When polymorphic relation shouldn't be used? - laravel-5

Is it okay to use a polymorphic relation when there are lets say 6 common columns and 2 columns with different names?
I need to track car maintenance and refueling.
maintenances - table
-info (refers to maintenance info )
refuelings - table
-amount (refers to amount in liters)
So, should i use polymorphic relationship or not? Is it ok if there are more different columns per model?

IMHO for your case I will go for single table inheritance (STI), but you need a library like this tightenco/parental or this one Nanigans/single-table-inheritance.
Laravel codebase has no support for STI without an external library. You can try to use polymorphic relation to solve your case but you will end up with 3 different tables. I think you want to use a single table with two or even three models so my advice is to try one of the STI library above.
STI is appropriate when your models have shared data/state. Shared behavior is optional because can be defined per Model. An example could be different type of vehicle Models: Car, Truck, Bike etc..
With Polymorphic Relations instead, a model can belong_to several models with a single association. This is useful when several models do not have a relationship or share data with each other, but have a relationship with the polymorphic class. An example could be the Comment Model that can belongs to other Models: User, Post, Image etc..


Laravel polymorphic one to many relationship (A can be linked to B or C)

I am working on a food related Laravel project where I have three main models: RawMaterial, SemiFinished and Finished. A semiFinished object can contain a list of RawMaterial model objects while a Finished object can contain a list of both SemiFinished objects or RawMaterial objects.
I am aware that the solution lies in using polymorphic relationships but I cant seem to get to the right approach.
Please share your ideas on how such a solution would be implemented on both migrations and models/relationships level
Thanks a bunch
You could easily implement your own manual polymorphic relationships on your Finished model. Basically how it works is you will need 2 important fields here, which is the ingredient_id and ingredient_type (change the name to your preference). Then, inside your Finished model, you can make 3 types of relationships, which is ingredients() to get all ingredients regarding the type, semiFinishedIngredients() to get only the semi finished ingredients, and rawIngredients() to get only the raw ingredients. Again, this is optional, add it on your own needs.

Using 3NF in Laravel's ORM

I am trying to build a simple Laravel application. My data model looks like the following:
Project, Requirements, ProjectRequirementStatus
A Project has many Requirements
A requirement belongs to many Projects as a "ProjectRequirement"
A "ProjectRequirement" has one ProjectRequirementStatus
A ProjectRequirementStatus belongs to many Projects
Project, Requirements, ProjectRequirementStatus
My question IS:
Is it improper to create a model for a relationship class? In this case, I would need to create a ProjectRequirement model and define the relationship to the ProjectRequirementStatus class.
I'm confused because most of my pivot tables include IDs of the two tables they are joining in a Many to Many, and typically, no additional relationships.
Am I thinking about this the wrong way? Are there "best practices" in terms of when a Model is created versus when it's not needed?
Using the 3NF in Laravel, you do not have to make models for the relationships. Laravel provides the Eloquent ORM which will provide the relationships without having to make the pivot tables models.
The Eloquent ORM also provides you a way to access data on pivot tables. (Defining The Inverse Of The Relationship)

Achieving Laravel Eloquent Model Inheritance

I currently do have a vehicles table that holds "Cars".
Now I want to allow the system to have Bikes, Cars and Trucks.
They have some fields in common (manufacturer_id, mileage, ... ) but they also have specific fields (Bike: cylinder_capacity, seats; Car: doors, ...)
I have tried using all columns in vehicles table and then use the models to handle the differences, But i had problems setting the fillable fields for the child models...
Then I read about polymorphic relations and it seems the right way to go.
So, my questions are: Which approach is the best? What is the best way to implement it?
Create additional tables:
vehicles_types to store types, like cars, bikes etc.
vehicles_attributes to store specific type attributes related via vehicle_type_id with fields vehicle_type_id, name, value.
I extend other models occasionally, and it works as expected. The migrations need to be set up separately, but the class logic (attributes and methods) will work in the normal OOP way. If you're familiar with this, just do what you're doing!

How to create two sided many to many polymorphic relationships in Laravel?

I have multiple models which can and can be followed by each other i.e. Business, Agency, Vendor, User.
The schema of the above scenario is as follows:
id follower_id follower_type followable_id followable_type
Is there any relationship for the above case in Laravel? How can I create relationship and use eloquent methods?

Doctrine ORM: How to define a 1-n realtionship with a n-n connecting table

So, this is a bit complicated: I have two tables, say cats and dogs.
They are in a many-to-many relationship (could be called friendships or whatever), so that Doctrine automatically creates a table cats_dogs for me with the appropriate fields. (that is rowid, cat_id, dog_id per default.)
Now, imagine I have a third table, award, where I want to award one of these friendships. Here I therefore need a field that references one row in cats_dogs. However, since this table does not really exist between my models, (Doctrine handles it for me) what would be the most elegant solution for this?
In the end, I want in my award model two fields, a cat and a dog, who need to be in a friendship.
I am using the annotation driver.
What stops you from manually creating the m:n table instead of having doctrine do it for you?
The Doctrine aims is to map objects from an E/R schema and to make easier the access to object connections. Therefore I believe that the table cats_dogs automatically provided by Doctrine is necessary as it is. It is concise and hits its purposes, i.e. it provides a list of all dogs of a cat or, vice versa, all the cats of a dog.
Thus, I can conclude that it is preferable to create a third entity (besides Cat and Dog) named Award which provides a one-to-one relationship with Cat and another one-to-one relationship with Dog. Making it consistent with the cats_dogs table is only up to you, and is not a Doctrine task by default. E.g., you can use some cascade persist option.
I believe that this is the most effective solution with Doctrine.
As a final remark, consider that each table should map a specific relationship between one or more entities, and in fact the table cats_dogs represents the friendship relationships, while the table Award will represent the awarded relationship relationship between two friends.
