How to access parent node from child - jsonata

How do I access a parent object from a child node. Seems that i can't access the scope
This is the source json
"content" : {
"date" : "2019-02-10T02:40:48Z",
"production" : {
"productionId" : "918",
This is my Jsonata
"productionType": "specificProducts",
"products": [
{"usedProducts" : {
"id" = productionId,
"productDate" = // how do I access content
do I have to save "content" in some kind of variable and pass it to the child ?

The Answer is $$
Here is the documentation of it
"productionType": "specificProducts",
"products": [
{"usedProducts" : {
"id" = productionId,
"productDate" = $$

Another solution is to not dive down into the production element until you want to access its 'productionId' property -- like this:
"productionType": "specificProducts",
"products": [
"usedProducts": {
"id": production.productionId,
"productDate": date
Then you can just access the 'date' property in the context of its parent content object.
Of course, these answers may or may not work as expected if the source object is more deeply nested, or contains arrays of child objects...
But to answer your original question, "no" -- in JSONata, elements cannot know what "path" was used to dereference them. Iirc, it was a concious design decision to ensure maximum flexibility and speed.

Use the % symbol to access the parent node from the context of a child node. You can use %.% to access the grandparent node, and so on.
You can read more about it in the documentation here:
This might be what you were trying to accomplish. Since the query content.production returns an array, your query had to be adjusted slightly.
"productionType": "specificProducts",
"products": [
"usedProducts": [
"id": $.productionId,


Match keys with sibling object JSONATA

I have an JSON object with the structure below. When looping over key_two I want to create a new object that I will return. The returned object should contain a title with the value from key_one's name where the id of key_one matches the current looped over node from key_two.
Both objects contain other keys that also will be included but the first step I can't figure out is how to grab data from a sibling object while looping and match it to the current value.
"key_one": [
"name": "some_cool_title",
"id": "value_one",
"key_two": [
"node": "value_one",
This is a good example of a 'join' operation (in SQL terms). JSONata supports this in a path expression. See
So in your example, you could write:
key_one#$k1.key_two[node = $].{
"title": $
You can then add extra fields into the resulting object by referencing items from either of the original objects. E.g.:
key_one#$k1.key_two[node = $].{
"title": $,
"other_one": $k1.other_data,
"other_two": other_data
I seem to have found a solution for this.
[key_two].$filter($$.key_one, function($v, $k){
$ = node
}).{"title": name ? name : id}
"title": "value_one"
"title": "value_two"
"title": "value_three"
Leaving this here if someone have a similar issue in the future.

How to create a HashMap with custom object as a key?

In Elasticsearch, I have an object that contains an array of objects. Each object in the array have type, id, updateTime, value fields.
My input parameter is an array that contains objects of the same type but different values and update times. Id like to update the objects with new value when they exist and create new ones when they aren't.
I'd like to use Painless script to update those but keep them distinct, as some of them may overlap. Issue is that I need to use both type and id to keep them unique. So far I've done it with bruteforce approach, nested for loop and comparing elements of both arrays, but I'm not too happy about that.
One of the ideas is to take array from source, build temporary HashMap for fast lookup, process input and later store all objects back into source.
Can I create HashMap with custom object (a class with type and id) as a key? If so, how to do it? I can't add class definition to the script.
Here's the mapping. All fields are 'disabled' as I use them only as intermidiate state and query using other fields.
"properties": {
"arrayOfObjects": {
"properties": {
"typ": {
"enabled": false
"id": {
"enabled": false
"value": {
"enabled": false
"updated": {
"enabled": false
Example doc.
"arrayOfObjects": [
"typ": "a",
"id": "1",
"updated": "2020-01-02T10:10:10Z",
"value": "yes"
"typ": "a",
"id": "2",
"updated": "2020-01-02T11:11:11Z",
"value": "no"
"typ": "b",
"id": "1",
"updated": "2020-01-02T11:11:11Z"
And finally part of the script in it's current form. The script does some other things, too, so I've stripped them out for brevity.
if (ctx._source.arrayOfObjects == null) {
ctx._source.arrayOfObjects = new ArrayList();
for (obj in params.inputObjects) {
def found = false;
for (existingObj in ctx._source.arrayOfObjects) {
if (obj.typ == existingObj.typ && == && isAfter(obj.updated, existingObj.updated)) {
existingObj.updated = obj.updated;
existingObj.value = obj.value;
found = true;
if (!found) {
"typ": obj.typ,
"value": params.inputValue,
"updated": obj.updated
There's technically nothing suboptimal about your approach.
A HashMap could potentially save some time but since you're scripting, you're already bound to its innate inefficiencies... Btw here's how you initialize & work with HashMaps.
Another approach would be to rethink your data structure -- instead of arrays of objects use keyed objects or similar. Arrays of objects aren't great for frequent updates.
Finally a tip: you said that these fields are only used to store some intermediate state. If that weren't the case (or won't be in the future), I'd recommend using nested arrays to enable querying independently of other objects in the array.

Is there a way to update a document with a Painless script without changing the order of unaffected fields?

I'm using Elasticsearch's Update by Query API to update some documents with a Painless script like this (the actual query is more complicated):
POST ts-scenarios/_update_by_query?routing=test
"query": {
"term": { "routing": { "value": "test" } }
"script": {
"source": """ctx._source.tagIDs = ["5T8QLHIBB_kDC9Ugho68"]"""
This works, except that upon reindexing, other fields get reordered, including some classes which are automatically (de)serialized using JSON.NET's type handling. That means a document with the following source before the update:
"routing" : "testsuite",
"activities" : [
"$type" : "Test.Models.SomeActivity, Test"
"$type" : "Test.Models.AnotherActivity, Test",
"CustomParameter" : 1,
"CustomSetting" : false
ends up as
"routing" : "testsuite",
"activities" : [
"$type" : "Test.Models.SomeActivity, Test"
"CustomParameter" : 1,
"CustomSetting" : false,
"$type" : "Test.Models.AnotherActivity, Test"
"tagIDs" : [
which JSON.NET can't deserialize. Is there a way I can tell the script (or the Update by Query API) not to change the order of those other fields?
In case it matters, I'm using Elasticsearch OSS version 7.6.1 on macOS. I haven't checked whether an Ingest pipeline would work here, as I'm not familiar with them.
(It turns out I can make the deserialization more flexible by setting the MetadataPropertyHandling property to ReadAhead, as mentioned here. That works, but as mentioned it may hurt performance and there might be other situations where field order matters. Technically, it shouldn't; JSON isn't XML, but there are always edge cases where it does matter.)

Merge Json array using shell script

I need to merge two JSON objects based on first object keys
object1 = {
"params" : {
"type": ["type1", "type2"],
"requeststate": []
object2 = {
"params" : {
"type": ["type2", "type3", "type4"],
"requeststate": ["Original", "Revised" ],
"responsestate": ["Approved" ]
I need to merge two object based on first object key and my output should look like below
mergedobject = {
"params" : {
"type": ["type1", "type2", "type3", "type4"],
"requeststate": ["Original", "Revised"]
i searched for my case and didnt find much details Please let me know is it possible to do with shell script
My case involved with morethan 15 params object and I cant declare all the param object . Also it may grow in future and I need handle that if possible.
Please comment if you need more details. Thanks for your support

Elasticsearch: conditionally sort on 2 fields, 1 replaces the other if it exists

Without scripting, I need to sort records based on rating. The system-rating exists for all records, but a user-rating may or may not exist. If a user-rating does exist I want to use that value in the sort instead of the system-rating, for that particular record and only for that record.
Tried looking into the missing setting but it only allows _first, _last or a custom value (that will be used for missing docs as the sort value):
"sort" : [
{ "user_rating" : {"missing" : "_last"} },
"query" : {
"term" : { "meal" : "cabbage" }
...but is there a way to specify the custom value should be system_rating when user_rating is missing?
I can do the following:
query_hash[:sort] = []
if user_rating.exist?
query_hash[:sort] << {
"user_rating" => {
"order": sort_direction,
"unmapped_type": "long",
"missing": "_last",
query_hash[:sort] << {
"system_rating" => {
"order": sort_direction,
"unmapped_type": "long",
...but that will always sort user rated records on top regardless of the user_rating value.
I know that scripting will allow me to do it but we cannot use scripting. Is it possible?
The only way is scripting or building a custom field at indexing time that will contain the already built value for sorting.
