Getting 'Expected undefined to be false' in protractor Jasmine - jasmine

I am verifying whether one of the element must not be displayed.
The code is as below:
spec file:
usersPage definition for the method:
this.isCreateTabDisplayed = function()
.then( function(displayed) {
console.log("create user tab : "+ displayed);
return displayed;
The element definition is as below:
<li ng-class="{active: (subview == 'add')}" ng-show="iSU ||" class="ng-hide">Create user</li>
When I run the code, i am getting "Expected undefined to be false" error message.
The console log displayed as "create user tab : false" but why i am getting the error message and how to handle it.

You need to have then sequences and return.
this.isCreateTabDisplayed = function()
return waitUtil.isElementVisible(usersTab,repo.configData.configuration.longWaitTime).then(() => {
return createUserTab.isPresent().then( function(displayed) { // or you can just "return createUserTab.isPresent()"
console.log("create user tab : "+ displayed);
return displayed;
Also, you have protractor tag in your question, so why you dont use it?
Your code should looks something like this:
getCreateTab(): ElementFinder {
browser.wait(ExpectedConditions.visibilityOf(usersTab), repo.configData.configuration.longWaitTime).then(() => {
return createUserTab; // or put there locator to "element" (find) createUserTab
If I miss something, please note me in the comment.


Cypress command that return values from DOM

In my DOM i have an input and a div, and i want to get the value of both in one command.
Here is an HTML exemple
<div id="myDiv">Content of the div</div>
<input id="myInput" value="2000" />
Here is what i tried for my command
Cypress.Commands.add("getDomValues", () => {
var divValue = cy.get('#myDiv').invoke('text')
var inputValue = cy.get('#myInput').invoke('val')
return cy.wrap({
If there is no cy.wrap around my returned object i get this error
Unhandled rejection CypressError: Cypress detected that you invoked
one or more cy commands in a custom command but returned a different
And then in my test for now i use it like that
In my console inside the returned object i have something like that for both values
$Chainer {userInvocationStack: " at Context.eval (http://localhost:8888/__cypress/tests?p=cypress/support/index.js:181:24)", specWindow: Window, chainerId: "chainer4419", firstCall: false, useInitialStack: false}
Do you have any idea how i could have a result like that ?
divValue:"Content of the div",
You need to access the values with .then()
Cypress.Commands.add("getDomValues", () => {
cy.get('#myDiv').invoke('text').then(divValue => {
cy.get('#myInput').invoke('val').then(inputValue => {
// no need to wrap, Cypress does it for you
return {
divValue, // short form if attribute name === variable name
The error you received was because you were returning Chainers instead of values.
You can use .as() to assign an alias for later use.
Then use these values later separately like -
cy.get('#divValue').then(divValue => {
//Do something with div value
cy.get('#inputValue').then(inputValue => {
//Do something with input value
OR, use these values later together like -
cy.get('#divValue').then(divValue => {
cy.get('#inputValue').then(inputValue => {
//Do something with div value
//Do something with input value

How do I fix a "browser.elements is not a function" error in Nightwatch.js?

I'm trying to use page objects in Nightwatch js and am creating my own commands in that. For some reason now Nightwatch doesn't seem to recognise standard commands on browser and give me a type error on different commands. What am I doing wrong with my code?
I'm tried different things here already, for example adding 'this' or 'browser' in front of the command, which didn't help. My code has gone through many versions already I am not even sure anymore what all I've tried after Googling the error.
My pageObject:
const homePageCommands = {
deleteAllListItems: function (browser) {
.elements('css selector', '#mytodos img', function (res) {
res.value.forEach(elementObject => {
return this;
module.exports = {
url: ""
elements: {
myTodoList: {
selector: '#mytodos'
deleteItemButton: {
selector: 'img'
commands: [homePageCommands]
My test:
module.exports = {
'Validate all todo list items can be removed' : function(browser) {
const homePage =;
// I have not continued the test yet because of the error
// Should assert that there are no list items left
Expected behaviour of the custom command is to iterate over the element and click on it.
Actual result:
TypeError: browser.elements is not a function
at Page.deleteAllListItems (/pageObjects/homePage.js:18:14)
at Object.Validate all todo list items can be removed (/specs/addToList.js:8:14)
at processTicksAndRejections (internal/process/next_tick.js:81:5)
And also:
Error while running .navigateTo() protocol action: invalid session id
Looks like you need to pass browser to the deleteAllListItems function instead of homePage on this line:

Protractor expect direct to a page with specific url

I have a button on my page, I want to write an e2e test using Protractor. What I want to implement is that when clicking the button, page change to http://localhost:8100/#/booking. How can I implement that?
describe('booking function', function() {
it('should go to booking page', function() {
//sudo code
expect(page change to "http://localhost:8100/#/book" );
you need to use the browser.getCurrentUrl() method, so something like this:
element(by.css('.button.button-stable.button-block')).click().then(function () {
You can achieve this with below code.
let targetLocation = 'your/target/location';
browser.get('localHostCruises'); // Login page.
element(by.css('.button.button-stable.button-block')).click(); // click on button.
// If Login takes some time, so wait until it's done.
browser.wait(() => {
return browser.getCurrentUrl().then((url) => {
let isMatch = url.match(targetLocation);
if (isMatch) {
page = new Page; // I assume you writing test cases in page object.
} else {
return isMatch;
}, 2000, 'Should throw an error message.');

Using custom commands in sections

Having a simple custom command like this (file pressTab.js):
exports.command = function() {
return this;
I am defining a section in a page and try to call this command from the section:
module.exports = {
url: "...",
commands: [{
testCommandInSection: function(){
return this;
sections: {
testSection: {
selector: ".mySectionCssSelector",
commands: [{
callPressTab: function() {
return this;
If I now use
an error is thrown before starting the nightwatch queue:
Error while running testCommandInSection command: Cannot read property 'toString' of undefined
But this error does not show up, if I add a dummy parameter to the pressTab call:
callPressTab: function() {
return this;
and this doesn't happen, if I call this.pressTab() directly from the page, but not from the section. Why is that?
Problem with "this" object :
In custom commands, "this" usually is browser
In pageobject, it depends .
*In your case, your firstthis.section.testSection.callPressTab(); is your page object, and your second one this.pressTab(); is your section object.
If you want to call custom commands with Browser object, you should try "this.api.YourCustomCommand"
testSection: {
selector: ".mySectionCssSelector",
commands: [{
callPressTab: function() {
return this;

How can I test that an element does not exist on the page with Protractor?

I am trying to test if an element is not present on a page.
I have tried using the following method, but I get an error each time:
Error: Failed: Timed out waiting for Protractor to synchronize with the page after
seconds. Please see ...
What method do you recommend?
The error should not be related to the checking for the absence of an element. Try the following:
var elm = element(CastModule.PersonXpath);
See also:
In protractor, browser.isElementPresent vs element.isPresent vs element.isElementPresent
Yeah, testing for NOT visible can be sucky. You should be able to use isPresent(), which means in the dom, where isDisplayed() means it's actually visible, which I'm thinking is your issue. Try...
You may also want to break this out into a method and use an Expected Condition.
The error doesn't look like it's to do with the element being displayed. It looks like it's to do with page synchronization. Try ignoring the sync, then waiting for angular above the expect with:
browser.ignoreSynchronization = true;
To check for visibility (in case isDisplayed or isPresent isn't working), just use:
if (!EC.invisibilityOf(ug.personXpath)) {
throw new Error("Partner logo is not displayed");
I managed to find out a solution, using the protractor library.
var EC = protractor.ExpectedConditions; browser.wait(EC.invisibilityOf(element(by.xpath(CastModule.PersonXpath))), 5000).then(function() {
if (EC.invisibilityOf(element(by.xpath(x.LanguagesXpath)))) {
console.log("Persons module is not present - as expected for this scenario");
} else {
throw new Error("Element STILL present");
You can also try below code to handle element displayed or not. Below code returns true or false according to the visibility of the element.
browser.wait(() => {
return element(by.className("claasName")).isDisplayed()
(hasDisplayed) => {
console.log("Has displayed: "+ hasDisplayed);
return hasDisplayed === false;
}, 5000)
() => {
return true;
() => {
return false;
To use presence of element use:
var elm = element(CastModule.PersonXpath);
elm.isPresent().then(function (present) {
if (present) {
element(CastModule.PersonXpath).then(function (labels) {
} else {
console.log('Element did not found');
}`enter code here`
