I have a document-based application. I override NSDocument's makeWindowControllers to instantiate a custom window controller. Its initializer calls init(window: NSWindow?) of its superclass, i.e. it does not use any of the initializers that involve a nib file.
How do I make cascading work (see shouldCascadeWindows)? At the moment each window is opening in the same position on the 1st screen.
Can I somehow reuse the existing cascading logic, maybe by calling something on NSWindowController?
If I have to implement it myself manually, how should I best get the position of the top-most document window? And which of the potentially many windows of a document should be the window from which to compute the offset?
func cascadeTopLeft(from topLeftPoint: NSPoint) -> NSPoint
Positions the window's top left to a given point.
The new top-left point, in screen coordinates, for the window. When NSZeroPoint, the window is not moved, except as needed to constrain to the visible screen
NSZeroPoint is the starting point for the first window.
Return Value
The point shifted from top left of the window in screen coordinates.
The returned point can be passed to a subsequent invocation of cascadeTopLeft(from:) to position the next window so the title bars of both windows are fully visible.
The returned point is the starting point for the next window.
Example (like TextEdit):
static var cascadingPoint = NSZeroPoint
override func makeWindowControllers() {
let window = NSWindow(contentRect: NSMakeRect(100, 100, 500, 500), styleMask: .titled, backing: .buffered, defer: true)
Document.cascadingPoint = window.cascadeTopLeft(from: Document.cascadingPoint)
let windowController = NSWindowController(window: window)
Another example (like Safari)
override func makeWindowControllers() {
let window = NSWindow(contentRect: NSMakeRect(100, 100, 500, 500), styleMask: .titled, backing: .buffered, defer: true)
let cascadingPoint = NSApp.mainWindow?.cascadeTopLeft(from: NSZeroPoint) ?? NSZeroPoint
window.cascadeTopLeft(from: cascadingPoint)
let windowController = NSWindowController(window: window)
I want to make a parallax background view, where the image behind the UI stays nearly still as the window moves around on the screen. To do this on macOS, I want to get the window's coordinates. How do I get the window's coordinates?
I ask this because I can't find anywhere that says how to do this:
Google searches which helped me find the following results:
SwiftUI window coordinates, SwiftUI window location, SwiftUI window get frame, SwiftUI get window, SwiftUI macOS window coordinates, SwiftUI macOS window location, SwiftUI macOS window get frame, SwiftUI macOS get window
Apple Developer Documentation:
GeometryReader - I had hoped that this would contain an API to give me the frame in system coordinate space, but it seems all the approaches it contains only reference within-the-window coordinates
Creating a macOS App — SwiftUI Tutorials - I was hoping Apple would have mentioned windowing in this, but it's not mentioned at all, aside from saying that you can preview the main window's contents in an Xcode preview pane
Fruitless searches: SwiftUI window coordinates, SwiftUI window location, SwiftUI window get frame
Other SO questions:
How to access own window within SwiftUI view? - I was optimistic that this would have an answer which would give me a SwiftUI API to access the window, but instead it uses a shim to access the AppKit window representation.
Define macOS window size using SwiftUI - Similar hopes as the above question, but this time the answer was just to read the frame of the content view, which again, always has a (0, 0) origin
SwiftUI coordinate space - I was hoping this answer would let me know how to transform the coordinates given by GeometryReader into screen coordinates, but unfortunately the coordinates are again constrained to within the window
Elsewhere on the web:
SwiftUI for Mac - Part 2 by TrozWare - I was hoping that this would give me some tips for using SwiftUI on Mac, such as interacting with windows, since most tutorials focus on iOS/iPadOS. Unfortunately, although it has lots of good information about how SwiftUI works with windows, it has no information on interacting with nor parsing those windows, themselves
SwiftUI Layout System by Alexander Grebenyuk - Was hoping for window layout within the screen, but this is all for full-screen iOS apps
SwiftUI by Example by Hacking with Swift - Was hoping for an example for how to get the position of a window, but it seems windows aren't really mentioned at all in the listed examples
As I listed, I found that all these either didn't relate to my issue, or only reference the coordinates within the window, but not the window's coordinates within the screen. Some mention ways to dip into AppKit, but I want to avoid that if possible.
The closest I got was trying to use a GeometryReader like this:
GeometryReader { geometry in
Text(verbatim: "\(geometry.frame(in: .global))")
but the origin was always (0, 0), though the size did change as I adjusted the window.
What I was envisioning was something perhaps like this:
public struct ParallaxBackground<Background: View>: View {
var background: Background
var windowFrame: CGRect
public var body: some View {
.offset(x: windowFrame.minX / 10,
y: windowFrame.minY / 10)
but \.windowFrame isn't real; it doesn't point to any keypath on EnvironmentValues. I can't find where I would get such a value.
As of today we have macOS 12 widely deployed/installed and SwiftUI has not gained a proper model for the macOS window. And from what I learned so far about macOS 13, there won't be a SwiftUI model for the window coming either.
Today (since macOS 11) we are not opening windows in the AppDelegate anymore but are now defining windows using the WindowGroup scene modifiers:
struct HandleWindowApp: App {
var body: some Scene {
WindowGroup(id: "main") {
But there is no standard way to control or access the underlying window (e.g. NSWindow). To do this multiple answers on stackoverflow suggest to use a WindowAccessor which installs a NSView in the background of the ContentView and then accessing its window property. I also wrote my version of it to control the placement of windows.
In your case, it is sufficient to get a handle to the NSWindow instance and then observe the NSWindow.didMoveNotification. It will get called whenever the window did move.
If your app is using only a single window (e.g. you somehow inhibit that multiple windows can be created by the user), you can even observe the frames positions globally:
.addObserver(forName: NSWindow.didMoveNotification, object: nil, queue: nil) { (notification) in
if let window = notification.object as? NSWindow,
type(of: window).description() == "SwiftUI.SwiftUIWindow"
If you want the window frame:
The SceneDelegate keeps track of all the windows, so you can use it to make an EnvironmentObject with a reference to their frames and pass that to your View. Update the environment object values in the delegate method: func windowScene(_ windowScene: UIWindowScene, didUpdate previousCoordinateSpace: UICoordinateSpace, ...
If it's a one window app, it's much more straight forward. You could use UIScreen.main.bounds (if full screen) or a computed variable in you view:
var frame: CGRect { (UIApplication.shared.connectedScenes.first?.delegate as? SceneDelegate)?.window?.frame ?? .zero }
But if you are looking for the frame of the view in the window, try something like this:
struct ContentView: View {
#State var frame: CGRect = .zero
var orientationChangedPublisher = NotificationCenter.default.publisher(for: UIDevice.orientationDidChangeNotification)
var body: some View {
VStack {
Text("text frame georeader \(frame.debugDescription)")
.background(GeometryReader { geometry in
Color.clear // .edgesIgnoringSafeArea(.all) // may need depending
.onReceive(self.orientationChangedPublisher.removeDuplicates()) { _ in
self.frame = geometry.frame(in: .global)
But having said all that, usually you don't need an absolute frame. Alignment guides let you place things relative to each other.
// For macOS App, using Frame Changed Notification and passing as Environment Object to SwiftUI View
class WindowInfo: ObservableObject {
#Published var frame: CGRect = .zero
class AppDelegate: NSObject, NSApplicationDelegate {
var window: NSWindow!
let windowInfo = WindowInfo()
func applicationDidFinishLaunching(_ aNotification: Notification) {
// Create the SwiftUI view that provides the window contents.
let contentView = ContentView()
// Create the window and set the content view.
window = NSWindow(
contentRect: NSRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: 480, height: 300),
styleMask: [.titled, .closable, .miniaturizable, .resizable, .fullSizeContentView],
backing: .buffered, defer: false)
window.setFrameAutosaveName("Main Window")
window.contentView = NSHostingView(rootView: contentView)
window.contentView?.postsFrameChangedNotifications = true
NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(forName: NSView.frameDidChangeNotification, object: nil, queue: nil) { (notification) in
self.windowInfo.frame = self.window.frame
struct ContentView: View {
#EnvironmentObject var windowInfo: WindowInfo
var body: some View {
Group {
Text("Hello, World! \(windowInfo.frame.debugDescription)")
.frame(maxWidth: .infinity, maxHeight: .infinity)
I'm attempting to implement an animation that shows/hides a view in a horizontal arrangement. I'd like this to happen with slide, and with no opacity changes. I'm using auto-layout everywhere.
Critically, the total width of the containing view changes with the window. So, constant-based animations are not possible (or so I believe, but happy to be proved wrong).
|- viewA -|- viewB -|
My first attempt was to use NSStackView, and animate the isHidden property of an arranged subview. Despite seeming like it might do the trick, I was not able to pull off anything close to what I was after.
My second attempt was to apply two constraints, one to force viewB to be zero width, and a second to ensure the widths are equal. On animation I change the priorities of these constraints from defaultHigh <-> defaultLow.
This results in the correct layout in both cases, but the animation is not working out.
With wantsLayer = true on the containing view, no animation occurs whatsoever. The views just jump to their final states. Without wantsLayer, the views do animate. However, when collapsing, viewA does a nice slide, but viewB instantly disappears. As an experiment, I changed the zero width to a fixed 10.0, and with that, the animation works right in both directions. However, I want the view totally hidden.
So, a few questions:
Is it possible to animate layouts like this with layer-backed views?
Are there other techniques possible for achieving the same effect?
Any ideas on how to achieve these nicely with NSStackView?
class LayoutAnimationViewController: NSViewController {
let containerView: NSView
let view1: ColorView
let view2: ColorView
let widthEqualContraint: NSLayoutConstraint
let widthZeroConstraint: NSLayoutConstraint
init() {
self.containerView = NSView()
self.view1 = ColorView(color: NSColor.red)
self.view2 = ColorView(color: NSColor.blue)
self.widthEqualContraint = view2.widthAnchor.constraint(equalTo: view1.widthAnchor)
widthEqualContraint.priority = .defaultLow
self.widthZeroConstraint = view2.widthAnchor.constraint(equalToConstant: 0.0)
widthZeroConstraint.priority = .defaultHigh
super.init(nibName: nil, bundle: nil)
required init?(coder: NSCoder) {
fatalError("init(coder:) has not been implemented")
override func loadView() {
self.view = containerView
// view.wantsLayer = true
view.subviewsUseAutoLayout = true
view1.topAnchor.constraint(equalTo: view.topAnchor),
view1.bottomAnchor.constraint(equalTo: view.bottomAnchor),
view1.leadingAnchor.constraint(equalTo: view.leadingAnchor),
// view1.trailingAnchor.constraint(equalTo: view2.leadingAnchor),
view2.topAnchor.constraint(equalTo: view.topAnchor),
view2.bottomAnchor.constraint(equalTo: view.bottomAnchor),
view2.leadingAnchor.constraint(equalTo: view1.trailingAnchor),
view2.trailingAnchor.constraint(equalTo: view.trailingAnchor),
func runAnimation() {
// self.leadingConstraint.toggleDefaultPriority()
NSAnimationContext.runAnimationGroup({ (context) in
context.allowsImplicitAnimation = true
context.duration = 3.0
}) {
Swift.print("animation complete")
extension LayoutAnimationViewController {
#IBAction func runTest1(_ sender: Any?) {
Also, some potentially relevant, but so far unhelpful, related questions:
Animating Auto Layout changes concurrently with NSPopover contentSize change
Animating Auto Layout constraints with NSView.layoutSubtreeIfNeeded() not working on macOS High Sierra
Hide view item of NSStackView with animation
I have a UIScrollView inside a UIViewController (subclassed by ImageViewController). The ViewController itself is part of a NavigationController's stack. Now, apart from having a navigation bar, I want the ScrollView to take all of the available room on the screen. The UIImageView inside the scrollview should then fill the available room of the scroll view. You can see the current state at the bottom of this posting.
class ImageViewController: UIViewController, UIScrollViewDelegate {
#IBOutlet weak var scrollView: UIScrollView!
var imageView: UIImageView?
var image: UIImage?
override func viewDidLoad() {
scrollView.delegate = self
if let image = image {
imageView = UIImageView(image: image)
if let imageView = imageView {
imageView.frame = CGRect(origin: CGPoint(x: 0, y: 0), size: image.size)
scrollView.contentSize = image.size
let scaleHeight = scrollView.frame.size.height / scrollView.contentSize.height
let scaleWidth = scrollView.frame.size.width / scrollView.contentSize.width
let minimumScale:CGFloat = min(scaleHeight, scaleWidth)
let maximumScale:CGFloat = max(scaleHeight, scaleWidth)
scrollView.minimumZoomScale = minimumScale
scrollView.maximumZoomScale = maximumScale
scrollView.zoomScale = maximumScale
func viewForZoomingInScrollView(scrollView: UIScrollView) -> UIView? {
return imageView
The code leaves me with unnecessary borders (left, right, top). How do I get rid of them?
EDIT: With #Bxtr's suggestion and another stackoverflow thread I was able to remove the borders left and right to the scroll view. After some more digging I found out that by deactivating Adjust Scroll View Insets, the image inside the scroll view can be correctly vertically positioned. Still, I do not get the reason for the vertical misplacement in the first place...
Have you checked the margin/padding values, because it kinda looks so (same size on left and right border). If it is not the case, could you please also post your xml file of the activity so we can have every part of the puzzle to help you ?
scrollView.contentSize = image.size;
you have to tweek this line. You are explicitly setting scroll view content size to the image size. You have to set content size to fit the Width of Screen.
You can use a UIView in UIScrollView, and that UIView contains UIImage.
You need to set constraints properly.
After some more digging I found out that by deactivating Adjust Scroll
View Insets, the image inside the scroll view can be correctly
vertically positioned. Still, I do not get the reason for the vertical
misplacement in the first place...
The reason is that the view controller's automaticallyAdjustsScrollViewInsets property is by default YES, the following is from apple documentation:
A Boolean value that indicates
whether the view controller should automatically adjust its scroll
view insets.
Default value is YES, which allows the view controller to adjust its
scroll view insets in response to the screen areas consumed by the
status bar, navigation bar, and toolbar or tab bar. Set to NO if you
want to manage scroll view inset adjustments yourself, such as when
there is more than one scroll view in the view hierarchy.
Besides setting automaticallyAdjustsScrollViewInsets = No, you can pin the scrollView to the topLayoutGuide (instead of to the top of the viewController's view) when using autoLayout.
I have a simple view that displays an NSBezierpath. On mouseDown inside the path, the path's fill color sets to yellow and the view redraws. On mouseDown outside the path, the path's fill color sets to blue and the view redraws.
In my storyboard, I have a single window controller with a window content segue to a view controller. The view, customview class HeartView (below) fills the entire view controller.
Everything works fine until the user resizes the window vertically. After that, the view exhibits bizarre behavior: mouseDown no longer works everywhere inside the path, the recolor sometimes happens on mouseDown outside the path, and the path sometimes (but not always) doesn't completely fill. I think something is going on in the superview, but I don't know what.
import Cocoa
class HeartView: NSView {
var mouseLocation : NSPoint = NSZeroPoint
func drawObject(){
//Create an empty Bezier path
let aBezier : NSBezierPath = NSBezierPath()
aBezier.moveToPoint(CGPoint(x: 176.95,y: 44.90))
aBezier.curveToPoint(CGPoint(x: 166.71,y: 145.89),
controlPoint1: CGPoint(x: 76.63,y: 76.78),
controlPoint2: CGPoint(x: 82.59,y: 206.70))
aBezier.curveToPoint(CGPoint(x: 176.95,y: 44.90),
controlPoint1: CGPoint(x: 237.55,y: 224.76),
controlPoint2: CGPoint(x: 276.83,y: 95.98))
if (aBezier.containsPoint(NSMakePoint(mouseLocation.x, mouseLocation.y))){
} else {
aBezier.lineWidth = 2.0
override func drawRect(dirtyRect: NSRect) {
override func mouseDown(theEvent: NSEvent) {
mouseLocation.x = theEvent.locationInWindow.x
mouseLocation.y = theEvent.locationInWindow.y
I found the answer in Lucas Derraugh's video on Mouse Events (Cocoa Programming L27). Turns out, I was capturing the mouseDown event in the superview's coordinate system. In the mouseDown event, I used "locationInWindow," which is what caused the strange behavior. I changed the method to:
override func mouseDown(theEvent: NSEvent) {
var viewPoint:NSPoint = self.convertPoint(theEvent.locationInWindow, fromView: nil)
mouseLocation.x = viewPoint.x
mouseLocation.y = viewPoint.y
self.needsDisplay = true
to convert from the window's coordinate system to the view's. Things now work well after any window resize event.
I want to create soft animation between transitions in simply UI:
view that moved
When a call scrollToPoint: for move view to point that transition doesn't animate.
I'm newbe in Cocoa programming (iOS is my background). And I don't know how right use .animator or NSAnimationContext.
Also I was read Core Animation guide but didn't find the solution.
The source can be reach on Git Hub repository
Please help !!!
scrollToPoint is not animatable. Only animatable properties like bounds and position in NSAnimatablePropertyContainer are animated. You don't need to do anything with CALayer: remove the wantsLayer and CALayer stuff. Then with following code it is animated.
- (void)scrollToXPosition:(float)xCoord {
[NSAnimationContext beginGrouping];
[[NSAnimationContext currentContext] setDuration:5.0];
NSClipView* clipView = [_scrollView contentView];
NSPoint newOrigin = [clipView bounds].origin;
newOrigin.x = xCoord;
[[clipView animator] setBoundsOrigin:newOrigin];
[_scrollView reflectScrolledClipView: [_scrollView contentView]]; // may not bee necessary
[NSAnimationContext endGrouping];
Swift 4 code of this answer
func scroll(toPoint: NSPoint, animationDuration: Double) {
NSAnimationContext.current.duration = animationDuration
let clipView = scrollView.contentView
The proposed answers have a significant downside: If the user tries to scroll during an ongoing animation, the input will be cause jittering as the animation will forcefully keep on going until completion. If you set a really long animation duration, the issue becomes apparent. Here is my use case, animating a scroll view to snap to a section title (while trying to scroll up at the same time):
I propose the following subclass:
public class AnimatingScrollView: NSScrollView {
// This will override and cancel any running scroll animations
override public func scroll(_ clipView: NSClipView, to point: NSPoint) {
super.scroll(clipView, to: point)
public func scroll(toPoint: NSPoint, animationDuration: Double) {
NSAnimationContext.current.duration = animationDuration
By overriding the normal scroll(_ clipView: NSClipView, to point: NSPoint) (invoked when the user scrolls) and manually performing the a scroll inside a CATransaction with setDisableActions, we cancel the current animation. However, we don't call reflectScrolledClipView, instead we call super.scroll(clipView, to: point), which will perform other necessary internal procedures and then perform reflectScrolledClipView.
Above class produces better results:
Here is a Swift 4 extension version of Andrew's answer
extension NSScrollView {
func scroll(to point: NSPoint, animationDuration: Double) {
NSAnimationContext.current.duration = animationDuration
I know, it's a little bit off topic, but I wanted to have a similar method to scroll to a rectangle with animation like in UIView's scrollRectToVisible(_ rect: CGRect, animated: Bool) for my NSView. I was happy to find this post, but apparently the accepted answer doesn't always work correctly. It turns out that there is a problem with bounds.origin of the clipview. If the view is getting resized (e.g. by resizing the surrounding window) bounds.origin is somehow shifted against the true origin of the visible rectangle in y-direction. I could not figure out why and by how much. Well, there is also this statement in the Apple docs not to manipulate the clipview directly since its main purpose is to function internally as a scrolling machine for views.
But I do know the true origin of the visible area. It’s part of the clipview’s documentVisibleRect. So I take that origin for the calculation of the scrolled origin of the visibleRect and shift the bounds.origin of the clipview by the same amount, and voilà: that works even if the view is getting resized.
Here is my implementation of the new method of my NSView:
func scroll(toRect rect: CGRect, animationDuration duration: Double) {
if let scrollView = enclosingScrollView { // we do have a scroll view
let clipView = scrollView.contentView // and thats its clip view
var newOrigin = clipView.documentVisibleRect.origin // make a copy of the current origin
if newOrigin.x > rect.origin.x { // we are too far to the right
newOrigin.x = rect.origin.x // correct that
if rect.origin.x > newOrigin.x + clipView.documentVisibleRect.width - rect.width { // we are too far to the left
newOrigin.x = rect.origin.x - clipView.documentVisibleRect.width + rect.width // correct that
if newOrigin.y > rect.origin.y { // we are too low
newOrigin.y = rect.origin.y // correct that
if rect.origin.y > newOrigin.y + clipView.documentVisibleRect.height - rect.height { // we are too high
newOrigin.y = rect.origin.y - clipView.documentVisibleRect.height + rect.height // correct that
newOrigin.x += clipView.bounds.origin.x - clipView.documentVisibleRect.origin.x // match the new origin to bounds.origin
newOrigin.y += clipView.bounds.origin.y - clipView.documentVisibleRect.origin.y
NSAnimationContext.beginGrouping() // create the animation
NSAnimationContext.current.duration = duration // set its duration
clipView.animator().setBoundsOrigin(newOrigin) // set the new origin with animation
scrollView.reflectScrolledClipView(clipView) // and inform the scroll view about that
NSAnimationContext.endGrouping() // finaly do the animation
Please note, that I use flipped coordinates in my NSView to make it match the iOS behaviour.
BTW: the animation duration in the iOS version scrollRectToVisible is 0.3 seconds.