IntelliJ Project "JS Client and JVM Server | Gradle" does not work - gradle

when I create the stated project type with Intellij Ultimate 2019.2
and then build the project (F11)
following error appears:
However when I run the SampleJvm.kt:
Netty start and everything seems fine.
Unfortunately the code is not working correctly:
The issue seems to be that the backend cannot find the
compiled testy.js, which shall be loaded as a resource
and then added to the HTML site:
I uploaded the project for download:
Thank you so much for any advice,
Best Chris

The js file is generated and packaged in a jar file, but the JVM server does not have a dependency on that JAR file and therefore it generates 404.
Open the build.gradle file and scroll to the bottom, add jsJar to the dependsOn and the classpath:
task run(type: JavaExec, dependsOn: [jvmJar, jsJar]) {
group = "application"
main = "sample.SampleJvmKt"
classpath(configurations.jvmRuntimeClasspath, jvmJar, jsJar)
args = []
And then you can run the app with gradle.

At this time, the new project generator doesn't correctly handle multiplatform projects.
There is a working example with Ktor on the back-end and React on the front-end, including hot-reload for UI development:
I was able to get it working with Kotlin Gradle DSL, with a Spring Boot back-end (including being able to debug from IDE) and hot-reload of React front-end:
Note that Kotlin multiplatform projects are currently experimental, and some of the details are likely to change as the new IR is introduced:


Gradle: Combine jars from sub-projects

I have a multi module gradle project. The project contains two subproject, i.e. a spring-boot application server and an npm front-end ui (which is just static javascript).
I can build both sub-projects. I can define:
in the dependencies section of the spring application and I get a running jar in the server projects build folder successfully serving the frontend.
However, I want to be able not to combine the two not within the server sub-project, but rather in the enclosing project.
I thought of something like:
allprojects {
group = 'com.example.webapp'
version = '0.0.1-SNAPSHOT'
dependencies {
settings.gradle: = 'webapp'
include 'server', 'ui'
I think, I am completely wrong. Everything I find about gradle is either completely basic, or assumes way more than what I understood about it so far.
With my solution approach I am getting the following error:
A problem occurred evaluating root project 'webapp'.
Could not find method implementation() for arguments [project ':server'] on object of type org.gradle.api.internal.artifacts.dsl.dependencies.DefaultDependencyHandler.
The basic idea is from
The implementation not found is caused by the lack of plugins applied to your root project. The implementation configuration is created by the java plugins in Gradle.
What you are trying to achieve requires a good understanding of Gradle and all the magic provided by the Spring Boot plugin.
You are effectively trying to reproduce some of that integration in your root project, without the help of the plugins.
An approach that might be easier would be to migrate your application project to be the root project and then have the ui as a subproject.

Jar file not getting added in to a external Libraries in Intellij

I am trying to work on a spring-security project in which i have added the spring security dependency via pom.xml file.But as my maven completed its build successfully,its not getting added in the external library.
Please find my the screenshots below:
pom.xml file:
External Library
Dependencies added after successful maven build :
Tried to create a new project to check whether the above issues persist there as well,but there its working as expected as i am able to get the required java files.So the issue is only relevant to the above project.
I even tried to do the steps mentioned from the below links apart from the maven life cycle steps,but that also did not work out

How to build an Angular2 type script with spring boot back end in STS

I am learning angular 2 currently and trying to hosted in springboot java application.
I created a separate project using angular cli , then I created spring starter project with web only.
Next I imported the angular cli project inside /src/main/resources/static directory.
when I opened the browser , I was not able to see the basic index.html.
Then I removed all the imported files and imported only the content of the directory , which is the resulting compiled ES5 java script after transpiling the type script files in directory, this time it worked.
My questions are:-
1) What is the best practice , to use the GUI under /src/main/statis or create /src/main/public or /src/main/webapp ?
2) Does spring understand only js and not ts ( java script and not type script)?
3) Do I need a maven plugin for typescript and if so how to tell maven bundle the compiled js with the spring war while excluding the rest directories and files
4) How to include the testing unit / e2e with maven build
I searched for step by step guide for ANgular 2 and spring boot but could not find one. It would be helpful to many if some guide like this exist.
Many thanks for your support guys.
1) What is the best practice , to use the GUI under /src/main/statis or create /src/main/public or /src/main/webapp ?
Since typescript compiles to JavaScript I strongly recommend using GULP. I have my source files under src/client and I build with gulp to add the files to src/main/public
I believe either public or webapp works and there's not a huge difference.
2) Does spring understand only js and not ts ( java script and not type script)?
The newer version of STS has support for typescript, but I prefer to use visual studio code when viewing typescript files as there is better support.
3) Do I need a maven plugin for typescript and if so how to tell maven bundle the compiled js with the spring war while excluding the rest directories and files
If you use gulp, the typescript is compiled to js and added to the src/main/public directory where your springboot app sees the files when running with maven.
4) How to include the testing unit / e2e with maven build
I searched for step by step guide for ANgular 2 and spring boot but could not find one. It would be helpful to many if some guide like this exist.
Many thanks for your support guys.
I recommend using an angular seed or starter, this seems like the most up to date one that I've found:
This uses gradle, but is spring boot and angular 2:
I shared a project on github that integrates Angular 2 With spring boot. Just need to follow the step on readme or check commit history. You can access here Angular 2 with spring boot

import a project on another project with gradle on eclipse

I'm trying to use Gradle as Spring MVC project builder. I divide my project in two distinct ones, the first project will contain the Repository and service part, and the second one, the views and controllers (web part)
My problem is when I try to deploy my project, the server don't see the entities from the first project. It also doesn't deploy this first project.
I think it due to Gradle, but I don't know how to indicate to gradle to import the first project on the second one.
You have to create a multi project with the following hirarchy:
Root Project
The settings.gradle has to include the following
include 'service'
include 'web'
Now the web project can use the service project with the following code in the build.gradle:
dependencies {
compile project(':service')

Eclipse Java EE project and Spring : classnotfoundexception

I am trying to build an project in Eclipse (actually I'm using RAD, so basically eclipse, and when I say 'Java EE Project' I mean an 'Enterprise Application Project').
My Enterprise Application Project (the 'EAR' project) has two module projects :
- service
- web
The service project has some stuff in it, all wired up using Spring.
The web project has its own stuff in it, all wired up using Spring. The UI stuff in the web project needs to use the stuff in the service project.
Both projects are included in the EAR project as modules.
The web project lists the 'service' project as a dependent project in the build path, it's checked off for export, and also has it listed as a EE Module Dependency.
I'm having a really hard time to get this working though:
The spring context in the web project is of course what gets loaded when the application is deployed, and it imports the spring config I need from the service project. This seems to be working fine.
When spring tries to instantiate a bean it throws a ClassNotFoundException. On the very first bean.
I tried simply copying the spring config from my service context and pasting it into my web context, but I got the same ClassNotFoundException.
I have tried instantiating an object of that type (the class that spring says cannot be found) in the java controller class in the web project, and it is successful, both at compile time (no compile errors) and at runtime (no exceptions).
So the classes from my service project are not available on the classpath when spring tries to use them.
Any ideas what's going on here and/or what I might be able to do about it?
There is a class loader policy that you should use ParentClass First . That will be managed either through Application.xml or through web.xml . You need to check your xml's then try.
It's a class loader issue.
Since you're using Spring, I'll assume that you don't have EJBs. If that's the case, why do you need an EAR? Deploy the whole thing as a web project, in a single WAR.
Put all your .class and Spring configuration .xml files in WEB-INF/classes. Load the configuration using org.springframework.web.context.ContextLoaderListener.
I seem to have fixed this - I'm not sure exactly what the problem was but there must have been a small typo in my spring config. I decided to just start fresh with a new spring config and when I started building the new one back up things were working fine. There must have been a problem with the old one.
Thanks for the suggestions though.
Unfortunately we're not always able to change project structure. We're working on structures other people have put in place.
I looked into the ParentClassFirst vs ParentClassLast setting - it seems on websphere the ParentClassFirst setting is the default if you don't specify anything, so I'm leaving it without specification to get that functionality.
