoursesController.php
public function store(User $user)
$trainingCourse = TrainingCourse::find(request()->input('trainingcourse_id'));
return back();
Of course, you'll want to put some validation in here, but this should get you started.

Laravel eloquent query with sum of related table

I have a table users and posts with columns user_id and post_views.
In post_views I keep information how many times post was display.
And now, in query I would like to get user with sum of post_views all his posts.
I tried do something like this:
And in model I defined:
public function posts()
return $this->hasMany('App\Models\Post')->sum('post_views','AS','totalViews');
But without success.
How to do it?
Thank you
You can use a modified withCount():
public function posts()
return $this->hasMany('App\Models\Post');
$user = User::withCount(['posts as post_views' => function($query) {
// $user->post_views
You can use
to get the user with the id $id and a posts_count attribute in the response
I'm not fully sure what the intention of ->sum('game_plays','AS','totalVies'); is - you would need to add more context if you want this
Just something to add with regards to your shown code: No need to query by id using where + the get() at the end will make you query for a collection. If you want to get a single result use find when searching by id
As always laravel has a method for that : withSum (Since Laravel v8)
Note : I know that at the time of the message was posted, the method did not exist, but since I came across this page when I was looking for the same result, I though it might be interesting to share.
In your case it should be :
$user = User::withSum('posts as total_views', 'post_views')->find($id);
Then you can access to the result :

how to display the current logged on users picture from a relationship laravel

I want to retrieve the user's photo and display it in a thumbnail form which i have stored in public/assets/uploads/thumbnail/. I tried auth()->user()->user_detail->file_name but I can't get it to work. How do you do it ?
you have to first define a relationship if they are stored in different table
like i did in model
public function imagedata() {
return $this->hasMany(Images::class, 'listID', 'id');
and after that when you get the user just call this method like this
$listingimg = Listings::findOrfail($id);
and for calling the relationship
foreach (listingimg as $singleIlisting) {
modify the code according your needs as if needed and by the way relatio is one to many

Laravel 4: How to add more data to Auth::user() without extra queries?

I'm rather new to Laravel 4 and can't seem to find the right answer, maybe you can help:
A User in our application can have many Accounts and all data is related to an Account, not a User. The account the User is currently logged into is defined by a subdomain, i.e.
We added a method account() to our User model:
* Get the account the user is currently logged in to
public function account()
$server = explode('.', Request::server('HTTP_HOST'));
$subdomain = $server[0];
return Account::where('subdomain', $subdomain)->first();
The problem is that there is always an extra query when we now use something like this in our view or controller:
When we want to get "Products" related to the account, we could use:
$products = Product::where('account_id', Auth::user()->account()->id)->get();
And yet again an extra query...
Somehow we need to extend the Auth::user() object, so that the account data is always in there... or perhaps we could create a new Auth::account() object, and get the data there..
What's the best solution for this?
Thanks in advance
Just set it to a session variable. This way, you can check that session variable before you make the database call to see if you already have it available.
Or instead of using ->get(), you can use ->remember($minutes) where $minutes is the amount of time you wish to keep the results of the query cached.
You should take a look at Eloquent relationships :
It provides simple ways to get the account of a user and his products. You said that a user can have many accounts but you used a first() in your function I used a hasOne here.
Using Eloquent relationships you can write in your User model:
public function account()
// I assume here 'username' is the local key for your User model
return $this->hasOne('Account', 'subdomain', 'username');
public function products()
// You should really have a user_id in your User Model
// so that you will not have to use information from the
// user's account
return $this->hasMany('Product', 'account_id', 'user_id');
You should define the belongsTo in your Account model and Product model.
With Eager Loading you will not run a lot of SQL queries :
You will be able to use something like
$users = User::with('account', 'products')->get();
To get all users with their account and products.
I think this is a good example for the purpose of Repositories.
You shouldn't query the (involved) models directly but wrap them up into a ProductRepository (or Repositories in general) that handles all the queries.
For instance:
class ProductRepository
protected $accountId;
public function __construct($accountId)
$this->accountId = $accountId;
public function all()
return Product::where('account_id', $this->accountId)->get();
//now bind it to the app container to make it globaly available
App::bind('ProductRepository', function() {
return new ProductRepository(Auth::user()->account()->id);
// and whenever you need it:
$productRepository = App::make('ProductRepository');
$userProducts = $productRepository->all();
You could group the relevant routes and apply a filter on them in order to bind it on each request so the account-id would be queried only once per repository instance and not on every single query.
Scopes could also be interesting in this scenario:
// app/models/Product.php
public function scopeCurrentAccount($query)
return $query->where('account_id', Auth::user()->account()->id);
Now you could simply call
$products = Product::currentAccount()->get();
