How to add i18n in ngx-mat-select-search palceholderLabel
<div class="form-group col-md-6 mb-lg-5 mb-4">
<mat-form-field class="example-full-width w-100">
<mat-select (selectionChange)='vehicle_maker_updated($event)' formControlName="vehicleMakerValue" placeholder="Motor Make" i18n-placeholder>
<ngx-mat-select-search formControlName="vehicleMakerFilterInputValue" placeholder="Select Motor Maker" [noEntriesFoundLabel]="'No matching vehicle makers found'" (ngModelChange)='filter_vehicle_makers($event)' i18n-placeholder></ngx-mat-select-search>
<mat-option *ngFor="let vehicle_maker_option of filtered_vehicle_maker_options" [value]="">
<mat-error *ngIf="vehicleMakerValue.hasError('required')" i18n>
Select motor make
i have already added the i18n-placeholder but its not working
you need to use the placeholderLabel attribute (see
placeholderLabel="Select Motor Maker"
[noEntriesFoundLabel]="'No matching vehicle makers found'"
where the placeholderLabel and i18n-placeholderLabel attributes are relevant
I have a reactive array that I am trying to determine the best way to handle. It's a standard add/remove but one of the 3 fields that is part of that add/remove section updates one of the others. 1 field is a service the other is the quantity of that service and the third totals the service price + quantity = that field price.
I am having issues working on the indexing and I can't wrap my head around it.
relavent HTML
<div class="col-span-6 gap-4">
<div class="grid grid-cols-6 gap-6" v-for="(service, index) in" :key="index">
<div class="col-span-3 gap-4">
<Label for="service" value="Service" :class="[form.zip_codes == '' ? disableLabel : '']"/>
<v-select label="serviceData" :options="servicesData" v-model="service[index]"
:disabled="form.zip_codes == ''"
class="mt-1 block w-full border-gray-300 focus:border-indigo-300 focus:ring focus:ring-indigo-200 focus:ring-opacity-50 rounded-md shadow-sm">
<InputError :message="" class="mt-2"/>
<div class="col-span-1 gap-4">
<Label for="quantity" value="Quantity" :class="[form.zip_codes == '' ? disableLabel : '']"/>
<Input id="quantity" v-model="service.quantity" type="number" class="mt-1 block w-full"
:disabled="form.zip_codes == ''"
#change="calculatePrice($, service[index], index)"/>
<InputError :message="form.errors.quantity" class="mt-2"/>
<div class="col-span-2 gap-4">
<Label for="price" value="Price"/>
<Input id="price" v-model="servicePrice[index]" type="text" class="mt-1 block w-full" disabled
:disabled="form.zip_codes == ''"
<InputError :message="form.errors.quantity" class="mt-2"/>
<SecondaryButton #click="removeService(index)">Remove</SecondaryButton>
<div class="pt-5">
:class="{ 'opacity-25': form.processing }"
Add Services
my main focus is calculatePrice()
zip_codes: Object,
appointment_types: Array,
servicesData: Object
const servicePrice = reactive([])
const calculatePrice = (quantity, service, index) => {
servicePrice.push( Math.round((quantity * service.price) * 100) / 100);
As you can see I can push a new value to it but I am not sure how to set it to the correct index. I tried servicePrice[index] but it just returns -1.
Ref or Recative are instantaneous changing values.
You can watch the relevant fields with watch, if there is a change, you can make the calculation.
watch(() => servicePrice.value ,() => {
servicePrice.value = Math.round((quantity * service.price) * 100) / 100;
Sorry. I face some problem on how to display the data that nested in array.(Vue js)
Here is the return array
I would to show the data in total_billed_by_year
I tried several other attempts but nothing works.
Could please someone help me out with this?
this.popup = true;
this.inquiryForm.bil_year =this.pageData.ppr_data[index].total_billed_by_year[index].bil_year;
this.inquiryForm.bil_total_amount =this.pageData.ppr_data[index].total_billed_year.bil_total_amount;
<vs-popup :active.sync="popup">
<div class="vx-row mb-base">
<div class="vx-col lg:w-1/2 w-full mb-base">
title="Total Bill"
headerClass="bg-dark pb-6"
<template slot="no-body">
class="transition-all duration-500 ease-in-out p-4"
<div class="grid lg:grid-cols-3 grid-cols-1">
<div class="mt-5 ml-2">
<h5>Total Contractual Amount</h5>
<div class="text-lg">
<div v-if="inquiryForm.total_contractual">
<div>RM {{inquiryForm.total_contractual}} </div>
</div><div v-else>-</div></div>
<div class="mt-5 ml-2">
<h5>Bill {{inquiryForm.bil_year}} </h5>
<div class="text-lg">
<div>RM {{inquiryForm.bil_total_amount}}
v-for="(tr, index) in ppr"
<template slot="subtitle">
<div #click="getInfo(index)" class="cursor-pointer">{{}}</div>
<span class="font-bold truncate overflow-auto">{{tr.month}} -{{tr.year}}
<p v-for="(bill,ind) in tr.total_billed_by_year" v-bind:key="ind">
I think the easiest way would be make your column total_bil_year to return as a array via casting from its model. Something like below (if total_billed_by_year column is a json column)
protected $casts = [
'total_billed_by_year' => 'array'
Based on the image you attached to the question shows that it is returned as a json. So you can convert it as object at vue also. Something like below
JSON.parse(tr.total_billed_by_year) which will convert into a array and that array contain the object. See the below image. I just reproduced it at console
you can use it like below. Or just make a function to convert your jsons to objects where you can use it when you want
baby, using JSON.parse(yourJSONString) to transform your json string to json object.
I am faced with a frequent problem in react botostrap,sometimes grid offset props does not work, and only normal bootstrap classes work for me.
<Carousel.Item >
<div className="item-container d-flex flex-column flex-wrap ">
{ => {
return (
<Card className="px-2 category__card col-xl-4 col-sm-6">
<div className=" car-container" style={}>
<Card.Title className="text-white font-weight-normal text-uppercase ">
<Button variant="light rounded-0" >View Products</Button>
<Card.Img variant="bottom" src={category.img} className="card-image"/>
This code works as i used normal bootstrap classes in Card component col-xl-4 col-sm-6 but it does not work when i remove these classes and use react-bootstrap props sm={6} xl={4}
I can use bootstrap classes and be happy but i need to make the width of the cards in carousel item dynamic so why i am asking the question, what may be the reasons behind these props does not work???
VueJS markup:
label="Issue Date"
<v-date-picker v-model="date" no-title scrollable actions>
<template scope="{ save, cancel }">
<v-btn flat color="primary" #click="cancel">Cancel</v-btn>
<v-btn flat color="primary" #click="save">OK</v-btn>
`<div class="menu__activator">
<div data-v-386ef34c="" class="input-group input-group--dirty input-group--append-icon input-group--text-field">
<label>Issue Date</label>
<div class="input-group__input">
<input readonly="readonly" tabindex="0" aria-label="Issue Date" type="text">
<i aria-hidden="true" class="material-icons icon input-group__append-icon input-group__icon-cb">event</i>
<div class="input-group__details">
<div class="input-group__messages"></div>
How it appears in browser:
I'd like to write e2e to assert some logic with the calendar date. Date is produced with moment to match current day. However I cannot figure out how to access that text value with xpath.
Xpath to get the element:
$x('//div[contains(#class, "input-group--text-field")]//input[#readonly]')
How the element appears in developer console:
With the attribute I need at the very bottom:
Xpaths I've tried which result in empty array:
$x('//div[contains(#class, "input-group--text-field")]//input[#readonly]//#value')
$x('//div[contains(#class, "input-group--text-field")]//input[#readonly]/#value')
$x('//div[contains(#class, "input-group--text-field")]//input[#readonly][0]//#value')
Managed to get the value in chrome console:
$x('//div[contains(#class, "input-group--text-field")]//input[#aria-label="Issue Date"]')[0].value
But still struggling with Nightwatch
Any solutions with xpath or css are welcome! Thanks!
Had to import chai, but this finally worked:
.getValue('//div[contains(#class, "input-group--text-field")]//input[#aria-label="Issue Date"]', function(result) {
Python/Plone: Getting all keywords and showing for EDIT content is very slow (
No of keywords is 20000 so traversing these huge no of keywords is taking one minute.
Keywords which no has grown large is taking time....any solution is welcomed
<html xmlns=""
<!-- Keyword Widgets -->
<metal:view_macro define-macro="view"
tal:define="kssClassesView context/##kss_field_decorator_view;
getKssClasses nocall:kssClassesView/getKssClassesInlineEditable;">
<div metal:define-macro="keyword-field-view"
tal:define="kss_class python:getKssClasses(fieldName,
templateId='widgets/keyword', macro='keyword-field-view');
uid context/UID|nothing"
tal:attributes="class kss_class;
id string:parent-fieldname-$fieldName-$uid">
<ul metal:define-slot="inside">
<li tal:repeat="item accessor"
<metal:define define-macro="edit">
<metal:use use-macro="field_macro | context/widgets/field/macros/edit">
<tal:define metal:fill-slot="widget_body" define="contentKeywords accessor;
allowedKeywords python: context.collectKeywords(fieldName, field.accessor, widget.vocab_source);
site_props context/portal_properties/site_properties|nothing;
format widget/format | string:select;
allowRolesToAddKeywords site_props/allowRolesToAddKeywords|nothing;">
<div tal:condition="allowedKeywords" id="existingTagsSection">
<tal:comment tal:replace="nothing">
dl semantically associates selector name with values
<dl id="existingTags">
<label for="subject">
<dt id="existingTagsTitle">uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
<span i18n:translate="label_select_existing_tags">
Select from existing tags.
<span id="existingTagsHelp" class="formHelp" i18n:translate="label_existingTagsHelp">
Use Control/Command/Shift keys to select multiple tags.
<tal:comment tal:replace="nothing">
Type-to-skip functionality with javascript enabled
could be described as
"Hover and type the first letter to skip through tags."
However, on touch-driven devices, vertical hover typically
scrolls the page, so horizontal hover is necessary to enable this.
Alternatively, clicking any of the tags also enables type-to-skip.
So the help could technically be extended to handle this special case
as "Hover or click and type the first letter to skip through tags.",
but I think this would be confusing to the majority of users.
The decision at this point is to not try to explain any of this on the page.
<div class="visualClear"><!-- --></div>
<select id="predefined_subjects"
tal:attributes="id string:${fieldName};
name string:${fieldName}_existing_keywords:list;">
<option value="#" tal:repeat="keyword allowedKeywords"
tal:content="keyword" tal:attributes="value keyword;
selected python:test(context.unicodeTestIn(keyword, value), 'selected', None)">
An existing tag
<tal:comment tal:replace="nothing">
These spans are hidden by css, and used by the JavaScript called below.
<span id="noTagsSelected" i18n:translate="label_noTagsSelected">No tags currently selected.</span>
<span id="oneOrMoreTagsSelected" i18n:translate="label_oneOrMoreTagsSelected">% tags currently selected.</span>
<tal:comment tal:replace="nothing">
Call js to modify this widget with both a scrollbar and checkboxes.
There may be a better place to put this js call;
examples exist in others' and js files,
but having it here covers cases where some but not all select elements
call js to be modified.
Todo: The #subject should eventually refer to the template variable.
<script type="text/javascript">
jq(document).ready( function() {
<input type="hidden"
tal:condition="not:field/required | nothing"
tal:attributes="name string:${fieldName}_existing_keywords:default:list" />
<tal:loop tal:repeat="keyword allowedKeywords"
<div class="ArchetypesKeywordValue" id=""
tal:attributes="id string:archetypes-value-${fieldName}_${repeat/keyword/number}">
<input class="blurrable"
type string:checkbox;
name string:${fieldName}_existing_keywords:list;
id string:${fieldName}_${repeat/keyword/number};
checked python:test(context.unicodeTestIn(keyword, value), 'checked', None);
value keyword" />
tal:attributes="for string:${fieldName}_${repeat/keyword/number}">
An existing tag
<dl id="selectedTagsSection">
<dt id="selectedTagsHeading" class="formHelp"></dt>
<dd id="selectedTags"></dd>
<div class="visualClear"><!-- --></div>
<!-- <tal:condition condition="python:not widget.roleBasedAdd or (allowRolesToAddKeywords and [role for role in user.getRolesInContext(context) if role in allowRolesToAddKeywords])">-->
<dl id="newTagsSection">
<label for="subject_keywords">
<dt id="newTagsTitle">
<span i18n:translate="label_create_new_tags">
Create and apply new tags.
<span id="newTagsHelp" i18n:translate="label_newTagsHelp" class="formHelp">
Enter one tag per line, multiple words allowed.
<br />
<dd id="newTags">
tal:attributes="id string:${fieldName}_keywords;
name string:${fieldName}_keywords:lines;"
tal:define="subject python:[item for item in value if not context.unicodeTestIn(item,allowedKeywords)]"
A new tag
<!-- </tal:condition>-->
<div metal:define-macro="search">
<div metal:use-macro="context/widgets/keyword/macros/edit">
I fear is a know issue of the old Plone 4 keyword widget.
You should probably change the widget.
An add-on like eea.tags should help.
You can also try to use Plone 5 widget from, but this probably it's a more complex task (and not without side effects).