Change codemirror render function in show-hint.js - render

I would like to modify rendering hints in code mirror using
render: fn(Element, self, data) in show-hint.js with some id and replace those IDs in hint text inserted while reading value from codemirror using getValue()
Sample hint:
displayText : test
text: %%test%%
And the text should be mapped with some id in the background, it should be retrieved while getting value from the codemirror when the text in the codemirror contains special character '%%'
Could anyone please, help me to achieve this.


Cypress .replace() method

I want to put found text in a list then .log() it
I copied the .replace() method from my previous code but I only know how to make it put a space after 5 letters. Is there a way to make it separate each "word" from a different div's? My log looks like this log and I want it to look like:
isSystemObject name description avatar tags isSystemObject name description avatar tags
Appreciate all the help
You can use the each() method to loop over all elements, extract the text and then apply the replace() method like this:
cy.get('#header').find('#label').each(($ele) => {
const nazwy = $ele.text().trim().replace(/(.{5})/g,"$1 ")
cy.log(nazwy)//prints label texts one by one

Cypress, how to check for text typed into a field?

I can verify text appears "somewhere" on the results page with
it.only('can verify an input element has certain text typed into it', function() {
cy.get("input[name=q]").type('abc123{enter}') // with or without the {enter}
cy.contains('abc123') // Anywhere on the page :(
but how can I verify the text I type in the input text box?
I tried chaining to the element with
it.only('can verify an input element has certain text typed into it', function() {
but I get
CypressError: Timed out retrying: Expected to find content: 'abc123' within the element: <input.gLFyf.gsfi> but never did.
I tried cy.get("input[name=q]").contains('abc123') and
cy.contains('input[name=q]', 'abc123')
but both time out and fail.
Change .contains to use .should('have.value'...
cy.get("input[name=q]").should('have.value', 'abc123')
You may not like this idea but here is just a suggestion so you don't have to keep calling cy.get each time.
You could always set a const value for your input name (could be in an external file) so:
export const inputField = () => cy.get('input[name=q]');
This will do the get whenever you call inputField.
so then your call would be:
inputField.type('abc123{enter}').should('have.value', 'abc123');
Thats just more a setup thing than an actual soluton, as I know you solved the issue yourself, but the above is quite a nice way so you don't have to keep doing cy.get on the same field.
Instead of using contains, you can read the text you already entered in the input field using "then()". Here's how:
cy.get("input[name=q]").type('abc123').then(function($input){ const value = $input.text() expect(value.includes('abc123')) })

Get form field format itext7

I am getting form fields from the PDF document but I did not see any method for getting form field format ForExample there are multiple text form fields in my document including Number field, Date field, Percentage field.
Is there any way to get field format type in itext7
#Uladzimir Asipchuk
/TU dictionary contains ToolTip value. Format value is contained in /AA >> /K dictionary in PDF structure. However I have extracted the JS Method after some tries and exploring the PDF structure through Pre-Flight. The following code snippet give the associated JSMethod if any:
PdfDictionary additionalActions = formField.GetAdditionalAction();
if (additionalActions != null)
PdfDictionary formatDictionary = additionalActions.GetAsDictionary(PdfName.K);
PdfString jsMethod = formatDictionary.GetAsString(PdfName.JS);
string fieldJsMethod = jsMethod.GetValue();
I created a pdf via Adobe (as you suggested) and I indeed was able to set the "format" of a text field as Date, Number, Percentage, Email,..
Then I opened the resultant pdf in RUPS (an utility program used to open the pdf's tree) and investigated it.
It turned out that Adobe sets the "format" which you want to get as a /TU value of the field's dictionary. For example, for Percentage it's percentfield and for Email - emailfield.
Now the only thing you need to find the "format" of your fieeld is to get the value of /TU entry of your field:

Oracle Apex Force Upper Case first Letter.

I Guys
In forms I use,
onKeyUp="this.value = this.value.toUpperCase()"
To force upper-case. However for such as name fields. How do you force the upper letter to be upper-case only while the user is typing. I know INITCAP will do that but need to do as user is typing, if that makes sense.
Any help will be much appreciated.
This is a javascript question then, not and Oracle or APEX question. It shouldn't make any difference what the environment is as long as you have access to the DOM events with javascript functions. e.g.
If you do a search there are lots of examples to Initcap a string in javascript, just pass in the string and reset the item in the dom e.g.
function capitalizeEachWord(str) {
return str.replace(/\w\S*/g, function(txt) {
return txt.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + txt.substr(1).toLowerCase();
I tried to solve this problem.
For that I created JavaScript function which check first letter capital ,if not then it display alert and revert text.
please check following code for text item:
function checkUpper()
var x = $x("P6_TEXT");
if (x.value.trim().substring(0,1) != x.value.trim().substring(0,1).toUpperCase()) {
alert ('First letter Must be in upper case');
x.value = x.value.trim().substring(0,x.value.trim().length-1).toString();
And set item P6_TEXT attribute as
In the field custom attributes put this JS code:
onKeyUp="this.value = this.value.substring(0,1).toUpperCase()+this.value.substring(1).toLowerCase();"
You could use content modifiers from Universal Theme
I needed text in a page item to be uppercase and under Advanced I set the css classe to
u-textInitCap - Sets The First Letter In Each Word To Use Uppercase

Extract part of HTML document in jQuery

I want to make an AJAX call to an HTML-returning page, extract part of the HTML (using jQuery selectors), and then use that part in my jQuery-based JavaScript.
The AJAX retrieval is pretty simple. This gives me the entire HTML document in the "data" parameter of the callback function.
What I don't understand is how to handle that data in a useful way. I'd like to wrap it in a new jQuery object and then use a selector (via find() I believe) to get just the part I want. Once I have that I'll be passing it off to another JavaScript object for insertion into my document. (This delegation is why I'm not using jQuery.load() in the first place).
The get() examples I see all seem to be variations on this:
...which, if I understand it correctly, inserts the entire returned document into the selected element. Not only is that suspicious (doesn't this insert the <head> etc?) but it's too coarse for what I want.
Suggestions on alternate ways to do this are most welcome.
You can use your standard selector syntax, and pass in the data as the context for the selector. The second parameter, data in this case, is our context.
$.post("getstuff.php", function(data){
var mainDiv = $("#mainDiv", data); // finds <div id='mainDiv'>...</div>
}, "html");
This is equivalent to doing:
Depending on how you're planning on using this, $.load() may be a better route to take, as it allows both a URL and a selector to filter the resulting data, which is passed directly into the element the method was called on:
$("#mylocaldiv").load("getstuff.php #mainDiv");
This would load the contents of <div id='mainDiv'>...</div> in getstuff.php into our local page element <div id='mylocaldiv'>...</div>.
You could create a div and then put the HTML in that, like this…
var div = $("<div>").html(data);
...and then filter the data like this…
var content = $("#content", div.get(0));
…and then use that.
This may look dangerous as you're creating an element and putting arbitrary HTML into it, but it's not: anything dangerous (like a script tag) will only be executed when it's inserted into the document. Here, we insert the data into an element, but that element is never put into the document; only if we insert content into the document would anything be inserted, and even then, only anything in content would be inserted.
You can use load on a new element, and pass that to a function:
function handle(element){
var div = $('<div/>');
div.load('/help a', function(){handle(div);});
You may want to look at the dataFilter() parameter of the $.ajax method. It lets you do operations on the results before they are passed out.
You can do the thing this way
data : data
function (response) {
var page_content = $('.page-content',response).get(0);
Here in the console.log you will see the inner HTML of the expected/desired portion from the response. Then you can use it as your wish
