Spring Cloud Gateway deletes SESSION cookie after a call to resource server - session

I'm having a problem with SESSION cookie being reset by Spring Cloud Gateway after a call to a resource server.
I have an Angular application, a Spring Cloud Gateway application, an external Authorization Server and a Resource Server of my own.
The Angular application first authorizes via Spring Cloud Gateway app (who delegates this work to external Authorization Server using OAuth2) and receives a SESSION cookie. At this point the user is authenticated and Authentication object is available in Spring Cloud Gateway app.
Next, the Angular app calls an endpoint of Spring Cloud Gateway app, which actually forwards the call to the Resource Server (and includes the Bearer token in the call, so the call works fine), the Resource server returns some result, which is successfully send back through the Spring Cloud Gateway app to the Angular app. BUT alongside successful response the Spring Cloud Gateway app sends this header:
set-cookie: SESSION=; Max-Age=0; Expires=Sat, 17 Aug 2019 20:39:44 GMT; Path=/; HTTPOnly
which kills the cookie on the client side and makes subsequent calls impossible, even though the Authentication object is still alive and the session looks to fine as well.
Does anyone know what can be the reason of such behavior?

We had the exact issue in our WebFlux resource servers -- the API gateway would proxy a request to a resource server, so the first request worked, but subsequent requests would try to authenticate again because the SESSION cookie was cleared out, resulting in some X-XSRF-TOKEN errors.
We solved this by adding .requestCache().requestCache(NoOpServerRequestCache.getInstance()) to our securityWebFilterChain bean definition in our WebFlux resource servers.
class ResourceServerConfiguration {
String jwkSetUri
SecurityWebFilterChain securityWebFilterChain(ServerHttpSecurity http) {
In the "classic" MVC world, you would configure your ResourceServerConfigurer classes like this:
protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
Update 11/22/2022
Our microservice architecture has begun to expand, and we started seeing this issue again on services not owned by our team. Turns out they had stateful web services, meaning, sessions were created when calling them which caused the SESSION cookie to get overridden on the Spring Cloud Gateway client application. We applied this to our configuration to permanently resolve this issue:
name: SESSION_${spring.application.name}
👆 This eliminates an issue where SESSION cookies from other web service calls collide with the Gateway client's SESSION cookie.

I had encountered the same case.
Did the external Authorization Server produce a cookie which is base64 encode?
Such as Set-Cookie: SESSION=YWZjOTc4YmUtOTNmNy00N2UxLTg0NjgtYWJlNWMwZmNiOWUx
If so, it will cause the problem.
The CookieWebSessionIdResolver defined in Spring Web used by Spring Cloud Gateway does not deal with the base64 encoded cookie values. Instead, it directly uses the raw cookie value to find the corresponding session in the storage. Obviously, no Authentication object will be found. So that Spring Cloud Gateway choose to kill the "invalid" cookie given by the Angular app.
There are two solutions given below.
Disable base64 encoding of cookie values in the external Authorization Server if it is also managed by you.
Override WebSessionIdResolver to change the default behaviour so as to decode cookie values when reading by session manager. And don't forget to register it as a Spring Bean in your Spring Cloud Gateway implementation.
In my case, Solution 1 was choosen. My Authorization Server uses Spring Security + Spring Session. I changed the default settings of HttpSessionIdResolver like this.
CookieHttpSessionIdResolver cookieHttpSessionIdResolver = new CookieHttpSessionIdResolver();
DefaultCookieSerializer defaultCookieSerializer = new DefaultCookieSerializer();


Persist session after browser is closed

I have a NextJS application that uses a Backend for Frontend Architecture with Spring Security OAuth2 Client and Spring Cloud Gateway, which communicates to my Spring Authorization Server, very similar to this sample.
My webapp is working real nice, I'm getting the SESSION and X-CSRF token from my BFF and are being set in the browser on my NextJS app as cookies, so everything is cool to that point. But my doubt is that I closed the browser window and my session goes away, obviously it happens since both the cookies have MAX-AGE as "Session".
I know that the best practice is to let is as is, let the session either expire by the session timeout or when the browser session ends, but I'm curious to know how to persist the SESSION and X-CSRF cookies after the browser closes, so I have these questions:
Is it just enough to set the MAX-AGE to something in both the BFF and Spring Authorization Server?
Is Spring Security Remember Me needed? Though my BFF uses WebFlux Security so that functionality isn't available.
Should the X-CSRF Cookie also be persisted after the browser is closed, just as the session?
Should the session timeout equal the max age that I would set for both the cookies?
Should the X-CSRF token be persisted in a database if I spun up multiple instances of the BFF?
Also I'm confused on how to setup this because of the fact that I do the login on the Spring Authorization Server but I'm also logged in in the BFF since I have the SESSION and X-CSRF token to communicate with my BFF, so I guess that both session configuration should be the same on these two apps since they both create a session cookie even though the browser only gets the BFF one.
Also worth noting that both my BFF and my Spring Authorization Server, use Spring Session with Redis using different namespaces.
Relevant Spring Security configuration in my BFF:
public SecurityWebFilterChain securityWebFilterChain(ServerHttpSecurity http) {
.authorizeExchange(authorizeExchange ->
.exceptionHandling(exceptionHandling ->
.csrf(csrf ->
.oauth2Login(oauth2 ->
.logout(logout ->
return http.build();
Security Configuration on my Spring Authorization Server:
// AuthorizationServerConfig class
public SecurityFilterChain authorizationServerSecurityFilterChain(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
return http.cors(Customizer.withDefaults())
// WebSecurityConfig class
SecurityFilterChain defaultSecurityFilterChain(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
.authorizeRequests(authorizeRequests ->
return http.build();
I've done some research and for folks looking for something similar this may shed a little bit of light.
To answer my own questions:
Is it just enough to set the MAX-AGE to something in both the BFF and Spring Authorization Server?
I think that setting the max-age for my BFF for my session and x-csrf token is enough for enabling my users to be able to open my SPA again and be able to keep using the application freely without login in again.
You can find more information about how to set the max age when using Spring Security for servlet applications here or here for Reactive applications
I don't think that it makes sense to set the max age for the Spring Authorization Server microservice since the browser only gets and needs the one from the BFF Gateway microservice.
Also it is worth noting that I would guess that the session timeout should be equal or superior for what you set the max age, since when your users are away from the app the inactivity on the BFF would invalidate the session if it timeouts, more on that here
Is Spring Security Remember Me needed? Though my BFF uses WebFlux Security so that functionality isn't available.
If you have a servlet application, Remember me does allow to auto login the user when they close the window back, in my case I use a Reactive application therefore this feature is not yet built in. But if yours is a servlet one, you can try the feature here
Should the X-CSRF Cookie also be persisted after the browser is closed, just as the session?
I would think so, because it won't be generated back since you aren't automatically login on the app when you reopen the browser window, you are just still using the same session. This sounds like a bad practice but I haven't found what to do in this case.
You can set the max age for the X-CSRF token on both servlet and reactive applications by using CookieCsrfTokenRepository or CookieServerCsrfTokenRepository.
Should the session timeout equal the max age that I would set for both the cookies?
Again I would think that the timeout should be equal or superior or depending of the time you would like to give the users to make time it out, since it refreshes every time someone does something on the server. Look more on that here
Should the X-CSRF token be persisted in a database if I spun up multiple instances of the BFF?
I don't think so, since it appears that it's tied to the HTTPSession and you are using something like Spring Session and already storing that on the database, then I don't think that you should try to store it in a different way. More on that here
If anyone wants to add something more, or I said something wrong please correct it.

Spring Boot Security and Keycloak - receive 403 forbidden /sso/login after successfull login when using HTTPS

I have a Spring Boot App using Spring Security and Keycloak as IDP.
Keycloak is available under https://auth.example.com, having a realm backo with a client backo-core and a testuser configured with the required roles.
If I configure my local app, using
Everything works fine.
If I deploy it to my DEV environment under https://backo.example.com/backo with https://backo.example.com/sso/login, when accessing the app I get redirect to the Keycloak login. After successful login I get redirected to the redirect URL with the state, session-state and code parameters but receive 403.
with request initiator chain coming from https://auth.example.com/auth/realms/backo/login-action/authenticate?...
If I set locally keycloak.ssl-required=all, the redirect_url parameter when accessing the login page is https://localhost/sso/login, so I can change it manually to http://localhost:8080/sso/login. After a successful login I have the exact same problem with a 403 Forbidden response for
with request initiator chain coming from https://auth.example.com/auth/realms/backo/login-action/authenticate?...
This is how my security config looks like
protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
.antMatchers("/backo").hasAnyRole(ROLE_ADMIN, ROLE_BACKOFFICE)
http.headers().frameOptions().disable(); // otherwise Vaadin doesn't work properly
You can ignore this Vaadin workaround, as it fails in /sso/login already.
http.csrf().disable(); is required to prevent other 403 Forbidden errors on post request while authorization.
One thing that could be worth mentioning:
The Spring Boot App has no HTTPS enabled, in our dev environment it sits behind an AWS Application loadbalancer ALB. HTTPS is terminated in the ALB.
We have faced the similar problem three days ago with spring boot thymeleaf application. We have used keycloak adapter (13.0.1) for spring boot.
After successful login it was redirecting to /sso/login page with 403 error.
After lots of effort we finally got the configuration required to fix this issue. you need to use the below application properties :

How do I modify spring boot security redirect on login to not redirect back to login?

We have a spring boot application configured as an oauth2 client. Occasionally, we have people where their browser sends a request like this to the application:
The code and state were cached from a previous authentication attempt and are invalid right now.
Spring security sees that this person is not authenticated, so it redirects them to /login which then does the whole oauth2 authentication but then after they are authenticated, spring security sends them back to /login?code=XXX&state=ZZZ because that was their original request. When that happens, it tries to validate the code and state but fails and sends them to an error page. This is a problem when supporting the app because the user is authentcated.
Is there a way to change the logic of the the storing of the initial request so that if it is /login we can replace that with /? There might be other solutions we haven't thought of. Any help would be appreciated.
Our app is currently using Spring boot 2 but I've tried this with the latest version of Spring boot 3 and it is still an issue. We have been unable to change the browser behavior so would like to solve this on the server if possible.
Here is our configuration:
protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
.antMatchers("/info", "/static/**").permitAll()
If I understand you correctly, you want to avoid redirect only sometimes (so SpringSecurity's defaultSuccessUrl is not an option).
If so, you can implement your own AuthenricationSuccessHandler like this:
(request, response, authentication) -> {
if (request.getRequestURI().equals("/your/invalid/path"))

Spring Boot OAuth2 when implicit JWT is created?

How can I get details from the OAuth2 SSO Principal into my JWT? (instance of OAuth2Authentication getDetails as OAuth2AuthenticationDetails getDecodedDetails returns null)
I have...
Angular 6 client w/ implicit login as acme client (using angular-oauth2-oidc)
Spring Boot OAuth2 Authorization Server with JWT TokenService configuration w/ 3rd party SSO to GitHub
Auth server is configured with acme as implicit and GitHub client for SSO
Auth server exposes a /login/github
Auth server exposes a /me (protected by ResourceServer config)
When I login...
Angular app redirects to Auth service login
Auth service redirects to GitHub
[User Authenticates]
GitHub redirects to Auth Service
Auth Service initiates a session and issues a token
Auth Service redirects to Angular
The browser token is a proper JWT
Now, when I communicate with Auth Service /me:
Directly, I get a Principal that contains ALL of the details from GitHub (yay)
Indirectly from the Angular application passing the token via Authorization: Bearer ... header, I get a Principal that contains bare minimum OAuth client info for acme client (ugh)
I've tried a custom TokenEnhancer, but the OAuth2Authentication instance is already the bare minimum with no details. And, when the call is initiated from Angular, it doesn't have the same session cookie as when I call it directly (I don't want to share session - I want to put the details in the JWT).
[Update #1]
I tried a custom JwtAccessTokenConverter and used it in both of the #EnableAuthorizationServer and #EnableResourceServer (secures the /me endpoint) configuration classes. However it didn't work. I still get null details from OAuth2Authentication.
final JwtAccessTokenConverter converter = new JwtAccessTokenConverter();
converter.setAccessTokenConverter(new CustomTokenConverter());
The way Spring Lemon does this is replacing the OAuth2 and OpenID connect user services (see spring security docs). See LemonOAuth2UserService and LemonOidcUserService for details. For statelessness, it passes the client a shortlived JWT token as a param to targetUrl, as you can see in its OAuth2AuthenticationSuccessHandler class. It uses some cookies mechanism for doing all this statelessly, which can be further understood by looking at its HttpCookieOAuth2AuthorizationRequestRepository and how it's configured.
Here is an article explaining this in more details: https://www.naturalprogrammer.com/blog/1681261/spring-security-5-oauth2-login-signup-stateless-restful-web-services .

Spring Security Oauth2 SSO with Zuul Proxy

I'm modifying the oauth2-vanilla sample from Springs excellent security tutorials. The oauth2-vanilla combines the Zuul Proxy and the UI into a single application. I would like to seperate the Zuul Proxy and the UI. (The Zuul Proxy should act as an API gateway and as a reverse proxy for several UIs).
When accessing the UI via the zuul proxy, it should be able to do SSO based on Oauth2 between the UI and the resource backend.
The oauth2-vanilla looks like this
Where I want to move to something like this :
I've removed the UI part from the gateway, and added a zuul route for the ui
url: http://localhost:9000
url: http://localhost:9999/uaa/user
url: http://localhost:8080
I created a new UI webapp containing the UI (Angular stuff) with an #EnableOAuth2Sso annotation.
So I'm accessing the UI via http://localhost:8888 (through the zuul proxy).
After authenticating and doing through the UI flow, I can access the /user endpoint that returns me the user. (During debugging, I see that when I access the /user endpoint that I have an HTTP Session with an OAuth2Authentication.
When I access the /resource endpoint however, the HttpSessionSecurityContextRepository cannot find a session and is unable to build a context with the OAuth2Authentication.
I've created a git repository with the modified sample.
I'm guessing there is something wrong with the gateway configuration.
I've tried changing cookie paths, changing HttpSecurity rules in the proxy but I cannot get it to work.
What I don't understand is why the UI, when accessed through the proxy is able to resolve the /user endpoint fine (with an HTTP session and a OAuth2Authentication), but it is unable to access the /resource endpoint.
Also, as the UI is now running in the /ui context, it seems that I need to have the following code in the gateway for it to load up the angular css / js files.
.antMatchers("/ui/index.html", "/ui/home.html", "ui/css/**", "/ui/js/**").permitAll().anyRequest().authenticated();
It also doesn't seem right that I need to prefix it with the zuul ui route.
Any help would be appreciated.
I was never able to get the #EnableOauthSso to work. Instead, I annotated as an #EnableResourceServer and created a security config for Zuul.
public class JwtSecurityConfig extends ResourceServerConfigurerAdapter {
public void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
