I am trying to bind OData to a Tree Table following the OData Samples in sap.ui.table.TreeTable
I have tried both with basic binding with setting treeAnnotationPropertiesin the xml and annotation binding (I have checked the $metadata query and it has the sap:hierarchy- etc).
However, both times I get repeated nodes like:
Id | Title | Hierarchy Level | ParentID
1 | izparent | 0 | 0
|--1 | izparent | 0 | 0
| |-- ...
|--2 | izchild | 1 | 1
2 | izchild | 1 | 1
where I get a Node with Id 1 which is expandable, and Node 2 which is not expandable. But if I expand Node 1, I again get Node 1 which is expandable and Node 2, and I can repeated expand Node 1 to get the same result.
I have a feeling I have a similar problem as here, but there is no answer provided for this either: How to define tree table annotation (XML view)
I am using OData Version 2.0 and for my et_entity I just provide a SELECT * FROM a table which has the structure I think I need according to the samples.
Table content:
Id | Title | HierarchyLevel | ParentID | Drillstate
1 izparent 0 0 expanded
2 izchild 1 1 leaf
What could be the issue here?
I found that adding operationMode: 'Client' to the rows parameters solved the issue.
It appears that expanding triggers another Server call (additional $batch appears under debugging network tab), and therefore extra logic has to be included in the GetEntitySet method to handle expands on lower hierarchy levels, so it doesn't provide the full hierarchy anymore (e.g. if hierarchy level = ..., then select only hierarchy level < ...).
Since the amount of data I am handling allows operationMode: client, I did not further the additional logic approach.
I have a data table that resembles the structure here:
| Prof | PI | Class |
| Dr.K | Louisa | A |
| Dr.L | Jenny | B |
| Dr.X | Liu | C |
Filter 1: I'd like to create two dropdown, single selection parameter-filters, the first of which contains the headers of the columns. So, filter one would contain the option to select: Pro, PI, or Class.
Filter 2: The second filter would then dynamically change to represent values of the selected column. If a user chose "Prof" in Filter 1, Filter 2 would show: Dr. K, Dr. L, and Dr. X. The table in the dashboard would then reflect the chosen filters.
I believe choosing "only relevant values" on Filter 2 would take care of some of the issues, but I still don't understand how I can turn column headers into a list, and those values still retain the integrity of the original columns. Thank you for any help you can provide!
IF [Parameter 1] = STR("Prof") THEN [Prof] ELSEIF [Parameter 1] STR("PI") THEN [PI] END
Does https://crate.io support facets (for faceted search)?
I didn't find anything in the docs. ElasticSearch replaced facets with aggregations in 2014, but the aggregation section in the crate docs only talks about SQL aggregation functions.
My use case:
I've got a list of web sites, each record has a domain and a language field. When displaying the search results, I want to get a list of all domains that the search results appear in, as well a list of all languages, ordered by number of occurences so search results can be narrowed down. The number of results for those single facet values shall also be given.
Screenshot with facets:
There is no way to get the facets I want from crate itself.
Instead we're enabling the ElasticSearch REST API in crate.yml now
es.api.enabled: true
.. and can use the ElasticSearch aggregation API.
Crate doesn't support facets or Elasticsearch aggregations directly. Like you suggested, you can always turn on the Elasticsearch API. However, there are other ways to get these aggregations.
1) Have you considered to issue multiple queries to the cluster? For example, if you load your page dynamically with Javascript, you can first return the search results and load the facets later. This should also decrease the overall response time of the application.
2) In CrateDB 2.1.x, there will be support for subqueries, which allow you to include the facets within your query:
select q1.id, q1.domain, q1.tag, q2.d_count, q3.t_count from websites q1,
(select domain, count(*) as d_count from websites where text like '%query%' group by domain) q2,
(select tag, count(*) as t_count from websites where text like '%query%' group by tag) q3
where q1.domain = q2.domain and q1.tag = q3.tag and q1.text like '%query%'
order by q1.id
limit 5;
This gives you a result table like this where you have the search results alongside with the domain and tag count for the query:
| id | domain | tag | d_count | t_count |
| 1 | example.com | example | 2 | 3 |
| 14 | crate.io | software | 1 | 4 |
| 17 | google.com | search | 5 | 2 |
| 29 | github.com | open-source | 3 | 3 |
| 47 | linux.org | software | 2 | 4 |
Disclaimer: I'm new to Crate :)
I am trying to the count of number of groups in my report I know I could do it in the SQL however trying to avoid adding redundant data to my dataset if I can.
I have a MainDataSet that could have multiple entries per distinct group item. All I want is the no. of groups not the count of items within the group.
For example words starting with alphabet letters, lets say I have 2 groups A and B only (NB: number of groups can change dynamically as I filter the MainDataSet based on user parameter selection):
Group | Data
A | Apple
A | Ant
B | Balloon
B | Book
B | Bowl
Final Result:
Group | Index | NGroups
A | 1 | 2
B | 2 | 2
I know I can get the Index using a aggregate function as follows:
RunningValue(Fields!Group.Value, CountDistinct, "TablixName")
But how do I get the NGroups value?
I guess I could also create another dataset based on the MainDataSet (make use of a sql function) and do:
SELECT 'X' AS GroupCount, COUNT(Distinct Group) AS NGroups
FROM dbo.udf_MainDataSet()
WHERE FieldX = #Parameter1
Then use a LookUp:
Lookup("X", Fields!GroupCount.Value, Fields!NGroups.Value, "NewDataSet")
But is there a simple solution that I am not seeing?
CountDistinct(Fields!Group.Value, "TablixName")
I am developing a custom module for a project. I created a custom form and that custom form's data saved in two tables. Now when form open in edit mode I am not able to get saved data from both tables. I have no idea how can I get resolve this issue, please help me.
Here are my two tables structures:
id | page_id | title
1 | 3 | ABC
2 | 4 | PQRS
3 | 10 | XYZ
id | page_id | child | position
1 | 3 | 8 | left
2 | 3 | 7 | right
3 | 3 | 15 | right
4 | 4 | 14 | right
5 | 4 | 15 | left
6 | 10 | 15 | left
Here i am attaching a screen-shot to more explain myself. I want to selected saved option values in 'left' & 'right' text-area in edit mode, values comes from table2.
Please suggest me. Thanks in advance.
Left and Right are here multiselect field types and these kind of fields receives values in comma separated string. so the example you presented will work in this way.
lets consider you have models Table1 and Table2 and you pass your Table Model from edit action in you controller you have written
$table1Id = $this->getRequest()->getParam('id');
$table1Model = Mage::getModel('page/table1')->load($table1Id);
if ($table1Model->getId()) {
Mage::register('page_data', $table1Model);
In your form file Block/Adminhtml/Edit/Tab/Form.php there is method $form->setData()
if ( Mage::getSingleton('adminhtml/session')->getPageData() )
elseif ( Mage::registry('page_data') ) {
$values = Mage::registry('page_data')->getData();
$values['left'] = '8';//You can get this value from Table2 collection on basis of $values['page_id'] you got
$values['right'] = '7,15';////You can get this value from Table2 collection on basis of $values['page_id'] you got
I found the solutions of my query.
This extension is the best example click here
To get resolve this need to edit many files like model, resource and block files. That's why I mentioned this link to understand complete process.
most file that are need attention are :
hope this helps others!
I am pretty new to YUI and need some help.
I have a JSON response like this:
I would like to have a datatable with nested columns where:
1) alpha, beta and gamma are parent columns.
2) beta and gamma each have two columns formed of the JSON key-value pair (e.g., delta => 2.975).
3) The number of rows, i.e., total key-value pairs, is dynamic.
Basically, something like this:
| alpha | beta | gamma |
| 57.935 | delta | 2.975 | theta | 0.339 |
| | omega | 1.431 | lambda | 1.195 |
| 87.435 | lambda | 2.680 | zeta | 0.288 |
| | kappa | 0.714 | epsilon | 0.289 |
I have been able to generate non-nested, simple JSON responses.
My problems:
1) I have the object for each JSON child ({theta:0.339}, etc.). Both child columns will need data from this same object. How do I use it without modifying it? Should I use the same 'keyName' for both child columns in myColumnDefs?
2) How to create more than one rows where alpha td is empty?
Any help will be appreciated !
This is not an easy problem to solve. Barring your ability to format the JSON into individual rows before its sent to the client, you can hack together a solution using some column configurations, formatters, and a custom bodyView modelList attribute setter that flattens the data for display.
This would likely involve some breakage of table row -> data record associations since the bodyView's modelList contains its own Models for the rows rather than sharing a clientId. This may or may not get in your way, depending on whether you need additional features.
But since the DataTable's data ModelList preserves the objects for beta and gamma values--only the view's representation is customized--you might be fine.