I am no longer able to build and train my dispatcher LUIS app. If I try to run the dispatch CLI to refresh my dispatcher model like dispatch refresh --dispatch mydispatchfile.dispatch, it hangs on training the dispatch model and eventually returns the error that I can't publish without training it.
If I try to go into the luis.ai portal and train it there, I get the error "App training failed: l_general: Retrain"
I tried deleting the l_general intent to see if that was somehow the issue and it just changed the error to the next intent down. Now I can't get it to even show that much information.
I tried exporting the model and importing it into another app and it has the same issue. What happened?
Update: I tried importing an old version of the dispatcher model into the offending LUIS app and it won't train either. This old version trains fine in another LUIS app, but not this one.
Update again: If I export the model, delete the patterns in the JSON, and re-import it, the model will train. If I delete them in the luis.ai portal instead, it will not train.
Turns out this is currently a bug in LUIS where dispatch apps cannot have patterns. A fix is being rolled out for this tomorrow (8/20/2019), so this should no longer be a bug for this particular issue.
We converted country/states in Salesforce to the standard picklist. Heroku doesn't seem to reflect those changes as we get loads of errors in Heroku like the one below when Heroku syncs with SF. I re-polled the account object in Heroku to refresh the account table but still the same errors. The country/state picklists are considered meta data in Salesforce in case that helps to understand the issue. Does anyone know what needs to be done in Heroku in order to get the updated list of countries/states that is now in Salesforce?
"AccountsTrigger: execution of AfterUpdate caused by:
System.DmlException: Update failed. First exception on row 2 with id
0033X00003solkfQAA; first error: FIELD_INTEGRITY_EXCEPTION, There's a
problem with this state, even though it may appear correct. Please
select a state from the list of valid states.: Mailing State/Province:
[MailingState] Class.AccountHandler.HandleAfter: line 154, column 1
Trigger.AccountsTrigger: line 17, column 1"
You might have more luck on dedicated salesforce.stackexchange.com site. It's hard to say, sounds like error thrown from a trigger handler but you didn't post any code. Would be also good to know what do you have, the Heroku Connect product or some custom integration that happens to be deployed on Heroku?
https://developer.salesforce.com/docs/atlas.en-us.api.meta/api/compound_fields_address.htm what are you mapping in your integration. Account.BillingCountry or Account.BillingCountryCode?
Worst case you could try contacting support
I have a bot built in Bot Framework Composer, and I haven't had any issues with adding intents within composer matched to a trigger before.
When I added a new trigger called "SearchWiki" and add utterances, then build the bot, when I test the new trigger, the luis trace returns with "topIntent": "SearchWiki", but the bot executes the actions found in the "Unknown Intent" trigger. This only happens with new intents, as the onther intents I have built still work fine. The only change I can think of that might have affected this is below (note: reverting below changes did not solve the issue)
I recently changed the bot app settings to control the luis app more directly as follows:
"environment": "composer",
"<BOT_NAME>_en_us_lu": {
"appId": "<APP_ID>"
Any insight is greatly appreciated.
So while I don't have an exact reason for this, this problem was solved after deleting the following folders from the repository:
I assume that it most likely had to do with the "generated" folder, but if I run into the exact reason I'll document it here for posterity.
The DialogFlow CX with Page Form Parameters was working well in the test simulator and recently, my chat bots are not responding after user inputs.
When i tried to troubleshoot the issue i realized that the $page.params.status='FINAL' or the $page.params.someparameter.status='UPDATED' events are not firing properly. Due to this the routes are getting failed.
Initially i thought the issue is in my Project. Then i tried the prebuilt agent (travel-baggage claim) in another project. Even that behaves the same without any response after the user inputs are collected.
I also reported this issue to the Developer Advocates in Twitter and updating here as well to get some response from the community.
I’ve tried to replicate your use case but I was able to successfully trigger the condition routes $page.params.status = "FINAL" and $page.params.parameter-name.status = "UPDATED" as expected and transition to the defined page from my end.
See the following for reference:
$page.params.status = "FINAL"
$page.params.parameter-name.status = "UPDATED"
To troubleshoot the issue, you may check if all the conditions defined in your condition route are fulfilled. Also, you may need to check if the condition rules applied is OR or AND. If AND, make sure that all conditions are fulfilled in order to transition to the defined page or flow.
As for the prebuilt agent Travel: baggage claim, I was also able to replicate the same behavior. However, I noticed that this is a different issue since the issue is caused by the webhook being unable to provide a response and not caused by triggering the condition route. I was able to verify this by adding a static response on the condition route and by checking the logs from the simulator. See screenshots below for more information.
Static response
Log snippet from simulator
I tried creating a new flow and migrated all the pages and it works well. I suspect the flow got corrupted when i programmatically tried to update via API.
I'm trying to access a LUIS App from luis.ai portal but at the top it shows a message saying: 'BadArgument: Enumerable of models is empty'.
All I did before getting that error was creating a new version of the app by cloning it from another version.
I cannot access this LUIS app neither export the App data as JSON file :/
Any thoughts?
At the end I had to create a new LUIS app using the latest version of the JSON file that I had previous to this issue.
And that time, everything did work.
My Luis bot app was working fine when I tested in the 2nd week of March 2017. Testing includes -
1) using Luis end point start with "https://westus.api.cognitive.microsoft.com/luis/v2.0/apps/........." in browser and Luis.ai
2) using visual studio code where I provided the LuisDialog with LuisModel attribute having app id and subscription key.
When I today tried to test it again, it is working fine in browser and Luis.ai using luis end point but in NOT in visual studio.Please refer the screenshot. Every time it is giving "An item with the same key has already been added".
I checked the LUIS : An item with the same key has already been added but did not get answer.
I tried to integrate this luis bot app with Azure Bot service. Same error is there also -
"2017-03-12T12:27:17.657 Exception while executing function: Functions.messages. mscorlib: An item with the same key has already been added."
Please help.
I was keep trying to solve my issue for couple of days to run bot service in azure. Finally I am able to run.
Mainly 2 issues were there -
One is wrong Luis API Host Name in Azure Portal
Another is wrong attribute in Intent.
Correcting the Luis API Host Name-
In Azure portal, I have updated the Luis API End Point to westus.api.cognitive.microsoft.com from api.projectoxford.ai.
Steps to follow - go to 'All Resources' and click on the bot. Now go to Setting Tab and click of Application Setting button. Please refer below screenshot.
Now update the LuisAPI end point key in yellow highlighted area as shown below-
Updating Luis API Host Name
After updating this setting, my bot was not working and throwing same error.
Correcting the Wrong Attribute in Intent :
Later I checked LuisDialog.csx,
[LuisIntent("")] atrtibute was present in one of the Intents other than None Intent. Here [LuisIntent("")] was given in BookHoliday Intent.
Please refer below screenshot -
Wrong attribute in Intent
Both [LuisIntent("")] and [LuisIntent("None")] can be used for None Intent.
I removed [LuisIntent("")] from BookHoliday Intent, it works fine.
It was copy-paste error, I copied None intent and modified None to BookHoliday but did not removed the [LuisIntent("")].
"An item with the same key has already been added"- this issue may also be raised if &q appears more than 1 time in query string as part of Luis App Endpoint url.
Regarding code run issue in visual studio, it looks like VS was not updated. It works after updating.