How to do page transitions with svelte/sapper - sapper

I want to realize a simple page (route) transition in Sapper. Something that is easily achievable with Nuxt for example. Does anyone have an idea how to realize that with Sapper?
I already wrapped my page content into a div with a transition:fade directive. This works. Yet, the two pages transition at the same time, meaning while one page transitions out the other one already transitions in. It would be great if someone pointed me in the right direction. Thanks!

Let me just start of by saying I don't know if this is the most effective way to do it. This is the way I solved it and it works great for me.
I first made my own custom variation of the 'fade' transition and put it in 'components/pageFade.js'
import { sineOut } from "svelte/easing";
let duration = 250;
let delay = duration;
let delayZero = 0;
export const fadeIn = _ => ({
easing: sineOut,
css: t => `opacity: ${t}`
export const fadeOut = _ => ({
delay: delayZero,
easing: sineOut,
css: t => `opacity: ${t}`
The delayZero variable is there because for some reason it won't take '0' directly and will break.
The duration variable is the length of the fade in milliseconds
Then for all files I wanted to have this transition on I did the following:
import { fadeIn, fadeOut } from "../components/pageFade";
// All your other JS goes here
/* Styles go here */
<main in:fadeIn out:fadeOut>
<!-- All the normal HTML goes here -->
I would then use that as a template on almost every single one of the pages, which seems like a lot but it's not too bad.
Hope it helps and let me know if you have any other questions!

If you want to include transition in _layout.svelte and don't need to include them in every route here is an alternative.
Here is a simple fly in/out from top transition.
<!-- src/component/PageTransitions.svelte -->
import { fly } from 'svelte/transition';
export let refresh = '';
{#key refresh}
in:fly="{{ y: -50, duration: 250, delay: 300 }}"
out:fly="{{ y: -50, duration: 250 }}"
And here is the Sapper layout component
<!-- src/routes/_layout.svelte for Sapper -->
import { page } from '$app/stores'; // svelte#next
import Nav from '../components/Nav';
import PageTransitions from '../components/PageTransitions';
export let segment;
<Nav {segment}/>
<PageTransitions refresh={segment}>
And here is the SvelteKit (svelte#next) layout component
<!-- src/routes/$layout.svelte for Svelte#next -->
import { page } from '$app/stores'; // svelte#next
import Nav from '../components/Nav';
import PageTransitions from '../components/PageTransitions';
<Nav segment={$page.path}/>
<PageTransitions refresh={$page.path}>
And for completeness here is a simple Nav component
<!-- src/component/Nav.svelte -->
export let segment;
a {
text-decoration: none;
.current {
text-decoration: underline;
<a href="/" class='{segment === undefined ? "current" : ""}'>Home</a>
<a href="/about" class='{segment === "about" ? "current" : ""}'>About</a>
We make the component reactive by creating a refresh prop and using key directive which means that when the key changes, svelte removes the component and adds a new one, therefore triggering the transition.
In the layout component we pass the segment (route) as refresh prop and therefore the refresh key changes as the route changes.
Here is a demo of the sample code above and the github repo

FYI #max-larsson, from your code, fadeIn is defined as a function which needs no arguments and returns an object having a duration property equal to the value of the duration variable at this scope. same with delay. Note easing is defined as the name, with the value of sineOut.
This may be your issue if you just tried to put a literal 0 where delay was. I see you tried making delayZero, but used it likely in a different way than you intended. You probably meant to write this:
export const fadeOut = _ => ({
delay: 0,
easing: sineOut,
css: t => `opacity: ${t}`
When I tried this, it works just fine for me. Thanks for sharing your example.

I guess Svelte Kit has changed since #GiorgosK answer, because I cannot make it work with the code in his answer.
But fortunately, his github repo has been update with the solution, thanks !
The page.path properties much be used in module context
This is my version without a specific component for page transition :
<!-- src/route/__layout.svelte -->
<script context="module">
export const load = async ({ page }) => ({
props: {
key: page.path,
import { fly } from "svelte/transition";
export let key;
{#key key}
in:fly={{ x: 50, duration: 2500 }}
out:fly={{ y: -50, duration: 2500 }}
<slot />
Maybe #GiorgosK can share some insight about that change.


How to change the height of d3 observable notebook embed

so I understand that I can change the fixed width instead of a responsive width, by importing Library, then re-assigning the width value. But I also want to change the height and including ,height: 500 doesn't seem to work. What am I doing wrong and what other way is there to embed the d3 observable notebook chart with customizable width and height without using an iframe?
<div class="chart"></div>
<p>Credit: <a href="">Myanmar COVID-19 Total Lab
Confirmed Cases by Timmy Kyaw</a></p>
<script type="module">
import {
} from "";
const runtime = new Runtime(Object.assign(new Library, {
width: 500
import define from "";
const main = runtime.module(define, name => {
if (name === "chart") return Inspector.into(".chart")();
Width works differently than height in Observable notebooks. You’ve already found how to change width: it’s a reactive variable that you can override with a constant like you’re doing; by default it uses with width of the document body.
For height, or any other value you want to inject like data or zipCode, you should use main.redefine("height", 500). (I’m using 200 in the example below, just change it to 500.)
<div class="chart"></div>
<p>Credit: <a href="">
Myanmar COVID-19 Total Lab Confirmed Cases by Timmy Kyaw</a></p>
<script type="module">
import {
} from "";
const runtime = new Runtime(Object.assign(new Library, {
width: 500
import define from "";
const main = runtime.module(define, name => {
if (name === "chart") return Inspector.into(".chart")();
main.redefine("height", 200)
Often it’s useful to make the figure fill an enclosing div instead of hardcoding a width and height: see this example of that approach. Also for reference, the docs have more information about both the redefine and new Library techniques.

ReactCSSTransitionGroup rendering list of items

So I am trying to display a transition with ReactCSSTransitionGroup on load of the home page. It is to display a list of items below the jumbotron. This items come from Redux store. They are passed from a container component called home_index.js that is aware of Redux Store. The component itself 'poll-list.js' contains poll-links, the items to be transitioned in; it (and its child) is a DUMB component. Meaning, it has no state nor is it aware of redux store. (Can these components even use ReactCSSTransitionGroup?)
In any case, I cannot, for the life of me, get this fade in transition to work. I know I must be doing something wrong...but cannot figure it out.
const appearTransition = {
transitionName: "fade",
transitionLeave: false,
transitionEnter: false,
transitionAppear: true,
transitionAppearTimeout: 2500
let polls;
if (props.pollsList) {
polls =, ind) => {
return (
return (
<div className='poll-list'>
<ReactCSSTransitionGroup {...appearTransition}>
{props.pollsList.length > 0 ? polls : null}
And here is the CSS (note I am not doing a Leave, and I have set Appear to true, i just want this to happen on initial load of the home page)
.fade-appear {
opacity: 0.01;
#include prefix(transition, (opacity 2500ms), webkit ms moz o);
.fade-appear.fade-appear-active {
opacity: 1;
Also, putting ReactCSSTransitionGroup at this level, in this element, makes my flexbox get all weird. The components are no longer in columns of 4 (or however many based on screen width), they are in one single column down the center...
Where do I put the transition group HOC?
You can simply add this style in your css file, try to remove the hyphen between class name and make it in camelcasing:
.fadeAppear {
opacity: 1;
transition: opacity 0.3s ease-in;-webkit-transition: opacity 0.3s ease-in;
import your css file in your redux code,
#import mycss from '../path/style.css'
and add the given class in css in wherever needed.
return (
<div className='poll-list'>
<ReactCSSTransitionGroup className={mycss.fadeAppear} >
{props.pollsList.length > 0 ? polls : null}
Hope this works!

polymer iron-list only loading 20 items

I have an a test array that I am retrieving from iron-ajax with around 1000 items. I set that return array to the people property of my custom polymer element. Iron-list is displaying the first 20 results, but when i scroll down the rest of the results are not being loaded.
<link rel="import" href="/bower_components/iron-ajax/iron-ajax.html">
<link rel="import" href="/bower_components/iron-list/iron-list.html">
<link rel="import" href="/bower_components/iron-flex-layout/classes/iron-flex-layout.html">
<dom-module id="people-list">
<iron-list items="[[people]]" as="item" class="flex">
<div style="background-color:white; min-height:50px;">[[]]</div>
is: 'people-list',
properties: {
people: {
type: Array
I think it may have to do with the height of the screen/iron-list element, but I am stuck and not sure how to proceed.
I can get it load all items if I set the height of the iron-list elements in pixels. But I just want it to fit on the screen. The docs make it look like you can use the iron-flex layout and use the class flex, which is what I tried to do in my sample code, but it has no effect.
This is because nothing is firing the iron-resize event to tell the iron-list to redraw the items. According to the docs:
iron-list lays out the items when it recives a notification via the iron-resize event. This event is fired by any element that implements IronResizableBehavior.
By default, elements such as iron-pages, paper-tabs or paper-dialog will trigger this event automatically. If you hide the list manually (e.g. you use display: none) you might want to implement IronResizableBehavior or fire this event manually right after the list became visible again. e.g.
I've added the following to your code (which is probably a bit of a hack) and got it working:
ready: function () {
document.addEventListener("scroll", function () {
// fire iron-resize event to trigger redraw of iron-list
Ben Thomas is right. You're getting the json elements but it's not displayed because the iron-list needs to be redrawn. Since i had the same problem, i went to google polymers website and found THIS code example.
In short for your example:
// Only execute after DOM and imports (in our case the json file) has been loaded
HTMLImports.whenReady(function() {
is: 'people-list',
properties: {
people: {
type: Array
attached: function() {
// Use the top-level document element as scrolltarget
this.$.list.scrollTarget = this.ownerDocument.documentElement;

navbar-fixed-top show content behind Navbar

How do you prevent the content from floating behind the Navbar when scrolling?
<Navbar className="navbar-form navbar-fixed-top" responsive collapseable brand='x' inverse toggleNavKey={1} onClick={this.handleMouseDown}>
Or is it in:
<Nav className="navigation"..
Add a custom class to your navbar component, say, sticky-nav. Define the following CSS properties on it:
.sticky-nav {
position: sticky;
top: 0;
This will make your navbar stick to the top and will automatically adjust the height of its following DOM elements. You can read more about the sticky property on MDN.
As Scrotch said adding:
<Navbar style={{backgroundColor: "#071740", position: "sticky"}} variant="dark" fixed="top">
worked for me, I did it inline but putting in a separate CSS file should work as well. This is the only thing that's worked so far for me.
NB: I'm using "react-bootstrap": "^1.0.0-beta.16"
I was running into this too. I found the following (baseline bootstrap) page that shows a fixed navbar and has the main page showing up properly below it. It seems to be a function of the css that they are using. Specifically:
padding-top: 70px;
I added
body {
padding-top: 70px;
to my css file, and it seems to be working. Obviously mileage may vary, not applicable in all territories, etc. I am going to need to test it further for myself, but that might get you started.
In order to get responsive padding-top for body you may use sth. like this (ES6 example):
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import React from 'react';
import { Navbar, Nav, NavItem } from 'react-bootstrap';
export default class Template extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = { navHeight: 50 };
this.handleResize = this.handleResize.bind(this);
handleResize(e = null) {
this.setState({ navHeight: ReactDOM.findDOMNode(this._navbar).offsetHeight });
componentDidMount() {
window.addEventListener('resize', this.handleResize);
componentWillUnmount() {
window.removeEventListener('resize', this.handleResize);
render() {
return (
<body style={{paddingTop: this.state.navHeight}}>
<Navbar ref={(e) => this._navbar = e} fixedTop>
<Link to="/">Some title</Link>
<NavItem eventKey={1} href="/link1">Link1</NavItem>
<NavItem eventKey={2} href="/link2">Link2</NavItem>
Template.propTypes = {
navHeight: React.PropTypes.number,
children: React.PropTypes.object,
This way your <body> padding-top will always fit your navbar height even after adding more links in mobile view.
I also assume that base height is 50px (see the constructor) but it shouldn't matter as long as you call this.handleResize() in componentDidMount().
There is also the option to specify sticky-top which basically implements the solution of using position:sticky that others have suggested (see documentation).
So in your example you could just specify sticky-top instead of fixed-top as a className, and it satisfies your requirements.
react-bootstrap provides position utilities.
<Navbar sticky="top">
react-bootstrap documentation
However in-page anchor does not work properly, and position can be under the navbar after jump from a link.
I also use this custom css to fix the issue.
*[id]:before {
display: block;
content: " ";
margin-top: -75px;
height: 75px;
visibility: hidden;
I came across the same problem. Wanting to stay within bootstrap and avoid custom css I tried adding class 'position-sticky', which gave me a left-shifted navbar. Apparently, for whatever reason, the navbar has a negative padding, so adding 'ps-0' to the class list fixed it.
className={'position-sticky ps-0'}
for anyone using tailwind use sticky as a property in the top div of your navbar
<div className="sticky"> navbar-content </div>

Approximating a mootools' .slide('out') on an element prior to Fx.Slide instantiation

It'd be simple to add var myFx = new Fx.Slide(element); to window.addEvent('domready'...), but because I am loading "sub-pages" using AJAX, the mootools objects of these elements inside these pages need to be instantiated after have loaded fully. If I tried using domready, the element would not be found, simple because it doesn't exist yet.
I've been working around this with setTimeout(function() { ... }, 500);, but this leaves a 500ms delay between page load and element effect creation.
<div id="foo">TextTextText</div>
<script type="text/javascript">
setTimeout(function() {
var myFx = new Fx.Slide('foo').slideOut();
}, 500);
When the page is loaded, there is a clunky 500 ms before the element goes to its default state of... erm... "slided in". (slidded in?)
A workaround exists for .hide() and .show() effects, though, since I can simply write in the html <div id="foo" style="display: none;">
I've tried approximating the "slid in" state of an element with <div id="foo" style="height: 0px; overflow: hidden;">, but then the element stays hidden like that forever, and slide() doesn't do a damn thing on it.
I feel as though I am missing something simple.
Have you tried putting the Fx.Slide instantiation in the onComplete method of your XHR call ?
Example :
var myRequest = new Request({
method: 'get',
url: 'requestHandler.php',
onComplete : function() {
var myFx = new Fx.Slide(element);
// etc ...
I ended up resolving (to my satisfaction, anyway) the problem with a quick workaround.
<div id="foo" style="display: none;">TextTextText</div>
Click me!
<script type="text/javascript">
setTimeout(function() {
var myFx = new Fx.Slide('foo').slideOut();
$('toggler').addEvent('click', function() {
if ($('foo').getStyle('display') == 'none') $('foo').setStyle('display', 'block');
}, 500);
Element is hidden in initial state, and the slideOut() effect is run after the delay, but user won't notice since element is hidden. When called, element display is set to block (if not set already), and slideIn() is called.
Set initial state:
var myFx = new Fx.Slide('foo').hide();
Then later, when you want it to appear:;
