Using phrases from h.264 specifications in code comments - comments

The h.264 specifications from ITU 2017 contain this copyright notice:
(C) ITU 2017
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, by any means whatsoever, without the prior
written permission of ITU.
I am writing a decoder, and I have some structs corresponding to some of the syntax structures defined in these specs. I have been commenting the fields of these structs (which are again reflecting fields of the syntax structures), and I am finding that it's really hard for it not to appear as if I'm just copying from the respective sections in the specs. Some of the phrases are quite short, and there is really no other way to word them.
I've tried looking at the details regarding copyright, and what constitutes an infringement, but I'm still not quite sure if what I'm doing is okay.
If I'm not allowed to do this, what do you guys recommend ?

"I am writing a decoder... I am finding that it's really hard for it not to appear as if I'm just copying from the respective sections in the specs"
I think you're worried about nothing. When writing a decoder it's logical to quote the format's official specifications for readability purposes (eg: when code is passed on to another coder at some future date).
Are you quoting the examples pseudo-code from the section 7: Syntax and semantics?
"The syntax tables specify a superset of the syntax of all allowed bitstreams. Additional constraints on the syntax may be
specified, either directly or indirectly, in other clauses."
NOTE – An actual decoder should implement means for identifying entry points into the bitstream and means to identify and handle non-conforming bitstreams. The methods for identifying and handling errors and other such situations are not specified here.
"The following table lists examples of pseudo code used to describe the syntax. When syntax_element appears, it specifies that a syntax element is parsed from the bitstream and the bitstream pointer is advanced to the next position beyond the syntax element in the bitstream parsing process."


Why does the Tool Help Library offer 2 versions of same functions/structures?

I've noticed that the Tool Help Library offers some functions and structures with 2 versions: normal and ending with W. For example: Process32First and Process32FirstW. Since their documentation is identical, I wonder what are the differences between those two?
The W and A versions stand for "wide" and "ANSI". In the past they made different functions, structures and types for both ANSI and unicode strings. For the purpose of this answer, unicode is widechar which is 2 bytes per character and ANSI is 1 byte per character (but it's actually more complicated than that). By supplying both types, the developer can use whichever he wants but the standard today is to use unicode.
If you look at the ToolHelp32 header file it does include both A and W versions of the structures and functions. If you're not finding them, you're not looking hard enough, do an explicit search for the identifiers and you will find them. If you're just doing "view definition" you will find the #ifdef macros. If you still can't find them, change your character set in your Visual Studio project and check again.
Due to wide char arrays being twice the size, structure alignment will be incorrect if you do not use the correct types. Let the macros resolve them for you, by setting the correct character set and using PROCESSENTRY32 instead of indicating A or W, this is the preferred method. Some APIs you are better off using the ANSI version to be honest but that is something you will learn with experience and have to make your own decision.
Here is an excellent article on the topic of character sets / encoding

How do I change asciidoctor quote block substitution from normal to verbatim?

= Quote Block Example
:icon: font
This example is used to illustrate a use case for callouts within quote blocks and engage the asciidoctor community in providing an answer for how to accomplish that. The question is how does one change the substitution method for quote blocks from "normal" to "verbatim"?
== Example Quote Block With Attempted Callouts
[quote,The Declaration of Independence,subs="verbatim,attributes"]
When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the *Laws of Nature and of Nature's God* <1>
entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and *the pursuit of Happiness*. <2>
— That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.
<1> Implies the founders believed in link:[Natural law]
<2> The current American cultural conception of "Happiness" link:[tends more toward self-centeredness] which doesn't lead to true happiness at all.
When running an asciidoctor conversion of the source code above, the callouts inside the quote block fail to render while the callouts after the quote block are rendered as expected. Command line output returns the following errors:
$ asciidoctor quote_block_callouts.adoc
asciidoctor: WARNING: quote_block_callouts.adoc: line 16: no callout found for <1>
asciidoctor: WARNING: quote_block_callouts.adoc: line 17: no callout found for <2>
This behavior is expected since it's consistent with the substitution modes documented in the Building blocks in AsciiDocs section of the AsciiDoc Writer's Guide at, but as you can see I was hoping passing the subs="verbatim,attributes" argument to the quote block might provide the solution I need. I've done a fair amount of research into how I could change the substitution mode for quote blocks but haven't found any articles describing how to go about doing that. I did see a reference somewhere, though I can't remember where, that said this could be accomplished within the asciidoctor configuration file.
Thanks in advance for any help the asciidoctor community can provide in finding a solution to this problem.

How to create AST parser which allows syntax errors?

First, what to read about parsing and building AST?
How to create parser for a language (like SQL) that will build an AST and allow syntax errors?
For example, for "3+4*5":
/ \
3 *
/ \
4 5
And for "3+4*+" with syntax error, parser would guess that the user meant:
/ \
3 *
/ \
4 +
/ \
? ?
Where to start?
/ \ \
/ \ | / \
a city_name people address ON
/ \
.____ .
/ \ / \
p address_id a id
The standard answer to the question of how to build parsers (that build ASTs), is to read the standard texts on compiling. Aho and Ullman's "Dragon" Compiler book is pretty classic. If you haven't got the patience to get the best reference materials, you're going to have more trouble, because they provide theory and investigate subtleties. But here is my answer for people in a hurry, building recursive descent parsers.
One can build parsers with built-in error recovery. There are many papers on this sort of thing, a hot topic in the 1980s. Check out Google Scholar, hunt for "syntax error repair". The basic idea is that the parser, on encountering a parsing error, skips to some well-known beacon (";" a statement delimiter is pretty popular for C-like languages, which is why you got asked in a comment if your language has statement terminators), or proposes various input stream deletions or insertions to climb over the point of the syntax error. The sheer variety of such schemes is surprising. The key idea is generally to take into account as much information around the point of error as possible. One of the most intriguing ideas I ever saw had two parsers, one running N tokens ahead of the other, looking for syntax-error land-mines, and the second parser being feed error repairs based on the N tokens available before it encounters the syntax error. This lets the second parser choose to act differently before arriving at the syntax error. If you don't have this, most parser throw away left context and thus lose the ability to repair. (I never implemented such a scheme.)
The choice of things to insert can often be derived from information used to build the parser (often First and Follow sets) in the first place. This is relatively easy to do with L(AL)R parsers, because the parse tables contain the necessary information and are available to the parser at the point where it encounters an error. If you want to understand how to do this, you need to understand the theory (oops, there's that compiler book again) of how the parsers are constructed. (I have implemented this scheme successfully several times).
Regardless of what you do, syntax error repair doesn't help much, because it is almost impossible to guess what the writer of the parsed document actually intended. This suggests fancy schemes won't be really helpful. I stick to simple ones; people are happy to get an error report and some semi-graceful continuation of parsing.
A real problem with rolling your own parser for a real language, is that real languages are nasty messy things; people building real implementations get it wrong and frozen in stone because of existing code bases, or insist on bending/improving the language (standards are for wimps, goodies are for marketing) because its cool. Expect to spend a lot of time re-calibrating what you think the grammar is, against the ground truth of real code. As a general rule, if you want a working parser, better to get one that has a track record rather than roll it yourself.
A lesson most people that are hell-bent to build a parser don't get, is that if they want to do anything useful with the parse result or tree, they'll need a lot more basic machinery than just the parser. Check my bio for "Life After Parsing".
There are two things the parser could do:
Report the error and have the user try again.
Repair the error and proceed.
Generally speaking the first one is easier (and safer). There may not always be enough information for the parser to infer the intent when the syntax is wrong. Depending on the circumstances, it may be dangerous to proceed with a repair that makes the input syntactically correct but semantically wrong.
I've written a few hand-rolled recursive descent parsers for little languages. When writing code to interpret the grammar rules explicitly (as opposed to using a parser-generator), it's easy to detect errors, because the next token doesn't fit the production rule. Generated parsers tend to spit out a simplistic "expected $(TOKEN_TYPE) here" message, which isn't always useful to the user. With a hand-written parser, it's often easy to give a more specific diagnostic message, but it can be time consuming to cover every case.
If your goal is the report the problem but to keep parsing (so that you can see if there are additional problems), you can put a special AST node in the tree at the point of the error. This keeps the tree from falling apart.
You then have to resync to some point beyond the error in order to continue parsing. As Ira Baxter mentioned in his answer, you might look for a token, like ';', that separates statements. The correct token(s) to look for depends on the language you're parsing. Another possibility is to guess what the user meant (e.g., infer an extra token or a different token at the point the error was detected) and then continue. If you encounter another syntax error within the next few tokens, you could backtrack, make a different guess, and try again.

Code duplication refactoring tool for VB

I need a very specific tool for VB (or multi-language). I thought I would ask if one already exists, before I start making one myself (probably, in python).
What I need:
The tool must crawl, recursivelly or not, a path, searching for a list of extension, such as .bas, .frm, .xxx
Then, It has to parse that files, searching for functions, routines, etc.
And finally, it must output what it found.
I based this on the idea of, "reducing code redundance", in an scenario where, bad programmers make a lot of functions that do the same thing, sometimes with the same name, sometimes not. There are 4 cases:
Case 1: Same name, Same content.
Case 2: Same name, Diff content.
Case 3: Diff name, Same content.
Case 4: Diff name, Diff Content.
So, the output, should be something like this
==Name, ==Content --> 3: (Func(), Foo(), Bar()) In files (f,f2,f3)
!=Name, ==Content --> 2: (Func() + Func1(), Bar() + Bar1()) In Files (f4)
==Name, !=Content --> 1 (Foobar()) In Files (f19)
This is to give you an idea of what I need.
So, the question is: is there any tool that acomplish something similar to this???
P.S: Yes, we should write good code, in first instance, but, you know, stuff happens.
What you want is a "clone detector". These tools find copy-and-pasted code across a large set of designated files. Clones are not just of functions; they can be code blocks, data declarations, etc.
There are a variety of detectors out there, and you should know how they work before you attempt to build one of your own.
Some simply match lines for exact equivalence. While these demonstrate the basic idea, their detection is not good because they don't take into account the fact that cloned code often has variations; what people really do is clone-and-edit when making copies.
Some match sequences of langauge tokens, e.g., identifiers, keywords, literals, punctuation. These at least are relatively tolerant of whitespace changes. And they can find clones in which single tokens have been substituted for single tokens. However, because they don't understand language structure (blocks, statements, function bodies) they often match sequences that cross such structure boundaries (e.g., "} {" is often considered a clone by these tools), they produce rather high false-positive indications of (non)clones. Some of these attempt to limit the matches to key program structures, such as complete functions, as you have kind of suggested.
More sophisticated detectors match program structures.
Our CloneDR (I'm the original author) is a detector that
uses compiler-quality parsing to abstract syntax trees, which extracts the precise structure of the code. It does this for many languages (including VB6 and VBScript), locating clones as arbitrary functions, blocks, statements or declarations, with parameters shows how the clones vary. CloneDR can find clones in spite of formatting changes, changes in comment locations or content, and even variations where complex constructs (multiple statements or expressions) have been used as alternatives to simple ones (e.g., a single statment or a literal). While it tends to have a high detection rate(it usually finds 10-20% removable redundancy!), its false-positive rate tends to be considerably lower than the token based detectors. You can see sample reports for
a variety of different langauges at the link above.
See Comparison and Evaluation of Code Clone Detection Techniques and Tools: A Qualitative Approach which explicitly discusses different approaches and benefits, and compares a large number of detectors including CloneDR.
EDIT October 2010: ... When I first wrote this response, I assumed the OP was interested in, which CloneDR didn't do. We've since added, VB6 and VBScript capability to CloneDR. (Parsing in its modern form is a lot messier than one might imagine for "simple"(!) langauge like Visual Basic).

Are semantics and syntax the same?

What is the difference in meaning between 'semantics' and 'syntax'? What are they?
Also, what's the difference between things like "semantic website vs. normal website", "semantic social networking vs. normal social networking" etc.
Syntax is the grammar. It describes the way to construct a correct sentence. For example, this water is triangular is syntactically correct.
Semantics relates to the meaning. this water is triangular does not mean anything, though the grammar is ok.
Talking about the semantic web has become trendy recently. The idea is to enhance the markup (structural with HTML) with additional data so computer could make sense of the web pages more easily.
Syntax is the grammar of a language - the rules by which to form sentences or expressions.
Semantics is the meaning you are trying to express with your code.
A program that is syntactically correct will compile and run.
A program that is semantically correct will actually do what you as the programmer intended it to do. i.e. it doesn't have any bugs in it.
Two programs written to perform the same task in different languages will use different syntaxes, but they would be the same semantically.
If you are talking about web (rather than programming languages):
The syntax of the language is whatever the browser (or processing program) can legally recognize and handle, and render to you. For example, your browser can render HTML, while your API can parse XML trees.
Semantics involve what is actually being represented. There's a lot of buzz now about semantic webs and all that stuff, but it essentially means that each entity is also associated with some human-readable information or metadata, so that a certain tag would have a supposed meaning and refer you to it.
Social networks are the same story. You put knowledge in the links
"An ant ate an aunt." has a correct syntax, but will not make sense semantically. A syntax is a set of rules that can be combined to produce infinite number of gramatically valid sentences, but few, very few of which has a semantics.
Syntax is the word order of a sentence. In English it would be the subject-verb-object form.
Semantic is the meaning behind words. E.g: she ate a saw. The word saw doesn't match according to the meaning of the sentence. but it is grammatically correct. so its syntax is correct. =)
Specifically, semantic social networking means embedding the actual social relationships within the page markup. The standard format for doing this as defined by microformats is XFN, XHTML Friends Network. In regards to the semantic web in general, microformats should be the go-to guide for defining embedded semantic content.
Semantic web sites use the concept of the semantic web, which aims to bring meaning to web content by using special annotations to identify certain concepts in a page. This makes possible the automatic (by a computer, not a human) reasoning about the content, which improves its aggregation, extraction, indexing and searching.
Explanations above are vague on the semantics side, semantics could mean the different elements at disposition to build arguments of value(these being comprehensible, to end-user man and digestible to the machine).
Of course this puts semantics and the programmer-editor-writer-communicator in the middle: he decides on the semantics that should be ideally defined to his public, comprehended by his public, general convention by his public and digestible to the machine-computer. Semantics should be agreed upon, are conceptual, must be implementable to both sides.
Say footnotes, inline and block-quotes, titles and on and on to end up into a well-defined and finite list. Mediawiki, wikitext as an example fails in that perspective, defining syntax for elements of semantic meaning left undefined, no finite list agreed upon. "meaning by form" as additional of what a title as an example again carries as textual content. Example "This is a title" becomes only semantics integrated by the supposition within agreed upon semantics, and there can be more then one set of say "This is important and will be detailed"
Asciidoc and pandoc markup is quite different in it's semantics, regardless of how each translates this by convention of syntax to output formats.
Programming, output formats as html, pdf, epub can have consequentially meaning by form, by semantics, the syntax having disappeared as a temporary tool of translation, and as one more consequence thus the output can be scanned robotically for meaning, the champ of algorithms of 'grep': Google. Looking for the meaning of "what" in "What is it that is looked for" based upon whether a title or a footnote, or a link is considered.
Semantics, and there can be more then one layer, even the textual message carries (Chomsky) semantics thus could be translated as meaning by form, creating functional differences to anything else in the output chain, including a human being, the reader.
As a conclusion, programmers and academics should be integrated, no academic should be without knowledge of his tools, as any bread and butter carpenter. Programmers should be academics in the sense that the other end of the bridging they accomplish is the end user, the bridge... much so: semantics.
