Building boost 1.70 with icu support - boost

I am trying to build boost 1.70 with ICU support. For this, I built ICU (version 61.1) some time ago. In our internal system, I have this sort of directory structure for ICU and I cannot change it quickly because several components using this library and expecting the libraries from this directory structure:
...\icu\lib (for x86 version of lib files)
...\icu\bin (for x86 version of dll files)
...\icu\lib64 (for x64 version of lib files)
...\icu\bin64 (for x64 version of dll files)
...\icu\include (include headers files for icu)
So, after building ICU, I put the files into their respective directory.
Now I want to build boost 1.70 with ICU support, so I used this build command in a self written batch script (here, 32bit as an example):
set "PATH_TO_ICU=.....\icu"
if not exist "%PATH_TO_ICU%" (
echo "Error: Could not find path to icu. Was looking in '%PATH_TO_ICU%'"
exit /b 1
:: debug 32bit / static
b2 --build-type=complete toolset=msvc-14.1 variant=debug threading=multi link=static -sICU_PATH="%PATH_TO_ICU%" -sICU_LINK="%PATH_TO_ICU%\lib" include="%PATH_TO_ICU%\include"
But the output during build is showing me this
- has_icu builds : no
- icu : no
- icu (lib64) : no
Additional Information: I am building this with Visual Studio 2017.
So, what I am missing here?
I looked into the file boost_root\bin.v2\config.log and saw this sort of lines
Line 132: LINK : fatal error LNK1181: cannot open input file '....\icu\lib.obj'
which maybe explains why b2 could not see ICU correctly.

For windows, I would investigate Microsoft VCPKG. I used to build Boost from scratch with both zlib and bzip2 support but I have found that vcpkg is far easier. You don't need to keep vcpkg around either. After building boost or any of the other 3rd party libraries, export boost (using the vcpkg export command) and you'll have copy that you can use most anywhere. Vcpkg can build 32 or 64 bit packages and static and shared. I actually adjust the vcpkg triplets to generate a static library that links against the shared crt so I don't worry about DLL's. The point is that vcpkg can handle all of your needs. In fact for boost, you can build just the components you want if you so desire.


How to use LAPACK and BLASE libraries in code::blocks?

My IDE is: Code::Blocks 20.03 ( compiler: mingw 9.2.0 )
My OS is: Windows 10 Home 2004 x64
I intend to use LAPACK and BLASE libraries with gfortran programs.
I followed the instructions from the site:
Section: Build Instructions to create LAPACK and LAPACKE 3.5.0 dlls for Windows with MinGW.
I used CMake according to the steps listed in the link I posted. I had no problems during the process itself.
The contents of the directory named lib after completion are:
I try to find out on the internet and I follow the instruction from this question:
I also read the instructions from the code :: blocks manual( including libraries, LibFinder...)...
After build and run I got this message:
Is there a way to use the specified libraries in the specified IDE because I need them to solve certain problems from fitting data with a polynomial of a certain degree ( I do not have a money to use Intel MKL)?
The following needs to be done.
step - follow the instructions from mentioned site in question ( downloading Lapack
3.9.0, creating bin and lib directories with CMake, cmd ...)
step - right click on project => build options => linker settings and adding all files
from lib directory, adding the path to lib in search directories tab..
step - it is necessary to copy all .dll files from Lapack bin to project
bin\debug ( .exe file is in bin )
After performing all the listed steps, it is possible to use certain procedures from the Lapack library in code::blocks projects ( gfortran )!

install wxWidget as static library by Vcpkg

I'm using Visual studio 2019
I followed this link to install wxWidget using vcpkg install wxwidgets
and read this link
and this
the problem after installing wxWidget using vcpkg the result build is Dynamic library and I want to compile my project as static library to run exe file on other users pc .
I want to change from Dynamic lib compilation to static due to :
users on another PCs get VCRUNTIME error so they have to install VC++ runtime library as I read in
How to fix a missing vcruntime140 clr 400 dll error
Summary of the problem :
vcpkg installation wxwidgets result is dynamic lib configuration and I need to install static one .
Instead of just doing vcpkg install wxwidgets
use vcpkg install wxwidgets:x64-windows-static
This will install wxwidgets and all it dependencies with static runtime and library linkage.
You can also define your custom triplet if you want to customize your build setup (see
You are better off compiling the library yourself.
There is a big difference between compiling the project with wxWidgets being dynamic vs static and VC++ RT dynamic vs static.
Also, keep in mind that some VC++ RT is not licensed to be distributable.
So all in all - get the wxWidgets sources, install MSVC, build static libraries (possibly with the compiler switch to use "static RT) and compile your software.

How to build Qt5 as static libraries under Windows

To distribute a Qt appication to Windows users as a simple .exe file, one would need to link statically with a static version of Qt libraries. Assume we distribute our license under an open license so that static linking of Qt is allowed. So we just need static library binaries of Qt5Core, Qt5Gui, Qt5Widgets. How to get them?
The binary distribution of Qt5 comes with dynamic libraries only. It contains some .lib files as well - but beware, these are not the static libraries, but some auxiliary files. They can be distinguished from true static libraries by their size: true static libraries are much bigger (many MB in the case of Qt5 components). So we need to statically compile Qt5 ourselves. This turns out to be surprisingly difficult.
The official instructions ( are almost useless: Way too short, they do not even convey an idea of the difficulty of the task. A precise, up-to-date, step-by-step guide how to compile Qt5 into static libraries is currently missing. We should have it here.
The short answer: Don't waste your time on this. Link dynamically, and let an installer distribute your application. This is the only mode that is seriously supported by Qt5 and by CMake. Working without their support and against their advise is close to hopeless. Setting up an installer is far easier (though no fun either - we currenly use black magic from
The long (yet incomplete) answer, in case you want to outsmart me:
The following steps brought me deceptively close to a solution. I succeeded in building static libraries, but I failed to link my application: Upon getting hundreds of LNK2001 and LNK2019 errors caused by cryptic unresolved external symbols, I had to give up.
So here comes a step-by-step description of what worked for me in October 2018 on a Windows10 virtual desktop. For each installation step, a check is indicated. If a check fails then fix the problem before proceeding further.
To start, install some tools that are needed later on:
Perl, needed for zlib and openssl configuration:
Skip if "perl -v" works.
Get installer from
Run installer -> will install to C:\Perl64.
Check: Restart terminal and try "perl -v".
An editor that can handle Unix end-of-line. Notepad won't do. Install vim, emacs, or whatsoever.
chocolatey package manager, needed to install flex and bison:
Run admin shell (Circle Menu > search for "Command" > right-click on "Command Prompt" > run as Admin)
Copy download command from
Paste command to admin shell, and watch installation
Check: in terminal, try command "choco"
flex and bison, needed by qtbase compilation:
It's not obvious to get the right version of flex. From I got an outdated flex that missed a command-line argument required during Qt compilation. Compiling flex from source introduces a tail of further dependences. The simplest solution I found uses the Chocolatey package manager.
In admin shell, run: "choco install winflexbison3". This creates a directory X that contains the binaries win_flex.exe and win_bison.exe and a supporting "data" folder. Find out the location of X. In my case, X=C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib\winflexbison3\tools
Check: cd X, and run "win_flex --version", "win_bison --version".
During Qt compilation, these tools will be needed under their standard names "flex" and "bison". Therefore we need symbolic links flex->win_flex, bison->win_bison.
mlink X\flex.exe X\win_flex.exe
mlink X\bison.exe X\win_bison.exe
note: mklink needs absolute paths to work reliably
note: the symlink must not go to another directory lest bison won't find the "data" folder
Add X to the %PATH%
Check: in any shell, try "flex --version" and "bison --version"
So far for the tools. Now we need two libraries that must be statically linked to Qt (magic learned from
Build static zlib:
Unpack to C:\Development\zlib-1.2.11
Edit the file win32\Makefile.msc with an editor that can handle Unix EOLs:
Find the line starting with CFLAGS
Replace -MD with -GL -MT -Zc:wchar_t-
Find the line starting with LDFLAGS
Replace -debug with -opt:icf -dynamicbase -nxcompat -ltcg /nodefaultlib:msvcrt
Build zlib using the following command (should take less than a minute):
nmake -f win32/Makefile.msc AS=ml64 LOC="-DASMV -DASMINF -DNDEBUG -I." OBJA="inffasx64.obj gvmat64.obj inffas8664.obj"
Check: as a result, the source directory must contain zlib.lib (856kB), inter alia.
Build static openssl library:
Unpack to C:\Development\openssl-1.1.1
Copy files from zlib: cd zlib-1.2.11; xcopy zconf.h ..\openssl-1.1.1\ ; same for zlib.h zlib.lib zlib.pdb
cd ..\openssl-1.1.1
perl Configure VC-WIN64A no-asm no-shared zlib no-zlib-dynamic threads --prefix=C:\opt\local_x64
note: I added "no-asm" to avoid installation of NASM (Netwide Assembler)
note: I changed prefix, since only admins can install to C:\Windows
Edits the file ''makefile'':
Find the line that starts with: CFLAG
Append: /Zc:wchar_t- /GL /Zi
Find the line that starts with: LDFLAGS
Replace /debug with /incremental:no /opt:icf /dynamicbase /nxcompat /ltcg /nodefaultlib:msvcrt
Find the line that starts with: CNF_EX_LIBS
Replace ZLIB1 with zlib.lib
Build: "nmake"
Check: directory must contain openssl.lib (size?)
Now we are ready to build qtbase from source, using the command-line version of the Visual Studio C++ compiler:
Download (update location for latest Qt):
Unpacking takes ca 20'
Move the source directory to the Local Disk (C:\Development)
To work with Visual Studio, use a specially configured terminal. Use Taskbar>Circle>Search to launch "x64 Native Tools Command Prompt for VS 2017"
cd qtbase...
Check: configure --help
configure -platform win32-msvc2017 -opensource -confirm-license -release -static -openssl-linked no-dbus -no-libpng -no-libjpeg -nomake examples -nomake tests -prefix C:\opt\local_x64 -I C:\Development\openssl-1.1.1\include -L C:\Development\openssl-1.1.1 -D OPENSSL_LIBS=C:\Development\openssl-1.1.1\libssl.lib
while debugging "configure", it may be necessary to delete config.cache.
option -I does not work with relative paths
the label "win32" may look wrong if we want to use Qt in a 64bit application, but we are advised not to worry: building Qt under Windows: really with "-platform win32-msvc2017"?
I don't know how to get rid of Sql:
libpng and libjpeg are needed by optional code. They are provided in src/3rdparty, which tends to provoke clashes with system provided library versions. Therefore, we build without PNG and JPG support.
Check: static libraries (big .lib and small .prl) land in directory lib/
54.7 MB Qt5Core.lib
23.4 MB Qt5Widgets.lib
18.2 MB Qt5Gui.lib
07.4 MB Qt5Network.lib
That's it, we have static Qt libraries. Only, as said above, this did not help me when I tried to link my application with these libraries.

How do I install uuid boost library?

I followed many tutorials to get boost installed, firstyly I downloaded boost and added path with:
c:\program files (x86)\code block\mingw\bin
secondly I ran
bootstrap.bat gcc
and then
b2 toolset=gcc
but there is no such lib installed as UUID which I really need to my project. Is there any way to make it happen as I haven't found any specific help among all those topics and I'm getting really confused. I'm working on win10 if that makes any difference.
Did you read documentation?
Boost UUID library is header-only library. See Configuration:
The library does not require building or any special configuration to be used.
So you have to download boost library and unpack it to some place in your disk (for example to c:\boost). Path to boost library will be c:\boost\boost_1_62_0. Then you have to specify the compiler the place where the boost library is located. It is compiler or IDE specific way. But the common way is to use "Additional Include Directories" option of compiler. It is -I for GCC and /I for MS VC++. Last step is to write include directive in your c++ code. For example:
#include <boost/uuid/uuid.hpp>
For code example see Example and files in boost/libs/uuid/test/ folder

How compile a DLL which is using boost library?

I'm working on a DLL project in VS 2010, I want to use boost mutex in some part of my code. but when I compile project to release final DLL, I get this linkage error:
LINK : fatal error LNK1104: cannot open file 'libboost_date_time-vc100-mt-1_49.lib'
I've already compiled boost with this command:
bjam install --toolset=msvc variant=release link=static threading=multi runtime-link=static
& I've a file named libboost_date_time-vc100-mt-s-1_49.lib, when I change configuration type of my project from Dynamic Linked Library (DLL) to Static Library, the project builds successfully, but I need to release only as a DLL file (& my final DLL CAN NOT have any dependency to other external DLLs). I know the problem causes by compilation of boost, but I don't know how should I recompile it
Any guideline?
Check that you link the runtime-library statically (Configuration properties-->C/C++-->Code generation-->Runtime library: Multi-threaded (/MT).
Otherwise, link CRT and boost dynamically. For this purpose build boost like this:
bjam --toolset=msvc variant=release link=shared threading=multi runtime-link=shared
IMO, you built the boost library just fine : you used link=static which means you would like to emit static library (and not a DLL) and since you would like to have standalone deployment , you specified runtime-link=static meaning you link against MS C/C++ run time as static libraries (e.g. the code for printf() will be embedded in your final library and not be referenced to msvcr100.dll)
Please take a look at the picture below, make sure to set the full path of the directory where your boost library resides under Additional Library Dependencies
I fixed my error "Error LNK1104 cannot open file 'libboost_locale-vc142-mt-gd-x32-1_73.lib'" in a DLL project, which I described in this issue on boost' github by installing the boost library using vcpkg.
Install vcpkg. Then write .\vcpkg install boost. You can see how it's done in the video: . He's not installing the boost library but the process is exactly the same.
This is all for Windows and Visual Studio's toolset, of course.
