How to get logged in user details in oim request data validation? - validation

I want to get the userlogin and city attribute details of the (requester) logged in user raising the request in OIM.
I want to process the validation according to certain attributes of requester city attribute.

You can make use of oracle.iam.platform.context.ContextManager class and call various methods available with it.
e.g. ContextManager.getOrigUser(); should give you requester's login.


How does Djoser account verification system really works under the hood?

So I'm currently in an attempt to make my own account verification system and I'm using some parts of Djoser as a reference. let me try to walk you to my question
Let's say you're to make a new account in Djoser app
you put in the information of your soon to be made account including email
submit the form to the backend
get an email to the whatever email account you put in earlier to verify your account
click the link in your email
get to the verify account page
now in this page there's a button to submit a UID and a token and both of those information lies in the URL.
My question is:
What are those tokens? is it JWT?
How do they work?
How can I implement that in my own projects without djoser?
The answers to your questions are immersed in the own code of djoser.
You can check file and in the classes there, they are few methods get_context_data().
def get_context_data(self):
context = super().get_context_data()
user = context.get("user")
context["uid"] = utils.encode_uid(
context["token"] = default_token_generator.make_token(user)
context["url"] = settings.ACTIVATION_URL.format(**context)
return context
So get the context in the class where is instance, and in this context add the 'uid' (this is basically str(pk) and coded in base64, check encode_uid()), the 'token' (just a random string created with a Django function from your Secret key; you can change the algorithm of that function and the duration of this token with PASSWORD_RESET_TIMEOUT setting) to use temporary links, and finally the URL according the action which is performed (in this case the email activation).
Other point to consider is in each of this classes has template assigned and you can override it.
Now, in the views, specifically in UserViewSet and its actions perform_create(), perform_update() and resend_activation(), if the Djoser setting SEND_ACTIVATION_EMAIL is True, call to ActivationEmail to send an email to the user address.
def perform_create(self, serializer):
user =
sender=self.__class__, user=user, request=self.request
context = {"user": user}
to = [get_user_email(user)]
settings.EMAIL.activation(self.request, context).send(to)
The email is sent and when a user click the link, whether the token is still valid and uid match (djoser.UidAndTokenSerializer), the action activation() of the same View is executed. Change the user flag 'is_active' to True and it may sent another email to confirm the activation.
If you want code your own version, as you can see, you only have to create a random token, generate some uid to identify the user in the way that you prefer. Code a pair of views that send emails with templates that permit the activation.

how to implement Single Responsibility in laravel

I am so confused about how to implement and how to follow SRP (single responsibility principle ) in a Laravel controller.
Suppose we have a controller which we have to do these things:
public function StorePost() {
// check user login()
//check number of current user Post count =>which must be less than 10
//store post
//send an email to user which your post has saved
//return =>api:json /web : redirect
I know that I can implement some DB queries in the repository but I don't know how to implement others of my logic code to achieve SRP
Also, I know there is a Heyman package to achieve these but I want to implement it by myself.
SRP in this context basically means each class and method should only be responsible for a single behaviour/feature. A rule of thumb is a class or method should change for one reason only, if it changes for multiple reasons, it needs to be broken down into smaller parts.
Your storePost method should not bother with checking the user login, that should be handled elsewhere before invoking storePost. storePost shouldnt change if the auth mechanism changes like switching from api token to json web token or something else. Laravel does this in the middleware level with the auth middleware.
Checking the users post count, this can be checked in the validation stage. storePost shouldn't change if we add more validation logic. In Laravel you can use FormValidation for this
For storing the post, the controller doesn't need to know how to call the DB, you can use the active record style using the model class or maybe create a service or repository class if your use case requires that. storePost shouldn't change if we decide to change DB vendor like going NoSQL.
For sending email, again the controller doesnt need to know how to send the email like what the subject/body recipients are. storePost shouldnt change if we need to change the email layout. Laravel has Notification for that
For serialising the response to json, the controller doesnt need to know how to format the response. if we decide to update how our json looks, storePost shouldnt change. Laravel has API Resources for that
So, ultimately in this example, the responsibility of the controller method is basically to glue all these together. It basically does what you wrote down, it only responsible for maintaining the step by step behavior, everything else is delegated to someone else. if the behavior change, like adding new behavior e.g notify all follower, storePost will change.

Add UserType To JWT Token IN laravel

How Can I Bind userType with jwt token??
because in the frontend needs to do some operations with type of user(hide some menus if userType is different)
in laravel.. Does it possible?
The way Laravel (and you most likely using, is that the JWT should probably not carry user types or really other kind of user information than maybe a name or an id. After the token is generated, you are supposed to query another endpoint that will return the user information that you are looking for.
So essentially, what you want is 2 routes, let's say:
POST /auth/login
POST /auth/me
To the first route, you are supposed to provide the username and password, to which you'll get a token if credentials are correct. Then, you take the token you were just given, and call the second endpoint, which will return all user information you might want or need. You don't specify which kind of frontend you are using, but here's an example with Nuxt.js's Auth module: core response caching by country

I need to use use response caching for certain controller actions based on the country the request is coming from.
I have figured out how to get the country code from the request (it involves reading from a database, expensive, so I want to do this just for the actions that require a country), but I am not sure how to do the caching part.
I am thinking of writing a middleware (e.g., named CountryResolver)that will run before the response caching middleware and set the country SOMEHOW in the request and have the Response Cache middleware vary by country.
There are two main problems I am facing:
Problem 1-
I need that middleware not to run for every request, but only for some requests that are routed to country-specific actions. I am thinking of annotating such country-specific actions via a custom attribute (e.g., [CountryRequired]).
[ResponseCache(VaryByQueryKeys = new string[] { "country"}]
public IActionResult MyAction()
However I don't know how the middleware can pickup the actions that have such annotation so it can decide whether to lookup the country or not.
Problem 2- "...set the country SOMEHOW in the request"
I was thinking of using VaryByQueryKeys and have the middleware set the country to a query string key named "country" BUT HttpContext.Request.Query collection is readonly. So I am not sure what other mechanism can I use for this.
Any help is very appreciated.

Grails - How to modify list items from g:select dynamically

I have a domain class called Client with typical attributes (name, surname, and so on).
There's also a class called PaymentConditions (which establishes some parameters to calculate the amount that a client has to pay) which have a reference to Client. A Client can have many PaymentConditions.
And finally there's a Payment class with attributes like paymentDate, amount and a reference to Client and PaymentConditions.
When I want to register a Payment I use an Ajax call to retrieve data from the Client (including the client id) that is making the payment. But the problem is that because of the reference to PaymentConditions there's a drop-down list with all the payment conditions registered. What I need is to filter the drop-down list items to show only the ones that are related to the retrieved client.
Can you help me with this?
Thanks in advance!
EDITED: There's an input field in the form where the user has to enter the Client's surname. This input field has implemented the JQuery UI autocomplete feature, so when a Client is selected the PaymentConditions drop-down list must be updated or filtered for the retrieved Client.
For showing dropdown list grails provides a special select tag-
<g:select name="paymentCondition" //Name you want to send back to server
from="${client.paymentConditions}" //Client wise filtered conditions where client is a passed client instance
value="${}" //Selected option value to send to server
Or if you want to filter the list out in controller only then you can do-
def client = Client.get(id);
def paymentConditions = client.paymentConditions
Use the way you like according to your implementation. Hope it helps.
