WebdriverIO waitUntil example is not working - promise

I am trying to use Webdriverio v5 and I have problems to run the example for waitUntil https://webdriver.io/docs/api/browser/waitUntil.html
it('should wait until text has changed', () => {
browser.waitUntil(() => {
return $('#someText').getText() === 'I am now different'
}, 5000, 'expected text to be different after 5s');
the error is saying
Type 'boolean' is not assignable to type 'Promise<boolean>'
anyone else is facing the same problem?
or how to fix it?
while in v4 everything works as expected

It looks like you're using typescript in your tests. Make sure you've gone through the entire typescript/webdriverio setup: https://webdriver.io/docs/typescript.html
In this case, I think you need to add wdio-sync to your compilerOptions types setting.
"compilerOptions": {
"types": ["node", "#wdio/sync"]


cy.url().should() failing with type error

We have the following piece of code that fails intermittently.
cy.url().then((url) => {
if (url.includes('https://app') || url.includes('https://auth')) {
cy.url().should('match', /\/agent|\/worker/, { timeout: 30000 }) ^
The failure happens in the second cy.url() command where the should match condition fails with the error "[object Object]: expected undefined to match". We only see this error every once or so in 10 time.
Instead of again using cy.url(), use the previous url you extracted with cy.wrap(), something like this:
cy.url().then((url) => {
if (url.includes('https://app') || url.includes('https://auth')) {
cy.wrap(url).should('match', /\/agent|\/worker/, {timeout: 30000})
I'm not sure of the reason for covering multiple scenarios like this would be.
Also, you don't give an example of the url, I'm going to assume your regex is to check the pathname of the url.
cy.location('pathname').should('match', /\/agent|\/worker/i)

Printing output to terminal from 'cypress run'

I'd like to print arbitrary outputs to the terminal per each test after calling cypress run. The outputs should appear regardless of each test's success/failure. I've followed the instructions from dozens of online answers - nothing worked for me.
I'm using Cypress 8.7.0. Thanks!
It's pretty much what #nozik linked to. In your cypress.config.js add:
module.exports = defineConfig({
e2e: {
setupNodeEvents(on, config) {
on('task', {
log(message) {
// Then to see the log messages in the terminal
// cy.task("log", "my message");
console.log(message +'\n\n');
return null;
which can then be called in your tests with:
cy.task('log', 'Display some logging');

GraphQL Nexus Schema (nexusjs) doesn't compile with scalar types

I am trying to follow the documentation on the Nexus-Schema (nexusjs) website for adding scalar types to my GraphQL application.
I have tried adding many of the different implementations to my src/types/Types.ts file using the samples provided in the documentation and the interactive examples. My attempts include:
Without a 3rd party libraries:
const DateScalar = scalarType({
name: 'Date',
asNexusMethod: 'date',
description: 'Date custom scalar type',
parseValue(value) {
return new Date(value)
serialize(value) {
return value.getTime()
parseLiteral(ast) {
if (ast.kind === Kind.INT) {
return new Date(ast.value)
return null
With graphql-iso-date 3rd party library:
import { GraphQLDate } from 'graphql-iso-date'
export const DateTime = GraphQLDate
With graphql-scalars 3rd party library (as shown in the ghost example):
export const GQLDate = decorateType(GraphQLDate, {
rootTyping: 'Date',
asNexusMethod: 'date',
I am using this new scalar type in an object definition like the following:
const SomeObject = objectType({
name: 'SomeObject',
definition(t) {
t.date('createdAt') // t.date() is supposed to be available because of `asNexusMethod`
In all cases, these types are exported from the types file and imported into the makeSchema's types property.
import * as types from './types/Types'
console.log("Found types", types)
export const apollo = new ApolloServer({
schema: makeSchema({
The console.log statement above does show that consts declared in the types file are in scope:
Found types {
GQLDate: Date,
If I run the app in development mode, everything boots up and runs fine.
ts-node-dev --transpile-only ./src/app.ts
However, I encounter errors whenever I try to compile the app to deploy to a server
ts-node ./src/app.ts && tsc
Note: This error occurs occurs running just ts-node ./src/app.ts before it gets to tsc
The errors that shown during the build process are the following:
return new TSError(diagnosticText, diagnosticCodes)
TSError: тип Unable to compile TypeScript:
src/types/SomeObject.ts:11:7 - error TS2339: Property 'date' does not exist on type 'ObjectDefinitionBlock<"SomeObject">'.
11 t.date('createdAt')
Does anyone have any ideas on either:
a) How can I work around this error? While long-term solutions are ideal, temporary solutions would also be appreciated.
b) Any steps I could follow to debug this error? Or ideas on how get additional information to assist with debugging?
Any assistance would be very much welcomed. Thanks!
The issue seems to be resolved when --transpile-only flag is added to the nexus:reflect command.
This means the reflection command gets updated to:
ts-node --transpile-only ./src/app.ts
and the build comand gets updated to:
env-cmd -f ./config/.env ts-node --transpile-only ./src/app.ts --nexusTypegen && tsc
A github issue has also been created which can be reviewed here: https://github.com/graphql-nexus/schema/issues/690

Unit testing: getText is not a function

I'm new to unit testing and I'm trying to select an ID to select its text and check if it equals 'Inbox'. I'm getting a
TypeError in "User visits Quick Add Task starts with a blank task" elem.getText is not a function
and I don't understand why.
Test source code here.
describe('User visits Quick Add Task', () => {
it('starts with a blank task', () => {
const elem = $('#inbox-clickable');
assert.equal(elem.getText(), 'Inbox');
For me the solution to a very similar problem was adding the missing #wdio/sync package to my package.json.
I already had previously added sync: true, to my wdio.conf.js and remove all async and await from my testing code.

Detailed Reporting Cypress/Mochawesome

Has anyone had much experience of generating good detailed reports from Cypress tests using Mochawesome as the report engine?
I've followed the info on the Mochawesome GIT page but what I get is rather dull!!
I'd like to be able to include the odd screen-shot and the output from the assertions - here's the current cypress.json file......
"projectId": "haw8v6",
"baseUrl": "https://obmng.dbm.guestline.net/",
"chromeWebSecurity": false,
"reporter" : "mochawesome",
"reporterOptions" : {
"reportFilename" : "DBM Smoke-Test",
"overwrite": true,
"inline": true
I've been toying with var addContext = require('mochawesome/addContext'); but with little joy.
Suggestions gratefully received.
As per request below - very basic example of addContext
var addContext = require('mochawesome/addContext');
describe('DBM Smoketests', function() {
it('E2E Hotel2 WorldPay System', function() {
addContext(this,'URL is correct');
//loads hotel 2
cy.get('.jss189 > div > .jss69 > .jss230').click();
After much hacking about, I found a way to use Mochawesome addContext in Cypress.
Note, you can only make one addContext call per test (this is a Mochawesome limitation).
describe('DBM Smoketests', function() {
it('E2E Hotel2 WorldPay System', function() {
Cypress.on('test:after:run', (test) => {
addContext({ test }, {
title: 'This is my context title',
value: 'This is my context value'
The second param is the context to be attached to the test, and it must have non-empty title and a value properties.
What you get in the mochawesome.json output is
"suites": [
"tests": [
"title": "E2E Hotel2 WorldPay System",
"context": "{\n \"title\": \"This is my context title\",\n \"value\": \"This is my context value\"\n}",
"code": "...",
In mochawesome.html, on clicking the test you get
Additional Test Context
This is my context title:
This is my context value
I have not tried it out with value types other than string.
Note for anyone starting out with Mochawesome in Cypress, it looks like you can only get a Mochawesome report with running cypress run, not with cypress open - although there may be a way around this using mocha's multiple reporter functionality.
Yes confirmed work! It's possible to call once in each test like this:
it('Should shine the test report!!!', () => {
cy.get('li').should('have.length.greaterThan', 0);
function addTestContext(title, value) {
cy.once('test:after:run', test => addContext({ test }, { title, value }));
