How to web request filtering - block one particular country - filter

My MVC-5 website gets a lot of false registrations, or real and followed by experiments in escalation of privileges. I can write a request filter - but how to block web requests from one particular country? Are there publicly available list of IPs that I can block ... or what? How do people approach solving this issue?

Depending on the country you might have a little difficulty in blocking everything but there are lists out there (such as the one maintained by nirsoft). Usually it's better to block specific IP addresses where the bad behavior is originating by using software that watches for the behavior and dynamically blocks it. That way you're covered regardless of where it originates. Especially since managing IP address blacklists is a real pain. I've made use of IPTables on linux before for this and it works like a charm.


Are there any ways to monitor all HTTP protocols and block certain ones using a single script on WIndows?

I want to write a program that can monitor all system HTTP/HTTPS protocols used to open the default browser, and block certain ones, automatically changing certain requested URL into another. The process of changing a URL is simple, but the monitoring and blocking part is quite puzzling.
e.g. When clicking on the URL '', the request will be blocked by the program and the the Windows system will receive the command of '' instead and the latter instead of the former URL will be opened by the default browser.
I am an amateur developer and student who do not have much experience in solving such problems.
I searched the web and found someone asked a similar question years ago:
However, I didn't find any useful advice on coding in the page. Maybe I can use an antivirus program to block certain URLs or change the hosts file to block certain URLs but the URL replacement cannot be done. Certainly, changing the hosts to a certain server which redirects certain requests might work but that's too complex. I wish someone can help me solve the problem by giving a simple method on monitoring the Windows system itself. Thanks!
To summarize our conversation in the comments, in order to redirect or restrict traffic, either to sites, either to ports (protocols are actually "mapped" via ports) the main solutions usually are:
a software firewall - keep in mind that SWFW don't usually redirect, they just permit or allow traffic via ports
a hardware firewall (or advanced router, not the commercial ones, but enterprise grade) - they do what you want, but they are very expensive and not worth for a home experiment
a proxy server - this can do what you want
Other alternatives that might or might not work would include editing the hosts file, as you said, but as stated earlier I don't recommend it, it's a system file and if you forget about it, then it can be a hindrance (also keep in mind that normally you should not use a Windows user with admin rights even at home, but that is another story) and a browser extension (which Iwould guess only changes content on pages, not the way a browser works (such as changing URLs).
I think a proxy server is the best pick here. Try it and let me know.
Keep in mind I still recommend you read about networking in order to get a better idea of what you can and can't do in each setup.

Existing Event Driven Network Protocols

I am building a set of programs that consist of multiple clients and a single server.
The clients are frequently pushing small packets of data to the server, which will validate the information (returning an error if the data is invalid), and process the received information. The information may then incur the firing of events, which clients will be subscribed to, allowing for clients to be instantly (or as close as possible) notified (along with a small amount of data).
I have some ideas about how to do this, but I am trying to avoid creating a protocol of my own, mainly as I'm sure it would take forever and I would probably make a few errors. So I was wondering if there are any existing protocols that I could implement into my system that would provide such functionality.
The number of clients will initially be quite small, but will be growing over time to potentially include 1000's of clients (with their own subscriptions), and several front end servers (each one handling a subset of subscriptions) parsing the information back and forth with back end servers for improved capability.
So, if anyone knows of any existing protocols that implement these requirements and functionality, that would be fantastic.
I am currently looking at the XMPP protocol, and the JXTA protocol suite (for reference, and implement with another language). Both seem quite good and provide the necessary connectivity, but I have not had the opportunity to test each of them out in my environment, or if they are even suitable for what I am attempting.
Additionally, some of the network clients will be outside of the local network and operating over WAN. Security is not so much of an issue, but I need to take into account the increase latency of this, and firewall rules (local to the connection that is hosting the application and ISP firewalls) that could be blocking certain ports or transport protocols (I have read some text that said that some ISPs where blocking UDP packets, but not sure of how wide this goes. I can do it at home, the office, mobile, friends houses, etc and have yet to experience it myself).
I'm sorry if the following is not exactly what you're after but I am slightly confused by your use of the word 'protocol'. I understand a protocol to be a 'communication specification' only, where the implementation is left entirely to you. If that is the case I always find the the following graphic usefull, link.
If on the other hand you are looking for a solution which allows you to easily implement the networking side of your application, helping save time, then checkout the following network libraries, which implement their own custom protocol:
Disclaimer: I'm a developer for NetworkComms.Net

Where to begin with SNMP agent implementation?

before I start I realise there are a few SNMP related questions here already but not many seem to have been answered - that could mean I'm asking in the wrong place but I don't know where else to go at the moment.
I've been reading up as best I can on SNMP for a couple of days but am finding it difficult to get my head around what is meant to be happening. The idea is eventually we will integrate SNMP into our Java application server which will allow the end users to incorporate it into their pre-existing Network Management Systems(NMS).
Unfortunately I'm feeling entirely confused by what is meant to be going on. From what I understood from talking to the end users (which was unfortunately before any research) was that the monitoring allows their existing NMS to give their admin guys a view of the vital statistics in a tree type display, giving them feedback regarding different parts of the system at a high level and allowing them to dig down into specific subsystems.
From reading around we would implement an 'Agent' which has several defined interfaces allowing for GET requests etc to be processed and responded to. That makes sense but I am at a loss to work out what the format of the communication is - there don't seem to be any specific examples of what any of the messages look like, how the information is encoded.
More of my confusion though is regarding Management Information Base(MIB). I had, wrongly, assumed that the interface of the agent would allow for the monitored attributes to be requested and then in turn the values for those attributes requested. Allowing any new Agent to be started and detected without any configuration on the NMS end (with the exception of authentication in v3). This, if I understand correctly, is not the case and the Agent must instead define MIBs which can be used by the NMS to determine those attributes. My confusion is increased when people start referring to thousands of existing MIBs and that they can be reused which I don't understand. Is the intention that a single MIB definition can be used to say describe how a particular attribute of a network device (something simple like internet connected on a router:yes/no) for many different devices? If so I don't believe that our software would allow the monitoring of anything common to any other device/system but should we be looking for already exising MIBs? At the moment I don't really see any good rational for such a system, surely it would be easier for the Agent to export that information - so I'd appreciate it if someone could enlighten me!
I think it would help if I was able to setup a simple SNMP agent and some sort of client, I could begin to see the process and eventually inspect the communication between the two but am finding it difficult to find anywhere that provides any information on doing such a thing. Nagios has been recommended to us as a test 'client'/NMS but their 'get started quick' section recommends downloading a 600Mb virtual machine - surely there is a quicker way to get started?
Any help or suggestions will be appreciated, I have been through the Wiki page but it doesn't seem to go into much detail about the MIBs and the having not had to deal with anything like the referenced RFCs before, while they may contain all of the information they seem completely impenetrable to me at the moment. Or if there are any books that can be recommended for an overview and implementation of v3?
Thanks for reading and even more thanks if you think you can help!
It seems to me that you read all SNMP information piece by piece in an disorganized way. This is highly not recommended and of course lead you to confusion.
What about forgetting what you have learnt so far and dive into a good book such as Essential SNMP?
Click the Google Preview icon to preview it please.
You could not depend on a network forum to tell you the ABCs, as that's impractical I find out.
The communications interface is SNMP. That's the protocol used for transmission (usually on top of UDP). The thing that services information requests is an SNMP Agent. The thing that sends information requests is an SNMP Manager.
The definition of what information should be made available by the Agent, and requested by the Manager, goes in a MIB. A MIB is the "glue", a directory of what sort of things any particular system can/should offer. It maps numeric codes to names and types that allow us to make sense of the data, much like how a phone directory maps phone numbers to people's names and addresses.
Generally you would create and ship and use your own MIBs that can describe aspects specific to your own product, but you are supposed to service some standard information requests as well, which are defined in existing MIBs. Yes there are thousands of other pre-existing MIBs and the likelihood that you need more than one or two of these is remote. They are typically published versions of MIBs for existing products.
The conventional way to "toy around" is to install Net-SNMP (a software suite that includes an agent implementation and allows you to "bolt on" your own logic and your own MIBs fairly easily) then examine the results using a packet capturer like Wireshark.
For a fuller implementation in production you may stick with Net-SNMP, or write your own Agent software, or do what I did and create a hybrid of the two that's a little more flexible and performant but uses Net-SNMP's backend for handling all the low-level SNMP stuff.
Your first step, though, is to read a book or some other teaching material that can clear all your misconceptions, because guesswork won't cut it.
I had success using the samples from this page. Both the shell and Perl NetSNMP code was very straightforward to implement and query.

How to implement a secure distributed social network?

I'm interested in how you would approach implementing a BitTorrent-like social network. It might have a central server, but it must be able to run in a peer-to-peer manner, without communication to it:
If a whole region's network is disconnected from the internet, it should be able to pass updates from users inside the region to each other
However, if some computer gets the posts from the central server, it should be able to pass them around.
There is some reasonable level of identification; some computers might be dissipating incomplete/incorrect posts or performing DOS attacks. It should be able to describe some information as coming from more trusted computers and some from less trusted.
It should be able to theoretically use any computer as a server, however, optimizing dynamically the network so that typically only fast computers with ample internet work as seeders.
The network should be able to scale to hundreds of millions of users; however, each particular person is interested in less than a thousand feeds.
It should include some Tor-like privacy features.
Purely theoretical question, though inspired by recent events :) I do hope somebody implements it.
Interesting question. With the use of already existing tor, p2p, darknet features and by using some public/private key infrastructure, you possibly could come up with some great things. It would be nice to see something like this in action. However I see a major problem. Not by some people using it for file sharing, BUT by flooding the network with useless information. I therefore would suggest using a twitter like approach where you can ban and subscribe to certain people and start with a very reduced set of functions at the beginning.
Incidentally we programmers could make a good start to accomplish that goal by NOT saving and analyzing to much information about the users and use safe ways for storing and accessing user related data!
Interesting, the rendezvous protocol does something similar to this (it grabs "buddies" in the local network)
Bittorrent is a mean of transfering static information, its not intended to have everyone become producers of new content. Also, bittorrent requires that the producer is a dedicated server until all of the clients are able to grab the information.
Diaspora claims to be such one thing.

1 A-record for every subdomain (10000+); any potential issues? Any other solution?

Most solutions I've read here for supporting subdomain-per-user at the DNS level are to point everything to one IP using *
It is an easy and simple solution, but what if I want to point first 1000 registered users to serverA, and next 1000 registered users to serverB? This is the preferred solution for us to keep our cost down in software and hardware for clustering.
alt text
(diagram quoted from MS IIS site)
The most logical solution seems to have 1 x A-record per subdomain in Zone Datafiles. BIND doesn't seem to have any size limit on the Zone Datafiles, only restricted to memory available.
However, my team is worried about the latency of getting the new subdoamin up and ready, since creating a new subdomain consist of inserting a new A-record & restarting DNS server.
Is performance of restarting DNS server something we should worry about?
Thank you in advance.
Seems like most of you suggest me to use a reverse proxy setup instead:
alt text
(ARR is IIS7's reverse proxy solution)
However, here are the CONS I can see:
single point of failure
cannot strategically setup servers in different locations based on IP geolocation.
Use the wildcard DNS entry, then use load balancing to distribute the load between servers, regardless of what client they are.
While you're at it, skip the URL rewriting step and have your application determine which account it is based on the URL as entered (you can just as easily determine what X is in as in
Based on your additional info, you may want to develop a "broker" that stores which clients are to access which servers. Make that public facing then draw from the resources associated with the client stored with the broker. Your front-end can be load balanced, then you can grab from the file/db servers based on who they are.
The front-end proxy with a wild-card DNS entry really is the way to go with this. It's how big sites like LiveJournal work.
Note that this is not just a TCP layer load-balancer - there are plenty of solutions that'll examine the host part of the URL to figure out which back-end server to forward the query too. You can easily do it with Apache running on a low-spec server with suitable configuration.
The proxy ensures that each user's session always goes to the right back-end server and most any session handling methods will just keep on working.
Also the proxy needn't be a single point of failure. It's perfectly possible and pretty easy to run two or more front-end proxies in a redundant configuration (to avoid failure) or even to have them share the load (to avoid stress).
I'd also second John Sheehan's suggestion that the application just look at the left-hand part of the URL to determine which user's content to display.
If using Apache for the back-end, see this post too for info about how to configure it.
If you use tinydns, you don't need to restart the nameserver if you modify its database and it should not be a bottleneck because it is generally very fast. I don't know whether it performs well with 10000+ entries though (it would surprise me if not).
