Kafka consumer not committing offset correctly - spring

I had a Kafka consumer defined with the following properties :
session.timeout.ms = 60000
heartbeat.interval.ms = 6000
We noticed a lag of ~2000 messages and saw that the same message is being consumed multiple times by the consumer (via our app logs). Also, noticed that some of the messages were taking ~10 seconds to be completely processed. Our suspicion was that the consumer was not committing the offset properly (or was committing the same old offset repeatedly), because of which the same message was being picked up by the consumer.
To fix this, we introduced a few more properties :
auto.commit.interval.ms=20000 //To ensure that commit is happening only after processing of message is completed
max.poll.records=10 //To make the consumer pick only 10 messages in one go
And, we set the concurrency to 1.
This fixed our issue. The lag started to reduce and ultimately came to 0.
But, I am still unclear why the problem occurred in the first place.
As I understand, by default :
enable.auto.commit = true
So, ideally the consumer should have been committing every 5 seconds. If the message was not completely processed within this timeframe, what happens? What offset is being committed by the consumer? Did the problem occur due to large poll record size (which is 500 by default)
Also, about the poll() method, I read that :
The poll() call is issued in the background at the set auto.commit.interval.ms.
So, originally if the poll() was earlier taking place in every 5 seconds (default auto.commit.interval), why was not it committing the latest offset? Because the consumer was still not done processing it? Then, it should have committed that offset at the next 5th second.
Can someone please answer these queries and explain why the original problem occurred?

If you are using Spring for Apache Kafka, we recommend setting enable.auto.commit to false so that the container will commit the offsets in a more deterministic fashion (either after each record, or each batch of records - the default).
Most likely, the problem was max.poll.interval.ms which is 5 minutes by default. If your batch of messages take longer than this you would have seen that behavior. You can either increase max.poll.interval.ms or, as you have done, reduce max.poll.records.
The key is that you MUST process the records returned by the poll in less than max.poll.interval.ms.
Also, about the poll() method, I read that :
The poll() call is issued in the background at the set auto.commit.interval.ms.
That is incorrect; poll() is NOT called in the background; heartbeats are sent in the background since KIP-62.


Proper way to trigger a flow retry?

Consider this flow:
It's a simple flow to authenticate to an HTTP API and handle success/failure. In the failure state, you can see I added a ControlRate processor and that there are 2 FlowFiles in the queue for it. I have it set to only pass one FlowFile every 30 seconds (Time Duration = 30sec Maximum Rate = 1). So the queue will continue to fill during this, if the authentication process continues to fail.
What I want is to essentially drop all but the first FlowFile in this queue, because I don't want it to continue re-triggering the authentication processor after we get a successful authentication.
I believe I can accomplish this by setting the FlowFile Expiration (on the highlighted queue) to be just longer than the 30 second Time Duration of the ControlRate processor. But this seems a bit arbitrary and not quite correct in my mind.
Is there a way to say "take first, drop rest" for the highlighted queue?

Design Pattern - Spring KafkaListener processing 1 million records in 1 hour

My spring boot application is going to listen to 1 million records an hour from a kafka broker. The entire processing logic for each message takes 1-1.5 seconds including a database insert. Broker has 64 partitions, which is also the concurrency of my #KafkaListener.
My current code is only able to process 90 records in a minute in a lower environment where I am listening to around 50k records an hour. Below is the code and all other config parameters like max.poll.records etc are default values:
#KafkaListener(id="xyz-listener", concurrency="64", topics="my-topic")
public void listener(String record) {
// processing logic
I do get "it is likely that the consumer was kicked out of the group" 7-8 times an hour. I think both of these issues can be solved through isolating listener method and multithreading processing of each message but I am not sure how to do that.
There are a few points to consider here. First, 64 consumers seems a bit too much for a single application to handle consistently.
Considering each poll by default fetches 500 records per consumer at a time, your app might be getting overloaded and causing the consumers to get kicked out of the group if a single batch takes more than the 5 minutes default for max.poll.timeout.ms to be processed.
So first, I'd consider scaling the application horizontally so that each application handles a smaller amount of partitions / threads.
A second way to increase throughput would be using a batch listener, and handling processing and DB insertions in batches as you can see in this answer.
Using both, you should be processing a sensible amount of work in parallel per app, and should be able to achieve your desired throughput.
Of course, you should load test each approach with different figures to have proper metrics.
EDIT: Addressing your comment, if you want to achieve this throughput I wouldn't give up on batch processing just yet. If you do the DB operations row by row you'll need a lot more resources for the same performance.
If your rule engine doesn't do any I/O you can iterate each record from the batch through it without losing performance.
About data consistency, you can try some strategies. For example, you can have a lock to ensure that even through a rebalance only one instance will process a given batch of records at a given time - or perhaps there's a more idiomatic way of handling that in Kafka using the rebalance hooks.
With that in place, you can batch load all the information you need to filter out duplicated / outdated records when you receive the records, iterate each record through the rule engine in memory, and then batch persist all results, to then release the lock.
Of course, it's hard to come up with an ideal strategy without knowing more details about the process. The point is by doing that you should be able to handle around 10x more records within each instance, so I'd definitely give it a shot.

Spring Boot Kafka: Commit cannot be completed since the group has already rebalanced

Today, in my Spring Boot and single instance Kafka application I faced the following issue:
org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.CommitFailedException: Commit cannot
be completed since the group has already rebalanced and assigned the
partitions to another member. This means that the time between
subsequent calls to poll() was longer than the configured
max.poll.interval.ms, which typically implies that the poll loop is
spending too much time message processing. You can address this either
by increasing the session timeout or by reducing the maximum size of
batches returned in poll() with max.poll.records.
What may be the reason for this and how to fix it? As far as I understand - my consumer was blocked for a long time and didn't respond for the heartbeat. And I should adjust Kafka properties in order to address it. Could you please tell me what exact properties should I adjust and where, for example on the Kafka side or on my application Spring Kafka side?
By default Kafka will return a batch of records of fetch.min.bytes (default 1) up to either max.poll.records (default 500), or fetch.max.bytes (default 52428800), otherwise it will wait fetch.wait.max.ms (default 100) before returning a batch of data. Your consumer is expected to do some work on that data and then call poll() again. Your consumer's work is expected to be completed within max.poll.interval.ms (default 300000 — 5 mins in pre v2.0 and 30000 - 30 seconds post v2.0). If poll() is not called before expiration of this timeout, then the consumer is considered failed and the group will rebalance in order to reassign the partitions to another member.
So to fix your issue, reduce the number of messages returned, or increase max.poll.interval.ms property to avoid timing out and rebalancing.

spring DMLC poller frequency change

Is it possible to change the poller frequency OOTB in DefaultMessageListenerContainer. If so, is it a dynamic configuration ?
See the receiveTimeout property - the thread blocks for up to this time until a message arrives; yes it can be changed after the container starts - but it won't take effect until the thread is released by the client library.
It defaults to 5 seconds; if there's no message, the container immediately loops around and receives again.
Setting it to a too-high value will make the container less responsive to stop() invocations.

apache storm reliablity timeout configuration

I have a nodejs->kafka>storm->Mongo deployed in Linux Ubuntu. Everything is normal originally. Then I changed the method in storm worker which makes storm worker process message very slow, around 1 minute per message, I notice the message is sent again and again from storm. I revert back to original method, everything is fine. (original method process time is 90ms per message).
I guess this is Storm reliability come into player. When message is not acknowledged, or time out, it sends message again.
If my guess is right, how to configure this timeout?
If my guess is wrong, why same message is sent twice or three times?
You can set the timeout via configuration parameter Config.TOPOLOGY_MESSAGE_TIMEOUT_SECS. See https://storm.apache.org/javadoc/apidocs/backtype/storm/Config.html#TOPOLOGY_MESSAGE_TIMEOUT_SECS
The default value is 30 seconds, see defaults.yaml here: https://github.com/apache/storm/blob/master/conf/defaults.yaml
# maximum amount of time a message has to complete before it's considered failed
topology.message.timeout.secs: 30
When a tuple fails, it should show up in Storm UI and should be logged, too (maybe you need to adjust log level). So you can double check if a tuple times out or not.
