How can I use/display an image in a plotlyjs axis tick label - plotly.js

When displaying the results of a survey as a bar chart, I want to display predefined images (think "thumb up", "thumb down", etc...) as labels of the choices (i.e. below each bar) instead of a text value.
Some HTML markup seems to be interpreted (e.g. <i>, <b>), but most HTML (such as <img>) is escaped.


How to include a total on a unified hover tooltip for a filled area chart in plotly.js?

I have a filled area chart in Plotly with hovermode: 'x unified' set in the layout so that it produces a single hover tooltip.
I need to add a total to the tooltip. How can I do this? hovertemplate only allows me to edit each data rows individual line, but I can't seem to edit the template itself

Adding Text to Objects During Zooming

I am evaluating fabricjs and wondering if you can dynamically add text to shapes while you are zooming. So for example while zoomed out, the shapes are too small to show the text but as you zoom and they get to a certain size, the text can be shown. Or is this part of the base control? In other words if I add text to an object but it cannot be shown because it is too small it automatically hides?

Add cell formatting at run-time

I'm following the formatting example shown here:
As per the example, the statusFormatter can return addClasses, removeClasses, text and tooltip. However, in my case, the user defines the conditions, and the formatting. For example, through a settings page, the user could specify:
The condition (i.e. ">3"),
The formatting associated with the condition (i.e. blue background with white text)
Hence, I don't have the ability to create the css file at design time. I have the conditions working. So then my colorFormatter returns
returnValue = `<div style="${css}">${value}</div>`
this then creates a cell, which looks like this (with a white border around it)
Ideally, I would like to pass in the dynamically generated css style back to the grid cell, so the white border doesn't show between the cell border and the formatting which I would like in the cell.

how to design this below UI interface in codename1

/home/benjaminz/Pictures/Screenshot from 2020-02-15 10-01-31.png
That's a really trivial UI.
It can be implemented in multiple ways. E.g. the top line can be tabs with tabs on TOP mode. This will implicitly swap all the lower content for you.
You can place the tabs in the center, add four tabs and the content for each one. In that case you will need a new banner for each page (indicating the sale). Below that you just have a scrollable grid layout that's trivial.
Alternatively the top can be a row of buttons either with grid layout or BoxLayout.X_AXIS.
The page in that case would be a box layout on the Y axis.
The present is a FloatingActionButton style component.
The content would be a grid either way.
Each element would be a lead component. With a parent container in a layered layout containing two children One is a border layout containing the image layout in the center and a box y in the south containing both labels. The second one is a top/right aligned flow layout with the discount label.

Best container to display copiable non-editable text without a border in Javafx

I am looking for a GUI control element to store a multiline text. TextArea textArea works fine, but it has a border and doesn't fit textArea to text size unless some broilierplate code is added to compute int rowCount to set textArea.setPrefRowCount(rowCount).
Other options like Label don't support copiable text.
What is the most suitable way to display selectable, non-editable text without a scrollbar/empty rows?
