Laravel did not serve but displays directories and folders - laravel

I am using Laravel 5.8. I just created a Laravel Application. When I wanted to serve it I used localhost:8888/smart-lms . It did not load the default page, but instead it displays folders and directories as shown below. What do I do please?
port: 8888
project: smart-lms

In your project directory, run php artisan serve in your command line


If I run it on laravel localhost, it shows me only file, how to fix it

If I run laravel on localhost, it shows me only file, how to fix this
The main index.php file is in Laravel's public/ directory. If you visit http://localhost/Employee/public, you'll likely see your Laravel site.
If you point your webserver's DocumentRoot at that directory, you'll be able to visit the app at http://localhost/. If you want to run multiple apps locally, you'll want to start playing with virtualhosts.
Alternatively, consider using Laravel's Valet, Sail, or Homestead options for local development; each will handle this sort of thing for you. Sail is Laravel's current recommendation.
You can use a web server such as Apache or Nginx to serve your laravel applications. If you have PHP 5.4+ and would like to use PHP's built in development server you may use the serve artisan command:
cd /project_directory
php artisan serve
By Default it will run application on port 8000
If you want to change to other port specify port number like
php artisan serve --port=8080
It will run your application on the PHP development server on localhost:8080

view file is not getting picked up by the route when using sub domain

I have created two domains (/domains/ (/domains/
The first domain has the latest version of the project.
The second domain has the old version of the project with its own .htaccess and .env file
Both directories is having independent full-fledged laravel projects. is working fine but is throwing error saying that it cannot find the blade file. I checked the directory and confirmed that the blade files are present inside (resources/views) directory.
Is there any special settings i need to do to make my sub domain work?
Run the following artisan comment. It could be that the views are cached:
php artisan view:clear

how to Deploy VueJS, laravel App on live server

i want to deploy the App of laravel with inbuilt vuejs
on my local i just run the "PHP ARTISAN SERVE"
and boom its works for me
but what about the live ?
its not working on live server
my .htaccess and index.php is in public folder
for Laravel we just move the index.php and .htaccess out of public folder and edit some code lines and it will work.
but how it will work with vuejs templates ?
Follow these steps:
Please create a zip folder of your project except the vendor folder.
Deploy the folder on live and extract.
Change your DB and other configuration in env file.
In the terminal on live server, run this command : composer update
After the installation, look for your front page.
Hope it should work fine.

How to remove "public/index.php" on server?

I m newly working on laravel.
I created laravel project named as "blog" on localhost and for removing public/index.php, I followed following process :
cut and pasted .htaccess from public/ folder to root i.e. blog
Renamed the server.php to index.php
Then I created a test api in api.php route and echoed "Hello World".
Now when I go to project path from my localhost server like:
localhost/Blog/api/test then its work properly.
But when I run same on a server like,like : then it showing NOT FOUND.
I am not getting how can I resolve this. And why its working fine on localhost but not working on server ?
You rename server.php but not recommend. This file copy then rename
Yes, if you have done those settings you will not be able to properly access on the localhost by running php artisan serve. So for this, you can install xampp and do the virtual host settings. Check more info at
How to enable Virtual Host on Xampp for Laravel?.
On the benefit of this is that you don't have to run the php artisan serve command again and again.

Laravel 5.5 How to access website insted of /public folder

I have setup laravel 5.5 on my localhost and want to
access the project directly instead of /public directory.
My Current link is: http://localhost/my_laravel/public/
I Want to access as: http://localhost/my_laravel/
start a server using
php artisan serve
in cmd/console go to the project directory and run the above cmd.
it will run your app on http://localhost:8000
