How to get an access token from Google without an api library? - google-api

I am working on an Elixir Phoenix web project where I want to interact with Google's Indexing API.
Google uses OAuth2 to authenticate api requests and actually has a decent documentation on this.
But it only explains the process using one of the supported libraries in Python, Java, PHP or JS.
I would like to make the HTTP requests by myself to retrieve that access token. But the request format (including headers or parameters) is nowhere documented and I cannot even figure out from the libraries' source code.
I have tried requesting (also other eligible URLs) in Postman with the "OAuth 2.0" request type.
But it was all just guessing and trying. All the research did not help.

There are useful instructions including HTTP/Rest examples at Using OAuth 2.0 for Web Server Applications. Each step has the individual parameters fully documented. Here are some useful excerpts.
Send user to Google's OAuth 2.0 server. Example URL:
Retreive authorization code (your domain). Example:
Request access token. Example:
POST /oauth2/v4/token HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Use API. Example:
GET /drive/v2/files HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer <access_token>


Google Drive API with files.get migrating to HTTP "webViewLink" - how to bypass 100mb virus page?

Google released this blog post which says:
If you authorize download requests to the Drive API using the access
token in a query parameter, you will need to migrate your requests to
authenticate using an HTTP header instead. Starting January 1, 2020,
download calls to files.get, revisions.get and files.export endpoints
which authenticate using the access token in the query parameter will
no longer be supported, which means you’ll need to update your
authentication method.
and then says:
For file downloads, redirect to the webContentLink which will instruct
the browser to download the content. If the application wants to
display the file to the user, they can simply redirect to the
alternateLink in v2 or webViewLink in v3.
however if we use webContentLink then we will hit the 100mb virus page mentioned here.
I can see that the migration has been delayed, however sooner or later this will happen, and we want to future-proof the application.
How will we be able to download content without hitting the 100mb virus limit, after this change is implemented?
If you authorize download requests to the Drive API using the access token in a query parameter, you will need to migrate your requests to authenticate using an HTTP header instead.
Example query param:
Accept: application/json
Example requests header:
Authorization: Bearer [YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN]
Accept: application/json
Assuming that you can do the http header option then you should not have any issues with the download as mentioned. The issues with download only come into play if you cant add the authorization header. In which case i think you would need to go with option number two and export the files directly.

How do I send a Google API POST request using Jmeter?

I have never used Jmeter before. I have been trying to use Jmeter to send an HTTP request to Google Vision API - but it's returning a FORBIDDEN (403) error. My request as well as required response is in JSON format.
I have attached below the:
a) HTTP Request
b) Response Error
Other than this, in HTTP Header Manager I have set:
Content-Type: application/json
What is wrong with the attached request?
Request image..
Response error image
According to Authenticating to the Cloud Vision API article you might require to provide OAuth token, it can be done via HTTP Header Manager like:
Name: Authorization
See How to Run Performance Tests on OAuth Secured Apps with JMeter article for more details on interacting with OAuth-protected web applications in JMeter tests.

How to specify OAuth audience (audience:server:client_id returns invalid_scope)

We're writing Windows app and we also have backend server. And we want to implement Google Login. So the Windows app asks the user, it receives the JWT token and passes it to our server. I the token, there are 2 keys: aud and azp. On our other platoforms (iOS, Android), the azp is the OAuth Client ID of the application from Google Cloud Console and aud is OAuth Client ID for our server. But on Windows, they are both same. On other platform, this is handled by libraries provided by Google, but on Windows, we're using low-level HTTP. But we can't find a way to specify the aud. How can we do it?
EDIT: I found out about audience:server:client_id:... in scope, but it doesn't work for me either. It gives me Error: invalid_scope.
This is the request (using HTTPie):
http -v response_type==code ''
GET /o/oauth2/auth? HTTP/1.1
Accept: */*
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
Connection: keep-alive
User-Agent: HTTPie/0.9.2
I think we should provide this scope while you request for token. This is probably automatically done if we use Google/Sign-In library, provided that we set the server client id.
[GIDSignIn sharedInstance].serverClientID = #"YOUR_SERVER_CLIENT_ID_HERE"
By the way, If any am looking for a way to implement the same using AppAuth. I did not find any solution yet.
Send the web client id as a parameter audience=WEB_CLIENT_ID when requesting token endpoint.

How to develop test-automation using Postman when OAuth 2.0 authorization is required

I have an ASP.NET Web API 2 which is using OAuth 2.0 for authorization. And let's imagine I have a simple Web API method, like:
GET: http://host/api/profiles/user123 (requires OAuth 2.0 token)
So, with Postman, it is easy to test this Web API. I get an OAuth token for user123 from the Web API OAuthAuthorization method and then I use that token in the header of the HTTP request:
GET /api/profiles/user123 HTTP/1.1
Host: {host}
Authorization: Bearer {Token}
Content-Type: application/json
Cache-Control: no-cache
However, if I save my test and run it later (either by Postman itself or by Newman), the token will be expired at that time and it won't work.
How can I make Newman to get a new token automatically for user123 and use it in the HTTP request?
Note: I know how to use Postman's Authentication helpers to ask for a new token. But this scenario doesn't fit the test-automation. In test-automation, I want to remove any human interaction.
It's simple, get your access token at run time and save it into environment variable. Then use it in your next Get request.
In Get Token request, do this in Tests sections:
var body = JSON.parse(responseBody);
pm.environment.set('AccessToken', body.access_token);
In your main Get request, you can use the environment variable in Authorization header:
Authorization: Bearer {{AccessToken}}
Hope this helps.

Oauth Invalid auth/bad request (got a 404, expected HTTP/1.1 20X or a redirect)

Im trying to list all the products using rest api. I followed this tutorial. When I access this url "" it takes me to authorization page and I got oauth token and oauth secret key. But when I click on authorize button I got this error "Invalid auth/bad request (got a 404, expected HTTP/1.1 20X or a redirect)".
Oauth details.
PLAINTEXT support enabled
RSA-SHA1 support enabled
HMAC-SHA1 support enabled
Request engine support php_streams, curl
source version $Id: oauth.c 325799 2012-05-24 21:07:51Z jawed $
version 1.2.3
In my case I had to add a limit to make it work
however I'm still looking for a solution to retrieve all the products, just like in the SOAP call.
