Why can't generic function templates use fnx to ensure they are tail-recursive? - ats

Just the title, really.
fnx {a:t#ype} repeat {n:nat} .<n>.
( x: a
, t: int n
, f: a -> a
) : a =
if t = 0 then x
else repeat (f x, t - 1, f)
warning(2): [fnx] is treated as [fun] for initiating function templates!
Am i supposed to take it on faith that I didnt screw up the definition and accidentally made a non-tail-recursive function? Is there some standard way to circumvent this?

Note that 'fnx' is only meaningful for defining mutually recursive functions.
In your example, using 'fun' is just fine: the compiler can recognize the tail-recursive
call in the body of 'repeat' and turn it into a local jump.


How can I emulate the results of this if then then statement while using correct syntax?

Working on an exercise for university class and cant seem to represent what I am trying to do with correct syntax in ocaml. I want the function sum_positive to sum all the positive integers in the list into a single int value and return that value.
let int x = 0 in
let rec sum_positive (ls: int list) = function
|h::[] -> x (*sum of positive ints in list*)
|[] -> 0
|h::t -> if (h >= 0) then x + h then sum_positive t else sum_positive t (*trying to ensure that sum_positive t will still run after the addition of x + h*)
On compiling I am met with this error,
File "functions.ml", line 26, characters 34-38:
Error: Syntax error
This points to the then then statement I have in there, I know it cannot work but I cant think of any other representations that would.
You have if ... then ... then which is not syntactically valid.
It seems what you're asking is how to write what you have in mind in a way that is syntactically valid. But it's not clear what you have in mind.
You can evaluate two expressions in OCaml sequentially (one after the other) by separating them with ;. Possibly that is what you have in mind.
However it seems to me your code has bigger problems than just syntax. It appears you're trying to use x as an accumulated sum for the calculation. You should be aware that OCaml variables like x are immutable. Once you say let x = 0, the value can't be changed later. x will always be 0. The expression x + h doesn't change the value of x. It just evaluates to a new value.
The usual way to make this work is to pass x as a function parameter.
I was getting an issue that had involved the parameter of , I believe it was because I was trying to add an int value to function of type int list. This is what I ended up with.
let rec sum_positive = function
|[] -> 0
|h::t -> if h > 0 then h + (sum_positive t) else sum_positive t
a lot simpler than I thought it out to be.

How to write a loop over a given list in ATS?

Suppose I have a list xs. How do I write the following style of loop in ATS:
foreach x in xs do process(x)
You can use the old DIY-style (also: the classical ATS style), that is to say, using a tail-recursive function. Here's an example:
process (x: int): void
loop {n:int} (xs: list(int, n)): void =
case+ xs of
| list_nil () => ()
| list_cons (x, xs1) => let
val () = process (x)
loop (xs1)
// end of [loop]
You can run the full code online
I think that this approach is preferable if none of the combinators or template functions provided in the libraries such as ATSLIB is suitable for your case.
A combinator-based solution (for a list0-value):
(xs).foreach()(lam x => process(x))
In ATS, foreach is overloaded with many functions that do some form of sequence traversal.
There is also iforeach if the position of each element is needed:
(xs).iforeach()(lam (i, x) => process(i, x))
This is a POOR solution one needs to avoid!
A beginner of functional programming often does list traversal using the list_get_at function (which overloads the symbol []). For instance, it is fairly common to see code that does more or less what the following line does:
(length(xs)).foreach()(lam i => process(xs[i])) // O(n^2)-time
This is EXTREMELY inefficient. Calling list_get_at inside a loop is almost always a bad idea!

Some OCAML concerns

So I have a couple of questions, as a newbie trying to learn O'Caml.
In functions, I often times see a | what does that mean? Also, why are functions some times defined as:
let rec a = function
Why does it specifically equal to function and then the code?
My main question however is, I was trying to write a function that would count the number of times an element exists in a list, so if I had 1, 5,5,6,9 with the target val as 5, then I'd return 2, if target val was 9, then I'd return 1, since it repeats once.
here is my attempt, please tell me what I'm doing wrong:
let rec track (x, l)= let rec helper(x,l, count)
in counthelper
match l with [] --> count
| (a::as) -> if(x = a)
then helper(as,l, count+1)
else count( as, l, count);;
The match and function keywords take a list of patterns to be matched. The | symbol is used to separate the different patterns. That's why it shows up so frequently in OCaml code.
The function keyword is like an abbreviation for fun and match. It lets you define a function as a set of patterns to be matched against an argument.
Your code has let rec helper (x, l, count) in .... This isn't a proper let expression. You want something like this: let helper (x, l, count) = def in expr.
More generally your code might look like this:
let track (x, l) =
let rec helper (x, l, count) =
... definition of helper ...
helper (x, l, 0)
As a side comment, you're using tuples for function parameters. It's more idiomatic in OCaml to use currying, i.e., to have separate parameters more like this:
let track x l =
This lets you do partial application (specify only some of the parameters), and also is cleaner syntactically.
Your latest code doesn't return a value because it has infinite recursion.
Usually | means pattern matching.
let rec means that function can be recursive (call itself). Tutorial.
This is my solution where some useful symbols are changed to _ symbols. Let it be an exercise for you:
let rec count y xs =
let rec inner n = function
| __ -> n
| ______________ -> inner (n+1) xs
| ____ -> inner n xs
inner 0 xs;;
Your implementation has some issues.
The most obvious one is that you are using as in pattern matching. You can't us keyword in pattern matching this way.
You need to reread chapter about function declarations. It seems that you are mixing it with function invocation.
You are using not curried functions. You did some in C before, don't you?
You are using if when using using when is nicer. This construction is called guard.

Sorting in haskell with parameter using higher order function

Hi I'm a Haskell beginner and I'm really lost.
This is for my assignment, and it asks me to do something like below using higer order function
Main> mySort (<) [1,5,3,6,4,1,3,3,2]
Main> mySort (>) [1,5,3,6,4,1,3,3,2]
Main> mySort longerWord [“Hello”, “The”, “a”, “Daniel”, “Declarative”]
[“Declarative”, “Daniel”, “Hello”, “The”, “a”]
First of all, I thought I should make a function that distinguish whether it's < , > or longerWord
checkConditionStr str
|str=="(<)" =1
|str=="(>)" =2
|str=="longerWord" =3
but the example doesn't have quotation mark (i.e. mysort (<) not my sort"(<)" so here is my first problem. I worte this function but it's not compiling. otherwise is for longerWord
checkCondition ord
|ord==(<) =1
|ord==(>) =2
|otherwise =2
secondly I still have difficulty understanding higher order function. would this make sense?
mySort i list
|i==1 map (sortBy compare) list
|i==2 map (sortBy(flip compare)) list
You're not supposed to match against those functions specifically. It defeats the purpose of using a higher-order function in the first place. In fact, you can't write it like this, since there is no general way of comparing functions.
Instead, use the passed function directly for the sorting. That way, it will work for any suitable comparison function, not just the ones you've explicitly written code for.
For example, imagine the task was to combine two values using a passed operator:
combine (+) 2 3 = 5
combine (*) 3 5 = 15
combine max 10 100 = 100
You would solve it like this:
combine op x y = x `op` y
Can you use a similar approach to solving the sorting problem?
Hint: You may want to define a helper function to transform the passed comparison function into a form suitable for sortBy:
compareUsing :: (a -> a -> Bool) -> (a -> a -> Ordering)
compareUsing op x y = ...

Is there a name for the function that returns a positionally-expanding version of its argument?

Consider splatter in this Python code:
def splatter(fn):
return lambda (args): fn(*args)
def add(a, b):
return a + b
list1 = [1, 2, 3]
list2 = [4, 5, 6]
print map(splatter(add), zip(list1, list2))
Mapping an n-ary function over n zipped sequences seems like a common enough operation that there might be a name for this already, but I have no idea where I'd find that. It vaguely evokes currying, and it seems like there are probably other related argument-centric HOFs that I've never heard of. Does anyone know if this is a "well-known" function? When discussing it I am currently stuck with the type of awkward language used in the question title.
Wow, Python's map does this automatically. You can write:
map(add, list1, list2)
And it will do the right thing, saving you the trouble of splattering your function. The only difference is that zip returns a list whose length is the the length of its shortest argument, whereas map extends shorter lists with None.
I think zipWith is the function that you are searching (this name is at least used in Haskell). It is even a bit more general. In Haskell zipWith is defined as follows (where the first line is just the type):
zipWith :: (a -> b -> c) -> [a] -> [b] -> [c]
zipWith f (a:as) (b:bs) = f a b : zipWith f as bs
zipWith _ _ _ = []
And your example would be something like
zipWith (+) [1, 2, 3] [4, 5, 6]
Since I do not know python very well I can only point to "zipWith analogue in Python?".
I randomly saw this in my list of "Questions asked," and was surprised that I now know the answer.
There are two interpretations of the function that I asked.
The first was my intent: to take a function that takes a fixed number of arguments and convert it into a function that takes those arguments as a fixed-size list or tuple. In Haskell, the function that does this operation is called uncurry.
uncurry :: (a -> b -> c) -> ((a, b) -> c)
(Extra parens for clarity.)
It's easy to imagine extending this to functions of more than two arguments, though it can't be expressed in Haskell. But uncurry3, uncurry4, etc. would not be out of place.
So I was right that it "vaguely evokes currying," as it is really the opposite.
The second interpretation is to take a function that takes an intentionally variable number of arguments and return a function that takes a single list.
Because splat is so weird as a syntactic construct in Python, this is hard to reason about.
But if we imagine, say, JavaScript, which has a first-class named function for "splatting:"
varFn.apply(null, args)
var splatter = function(f) {
return function(arg) {
return f.apply(null, arg);
Then we could rephrase that as merely a partial application of the "apply" function:
var splatter = function(f) {
return Function.prototype.apply.bind(f, null);
Or using, Underscore's partial, we can come up with the point-free definition:
var splatter = _.partial(Function.prototype.bind.bind(Function.prototype.apply), _, null)
Yes, that is a nightmare.
(The alternative to _.partial requires defining some sort of swap helper and would come out even less readable, I think.)
So I think that the name of this operation is just "a partial application of apply", or in the Python case it's almost like a section of the splat operator -- if splat were an "actual" operator.
But the particular combination of uncurry, zip, and map in the original question is exactly zipWith, as chris pointed out. In fact, HLint by default includes a rule to replace this complex construct with a single call to zipWith.
I hope that clears things up, past Ian.
