How to create kubernetes configmap from properties file during maven build? - maven

We have an old java application which has few properties files. We are doing a POC to deploy it in Kubernetes cluster using Helm chart. As of now, we manually creating configmap by copying the content from properties file. If any updates in properties file, as a result the same update should be done in configmap manually. So, Is there any solution available to create a configmap from the properties file during maven build?
Thanks in advance.

If you were using Spring Cloud Config in the past to fetch your properties and reload application during change of properties, there is an alternative provided by Spring for Kubernetes which allows fetching and reading the properties from your ConfigMap(s) directly and allows reload when the ConfigMap changes
Reference -
But looks like there is no solution available yet to generate ConfigMap(s) from property file(s) directly during a maven build.

It can be done by help of volume and volumeMounts.
You can get info from this


How configs pick ENV value

We have a config folder structure in apps like this:
These have config.runmode.env values
I wanted to know from where It picks the "env" value.
I thought it is coming from runmodes. but in the instances, stage or test is nowhere.
Can anyone please help me know where does the AEM configs picks the value or where do we define those env value. Is it in some OSGi configuration or from where.
If you are not using the AEM runtime for the AEM Cloud SDK, then the run modes can be set in other ways as well apart from the file. So depending on how you are starting your AEM server check if the run modes have been specified using the other options.
If you are using the AEM runtime from the cloud SDK, then check if the Jar file is named as shown in the Quickstart jar startup modes.

Quarkus: How to define and read properties file (or outside application or at runtime?

In Quarkus, We have properties file inside project itself called
Is there any Quarkus way to define external properties file in my use case like i am developing a mail sender and i want to add recipients in future.
Is it possible to give outside at local and inject it at runtime?
You can add a configuration file in your application working directory under config/ :
There is ongoing discussion to have more runtime configuration capabilities here:
You can achieve this by keeping .properties (or .yaml) in Spring Cloud Config Server.
It's really easy to set it up. It's is well documented in following link (official documentation):
Quarkus - Reading properties from Spring Cloud Config Server
As loïc says, you can follow the convention and create a config/ You can also use the property quarkus.config.locations to specify additional config locations. It can be defined at runtime like below
java -Dquarkus.config.locations=app-config/ -jar my-app.jar

UI base config for spring boot

I have a centralized configuration for spring boot service. I followed this link to make it.
I have configServer and configs two separate project. Configs have several properties files. And configServer reading it and rendering to other services.
Now I want to make configs UI based.
e.g. of configs which is hosted at git.
It`s UI should be
logging.path as key text box for value( logs ).
Is there any example for it. Any help will be appreciated.
Since you mention using text box in your post, I'm assuming that by UI you mean GUI.
While I'm not aware of any examples (and you do not specify whether you want to have a destktop or web application) if you're using git to store configuration, your app needs to:
Checkout the git repo with configuration (using JGit for example)
Load properties files generate edit window for each file (something
similar to what IntelliJ does for environment variables in run
configurations perhaps)
Save edits to files
Commit and push changes (again using JGit or a similar library)

Simplifying deployment configs for SpringMVC project

We've multi module SpringMVC project, each having separate applicationContext.xml, currently we have to edit the applicationContext.xml files for every module before we deploy. It's painful and error prone. Is there a way to have only one property file that all other will contexts look at. Then we only have to edit one property file before we build and deploy. Thanks in advance.
It sounds like you should be using Spring's Profile support, which allows you to specify separate properties files per environment. You can pass the application an environment property and set it to say, "dev", "test", or "prod".
If you're using Spring Boot it can then automatically pick up distinct configuration per environment, or which will overwrite the standard with environment specific configuration.
If not using Spring Boot you would just have configure your Properties Sources per profile.
This is most definitely the preferred approach to changing configuration files at build or deploy time.

spring boot config server properties files under different folders?

Does anybody knows if we can store the properties file under different folders on github and then spring-boot config server can read those files?
for example if my repository for properties file is:
Can i have as many folder as i want under config-files repository and then these folders will have properties files under it? Can it be done?
I would suggest to take a look at Spring Could Config module. Spring ecosystem has your use case covered and it's better to follow proven footsteps rather than creating your custom solution.
You can create various directories in Github and provide file in your project. A sample bootstrap file is shown below<your config server url><your folder name in github><github project branch name>
spring.output.ansi.enabled=ALWAYS<active profile in spring>
