Exclude zip artifact dependency - teamcity

I have an Artifact Dependency for a build which produces two zip files. I only require one of the zip files but it keeps downloading both files, or gives an error, no matter what I try to specify to exclude the second.
The format of the file names is similar to App_1.1.1103.zip and App_1.1.1103_trial.zip, where 1.1.1103 is the version and build number.
The artifact paths I have defined are:
Both files are always downloaded and extracted to the same location with the second one overwriting files from the first.
How do I exclude the second zip when using the unzip syntax?


maven assembly plugin with preserved last modified timestamp

I'm able to create a zip file using maven-assembly-plugin in my pom, but what I need to do is to make this zip has "lastmodified" timestamp of a directory that was zipped. Is it possible to achieve?
I know I can use for example maven-antrun-plugin and property preservelastmodified="true" when copying resources. Is there anything similar for creating archive of a file?

Maven: how to copy a directory cleanly before creating the JAR?

I want to store some additional files in the JAR that gets created. Those files are in a directory that is a subdirectory of a repository which is pulled in via a git submodule.
I want to copy that submodule to my src resources directory before compiling, but I also want to make sure that any old files at that location are removed first.
How can that be achieved best with Maven plugins? I did not find any option to remove any destination files with the copy-resources goal of the maven-resources-plugin and I could not get the maven-clean-plugin to run right before the copy-resources either. So how does one accomplish such a trivial task with Maven?
UPDATE: as mentioned above, the reason why I want to do this is because what is copied should become part of what gets added to the resulting jar (and could potentially be part of what gets compiled). So I need to copy these files into the src directory and NOT the target directory. What should get copied before each build is the input to the build, not an additional output.
There is one flaw in your approach, and it probably explains most of the obstructions you encountered.
During a build, the only directory in which you may write is target. Copying files to src or changing them is strictly discouraged.
The target folder is erased by clean, so no need to tidy up yourself or to manage old files.

Nexus generates wrong checksum of pom

I use Nexus 2.14.0-01 and have the following problem:
The checksums that are computed by Nexus are different from the checksum that one gets on the command line (for the pom file). Deleting checksum files and recreating them by "Rebuild metadata" creates the same checksum files as before (with the apparently wrong checksum). Even manipulating the pom and then creating the checksum files always recreates the same wrong number.
Does Nexus have a cache for that that I need to empty? How can I convince Nexus to create correct checksum files?

Add files to TeamCity artifact zip

We are using TeamCity as CI and we are struggling with the final build step: We pull a dependency from another build step (a zip) and want to add a few extra files. Do we really need to extract the zip (quite large file), copy the files over there and zip it again? Is there support or a plugin to add files to existing zip files?
TeamCity itself does not support this and I haven't seen any related plugins, however, if you really need to wait until the final step to add the extra files (maybe you are doing some kind of file generation at this point), then I would recommend using something like 7Zip.
you can update existing zip files (assuming they are not "solid" archives") with a very simple command:
7za.exe u targetZip.zip file.ext
this will add "file.ext" to the zip file "targetZip.zip" without decompressing and re-compressing the archive.
you can find 7Zip here: http://www.7-zip.org/
It would be much better to include those files at the previous step, which lists which files should be included to the final artifact. Rather than trying to modify the already generated artifact. So basically all you need is to add an additional build step that will simply copy those other files to the output folder from which you are producing your final artifact.

How do I download an artifact from an archive in TeamCity 6.5? I can't construct the correct URL

I have a zip archive artifact. I'm interested in downloading a single file from that artifact. I can't upload that file outside of the archive right now. The documentation says you download an archive like this
So, my URL for that looks like this (and I need anonymous access, so you see the guest flag). And it works!
However, I want one single file from that artifact. And the docs are confusing on how to do that. They do not specify what replaces <zip or jar archive>. And I am not constructing the whole buildNumber or buildTypeId values properly.
/repository/archive/<zip or jar archive>/buildTypeId/BUILD_TYPE_ID/buildNumber/BUILD_NUMBER/index.html
I tried using zip and `.zip'. I tried filling in the build values directly, but it's much different from the working archive download URL.
Does anyone have working concrete example of the URL for a single file in an archive?
You need to replace <zip or jar archive> with relative path to your artifact. For example, if you want to retrieve file.txt from package.zip which is uploaded under dist directory in your build artifacts you need to use this url:
BTW, a new, more straightforward URL syntax will be available in TeamCity 7.0:
Old URLs will be supported too.
