Slant/Skew a Texture - Monogame - matrix

I am trying to Slant/Skew a texture to create some shadows for my game.
I have read over this helpful answer that shows this can be done by passing a matrix to spriteBatch.Begin().
Because my linear algebra skills are not very developed, I am having some troubles meeting my desired results. I am hoping to skew my shadow so it looks similar to the following. Where the shadow is slanted by an angle, but the bottom of the shadow lines up with the (feet in this case) bottom of the sprite.
I originally tied the skew matrix provided in the solution above:
Matrix skew = Matrix.Identity;
skew.M12 = (float)Math.Tan(MathHelper.ToRadians(36.87f));
But this ends up rotation the shadow against the world's origin. I see the solution also notes this, and provides the follow to rotate again the sprite.
Matrix myMatrix = Matrix.CreateTranslation(-100, -100, 0)
* Matrix.CreateScale(2f, 0.5f, 1f)
* Matrix.CreateTranslation(100, 100, 0);
Though I'm not sure where to apply this myMatrix Matrix. I have tried applying it to both the shadow sprite, the castingShadow sprite, and also multiplying them together and applying to the shadow with no luck.
I have also tried using other methods like Matrix.CreateRotationX(MathHelper.ToRadians(0.87f)) with no luck.
There is actually a Matrix.CreateShadow() method too, but it requires a Plane, which I have no semblance of in my game.
Can anyone can help me figure out the required Matrix for this slanting, or point me in the direction of some resources?

Okay, so I found a transform to use to get the desired slant.
Thanks to #David Gouveia and #AndreRussell from this post
Matrix matrix = Matrix.CreateRotationX(MathHelper.ToRadians(60)) *
Matrix.CreateRotationY(MathHelper.ToRadians(30)) *
So the above solution solved how I wanted to slant my texture, but had some weird positioning side effects. To address this, I ended up with a transform like the following:
Matrix slant = Matrix.CreateTranslation(-loc.X + angleX, -loc.Y, 0f) *
Matrix.CreateRotationX(MathHelper.ToRadians(angleX)) *
Matrix.CreateRotationY(MathHelper.ToRadians(30)) *
Matrix.CreateScale(1.4f, 1f, 0) *
Matrix.CreateTranslation(loc.X + angleX, loc.Y, 0f);
Where angleX was set based on the "sun" X position and loc vector is where I want the object and object's shadow to appear.


Rotating an Object properly around a pivot point given axis and angle

In Three.js there seems to be quite a few ways of rotation which i personally do not find very intuitive. See e.g. the example
I get very strange unexpected effects when I apply rotation to multiple objects. E.g. when I rotate objects that have been added to each other and start rotating the parent the individual objects will all over sudden by placed differently in respect to each other then they originally where. I am now experimenting with grouping and would like to avoid the same effect.
See for the current state of affairs and for the source code.
So i searched for proper examples following the different API options:
function renderScene() {
//side1.rotation.z += 0.02;
pivot.rotation.z += 0.02;
three.js rotate Object3d around Y axis at it center
How to rotate a 3D object on axis three.js?
ThreeJS - rotation around object's own axis
object.rotateAroundWorldAxis(p, ax, r * Math.PI * 2 / frames);
How to rotate a object on axis world three.js?
THREE.js Update rotation property of object after rotateOnWorldAxis
object.rotateOnWorldAxis( axis, angle );
Rotate around World Axis
Three JS Pivot point
Rotation anchor point in Three.js
quaternion = new THREE.Quaternion().setFromAxisAngle( axisOfRotation, angleOfRotation );
object.rotation.setEulerFromQuaternion( quaternion );
Three.js - Rotating a sphere around a certain axis
this.mesh.updateMatrixWorld(); // important !
childPart.mesh.applyMatrix(new THREE.Matrix4().getInverse(this.mesh.matrixWorld))
Applying a matrix in Three.js does not what I expect
I like the jsFiddle for
var pivot = new THREE.Object3D();
pivot.add( cube );
scene.add( pivot );
I also found the following discussions
pivot issue in
None of the above information is clear enough to get to the point of the problem to be solved. The graphics above are much clearer stating the problem than the proposals are stating a solution.
I'd like to use the cylinder as the axis even when the cylinder is moved.I'd expect the easiest way to go would be to use rotateAroundWorldAxis - is that available in the latest revision from three.js or do i have to add it from e.g.
b) I'd like to get a chain of objects to be rotated to later apply inverse kinematics as in
Although i looked at the source code of that solutions I can't really find the place where the parent-child positioning and rotating is happening. What are the relevant lines of code / API functions that would make proper rotation around a chain of joints happen?
I already looked in the Bone/Skeleton API of Three.js but had the same problem there - lots of lines of code but no clear point where the rotation/positioning between child and parent happens.
Question a)
Basically it works as expected:
cylinder.position.set( options.x, 15, options.z );
Question b)
The key is to set the positions correctly. Instead of the proposal at the size is computed in this case.
// create the pivot to rotate around/about
this.pivot = new THREE.Group();
// shift the pivot position to fit my size + the size of the joint
y + this.size.y / 2 + this.pivotr,
z + this.size.z / 2
// reposition the mesh accordingly
this.mesh.position.set(0, this.size.y / 2, 0);

How can i solve light reversed problem in ray tracing?

I'm making an image using python. But the Lambertian shading does not work.
At first the image saved like this.
enter image description here
But when I reversed the normal vector of sphere, the image saved like this.enter image description here
This is my shading code.
v = -m*ray
if s == 'Sphere':
n = view.viewPoint - list[idx].c - v
n = -n / np.sqrt(np.sum(n*n))
for i in light:
l_i = v + i.position - view.viewPoint
l_i = l_i / np.sqrt(np.sum(l_i * l_i))
x = list[idx].s.d[0] * i.intensity[0] * max(, n), 0)
y = list[idx].s.d[1] * i.intensity[1] * max(, n), 0)
z = list[idx].s.d[2] * i.intensity[2] * max(, n), 0)
list is sphere's list and idx is the number of the closest sphere.
I'd be grateful if anyone could help me. I have been doing this for a week
You have not stated what you think is wrong.
Where is the light in relation to the spheres in the first image? Is it above and slightly behind them? If so - the image looks correct.
Assuming the statements above are correct, then the second image looks correct. The reason the light is on the bottom of the spheres is because the normal is now pointing "in" so the dot() product sign will be opposite to that in the first image.
Note that in your example code, it doesn't look like you have any shadow ray treatment. In other words - all objects will be lit as if all other objects are transparent. No objects will cast shadows on to other objects. This also explains why you can see the bottom of the spheres when the light is coming from the top. If you had proper shadow rays, then it wouldn't actually matter which way the normal is pointing (I would remove the max() functions at that point).

My mesh flips for a rotation smaller than math.pi

I am coming back since I am having this geometric problem that I am not familiar with on Unity.
For a f-zero style game, I have a collider box (white on the screen captures) which is the origin of my raycast, and is bound to the movement of the vehicle.
In the shown code, this is this.collider. I control its rotation via a traditional applymatrix and there is no problem.
Then, on top of that, I have the rendered body of the vehicle in this.meshes. It inherits the rotation of the collider box, but gets some extra rotation on its vertical axis to give a visual sliding dynamic during the hard turns.
It is separate from the collider to keep the vector.forward of the movement (and the raycast) not affected by the extra-rotation. This is purely visual.
My question is: what is the best way to implement it?
I tried different things, but, basically, if I copy the position and rotation of the collider, no problem. As soon as I try to add some extra rotation = this.driftRotation, my body flips when rotation.y value is less than -math.pi. I can adjust the value of the rotation by incrementing Math.PI (like in Unity), but it doesn't work here.
No clean solution found with applyMatrix neither, and not a lot of google answers on "vertical rotation flip mesh"... though I'm pretty sure this pissue is common.
Some code:
this.meshes.rotation.x = this.collider.rotation.x;
this.meshes.rotation.y = this.collider.rotation.y + this.driftRotation;
this.meshes.rotation.z = this.collider.rotation.z;
Enclosed more explicit pictures:
Thank you
Marquizzo, that's precisely the point: the 3rd px follows the 2nd one, so I'm still turning right but rotation suddenly flips (again, when rotation.y reaches -PI).
Anyway, I fixed it by not trying to directly change rotation.y value, but playing with matrix. Just takes time to understand what does what.
For those who may face a similar pb, here is my temp solution, until I find sthing more performant:
if (Math.abs(driftAmount) > 0)
this.driftValue = js.Utils.lerp(this.driftValue, Math.sign(driftAmount) * 0.4, 0.05);
this.meshes.matrix.makeRotationAxis(this.driftAxis, this.driftValue);
else if (Math.abs(this.driftValue) > 0)
this.driftValue = js.Utils.lerp(this.driftValue, 0, 0.1);
if (Math.abs(this.driftValue) < 0.001)
this.driftValue = 0;
this.meshes.matrix.makeRotationAxis(this.driftAxis, this.driftValue);
I had to add a driftAxis along a driftDrection, which is my axis for my vertical rotation.
For ref. I think this subject is +/- bound to the issue I had:
Now I have another issue, how to add another rotation to this.meshes on another axis, the forward one, for a rolling effect, because if I just add another makeRotationAxis in this code it just skips the first one. But that sounds less difficult to figure out, there must exist the equivalent of combineMatrix something...

Matrix multiplication does not work in my vertex shader

Currently, I am calculating the World View Projection Matrix in my application instead of the GPU. I want to move this calculation to the GPU, but I am currently unable to do so.
Case 1 (see below) works very well, but case 2 doesn't and I have no idea what I've done wrong.
In my camera class, I calculate the View and the Projection matrices like this:
ViewMatrix = SharpDX.Matrix.LookAtLH(_cameraPosition, _lookAtPosition, SharpDX.Vector3.UnitY);
ProjectionMatrix = SharpDX.Matrix.PerspectiveFovLH((float)Math.PI / 4.0f, renderForm.ClientSize.Width / (float)renderForm.ClientSize.Height, 0.1f, 500.0f);
Then, I calculate the World matrix for each of my models during the render process:
SharpDX.Matrix worldMatrix = SharpDX.Matrix.Translation(_position);
Case 1: Calculation of matrix in my application
When rendering a model, I calculate the World View Projection Matrix like this:
SharpDX.Matrix matrix = SharpDX.Matrix.Multiply(worldMatrix, camera.ViewMatrix);
matrix = SharpDX.Matrix.Multiply(matrix, camera.ProjectionMatrix);
And in my vertex shader, I calculate the final position of my vertices by calling:
output.pos = mul(input.pos, WVP);
And everything works fine!
Case 2: Calculation of matrix in HLSL
Instead of calculating anything in my application, I just write the three matrices World, View and Projection into my vertex shader's constant buffer and calculate everything in HLSL:
matrix mat = mul(World, View);
mat = mul(mat, Projection);
mat = transpose(mat);
output.pos = mul(input.pos, mat);
It does work. I don't see anything in my scene. So I assume some calculations were wrong. I checked my code several times.
Either, I am blind or stupid. What did I do wrong?
in hlsl you don't need to calculate the transpose. You shoul also use the float4x4, so it's easy to see which dimensions you use.
Your matrices just should look like:
float4x4 worldViewProj = mul(world, mul(view, proj));
float4 pos = mul(input.pos, worldViewProj);
Keep in mind that points are from type float4(x,y,z,1) and vectors are float4(x,y,z,0).
In linear algebra multiplication of a vector is
so you need the transpose for changing side of M
𝑝′𝑇=pT⋅𝑀𝑇 (the T means the transpose)
HLSL is a bit different.
For the easiest way, just multiply all matrices from left to right and then use the mul function with your vector on the left just as in my example above.
For more information read this: HLSL mul()
I used several days to experiment with the HLSL shaders and with my render functions. It turned out, that I transposed one matrix which I shouldn't have done. As a result, my whole scene was messed up. It was not much fun to debug, but it works now! :-)

Setting the projectionMatrix of a Perspective Camera in Three.js

I'm trying to set the ProjectionMatrix of a Three.js Perspective Camera to match a projection Matrix I calculated with a different program.
So I set the camera's position and rotation like this: = 0; = 0; = 142 ; = 0.0;// -0.032 = 0.0; = 0;
Next I created a 4x4 Matrix (called Matrix4 in Three.js) like this:
var projectionMatrix = new THREE.Matrix4(-1426.149, -145.7176, -523.0170, 225.07519, -42.40711, -1463.2367, -23.6839, 524.3322, -0.0174, -0.11928, -0.99270, 0.43826, 0, 0, 0, 1);
and changed the camera's projection Matrix entries like this:
for ( var i = 0; i < 16; i++) {[i] = projectionMatrix.elements[i];
when I now render the scene I just get a black screen and can't see any of the objects I inserted. Turning the angle of the Camera doesn't help either. I still can't see any objects.
If I insert a;
after setting the camera's projection Matrix to the values of my projectionMatrix the camera is set back to the original Position (x=0,y=0,z=142 and looking at the origin where I created some objects) and the values I set in the camera's matrix seem to have been overwritten. I checked that by printing the cameras projection Matrix to the console. If I do not call the updateProjectionMatrix() function the values stay as I set them.
Does somebody have an idea how to solve this problem?
If I do not call the updateProjectionMatrix() function the values stay as I set them.
Correct, updateProjectionMatrix() calculates those 16 numbers you pasted in your projection matrix based on a bunch of parameters. Those parameters are, the position and rotation you set above, plus the parameters you passed (or default) for the camera. (these actually make the matrixWorld and its inverse.
In case of a perspective camera, you don't have much - near, far, fov and aspect. Left,right,top,bottom are derived from these, with an orthographic camera you set them directly. These are then used to compose the projection matrix.
Scratch a pixel has a REALLY good tutorial on this subject. The next lesson on the openGL projection matrix is actually more relevant to WebGL. left right top and bottom are made from your FOV and your aspect ratio. Add near and far and you've got yourself a projection matrix.
Now, in order for this thing to work, you either have to know what you're doing, or get really lucky. Pasting these numbers from somewhere else and getting it to work is short of winning the lottery. Best case scenario, you can have your scale all wrong and clipping your scene. Worst case, you've mixed a completely different matrix, different XYZ convention, and there's no way you'll get it to work, or at least make sense.
Out of curiosity, what are you trying to do? Are you trying to match your camera to a camera from somewhere else?
