how to strip out the time portion from a datetime string - informatica-powercenter

how to strip out the time portion from a datetime string in Informatica. I can't use GEt_DATE_PART function since the input value is a string value.
Ex. 2019-08-01 14:30:00
I want to strip out the hour, minute and second portions of the string and store them in separate variables.

Try creating two ports, like:
SUBSTRING(in_date, 1, 10)
SUBSTRING(in_date, 12, 19)

You should create 3 variables
1. hour = substring(date_in,12,14)
2. minute=substring(date_in,15,17)
3. seconds = substring(date_in,19,21)
adjust the length to your preferences depending on the space in the value


Generate line number / "index" within a range from a date seed value

I'm trying to create a bash script to display a word of the day. I have a dictionary file that on each line has a word and its definition.
I'd like to use date to get a unique value for each day. Like so
today=$(date '+%Y%m%d') # will return 20160616 (for today)
Now I'd like to use this value to generate a line number for me to grab from the dictionary file.
My dictionary is 86036 lines long so I need to convert $today to a value between 1 and 86036.
What is the best way to do this?
You can use remainder operator %, it will give value between 0 and the number on the right (not inclusive), so you need to add 1 to get what you want:
value=$((today % 86036 + 1))

Change specific index of string, padding if necessary

I have a string called indicators, that the original developer of this application used to store single characters to indicate certain components of a model. I need to change the 7th character in the string, which I tried to do with the following code:
indicators[6] = "R"
The problem, I discovered quickly, was that the string is not always 7 characters long. For example, I have one set of values with U 2, that I need to convert to U 2 R (adding an additional space after the 2). Is there an easy way to force character count with Ruby?
use String.ljust(integer, padstr=' ')
If integer is greater than the length of [the receiver], returns a new String of
length integer with [the return value] left justified and padded with padstr;
otherwise, returns [an unmodified version of the receiver].
indicators = indicators.ljust(7)
indicators[6] = "R"

Automatically increment filename VideoWriter MATLAB

I have MATLAB set to record three webcams at the same time. I want to capture and save each feed to a file and automatically increment it the file name, it will be replaced by experiment_0001.avi, followed by experiment_0002.avi, etc.
My code looks like this at the moment
avi1 = VideoWriter('X:\ABC\Data Collection\Presentations\Correct\ExperimentA_002.AVI');
avi2 = VideoWriter('X:\ABC\Data Collection\Presentations\Correct\ExperimentB_002.AVI');
and I am incrementing the 002 each time.
Any thoughts on how to implement this efficiently?
dont forget matlab has some roots to C programming language. That means things like sprintf will work
so since you are printing out an integer value zero padded to 3 spaces you would need something like this sprintf('%03d',n) then % means there is a value to print that isn't text. 0 means zero pad on the left, 3 means pad to 3 digits, d means the number itself is an integer
just use sprintf in place of a string. the s means String print formatted. so it will output a string. here is an idea of what you might do
for (n=1:2:max_num_captures)
avi1 = VideoWriter(sprintf('X:\ABC\Data Collection\Presentations\Correct\ExperimentA_%03d.AVI',n));
avi2 = VideoWriter(sprintf('X:\ABC\Data Collection\Presentations\Correct\ExperimentB_002.AVI',n));

How to count the number of space-delimited substrings in a string

Dim str as String
str = "30 40 50 60"
I want to count the number of substrings.
Expected Output: 4
(because there are 4 total values: 30, 40, 50, 60)
How can I accomplish this in VB6?
You could try this:
arrStr = Split(str, " ")
strCnt = UBound(arrStr) + 1
msgBox strCnt
Of course, if you've got Option Explicit set (which you should..) then declare the variables above first..
Your request doesn't make any sense. A string is a sequence of text. The fact that that sequence of text contains numbers separated by spaces is quite irrelevant. Your string looks like this:
30 40 50 60
There are not 4 separate values, there is only one value, shown aboveā€”a single string.
You could also view the string as containing 11 individual characters, so it could be argued that the "count" of the string would be 11, but this doesn't get you any further towards your goal.
In order to get the result that you expect, you need to split the string into multiple strings at each space, producing 4 separate strings, each containing a 2-digit numeric value.
Of course, the real question is why you're storing this value in a string in the first place. If they're numeric values, you should store them in an array (for example, an array of Integers). Then you can easily obtain the number of elements in the array using the LBound() and UBound() functions.
I agree with everything Cody stated.
If you really wanted to you could loop through the string character by character and count the number of times you find your delimiter. In your example, it is space delimited, so you would simply count the number of spaces and add 1, but as Cody stated, those are not separate values..
Are you trying to parse text here or what? Regardless, I think what you really need to do is store your data into an array. Make your life easier, not more difficult.

How do you store a string in MongoDB as a Date type using Ruby?

I have a string that I'm parsing out from log files that looks like the following:
"[22/May/2011:23:02:21 +0000]"
What's the best way (examples in Ruby would be most appreciated, as I'm using the Mongo Ruby driver) to get that stashed into MongoDB as a native Date type?
require 'date' # this is just to get the ABBR_MONTHNAMES list
input = "[22/May/2011:23:02:21 +0000]"
# this regex captures the numbers and month name
pattern = %r{^\[(\d{2})/(\w+)/(\d{4}):(\d{2}):(\d{2}):(\d{2}) ([+-]\d{4})\]$}
match = input.match(pattern)
# MatchData can be splatted, which is very convenient
_, date, month_name, year, hour, minute, second, tz_offset = *match
# ABBR_MONTHNAMES contains "Jan", "Feb", etc.
month = Date::ABBR_MONTHNAMES.index(month_name)
# we need to insert a colon in the tz offset, because expects it
tz = tz_offset[0,3] + ':' + tz_offset[3,5]
# this is your time object, put it into Mongo and it will be saved as a Date, month, date.to_i, hour.to_i, minute.to_i, second.to_i, tz)
A few things to note:
I assumed that the month names are the same as in the ABBR_MONTHNAMES list, otherwise, just make your own list.
Never ever use Date.parse to parse dates it is incredibly slow, the same goes for DateTime.parse, Time.parse, which use the same implementation.
If you parse a lot of different date formats check out the home_run gem.
If you do a lot of these (like you often do when parsing log files), consider not using a regex. Use String#index, #[] and #split to extract the parts you need.
If you want to do this as fast as possible, something like the following is probably more appropriate. It doesn't use regexes (which are useful, but not fast):
date = input[1, 2].to_i
month_name = input[4, 3]
month = Date::ABBR_MONTHNAMES.index(month_name)
year = input[8, 4].to_i
hour = input[13, 2].to_i
minute = input[16, 2].to_i
second = input[19, 2].to_i
tz_offset = input[22, 3].to_i * 60 * 60 + input[25, 2].to_i * 60, month, date, hour, minute, second, tz_offset)
It takes advantage of the fact that all fields have fixed width (at least I assume they do). So all you need to do is extract the substrings. It also calculates the timezone offset as a number instead of a string.
