Is eureka spring version independent? - spring-boot

For a project I am using Spring Eureka. It works great with Spring boot 1.5. I want to upgrade to Spring boot 2. I see that with Spring boot 2 the health endpoints have moved. Does eureka know how to handle this change?
Out of curiosity, when spring registers to eureka does it pass on what the health url is so that eureka knows where to contact the health url?

I did the spring boot version upgrade recently. Eureka works fine with spring boot 2.
Does eureka know how to handle this change?
Yes, based on below configuration it will look for the default /actuator/health endpoint.
* Default prefix for actuator endpoints
private String actuatorPrefix = "/actuator";
private String healthCheckUrlPath = actuatorPrefix + "/health";
So, if we have actuator endpoint enable it tries to connect to the given endpoint for health check.
when spring registers to eureka does it pass on what the health url is so that eureka knows where to contact the health url?
Yes, we can provide the health check URLs while registering client to eureka server. In that case it will always do the health check from provided endpoint.
Here goes the property we can use to set the same- HEALTH_CHECK_URL_PATH
healthCheckUrlPath: HEALTH_CHECK_URL


How to register non Spring Boot MicroService in Eureka discovery server

I have recently installed a micro service infrastraucture based on Spring Boot + Spring Cloud.
My Spring Boot microservices register in my Eureka server and Zuul automaticaly redirects requests to them.
I have a Drupal content manager that exposes content through REST interface and I'd like it to take part in the discovery rave party. How can I have my drupal register it self in the Eureka server so Zuul redirects the corresponding calls to it?
As an ugly workaround I wonder if I can have automatic discovery and routing running in Zuul while manually configuring some REST paths to be redirected to the drupal server? (Using zuul.routes... property files)
I found that I can add manual zuul routes in bootstrap.yaml
I have tried adding it in the application yaml property files in configuration server but for some reason they are ignored when the Eureka discovery server is working.
Anyway, bootstrap.yaml works. Example:
path: /mta_api/**
stripPrefix: false
You could add sidecar to your non-springboot application. This would allow Eureka support.
Source: Dead-

Registering Spring Cloud Microservice with Eureka server

I am trying to create spring cloud microservices and also need to include eureka server and zuul as spring cloud tools. Now I created one module in my one spring boot project. I registered that service with eureka server. And also I created one spring boot project for adding zuul service discovery and also registered with eureka project.
Here my doubt is that When I am adding another module as another spring boot project, Can I register that application also with my current eureka server as client? What type of relation that eureka server project and microservice having? one-To-One or One-To-Many? Can I register 3 or 4 microservices with one eureka server as client?
Eureka Server will let you add as many microservices (modules of spring boot projects like you said).
From Spring Cloud landing page:
As long as Spring Cloud Netflix and Eureka Core are on the classpath
any Spring Boot application with #EnableEurekaClient will try to
contact a Eureka server on http://localhost:8761 (the default value of
That means that you can use a single eureka server for multiple microservices which are registered as clients to the eureka server.
So yes, it's a One-To-Many relationship.
You will want at one point to look into multiple Eureka servers used in load balancing, for redundancy purposes, but for now you will be fine.

Load Balancing micro services using Spring cloud Netflix OSS

I have a microservice built using Spring Boot and Netflix OSS. I have used Central config server, Eureka and Zuul. Because of scalability multiple instances of the services is running on different port. All the instances are registered in Eureka but requests are going to only last registered server.
How to load balance services. Should I use ribbon in Zuul to load balance? Please let me know how to achieve load balancing on same service running on multiple instances.
If there is a code change required a snippet then please post a code snippet as well.
Application Config
eureka.client.region = default
eureka.client.registryFetchIntervalSeconds = 5
Eureka Config
ZUUL Config
eureka.client.region = default
eureka.client.registryFetchIntervalSeconds = 5**,Authorization
Registering application properly with Eureka will do the trick.
Below entries will uniquely register services with Eureka.

Spring Boot health check for Spring Data Solr

I'm now using Spring Boot, there's a health check problem.
I have multi-core using spring data solr, so the solr url is the base url, e.g. http://localhost:8983/solr, but the health check will call HttpSolrClient's ping method, which will return a 404 error, how can I do the health check for this situation.
I have the same problem with solr..
In Spring Boot version 1.5.9.RELEASE Solr health check works fine.
Now Healthcheck ping endpoint http://localhost:8983/solr/admin/cores so he check Solr serwer health instead at single core as it was before.
If is possible try update your spring boot version.
SolrPing solrPing = new SolrPing(); //infoCollection
SolrPingResponse solrPingResponse = solrPing.process(solrClient,infoCollection);
String status = (String) solrPingResponse.getResponse().get("status");
I Believe you can change the Management Port in which will divert your Management calls from hosted on 8983 port.

Does Eureka and Ribbon work for non spring boot application?

I am rewriting a Spring MVC system.
The system is something like this in simple:
[Gateway<->Backend Services<->Databases], where Gateway is a controller simply for authentication and forwarding the requests to Backend services.
The Backend services will be refactored to micro-services. I will use Eureka service to do registration for each of them. So eventually the architecture will be: [Gateway <-> Eureka <-> Backend micro-services <-> Databases]. The Gateway will lookup the registries from Eureka server and call the micro services.
However, the Gateway is not a spring boot application(and will NOT be rewritten as Spring boot), thus I don't believe Spring's eureka features (#EnableEurekaClient , DiscoveryClient, ect.) can be adopted easily as the examples do. Actually I tried adding the eureka client annotation to Gateway's controller, which caused my application collapsed.
Moreover, Ribbon is needed in the Gateway for client side loading balancing. But the same concern is as above.
//Update on 1st Nov.
I have set up an Eureka server and a client, both of which are written in spring boot. I am using these two application for my Spring MVC testing. The server and client are running well.
Server's configuration is as below
client's is as below: application.yml
name: say-hello
port: 8090
defaultZone: http://${}:${eureka.port:8761}/eureka/
When accessing the Eureka dashboard localhost:8761, I can see that client has been registered.
For my Spring MVC gateway, as it is not a Spring boot project, so I copied the example to my project simply for testing whether it can connect to the Eureka server and retrieve the registered the instance of "say-hello" client. Unfortunately, it cannot do so with saying "Cannot get an instance of example service to talk to from eureka" which is printed at line 76 in the example class.
Here is the placed in gateway's classpath. I can confirmed that the Client class is reading the config file.
Moreover, this is the debug information when new DiscoveryClient(applicationInfoManager, clientConfig); is being executed
instanceInfo InstanceInfo (id=234)
actionType null
appGroupName "UNKNOWN" (id=246)
asgName null
countryId 1
dataCenterInfo PropertiesInstanceConfig$1 (id=248)
healthCheckExplicitUrl null
healthCheckRelativeUrl "/healthcheck" (id=253)
healthCheckSecureExplicitUrl null
healthCheckUrl "http://A156N7AB89AXNZQ:8761/healthcheck" (id=254)
homePageUrl "http://A156N7AB89AXNZQ:8761/" (id=255)
hostName "A156N7AB89AXNZQ" (id=256)
instanceId "A156N7AB89AXNZQ" (id=256)
ipAddr "" (id=257)
isCoordinatingDiscoveryServer Boolean (id=258)
isInstanceInfoDirty false
isSecurePortEnabled false
isUnsecurePortEnabled true
lastDirtyTimestamp Long (id=260)
lastUpdatedTimestamp Long (id=263)
leaseInfo LeaseInfo (id=264)
metadata ConcurrentHashMap<K,V> (id=266)
overriddenstatus InstanceInfo$InstanceStatus (id=267)
port 8761
secureHealthCheckUrl null
securePort 443
secureVipAddress null
secureVipAddressUnresolved null
sid "na" (id=270)
status InstanceInfo$InstanceStatus (id=271)
statusPageExplicitUrl null
statusPageRelativeUrl "/Status" (id=272)
statusPageUrl "http://A156N7AB89AXNZQ:8761/Status" (id=273)
version "unknown" (id=274)
vipAddress "say-hello" (id=275)
vipAddressUnresolved "say-hello" (id=275)
I am running out of idea. Can anyone please give a hand on this problem?
Ribbon ( and Eureka ( can work without Spring (and that is the way they were developed in the first place) but you will need to put a bit more effort into configuring everything to your needs.
Support for Ribbon and Eureka in Spring is part of the Spring Cloud project (and mvn group id), not Spring Boot. I don't think boot is mandatory. Ribbon and Eureka themselves are provided by Netflix.
For ribbon, you need to define your own #LoadBalanced RestTemplate #Bean anyway. #EnableDiscoveryClient should work as long as the dependencies have spring cloud eureka and your class is a #Configuration class.
Short answer is - why not try a quick test? :).
